4 Configuration and Settings > 4.14 Message Coloring

4.14 Message Coloring
The Message Coloring feature provides a way to distinguish messages listed in the Messages View with different colors.
The Message Coloring feature can be accessed in the following ways:
Clicking the Layer 3 Message Coloring button in the Messages View toolbar.
Selecting Message Coloring from the Configuration menu on the Main Window.
C:\Users\USDIJA\Documents\backup\TEMS Discovery\TD DocToHelp Projects\MASTER IPP Collection with PNGs\form_layer3_coloring.png
Drag-and-drop an element from the tree view into the spreadsheet on the Signaling Message tab in the right panel. Click the cell in the Color column to choose a color. You can associate a message or a channel with color. If color is associated to a channel, all messages in that channel will be displayed in the same color in the Messages View.
Or, you can manually type keywords into the spreadsheet on the Case-sensitive Keyword tab and associate a color. When building the Messages View, TEMS Discovery will check whether the key information of a message contains any defined keywords, one-by-one, from the first row to the last. If found, the background color of the row on the Messages View will be colored accordingly. The order of the keywords in the spreadsheet will affect the coloring.
Click the Save button to save the color settings after any modification.