4 Main Project Windows > 4.1 Data Explorer

4.1 Data Explorer
The Data Explorer organizes project data into three categories: Dataset, Cells, and GIS. Each object in the Data Explorer can be dragged-and-dropped into multiple views.
To open the Data Explorer, right-click on a project in the Project List and select Open Project or Open Project with View Layout from the context menu.
4.1.1 Dataset
The Dataset tab displays drive test data in three logical groups:
Archive. Datasets that have been compressed and stored in the disk as .ZIP files to save space.
Composite. Multiple datasets/mobiles that have been combined to construct logical datasets/mobiles.
Datasets. Drive test data that has been processed (binned) from the source data. The hierarchy of the data is: Dataset > Mobile Group > Mobile > Frame > Metric.
Except for the archives, each group is in a tree view layout that can be drilled down to the metric level. Dataset Toolbar
Show/Hide. Show (or hide) the data filtering options.
Refresh. Refresh tree view
Stop Automatically Refreshing Dataset Tree View.
Queue. Open the print queue. See Print Queue for more information.
Delta. Generate Delta/special-type grid-binned metrics. See Delta/Special -type Grid-binned Metrics for more information.
Unpack. Unpack a TEMS Discovery packed dataset.
Composite options:
Create/Edit Static Composite Dataset. See Static Composite Dataset for more information.
Modify Dynamic Composite Dataset Scope. Modify restrictions for applying the rules defined in dynamic composite dataset to current project. See Modify Dynamic Composite Dataset Scope for more information.
Create/Edit Dynamic Composite Dataset. See Dynamic Composite Dataset for more information.
Group. Create dataset group.
Help. Color Scheme
The metric list tree nodes for a dataset are color-coded according to the nature and the level of data.
To illustrate, the following hard-coded color scheme is used:
TEMS Discovery-predefined Scripts/Custom Metric/Condition Expression: Orange
User-defined Scripts/Custom Metric/Condition Expression: Green
Password protected Scripts/Custom Metric/Condition Expression: Maroon
TEMS Discovery-Special Metric Group: Red
C:\Users\USDIJA\Documents\backup\TEMS Discovery\TD DocToHelp Projects\MASTER IPP Collection with PNGs\DatasetTreeNotes.png
You can change the color scheme by selecting a new set of favorite colors for certain modifiable tree notes. See Color Scheme Options for more information. Dataset Options
Datasets can be filtered by sector group, condition expression, event set, and/or user-defined region. Those filters will affect what data is to be considered for data presentation and statistics. In addition, TEMS Discovery can list only the files that meet the listing filters, problem set, favorite flag, or collection date/processing date. You can also search the dataset tree for any label that contains the search text.
On-fly Composite
The On-fly Composite option allows the user to create dynamical composite dataset based on multiple device attribute. This option is only available when database is selected for measurement data storage.
Data Filters
A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated
The Data Filters option is different from the Listing Filters (Non-Composite) option. The Data Filters option will not affect the dataset listing in the Data Explorer, but it will affect what data can be analyzed and displayed. In another words, if a metric is dragged-and-dropped to any view, only the data within the filtering region covered by the sector group and meeting the conditions will be displayed. Filter selection is applicable to all project datasets including all composites.
Sector group. If a sector group is selected, only the data at the location that is covered by the sectors in the sector group will be considered. See Cells in Map View for information about defining a sector group.
Condition. If one or multiple condition expressions are selected, the data to be considered must also meet the condition. Click the Browse button to open the Script Builder, where you can define or edit a condition expression. See the Script Builder section for more information.
Event set. If an event set is selected, the data to be considered must also meet the condition defined in the event set. Click the Browse button to open the Event Set Configuration dialog, where you can define or edit an event set. See Event Set Filter for more information.
Region. If a filter region is selected, only the data within the defined region will be considered. See GIS in Map View for information about creating a user-defined region (UDR) and assigning attributes to each polygon.
Consider polygon attribute. If this option is selected, only the data that falls within the polygon with the specified attribute and value will be considered.
Vertical layer. Selection of Vertical layer filter configuration will filter data for specified height range, typically used in drone test analysis. See Drone Test Analysis for more information.
Date/Time. If this option is selected, only the data that falls within the specified data collection date/time range is considered.
Selected filters can be applied to all populated system views via the global Refresh button of the Dataset tab. Alternatively, filter selection can be applied to individual system views by using local Refresh buttons. Measurements sent to system views after change of filter selection will automatically reflect it. All filter selection may be wiped out clean via Cleanup button of the Dataset tab.
Data Filters flag located above the Data Explorer data tree will automatically change status from Off to On whenever any of filters is applied. Flag color will change from neutral/grey to red when data filters are on.
Data Benchmarking
A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated
Data Benchmarking option allows for streamlined comparison of network performance between multiple operators or devices. The option is enabled/disabled using ‘Benchmark per’ check box with benchmarking carried out for selected aggregation attribute, including operator, device, IMEI, IMSI or Label. The option is supported in Map, Time Series Chart and Histogram system views.
