4 Configuration and Settings > 4.6 Plot Band Definition

4.6 Plot Band Definition
TEMS Discovery provides a set of default plot bands. However, you can modify, create, or choose a plot band definition for a metric.
The Plot Band definition dialog can be accessed in the following ways:
Clicking the Plot Band button in the toolbar on the Main Window.
Right-clicking a metric in the Data Explorer–Dataset List and selecting Edit Plot Band from the context menu.
C:\Users\USDIJA\Documents\backup\TEMS Discovery\TD DocToHelp Projects\MASTER IPP Collection with PNGs\form_plotband.png
Plot Band Toolbar
Delete. Delete the selected plot band definition.
New. Create a new plot band.
Save As. Save the currently displayed plot band as a new plot band.
Generator. Generate a new plot band definition from scratch. This option will bring up the Plot Band Auto Generator.
Insert Band. Insert a band to the spreadsheet.
Remove Band. Remove a band from the spreadsheet.
4.6.1 Plot Band Auto Generator
C:\Users\USDIJA\Documents\backup\TEMS Discovery\TD DocToHelp Projects\MASTER IPP Collection with PNGs\form_plotband_generator.png
Settings. The plot band definition will always include the first band that is from the minimum and the last band that is up to the maximum. You need to define the second band and the second-to-last band. For the middle bands, you can define the number of bands and the step.
Colors. Define the color of the first and last bands, respectively, by clicking Color of first band and Color of last band. For the rest of the bands, after defining the start and end colors, the colors will be generated automatically.
Click Generate, and the plot bands will be generated automatically and the spreadsheet will be populated.
To save the definition, click the Save button.