4.23 Options

The following categories of options are available:
General Options,
Measurement Data Storage Options,
Statistic Database Storage Options,
Log Files Storage Options, and
Color Scheme. The Options feature can be accessed from the
Configuration menu on the Main Window.
4.23.1 General Options
• Optimized For Batch Import Of Small Log Files. By default (True) 4 import threads will be configured per background process with the purpose of reducing memory consumption. Disabled (False) state will configure single import thread per process suitable for large log files.
• Max. Number Of ADP Import Threads (0 for default). Within the license allowable number of ADP import threads, you have control of how many simultaneous import threads for importing data. If 0 is selected, TD will figure out a proper number of ADP import thread base on machine configuration.
• Max. Number Of Import Threads Per Process. By default, 4 import threads are configured per process while this number can be reduced to 1. Lower number of threads per process will improve processing performance and reduce import time, however it will increase memory consumption so enough memory capacity needs to be secured in such case.
• Text Font. Define the font for the TEMS Discovery application. Clicking the Text Font cell in the Value column will bring up the dialog to define a font.
• Text Color. Define the color of the font by clicking the Text Color cell in the Value column, and then selecting a color.
• Max. Sector-Point Link Distance (km). Define the maximum distance of sector coverage. This value will affect all the functions that associate the drive test data point and sector.
• Sector Filtering Based On. In the Data Explorer, a sector group can be selected to filter the data points. There are two options for filtering:
− All: A data point will be picked if it is covered by any of the sector in this sector group.
− Top 1: A data point will be picked only if the Top 1 serving sector at this geo location is in this sector group.
• WiMAX Default Version. Select the WiMAX default version for decoding.
• Measurement System. Select the measurement system for GUI display.
• Hyperlink to Multimedia Presentation Index File. In addition to the built-in multimedia, you can set up a hyperlink to the multimedia presentation index file located in your own server accessible by TEMS Discovery, so that you can maintain your own multimedia and present them in the TEMS Discovery video player.
The index file will look something like this, where ### indicates a comment line and [x] represents a kind of definition:
### [W] the home page for the video. NOT REQUIRED
### [B] video file base. Shall only define one [B]. REQUIRED
### List all video files one by one, using the following format
### [C] Category of the video
### [D] Description of the video
### [H] Hyperlink to the video file
[W] http://nqlweb.tems.net/TEMS_Discovery/DiscoveryGE/Video/VideoHome.htm
[B] http://www.ascom.com/en/index
[C] Introduction
[D] TEMS Discovery
[H] tems-flash-discovery.htm
[C] Introduction
[D] TEMS Discovery Indoor
[H] tems-flash-discovery-Indoor.htm
• Max. Allowable Time Interval for GPS Interpolation (1 to 600 sec.). If the time interval of two good GPS positions is longer than this maximum allowable time interval, no GPS interpolation will be performed for the messages captured in this time period. In other words, those messages will not be visualized in the
Map View.
• Generate Statistic Data Along with Table View. If set to True, statistical data of the metric will be calculated and displayed in a separate sheet. If the statistical data is not needed, set to False for better user interface performance.
• Sampling of PCAP ACK Message Within (ms) (-1 for no sampling). A log file could contain millions of PCAP ACK messages, which not only increases data processing time, but also consumes huge memory. Those ACK messages can be safely skipped. TD can sample ACK messages in user-defined time interval, or if -1 is set, will not perform sampling.
• Use Internal Packet Timestamp Reference for PCAP. If set to True, uses internal message Packet Time instead of standard DT log file time.
• Enable Qualcomm Timestamp Adjustment. When importing log files that contain Qualcomm trace data, using timestamp in the original Qualcomm message to adjust the message timestamp.
• Max. Number of Files To Be Listed For Each Dataset (0 for no limit). Limit the number of file/device to be listed for each dataset for performance purposes. If set to 0, all file/devices will be listed.
• GIS: Default Font Character Set. If GIS vector data contains certain non-Unicode characters, the display may not be proper. This option will allow the user to define the proper character set which will take effect after restarting TD.
• Enable decoding of Qualcomm trace in *.QMD (Trace may not be complete): Since the Qualcomm trace data may not be embedded completely in QMD file, enabling the decoding of it could generate wrong result. This is an option to disable or enable this decoding.
• Max Cube Process Interval in Minutes. The interval for processing cubes.
• Process Cubes After ADP Import Idle In Minutes. Cube will be processed the desired number of minutes after the last logfile has been imported. Set to “0” to disable automatic processing.
• Statistic Browser: Latitude range for Map View display (degree). Define the area for browser to load statistic data. The geo center of this area is defined in “Cube Data Scope Configurations”.
• Statistic Browser: Longitude range for Map View display (degree). Define the area for browser to load statistic data. The geo center of this area is defined in “Cube Data Scope Configurations”.
• Enable explicit map layering of events. Set to True will allow users to control map layer order for scripted (pre-defined or user-defined) events from Map View Options | Layer Control. By default, scripted events are placed in the top layer with event added last displayed on top of previously added events.
• TEMS Scanner Reporting. Select type of LTE/WCDMA scanner reporting to be used (Partial/Legacy).
• Sector matching fallback to BCCH. If set to True, it will use BCCH information only for GSM sector matching.