Data benchmarking can be initiated by user sending individual metric/event to one of the supported system views, or sending device or composite dataset to one of the supported system views with specific system view configuration selected. The latter approach allows for populating user-defined assortment of metrics and events per benchmarking attribute value. Data Benchmarking option will automatically populate selected metrics/events per distinct benchmarking attribute value (e.g. per operator) found in selected dataset, each in a separate sub-view. Sub-views generated by Data Benchmarking option will be labeled to indicate benchmarking attribute value (e.g. operator or device name).
Data Benchmarking option status is indicated by ‘Data Filter’ tab ‘Benchmark On’ (red color) and ‘Benchmark Off’ (gray color) toggle indicators.
Any additional data filters will be applied on top of Data Benchmarking option filtering.
Geo Bin
The Geo Bin option is to provice on-the-fly solution to aggregate the data in geolocation bin.
Binning Method
TEMS Discovery provides two algorithms, by route distance and by location grid, for geo-location binning. If you choose to use route distance binning, the data within the distance of the defined binning size will be binned, whereas if you choose to use location grid binning, the data within the square area of defined binning size will be binned.
Binning Type
The default binning type is by the nature of data. TEMS Discovery has pre-defined binning type for each metric by its nature, for example, use LAVG (linear average for Ec/Io, etc.). However, you can select user-defined option and select one of binning type for all the data to be geo-binned. The selectable binning types are: AVG, LAVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT, SUM, FIRST and LAST.
Listing Filters (Non-Composite)
The Listing Filters option is different from the Data Filters option. The Listing Filters option will not directly affect the statistics of displayed data. However, it does directly affect whether a project, dataset, file/device, or metric will be displayed under the Data Explorer tree view. Please be advised that these options will not affect the listing of composite dataset.
Problem Sets. You can select a problem set as a filter to list only the datasets or devices that have the problem defined in the problem set. Be sure to click the Refresh button to refresh the Dataset tree view after any change to the selection of problem sets. This option only affects the dataset listing in the Data Explorer.
Favorite. The Frame or Metric can be added to or removed from the favorite group through its pop-up menu. The collection of these Frames and Metrics can be named and saved to a favorite group. The Favorite combo box lists all available favorite groups. Once a favorite group is selected from the combo box, only the Frames or Metrics that belong to the group will be listed in the tree view. This option only affects the dataset listing in the Data Explorer.
Date filter by. You can search the dataset within a certain period based on its processing date or collection date. You will need to click the Refresh button to refresh the dataset tree view after any change to the date criteria. This option only affects the dataset listing in the Data Explorer.
You can also select context menu shown below
to bring up the following dialog for defining date range for listing, so that only the file/devices which are processed or collected within that date range will be listed.
Other than the above date filtering, for each dataset, only up to a certain number of file/devices can be listed. You can select the context menu “Modify Max. Number Of Files To Be Listed For Each Dataset” to modify this maximum number.
To be more specific, you can also manually select the file/device to be listed from the following dialog which can be brought by selecting contaxt menu “Select File/Device For Listing”.
Search Dataset Tree
You can search the dataset tree for any label that contains the specified search text. You can search only for File/Device name, or if you also want to search the script results, check the option Automatically generate script result if needed.
Note: The process of searching the script results may take some time, and you will not be able to cancel the process once it starts. Dataset Pop-up Menus
Dataset - Archive Pop-up Menu
File/Device Grouping By. Group mobile data by its File Name, Device, ESN, IMEI, Label, or Mobile ID, or by any user-defined attributes. See Device Attribute Assignment.
De-Archive. De-archive the dataset so that it will be listed under the logical group Datasets.
Upload. Uploads the item to the Public Data Folder.
Delete. Delete the archived dataset permanently from the disk.
Dataset - Composite Pop-up Menu
A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated
Create/Edit Static Composite Dataset. Open the Create/Edit Static Composite Dataset dialog. See Static Composite Dataset.
Modify Dynamic Composite Dataset Scope. Open the Modify Dynamic Composite Dataset Scope dialog. See Modify Dynamic Composite Dataset Scope.
Create/Edit Dynamic Composite Dataset. Open the Create/Edit Dynamic Composite Dataset dialog. See Dynamic Composite Dataset.
Delete Composite Dataset. Delete the selected composite dataset.
Global Edit Device Attributes/Time Offset. Globally edit the attributes of all the devices that are members of the selected composite dataset. See Device Attribute Assignment.
Open Analysis Set. Construct a new view layout and load data from the selected composite dataset based on the pre-defined analysis sets.
Send to Problem Summary View. Select a problem set template (which can be defined in the Report Template Builder) to generate a report of the problem from the selected composite dataset, and then display the problem report in the Problem Summary View.
Send to Batch.
Send to Map View. Load data from the selected composite dataset based on the pre-defined configuration to the Map View.
Send to Messages View. Load data from the selected composite dataset based on the pre-defined configuration to the Messages View.
Send to Time Chart. Load data from the selected composite dataset based on the pre-defined configuration to the Time Chart.
Send to Correlation View. Load data from the selected composite dataset based on the pre-defined configuration to the Correlation View.
Send to Histogram. Load data from the selected composite dataset based on the pre-defined configuration to the Histogram.
Send to Sector Statistics View. Load data from the selected composite dataset based on the pre-defined configuration to the Sector Statistics View.
Send to Multi-dimension Statistic View. Load data from the selected composite dataset based on the pre-defined configuration to the Multi-dimension Statistic View.
