1.7 A Few Tips
TEMS Discovery has several unique features that will allow you to easily customize TEMS Discovery's display to suit your needs and preferences. The settings can be easily saved for future use.
View Arrangement. One of TEMS Discovery's special features is its moveable window views. This feature allows you to arrange the layout of the views to best suit your presentation needs. Each view can be locked, hidden, or even dragged to another monitor as a floating window.
Any view can be enabled or disabled by clicking the related toolbar buttons, or by selecting a sub-menu under Views. By default, the newly enabled view overlaps an existing view. To rearrange a view, simply move the mouse to the view title, left-click, and drag the view to the target position on the screen. To overlap two views, simply drag one view to the title of the other view.
Creating Sub-Views. To further break down the primary view windows, TEMS Discovery enables users to create sub-views that help organize data by placing it into smaller groups.
To divide the
Map View,
Time Chart,
Histogram, or
Correlation View into several smaller views, click the
Table Size button

on the view’s toolbar.
Using Drag-and-Drop. To display any metric in any view, the user can drag-and-drop the metric from the
Data Explorer into the target view.
Dealing with Right-Click Context Menus. Right-clicking an object or at any space in a given view will bring up a context menu that can be applied to the selected object or view.
Dual-mode Toolbar Buttons. Toolbar buttons containing both "+" and "-" signs are dual-mode buttons. Left-clicking performs the opposite function as right-clicking (e.g., left-clicking zooms in and right-clicking zooms out).
Samples of dual-mode toolbar buttons:


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