4.4 Generic User-Defined Metric Group
TEMS Discovery can import drive test data from a delimited text file, and then the imported data can be manipulated in a similar manner as drive test data from other formats. In other words, the imported data can be displayed in all views, and it can be used to generate reports through the
Report Template Builder and produce new metrics or events through the
Script Builder.
To enable TEMS Discovery to import a text file, you must define a user-defined metric group in the dialog shown below. This dialog can be accessed in the following ways:
• Selecting Generic User-Defined Metric Group from the Configuration menu on the Main Window.
Once the metric group is defined, you can reuse it to import any text file with a compatible format. This metric group will be listed in the Report Template Builder and the Script Builder under the tree node _Plugin: UDMG (User-defined Metric Group).
To define a user-defined metric group from scratch, follow the steps below:
1. Click the Browse button to locate the delimited text file you intend to import.
TEMS Discovery will display the first few lines of the selected file in the Partial Preview tab, and populate the Source Column/TD Metric Name in the Configuration tab. The names in Source Column/TD Metric Name are simply copied from the column headers of the selected text file. Since the TD Metric Name strings will be displayed in the TEMS Discovery GUI, you can modify a TD Metric Name to one that better describes the nature of the data.
You can also specify the column delimiters and data array delimiters if a column contains a data array.
2. For any user-defined metric group, source columns must be mapped to the TEMS Discovery metric name Time or Latitude/Longitude/Position.
You can select those pre-defined TEMS Discovery metric names, listed below, from the combo box in the Internal Metric Name column.
Date | If you have a source column that contains only date information such as 10/25/2010, you can map it to this TEMS Discovery metric name. Further, you need to define the date format in the text box at the bottom so that TEMS Discovery can parse this date information correctly. The date can be in compact format without a leading 0 (m/dd/yyyy, if the data is like 3/20/2010 (March 20, 2010)). Otherwise, the date is in the format mm-dd-yyyy. (December 30, 2009 would be 30-12-2009.) |
DateTime | If you have a source column that contains both date and time information, such as 10/25/2010 10:23:59.232, you can map it to this TEMS Discovery metric name. Further, you need to define the date format as described above. |
Latitude | The source data must be a numerical value in degrees. |
Longitude | The source data must be a numerical value in degrees. |
Position | The source data can be in a standard format such as 34:22:22N 117:34:22W |
Time | If you have a source column that contains only time information, such as 21:05:59.333, you can map it to this TEMS Discovery metric name. If you don't have source data providing date information, you can select a target date in the Import Drive Test Data to provide the missing information. |
3. Define the binning type for each metric.
The following binning types can be selected from the combo box in the Binning Type column.
_None_ | No binning |
AVG | Take the average value of the bin |
COUNT | Take the count of data in the bin |
ID | Only take unique values of this metric in the bin (i.e., treat this metric as an ID) |
FIRST | Take the first value in the bin |
LAST | Take the last value in the bin |
LATLON | The value is GIS data and shall be treated specially |
LAVG | Take the linear average value of the bin |
MAX | Take the maximum value of the bin |
MIN | Take the minimum value of the bin |
SUM | Take the sum value of the bin |
4. Assign the data type for each metric.
For different data types, the metric data will be displayed differently in the output. If you assign text to a metric, this metric will not be used to generate statistic data such as Mean, Average, etc. even though the nature of the data might be numeric.
float | Assign this data type if the source data is numeric. You can also define the number of digits after the decimal point to be kept. If the data source contains a special value that indicates an exception, you can put that value in the Exception Val column, or if you want to exclude a range of values, you can define that range in the Exception >=" and "Exception <= columns. TEMS Discovery will not import the exception value, but will set it to No Data. |
integer | Similar to the data type float. |
text | Assign this data type if the data source is text. |
5. Define the group by metric
You can use Group By to separate data belonging to different identifiers, such as WCDMA PSC or CDMA PN. By grouping the Ec/Io values or Ec values by PSC or PN, you may avoid incorrect aggregation of Ec/Io or Ec values.
6. Define the sort by metric
By defining a metric as the Sort By entity, you can arrange a set of data according to the values of the metric. Sort By is used in conjunction with Group By. However, it is rare for one to use the same metric as the key for both Group By and Sort By. Using PSC or PN as a Group By key and Ec/Io or Ec as a Sort By key is a good example for typical usage.
7. Select where the metric can be displayed.
User-Defined Metric Group Toolbar
| New. Create a new metric group configuration. |
| Save. Save the current metric group configuration. |
| Save As. Save the current metric group configuration under a new name. |
| Delete. Delete the current metric group configuration. |
| Help. |