Send to Table View. Load data from the selected composite dataset based on the pre-defined configuration to the Table View.
Export to MapInfo Mif/Mid file with Table View Configuration. Export data from the selected composite dataset based on the pre-defined Table View configuration to MapInfo Mif/Mid files.
Export to Excel with Table View Configuration. Export data from the selected composite dataset based on the pre-defined Table View configuration to an Excel file.
Export to ASCII file in ZIP with Table View Configuration. Export data from the selected composite dataset based on the pre-defined Table View configuration to ASCII files and compresses them to a ZIP file.
Substitute GPS Position Source. Manual trigger of Enhanced Substitution of GPS Position Source for selected composite dataset and user-configured Substitute GPS Position Source configuration.
Generate Report. Generate a report from the selected composite dataset based on the pre-defined report template, and send the result to Excel.
Pilot Pollution Analysis. Run Pilot Pollution Analysis on the selected composite dataset.
GSM Interference Matrix. Generate a GSM Interference Matrix on the selected composite dataset.
Clean Up Derived Data. Clean up the data that is not generated frpcaom data importing, thus releasing disk space.
Copy Text of Selected Label. Copy the text of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the text to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Copy Path of Selected Label. Copy the path of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the path to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Dataset - Datasets Pop-up Menu
A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated
File/Device Grouping By. Group mobile data by its File Name, Device, ESN, IMEI, Label, or Mobile ID, or by any user-defined attributes. See Device Attribute Assignment.
Global Edit Device Attributes/Time Offset. Globally edit the attributes of all the devices that are members of the selected dataset. See Device Attribute Assignment.
Smart File Merger. Automatically merge all the files in the selected dataset, if the gap between any two files is less than or equal to the defined gap, and their IMSIs are the same if any of them has IMSI information. In case both of them do not have IMSI information, then check their IMEI, then ESN, and then device type.
Send to Problem Summary View. Bring up a dialog for selecting a problem set template (defined in the Report Template Builder) to generate a report of problems from the selected dataset, and then display the problem report in the Problem Summary View.
Send to Multi-dimension Statistic View. Load data from the selected dataset based on the pre-defined configuration to the Multi-dimension Statistic View.
Substitute GPS Position Source. Manual trigger of Enhanced Substitution of GPS Position Source for selected dataset and user-configured Substitute GPS Position Source configuration.
Generate Report. Generate a report from the selected dataset based on the pre-defined report template, and send the result to Excel.
Export PCAP Data to Libpcap file. Generates IP data stream export for selected dataset. Export is generated per individual file/device (using respective file/device name in <file name>_<device name> format) to user specified folder. Same type of export can be generated from right click context menu of composite dataset PCap data frame or individual file/device.
Pilot Pollution Analysis. Run Pilot Pollution Analysis on the selected dataset.
GSM Interference Matrix. Generate a GSM Interference Matrix on the selected dataset.
Delete. Delete the selected dataset.
Archive. Archive the selected dataset. The archived dataset will then be listed under the Archive tree node.
Pack Dataset for Sharing. Export the selected dataset to a ZIP file for archiving or sharing.
Clean Up Derived Data. Clean up the data that is not generated from data importing, thus releasing disk space.
Copy Text of Selected Label. Copy the text of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the text to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Copy Path of Selected Label. Copy the path of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the path to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Dataset - Mobile Group Pop-up Menu
Global Edit Device Attributes / Time Offset. Globally edit the attributes of all the devices that are members of the selected mobile group. See Device Attribute Assignment.
**Use GPS Position from Other File.
Send to Problem Summary View. Select a problem set template (defined in the Report Template Builder) to generate a report of problems from the selected mobile group, and then display the problem report in Problem Summary View.
**Send to Batch. Load data from the selected mobile group and display a summary PDF based on the pre-defined configuration in Batch PDF View.
Send to Messages View. Display the selected mobile groups to the Messages View.
Send to Multi-dimension Statistic View. Load data from the selected mobile group based on the pre-defined configuration to the Multi-dimension Statistic View.
Send to Table View. Load data from the selected mobile group based on the pre-defined configuration to the Table View.
Export to MapInfo Mif/Mid file with Table View Configuration. Export data from the selected mobile group based on the pre-defined Table View configuration to MapInfo Mif/Mid files.
Export to Excel file with Table View Configuration. Export data from the selected mobile group based on the pre-defined Table View configuration to Excel files.
Export to ASCII file in ZIP with Table View Configuration. Export data from the selected mobile group based on the pre-defined Table View configuration to ASCII files and compress them to a ZIP file.
Generate Report. Generate a report from the selected mobile group based on the pre-defined report template and send the result to Excel.
Pilot Pollution Analysis. Run Pilot Pollution Analysis on the selected mobile group.
GSM Interference Matrix. Generate a GSM Interference Matrix on the selected mobile group.
Archive. Archive the selected mobile group. The archived mobile can then be listed under the Archive tree node.
Delete. Delete the selected mobile group.
Clean Up Derived Data. Clean up the data that is not generated from data importing, thus releasing disk space.
Copy Text of Selected Label. Copy the text of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the text to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Copy Path of Selected Label. Copy the path of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the path to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Dataset – Mobile Pop-up Menu
Open Analysis Set. Construct a new view layout and load data from the selected mobile data based on the pre-defined analysis sets.
