4 Configuration and Settings > 4.8 Dynamic Composite Dataset

4.8 Dynamic Composite Dataset
Dynamic Composite Dataset is different from Static Composite Dataset in terms of how the data is grouped. Dynamic Composite Dataset is a set of criteria that can be applied to any particular project; as such, you will obtain only the data that meets those criteria.
The Dynamic Composite Dataset Settings dialog can be accessed in the following ways:
Selecting Dynamic Composite Dataset Settings from the Configuration menu on the Main Window.
Clicking the Edit Composite Dataset button in the Data Explorer–Dataset toolbar. The Dynamic Composite Dataset will be listed in the Data Explorer–Dataset list together with the Static Composite Dataset.
Each attribute listed on the Attributes tab can be selected to be used with comma separated values to construct the dynamic dataset.
Each problem set listed on the Problem Sets tab can be checked with a minimum value to be used to construct the dynamic dataset.