Technology | Compact Name | Default Value | Unit | Description |
Call | CallBlockedOnResponse486 | 0 | Boolean | 0 (False) 'Call Blocked' event not reported on SIP 486 response on Invite, 1 (True) 'Call Blocked' event not reported on SIP 486 response on Invite |
Call | CallBlockedOnSIPCancel | 1 | Boolean | 0 (False) 'Call Blocked' event not reported on UE initiated SIP Cancel, 1 (True) 'Call Blocked' event not reported on UE initiated SIP Cancel |
Call | CallBlockedTimeout | 60000 | ms | 'Call Blocked' timeout |
Call | CallDroppedDLRTPTimeout | 15000 | ms | 'Call Dropped' RTP timeout |
Call | CallDroppedOnDLRTPTimeout | 1 | Boolean | 0 (False) 'Call Dropped' event not reported on RTP timeout expiry, 1 (True) 'Call Dropped' event reported on RTP timeout expiry |
Call | CallDroppedOnHangupTimeout | 0 | Boolean | 0 (False) 'Call Dropped' event not reported on call hangup timeout expiry, 1 (True) 'Call Dropped' event reported on call hangup timeout expiry |
Call | CallDurationThreshold | 90 | sec | Call duration threshold to separate 'Short' from 'Long' calls |
Call | CallEstablishmentFailureTimeout | 12000 | ms | Call establishment failure timeout |
Call | CallHangupTimeout | 3000 | ms | Call hangup timeout |
Call | CallInitiationFailureTimeout | 5000 | ms | Call initiation failure timeout |
Call Quality | LowAQMCallQuality | 2.5 | MOS | Call quality threshold to separate 'Low' from 'Acceptable' quality calls |
Common | EnableVoLTEReporting | 1 | 0 (False) VoNR_KPIs metric group reporting barred for VoLTE calls, 1 (True) VoNR_KPIs metric group reporting extended to VoLTE calls | |
Common | UsePcapTimestampForDelayCalculations | 0 | Boolean | 0 (False) Use internal log file time reference for audio call delay calculations, 1 (True) Use PCAP time reference for audio call delay calculations |
Common | UsePcapTimestampForDelayCalculationsVideo | 0 | Boolean | 0 (False) Use internal log file time reference for video call delay calculations, 1 (True) Use PCAP time reference for video call delay calculations |
Presence | PresenceSubscriptionTimeout | 5000 | ms | Presence subscription timeout |
Presence | PublishTimeout | 5000 | ms | Publish timeout |
Registration | IMSRegistrationFailureTimeout | 10000 | ms | IMS registration failure timeout |
RTP | JitterBufferSize | 5 | # of RTP packets | Audio jitter buffer size |
RTP | JitterBufferSizeVideo | 20 | # of RTP packets | Video jitter buffer size |
RTP | NoAudioReceivedTimeout | 8000 | ms | No audio received timeout |
RTP | NumberOfConsecutivePacketsLostThreshold | 30 | # of RTP packets | Number of consecutive packets lost threshold |