**Use GPS Position from Other File
Send to Problem Summary View. Bring up a dialog for selecting a problem set template (defined in the Report Template Builder) to generate a report of problems from the selected mobile, and then display the problem report in Problem Summary View.
**Send to Batch. Bring up a dialog for selecting a summary view option to generate a summary PDF from the selected device, and then display the PDF in Batch PDF View.
Send to Map View. Load data from the selected mobile based on the pre-defined configuration to the Map View.
Send to Messages View. Display the selected mobile to the Messages View.
Send to Time Chart. Load data from the selected mobile based on the pre-defined configuration to the Time Chart.
Send to Correlation View. Load data from the selected mobile based on the pre-defined configuration to the Correlation View.
Send to Histogram. Load data from the selected mobile based on the pre-defined configuration to the Histogram.
Send to Sector Statistics View. Load data from the selected mobile based on the pre-defined configuration to the Sector Statistics View.
Send to Multi-dimension Statistic View. Load data from the selected mobile based on the pre-defined configuration to the Multi-dimension Statistic View.
Send to Table View. Load data from the selected mobile based on the pre-defined configuration to the Table View.
Export to MapInfo Mif/Mid file with Table View Configuration. Export data from the selected mobile based on the pre-defined Table View configuration to MapInfo Mif/Mid files.
Export to Excel file with Table View Configuration. Export data from the selected mobile based on the pre-defined Table View configuration to Excel files.
Export to ASCII file in ZIP with Table View Configuration. Export data from the selected mobile based on the pre-defined Table View configuration to ASCII files and compress them to a ZIP file.
Generate Report. Generate a report from the selected mobile based on the pre-defined report template and send the result to Excel.
Pilot Pollution Analysis. Run Pilot Pollution Analysis on the selected mobile.
GSM Interference Matrix. Generate a GSM Interference Matrix on the selected mobile.
View/Edit Device Attributes/Time Offset. View and edit the selected mobile's device information. See Device Attribute Assignment.
Archive. Archive the selected mobile. The archived mobile can then be listed under the Archive tree node.
Delete. Delete the selected mobile data.
Clean Up Derived Data. Clean up the data that is not generated from data importing, thus releasing disk space.
Export Metric Group to ASCII File. Export the data of the selected metric group to an ASCII file.
Copy Text of Selected Label. Copy the text of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the text to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Copy Path of Selected Label. Copy the path of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the path to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Dataset - Script Root Pop-up Menu
Open Script Builder. Open the Script Builder.
Generate Results. Run all the scripts under the selected script category, and generate results for each script.
Delete Results. Delete the result of all scripts under the selected script category.
Copy Text of Selected Label. Copy the text of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the text to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Copy Path of Selected Label. Copy the path of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the path to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Dataset – Script Pop-up Menu
Add to favorite. Add the selected script to the pre-defined favorite group.
Remove from favorite. Remove the selected script from the current favorite group.
Open Script Builder. Open the Script Builder.
Generate Result. Generate results for the selected script.
Delete Result. Delete the results generated by the script.
Send to Messages View. Execute the selected script and display the result in the Messages View.
Copy Text of Selected Label. Copy the text of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the text to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Copy Path of Selected Label. Copy the path of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the path to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Dataset - Script-Event Root Pop-up Menu
Group By. Events can be grouped event category, which is the default, or by event priority, or by one of the report variables. Event priority and report variables are defined when you create a script.
C:\Users\USDIJA\Documents\backup\TEMS Discovery\TD DocToHelp Projects\MASTER IPP Collection with PNGs\Event Group By.png
Send to Map View. Execute the script and display all events in the Map View.
Send to Messages View. Execute the script and display all events in the Messages View.
Send to Time Chart. Execute the script and display all events in the Time Chart.
Send to Correlation View. Not applicable.
Send to Table View. Execute the script and display all events in the Table View.
Send to Histogram. Execute the script and display all events in the Histogram.
Send to Sector Statistic View. Not applicable.
Send to Multi-dimension Statistic View. Not applicable.
Send to Print Queue. Execute the script and send to Print Queue.
Delta/Special-type Grid-binned Metric. Not applicable.
Generate Sector Statistics Report. Execute the script and generate a statistic report per sector.
Export to Single Text File. Execute the script and export all events to a text file.
Export to Text File per Sector. Execute the script and export all events to a text file per sector.
Export to Google Earth KMZ file. Export the selected metric to a KMZ file that can be displayed in Google Earth or any other tools that support KMZ files. Export may be generated with ‘Absolute altitude’ or ‘Clamp to ground’ height modes, and with standard (Point) or LineString geometries. All KMZ export is generated with metric/event legend information (supported in GE Pro version only) in all 4 corners of GE map view so one with appropriate placement can be enabled using GE data tree selection.
Export to MapInfo MIF/MID File. Execute the script and export all events to a MapInfo MIF/MID file.
Export to Vertical Mapper GRD File. Not applicable.
Edit Color/Symbol. Open the Plot Band Definition dialog and edit the color/symbol for the selected event.
Copy Text of Selected Label. Copy the text of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the text to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Copy Path of Selected Label. Copy the path of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the path to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Dataset - Script-Event Category Pop-up Menu
Group By. Events can be grouped event category, which is the default, or by event priority, or by one of the report variables. Event priority and report variables are defined when you create a script.