• Number of Report Processes (4 for default) allows users to set number of TDE reporting processes (selection needs to be supported by sufficient CPU and RAM resources). Number of reporting threads per process is fixed at 1 for optimal performance and stability.
• Archive system logs after number of days (0 to disable) allows users to set periodicity of automated archiving of system logs to minimize disk space usage. Automated archiving is triggered during maintenance hours (2 AM local time) to minimize the operational impact.
• Report: Auto-adjust Resolution of Map View Chart to Optimize Memory Usage. When reporting, the higher resolution of map view chart is set, the bigger contiguous memory block TEMS Discovery may request. To avoid problems, TEMS Discovery can automatically adjust the resolution to reduce the memory usage.
Folder Configuration
The user can specify a dedicate folder to storing system configuration files and temprary data as well.
As a general guideline, the system data folder shall be in local machine, and the temp file folder shall be located in a fast drive that has plenty of free space, and try to avoid C drive.
4.23.2 Measurement Data Storage Options
TEMS Discovery provides Flat File and MS SQL Server options for data storage. Both options have advantages and disadvantages; the decision is up to the user.
• Use Flat File for data storage. This option is the default. If desired, you can select one folder for Private data and another for Public data. For TEMS Discovery Enterprise, the default data storage is SQL server.
• Use MS SQL Server for data storage. With this option, you should install at least MS SQL Server Enterprise 2008 R2. After the SQL server installation is done, check the Pick a local SQL Servers to list available SQL servers in the local area network. You can select one of the SQL servers and the database for TEMS Discovery will be automatically created. You can also type in a remote SQL server and connect to an existing remote database.
You can make the selection for Private Database and/or Public Database, then click Save and exit from the dialog. TEMS Discovery will be restarted to reflect the change.
If the SQL server you have picked is in a remote server, you will need to configure the path for database data as below.
Data folder (Local). Even though the measurement data storage is a database, but some working data will still be saved as a file in the defined data folder.
System data folder (UNC or network mapped in remote server, Optional). When you run TEMS Discovery Professional and connect to the SQL server in a remote server, you are running TEMS Discovery Professional as a read-only client. In this scenario, If you like to apply the system settings like report template, scripts, etc in the remote server, you will need to provide the path to the system data folder in the remote server. Otherwise, you can leave it blank.
Data folder (UNC or network mapped in remote server, Optional). In the scenario that you run TEMS Discovery Professional as a read-only client and you like to utilize the intermediate result created by remote server, you will need to provide the path to the Data Folder (Local) setting in the remote server. Otherwise, you can leave it blank.
Temp file folder for SQL data transfer. (UNC path, Mandatory if SQL server is in remote machine). When you run TEMS Discovery Enterprise and connect to the SQL server in a remote server, you must provide the path to the temporary folder that will be used for TEMS Discovery to dump text files for the remote SQL server to perform data transfer.
4.23.3 Statistic Data Storage Options
The Statistic Database dialog displays all the SQL servers that can be accessed by the user to store statistic database information.
One, and only one, statistic database can be selected as the default statistic database. The data extracted from the measurement data will be stored in this default database.
Note: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise version with Analysis Service must be accessible from the user’s computer in order to use this dialog.
The Statistic Database dialog is reached by selecting Configuration | Options | Statistic Database from the Main Window.
Temp file folder for SQL BulkInsert. (must be UNC path in remote server if database in in remote server). When you run TEMS Discovery Enterprise and connect to the SQL server in a remote server, you must provide the path to the temporary folder that will be used for TEMS Discovery to dump text files for the remote SQL server to perform BulkInsert.
Statistic Database Toolbar
| Add. Add a new statistic database. Brings up the Add SQL Server dialog, where information for the new statistic database can be entered. For accessing remote statistic database, please refer to “TEMS Discovery Enterprise system configuration”. |
| Edit. Edit the information for the selected database. |
| Remove. Remove the selected database. |
4.23.4 Log File Storage Options
The Log Files dialog displays all the SQL servers that can be accessed by the user to store log file information. One, and only one, log file database can be selected as the default log file database. The log files imported by TEMS Discovery will be stored in this default database.
Note: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise version with FILESTREAM enabled must be accessible from the user’s computer in order to use this dialog. Please see
Enabling FILESTREAM in SQL Server 2008 R2 for more information.
The Log Files dialog is reached by selecting Configuration | Options | Log Files from the Main Window.
Log Files Toolbar
| Add. Add a new log files database. Brings up the Add SQL Server dialog, where information for the new database can be entered. |
| Edit. Edit the information for the selected database. |
| Remove. Remove the selected database. |
4.23.5 Color Scheme Options
The Color Scheme options allow you to associate one color for each data type displayed in the tree view. Clicking on a cell in the Color column will bring up a dialog in which you can choose a color.
As an option, you can check Use System Color instead of this color scheme to apply one color for all data types.
4.23.6 TA Database Options
TEMS Discovery can directly access a TEMS Automatic database to import uplink data created by call generator, and fetch other information like area information.
4.23.7 TCL Configuration
TEMS Discovery users can push cell configuration information to TEMS Cloud to facilitate integration between the two products and reduce manual steps for data exchange. Users need to configure TD to TCL connection by specifying TCL client credentials, authentication and service URLs. Test button is available to test connection upon its configuration. Cell configuration transfer from TD to TCL can be initiated by using ‘Push Cell Configuration to TCL’ option from right click context menu of cell configuration definition.