4 Configuration and Settings > 4.10 Map Export Configuration

4.10 Map Export Configuration
Map Export Configuration can be used as one of measurement data types in ADP Management output tasks. This feature can be accessed from the main window Configuration menu.
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User may (a) select and include any of pre or user defined metrics/events to export configuration, (b) specify which type of export is required per selected metric/event (MIF/MID, KMZ, or any combination of them), (c) delete previously added metric/event from export configuration, (d) save new map export configuration, (e) modify existing map export configuration, (f) save existing map export configuration under a new name and (g) delete existing map export configuration. Additionally, user may select and apply multiple device attribute or condition expression filters per individual metric/event, otherwise, map export will be generated for all metric/event data for a given project/dataset batch. Metric/event selection, exporting format and filtering selection will be indicated in Selection Summary table.
Map Export configuration is integrated into Configuration Management with ability to export, import and delete map export configurations.
Map export files are generated per metric/event. Export may be generated per device or for all devices combined as per selection made in scheduling/data grouping options (ADP Step 3). Individual export files are tagged with dataset name, device name, ADP task execution time range, data frame name and metric/event name. All export files generated per one iteration are saved under separate subfolder tagged with dataset name, ADP task execution time range and MapExport label.
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