C:\Users\USDIJA\Documents\backup\TEMS Discovery\TD DocToHelp Projects\MASTER IPP Collection with PNGs\Event Group By.png
Send to Map View. Execute the script and display events of the selected category in the Map View.
Send to Messages View. Execute the script and display all events of the selected category in the Messages View.
Send to Time Chart. Execute the script and display events of the selected category in the Time Chart.
Send to Correlation View. Not applicable.
Send to Table View. Execute the script and display events of the selected category in the Table View.
Send to Histogram. Execute the script and display events of the selected category in the Histogram.
Send to Sector Statistic View. Not applicable.
Send to Multi-dimension Statistic View. Not applicable.
Send to Print Queue. Execute the script and send to Print Queue.
Delta/Special-type Grid-binned Metric. Not applicable.
Generate Sector Statistics Report. Not applicable.
Export to Single Text File. Execute the script and export events of the selected category to a text file.
Export to Text File per Sector. Execute the script and export events of the selected category to a text file per sector.
Export to Google Earth KMZ File. Execute the script and export events of the selected category to a Google Earth KMZ file. Export may be generated with ‘Absolute altitude’ or ‘Clamp to ground’ height modes, and with standard (Point) or LineString geometries. All KMZ export is generated with metric/event legend information (supported in GE Pro version only) in all 4 corners of GE map view so one with appropriate placement can be enabled using GE data tree selection.
Export to MapInfo MIF/MID File. Execute the script and export events of the selected category to a MapInfo MIF/MID file.
Export to Vertical Mapper GRD File. Not applicable.
Edit Color/Symbol. Open the Plot Band Definition dialog and edit the color/symbol for the selected event category.
Copy Text of Selected Label. Copy the text of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the text to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Copy Path of Selected Label. Copy the path of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the path to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Dataset - Script-Event Pop-up Menu
Open Analysis Set. Execute the script and open the associated analysis set.
Send to Map View. Execute the script and display the selected event in the Map View.
Send to Messages View. Execute the script and display the selected event in the Messages View.
Send to Time Chart. Execute the script and display the selected event in the Time Chart.
Send to Correlation View. Not applicable.
Send to Table View. Execute the script and display the selected event in the Table View.
Send to Histogram. Not applicable.
Send to Sector Statistic View. Execute the script and display the selected event in Sector Statistic View.
Send to Multi-dimension Statistic View. Execute the script and display the selected event in Multi-dimension Statistic View.
Send to Print Queue. Execute the script and send to Print Queue.
Delta/Special-type Grid-binned Metric. Not applicable.
Generate Sector Statistics Report. Execute the script and generate a Sector Statistics Report for the selected event to a text file.
Export to Single Text File. Execute the script and export the selected event to a text file.
Export to Text File per Sector. Execute the script and export the selected event to a text file per sector.
Export to Google Earth KMZ File. Execute the script and export events of the selected event to a Google Earth KMZ file. Export may be generated with ‘Absolute altitude’ or ‘Clamp to ground’ height modes, and with standard (Point) or LineString geometries. All KMZ export is generated with metric/event legend information (supported in GE Pro version only) in all 4 corners of GE map view so one with appropriate placement can be enabled using GE data tree selection.
Export to MapInfo MIF/MID File. Execute the script and export events of the selected event to a MapInfo MIF/MID file.
Export to Vertical Mapper GRD File. Not applicable.
Edit Color/Symbol. Open the Plot Band Definition dialog and edit the color/symbol for the selected event.
Copy Text of Selected Label. Copy the text of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the text to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Copy Path of Selected Label. Copy the path of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the path to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Dataset - Script-Metric Pop-up Menu
Send to Map View. Execute the script and display the selected metric in the Map View.
Send to Time Chart. Execute the script and display the selected metric in the Time Chart.
Send to Correlation View. Not applicable.
Send to Table View. Execute the script and display the selected metric in the Table View.
Send to Histogram. Execute the script and display the selected metric in the Histogram.
Send to Sector Statistic View. Execute the script and display the selected metric in the Sector Statistic View.
Send to Multi-dimension Statistic View. Execute the script and display the selected metric in the Multi-dimension Statistic View.
Send to Print Queue. Execute the script and send to Print Queue.
Delta/Special-type Grid-binned Metric. Generate Delta/Special-Type Grid-Binned Metric.
Generate Sector Statistics Report. Execute the script and generate a Sector Statistics Report for the selected metric to a text file.
Export to Single Text File. Execute the script and export the selected metric to a text file.
Export to Text File per Sector. Execute the script and export the selected metric to a text file per sector.
Export to Google Earth KMZ File. Execute the script and export events of the selected metric to a Google Earth KMZ file. Export may be generated with ‘Absolute altitude’ or ‘Clamp to ground’ height modes, and with standard (Point) or LineString geometries. All KMZ export is generated with metric/event legend information (supported in GE Pro version only) in all 4 corners of GE map view so one with appropriate placement can be enabled using GE data tree selection.
Export to MapInfo MIF/MID File. Execute the script and export events of the selected metric to a MapInfo MIF/MID file.
Export to Vertical Mapper GRD File. Not applicable.
Edit Plot Band. Open the Plot Band Definition dialog and edit the plot band for the selected metric.
Copy Text of Selected Label. Copy the text of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the text to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Copy Path of Selected Label. Copy the path of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the path to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Dataset – Metric Group Pop-up Menu
Add to favorite. Add the selected frame to the pre-defined favorite group.
Remove from favorite. Remove the selected frame from the current favorite group.
Send to Messages View. Display the selected frame in the Messages View.
Export Metric Group to ASCII File. Export the selected frame to a text file.
Copy Text of Selected Label. Copy the text of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the text to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Copy Path of Selected Label. Copy the path of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the path to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Dataset – Metric Pop-up Menu
Add to favorite. Add the selected metric to the pre-defined favorite group.
Remove from favorite. Remove the selected metric from the current favorite group.
Send to Map View. Display the selected metric in the Map View.
Send to Time Chart. Display the selected metric in the Time Chart.
Send to Correlation View. Load data from the selected dataset based on the pre-defined configuration to the Correlation View.
Send to Table View. Display the selected metric in the Table View.
Send to Histogram. Display the selected metric in the Histogram.
Send to Sector Statistic View. Display the selected metric in the Sector Statistic View.
Send to Multi-dimension Statistic View. Display the selected metric in the Multi-dimension Statistic View.
Send to Print Queue. See Print Queue for more information.
Delta/Special-type Grid-binned Metric. Generate Delta/Special -type Grid-binned Metrics.
Generate Sector Statistics Report. Generate a Sector Statistics Report for the selected metric to a text file.
Export to Single Text File. Export the selected metric to a text file.
Export to Text File per Sector. Export the selected metric to a text file per sector.
Export to Google Earth KMZ file. Export the selected metric to a KMZ file that can be displayed in Google Earth or any other tools that support KMZ files. Export may be generated with ‘Absolute altitude’ or ‘Clamp to ground’ height modes, and with standard (Point) or LineString geometries. All KMZ export is generated with metric/event legend information (supported in GE Pro version only) in all 4 corners of GE map view so one with appropriate placement can be enabled using GE data tree selection.
Export to MapInfo MIF/MID File. Execute the selected metric to a MapInfo MIF/MID file.
Export to Vertical Mapper GRD File. Execute the selected metric to a Vertical Mapper GRD file.
Export to GPX (GPS Exchange Format) File. Execute the selected metric (Route in GPS Position) to a GPX (GPS exchange format) file. This file can be imported into any software applications that support common GPS data format to describe the drive test route.
Edit Plot Band. Open the Plot Band Definition dialog and edit the plot band for the selected metric.
Copy Text of Selected Label. Copy the text of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the text to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose.
Copy Path of Selected Label. Copy the path of the selected tree node to the Clipboard, so that you can paste the path to an external tool such as Notepad or Excel for any purpose. Static Composite Dataset
Multiple datasets and/or mobile data can be combined to form a super dataset. This can be done by dragging-and-dropping one or more datasets or mobile data from the tree view on the left to the list view on the right. The combined dataset will be listed in the Data Explorer–Dataset List under Composite. The operation of this dataset is similar to a regular dataset.
The Create/Edit Static Composite Dataset dialog can be accessed in the following ways:
Selecting Create/Edit Composite Dataset from the Data Explorer–Dataset right-click menu.
Clicking the Edit Composite Dataset button on the Data Explorer–Dataset toolbar.
A composite dataset can be created in two ways: by drag-and-drop, or by spreadsheet filtering.
By Drag-and-Drop
To make the best use of the file/device grouping function, group data by a particular attribute, and then drag-and-drop a group of data from the tree view on the left to the list view on the right.
By Spreadsheet Filtering
To list all file/devices in the spreadsheet, define a composite dataset from the selected datasets on the Available Datasets list, and then press the Refresh Spreadsheet button in the toolbar. As with Microsoft Office Excel, you can use the row filtering function to filter out the unwanted data by a particular attribute, and then check the checkboxes to select the data.
The toolbar includes individual buttons for the various actions you might need to perform: creating a new composite dataset, saving the dataset, saving the dataset under a different name, or renaming or deleting the dataset. Modify Dynamic Composite Dataset Scope
The Modify Dynamic Composite Dataset feature defines a set of rules by determining which rules to apply automatically to a certain composite dataset. In some circumstances, we may want to restrict the rules so that a more desired composite dataset can be generated.
This feature can be accessed in the following ways:
Selecting Modify Dynamic Composite Dataset Scope from the Data Explorer–Dataset right-click context menu.
Clicking the Edit Composite Dataset button in the Data Explorer–Dataset toolbar.
You can limit the rules of a dynamic composite dataset so that they apply to a limited number of datasets and/or a certain date range, and then save it as a named scoped dynamic composite dataset. You can create unlimited scoped dynamic composite datasets from a base dynamic composite dataset. Dataset Group
Multiple datasets can be grouped to form a dataset group.
The Group Dataset dialog can be accessed in the following ways:
Selecting Edit Group Dataset from the Data Explorer–Dataset right-click context menu.
Clicking the Group button in the Data Explorer–Dataset toolbar.
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To form a dataset group, drag-and-drop one or more datasets from the tree view on the left to the list view on the right. The grouped dataset will be listed in the Data Explorer–Dataset List with a prefix of <Group>. The operations for this dataset are similar to those for a regular dataset.
4.1.2 Cells
The Cells tab is the logical display of network configurations, sector groups, and sector filter expressions.
Network Configuration. Each project can contain multiple scenarios of network configurations. Each scenario can have multiple versions and will have a "Base" version of network configurations by default. You can modify the base version and save it to multiple derived versions.
From the tree view, you can drill down any scenario of network configurations from cell site to carrier parameters.
If any version of a cell configuration is displayed in the Map View, the background of the corresponding tree node will be colored.
Sector Group. You can select some particular sectors and form a sector group with a name. This sector group can be highlighted in the Map View for viewing, or used to filter drive test data for analyzing.
Sector Filter Expression. The Sector Filter Expression is a logical expression that is constructed from the cell site, sector, and carrier parameters. It is used to search sectors that meet a user-defined condition. You can also save the searched sector as a sector group for further manipulation. See Sector Filter Expression Builder for more information. Cells Toolbar
NL Analyzer. See Neighbor List Analyzer.
NL Work Order. See Neighbor List Work Order.
Unpack. Unpack a TEMS Discovery packed cell configuration.
Collapse. Collapse tree view.
Help. Cells Pop-up Menus
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Edit View options. Open the Cell Configuration View Options dialog. The data structure used as the view options is based on the "Base" version of the selected cell configuration.
Edit Grouping Logic. Open the Cell Site Grouping Logic dialog. The data structure used as the group categories is based on the "Base" version of the selected cell configuration.
Apply Grouping Logic. Apply pre-defined group logic to the logical display of all versions of the selected cell configuration.
Edit Filter Expression. Open the . The data structure used as parameters is based on the "Base" version of the selected cell configuration.
Save. Save the selected scenario.
Save As. Save the selected scenario as a new scenario.
Rename. Rename the selected scenario.
Remove. Remove the selected scenario.
Pack Scenario for Sharing. Pack the selected scenario to a ZIP file. This ZIP file can be shared with peers and unpacked to other projects.
Unpack Scenario. Import a TEMS Discovery exported scenario.
Unpack Version. Import a TEMS Discovery exported scenario version.
Scenario Version
Send to Map View. Display the selected scenario version in the Map View.
Cell Configuration Editor/Sector Searcher by Filter. Open the Cell Configuration Editor dialog.
Filter Expression Builder. Open the dialog to build a search criteria.
Save. Save the selected scenario version.
Save As. Save the selected scenario version as a new scenario version.
Rename. Rename the selected scenario version.
Remove. Remove the selected scenario version.
Pack Version for Sharing. Pack the selected scenario to a ZIP file. This ZIP file can be shared with peers and unpacked to other projects.
Export Version to TEMS Investigation XML Cell File. Export the selected scenario version to a TEMS Investigation XML cell file.
Export Version to Google Earth KMZ File. Export the selected scenario version to a KMZ file that can be displayed in Google Earth or any other tools that support KMZ files. Export may be generated with ‘Absolute altitude’ or ‘Clamp to ground’ height modes, and with standard (Point) or LineString geometries. All KMZ export is generated with metric/event legend information (supported in GE Pro version only) in all 4 corners of GE map view so one with appropriate placement can be enabled using GE data tree selection.
Cell Site
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Edit Property. Open the Properties of Cell Site dialog.
Move to Center. Move the selected cell site to the center of the Map View.
Remove. Remove the selected cell site from the network configuration.
Clone. Clone the selected cell site and bring up the Cell Site Properties for editing.
Sector Group
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Subset Display Mode: Toggle This Group. In subset display mode, only the selected number of sector groups will be displayed in the Map View. Select this option to toggle the display of the selected sector group in the Map View.
Highlight in Map View. Highlight the selected sector group in the Map View, if any of the network configurations are displayed in the Map View.
Save As. Save the selected sector group as a new group.
Rename. Rename the selected sector group.
Remove. Remove the selected sector group.
Sector Filter Expression
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Flag Filter Expression in Map View. Apply the selected sector filter expression and highlight the sectors that meet the filter in the Map View, if any of the network configurations are displayed in the Map View.
Edit Filter Expression. Open the dialog to edit the selected filter expression.
Save As. Save the selected sector filter expression as a new filter expression.
Rename. Rename the selected sector filter expression.
Remove. Remove the selected sector filter expression.
4.1.3 GIS/Coverage Map
The GIS/Coverage Map tab lists all GIS data associated with the current project. The GIS data can be displayed in the Map View by dragging-and-dropping, or by choosing it from its pop-up menu. Before dragging the GIS image/map to the Map View, you can define the translucency for the image/map for rendering. GIS Categories
GIS data can be grouped into the following categories:
Coverage Maps
Download Terra Server Images/Maps
Floor Prints
User Defined Regions (UDRs)
Coverage Maps
TEMS Discovery can import a coverage map to a user-defined geo area. This user-defined geo area can be assigned to a geo area property of a project (see GIS List and Project Properties for more information). Coverage maps can consist of data in any GIS format exported from a third-party cell planning tool and can be used in TEMS Discovery as regular GIS maps.
Download TerraServer Images/Maps
TEMS Discovery offers direct access to multiple online sources of imagery, topographic maps, and gridded terrain data. This includes worldwide high-resolution color imagery from Digital Globe/GlobeXplorer/AirPhotoUSA (watermarked access for free), and access to the entire TerraServer-USA database of USGS satellite imagery and topographic maps, free of charge. TEMS Discovery can also access WMS data sources, including built-in access to elevation data and color imagery for the entire world.
To open the Select Online Data Source to Download dialog, right-click on the tree node and choose Download. The downloaded GIS data will be listed with its geo boundary as the title.
Floor Prints
When TEMS Discovery imports indoor drive test data, it will also import any floor prints contained in the indoor data package if the indoor data package contains geo references for the floor prints in the following supported coordinate systems:
Lat/Lon projection (1) with WGS84 datum (104)
UTM projection (8) with WGS84 datum (104)
TEMS Discovery will save those geo references so that the user does not have to manually rectify the floor prints.
TEMS Discovery can Import GIS Data to a user-defined geo area. This user-defined geo area can be assigned to a geo area property of a project (see GIS List and Project Properties for more information). As shown below, the geo area property of the current project is Demo_Geo, and three maps have been imported to this geo area.
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TEMS Discovery allows the user to draw user-defined regions (UDRs), or to choose area features from the terrain vector data (see Map View for more information). UDR is mainly used for data filtering. GIS Pop-up Menus
GIS - Download TerraServer Images/Maps Pop-Up Menu
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Download. Download an online GIS data source. See Download Online GIS Data Source.
GIS - Downloaded Map Pop-Up Menu
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Save As. Once the online GIS data is downloaded, it can be saved as a map in the TEMS Discovery internal GIS format under the current project's geo area. That map will be listed under the Image/Maps category.
GIS - Image/Maps Pop-Up Menu
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Send to Map View. Send the selected image/map to the Map View.
Move to Center. Move the selected image/map, if displayed, to the center of the Map View.
Assign Plot Band. Assign a plot band for the coverage map.
See Layer/View Options.
Delete. Delete the selected image/map.
GIS – Floor Prints Pop-Up Menus
Send to Map View. Send the selected floor print to the Map View.
Move to Center. Move the selected floor print, if displayed, to the center of the Map View.
Delete. Delete the selected floor print.
Rectify (Georeference) Floor Print. Bring up the Floor Print Rectifier to rectify the selected floor print.
Export Geo-rectified Floor Print. Export the selected geo-rectified floor print to a user selected folder.
A MapInfo TAB file containing the geo reference information in lat/lon geographic projection will be exported to the selected folder.
GIS - UDR Pop-Up Menus
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UDR Attribute Browser. Open the UDR Attribute Browser to browse the UDR attributes.
Send to Map View. Send the selected UDR to the Map View.
Move to Center. Move the selected UDR, if displayed, to the center of the Map View.
Remove From Map View. Remove the selected UDR from the Map View.
**Export to Google Earth KMZ file… Export a KMZ file to import the area into Google Maps or other target.
Pack UDR for Sharing. Save the selected UDR and its information as a .ZIP file.
Copy UDR to Global UDR. Copy the UDR to the global UDR list.
Delete. Delete the selected UDR. Download Online GIS Data Source
TEMS Discovery allows download of seamless USGS topographic maps and satellite imagery for all of the United States, as well as high-resolution color aerial imagery for select metropolitan areas from TerraServer-USA. Additionally, several built-in WMS (OpenGC Web Map Server) databases provide easy access to digital terrain data and color satellite imagery for the entire world.
This is an extremely powerful feature as it puts many terabytes of very expensive data right at our fingertips in TEMS Discovery for no additional cost. (Note that this feature requires Internet access.)
Open the Select Online Data Source to Download dialog in the following ways:
Right-clicking Download TerraServer Image Maps from the Data Explorer–GIS List and selecting Download from the context menu.
Clicking the Download TerraServer Image Maps button in the Map View.
This dialog allows selection of the type, or theme, of the data to download, as well as the extent of the data to download. You can choose to download the current screen bounds, an area to download around an address, or a specific latitude/longitude bound; or you can choose to download the entire data source.
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The Add Sources From File button allows you to add new WMS sources from an external text file generated by the Global Mapper, a third-party tool. This tool can be accessed from your Global Mapper Application Data.
Download In Map View
If you click the button on the Map View toolbar, the Save Map As dialog will appear prior to the Select Online Data Source for Download dialog.
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After the selections are made, TEMS Discovery will automatically download the most appropriate layer and save it under the specified geo area with the specified name. This newly created geo area/geo map will be listed in the GIS List.
Download In Data Explorer
Once the data to download is defined, TEMS Discovery will automatically download the most appropriate layer for display while zooming in and out in the Map View window. This way, an overview of the data can be viewed while zoomed out, and more data details will become available as you zoom in. This data can be saved in full resolution to the TEMS Discovery internal format by choosing Save As from the Data Explorer–GIS List context menu. UDR Attribute Browser
The UDR Polygon Attribute Browser is a quick way to browse UDR attributes. This browser can be accessed in the following ways:
Clicking the UDR Attribute button on the GIS List toolbar.
Selecting UDR Attribute Browser from the UDR right-click context menu.
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4.1.4 Image
The Image tab lists all image data imported into the current project. Image files can be displayed in the Image View by dragging-and-dropping or by using ‘Send to Image View’ right click context menu option.