Category | Metric | Triggering event | Description |
.Common | EventName | Various IMS voice call events | Event label |
.Common | LogfileName | Various IMS voice call events | Log file name for which event was triggered |
.Common | PCAPtimestamp | Various IMS voice call events | Event PCAP timestamp |
5GC Registration | Deregistration5GCCause | 5GC De-registration Request | 5GC de-registration request cause |
5GC Registration | Deregistration5GCDirection | 5GC De-registration Request | 5GC de-registration request direction |
5GC Registration | Deregistration5GCTime | 5GC De-registration | Time from 5GC de-registration request to accept in milliseconds |
5GC Registration | Deregistration5GCType | 5GC De-registration Request | 5GC de-registration request type |
5GC Registration | Registration5GCSuccessRate | 5GC Registration, 5GC Registration Failure | 100 (Success) reported for '5GC Registration' event, 0 (Failure) reported for '5GC Registration Failure' event |
5GC Registration | Registration5GCFailureCause | 5GC Registration Failure | 5GC registration failure cause |
5GC Registration | Registration5GCFailureTime | 5GC Registration Failure | Time from 5GC registration request to failure in milliseconds |
5GC Registration | Registration5GCTime | 5GC Registration | Time from 5GC registration request to accept in milliseconds |
5GC Registration | Registration5GCType | 5GC Registration Request | 5GC registration request type |
Call End | CallDisconnectCategory | Call End | Call disconnect category for network initiated disconnect |
Call End | CallDisconnectDelay | Call End | Time from SIP Bye to SIP 200 Ok (Bye) in milliseconds |
Call End | CallDroppedCallId | Call Dropped | Call dropped Call Id |
Call End | CallDroppedCause | Call Dropped | Call dropped cause |
Call End | CallDroppedCellId | Call Dropped | Call dropped Cell Id |
Call End | CallDroppedIMEI | Call Dropped | Call dropped device IMEI |
Call End | CallDroppedIMSI | Call Dropped | Call dropped device IMSI |
Call End | CallDroppedLatitude | Call Dropped | Call dropped latitude |
Call End | CallDroppedLogfileName | Call Dropped | Call dropped log file name |
Call End | CallDroppedLongitude | Call Dropped | Call dropped longitude |
Call End | CallDroppedMDN | Call Dropped | Call dropped calling party number |
Call End | CallDroppedRAT | Call Dropped | Call dropped radio access technology |
Call End | CallDroppedRate | Call End, Call Dropped | 100 (Failure) reported for 'Call Dropped' event, 0 (Success) reported for 'Call End' event. |
Call End | CallDroppedResponseCode | Call Dropped | Call dropped SIP Bye reason code, 1000 used for failures triggered by UDP timer expiry |
Call End | CallDroppedServingBeamNRARFCN | Call Dropped | Call dropped serving beam NRARFCN |
Call End | CallDroppedServingBeamPCI | Call Dropped | Call dropped serving beam PCI |
Call End | CallDroppedServingBeamRSRP | Call Dropped | Call dropped serving beam RSRP |
Call End | CallDroppedServingBeamRSRQ | Call Dropped | Call dropped serving beam RSRQ |
Call End | CallDroppedServingBeamSNR | Call Dropped | Call dropped serving beam SNR |
Call End | CallDroppedTimeOfLastRTPPacket | Call Dropped | Timestamp of last RTP packet received before RTP drop is declared |
Call End | CallDroppedTimeSinceLastRTPPacket | Call Dropped | Time from since reception of last RTP packet until RTP drop is declared in seconds |
Call End | CallDroppedTimestamp | Call Dropped | Call dropped timestamp |
Call End | CallDuration | Call End, Call Dropped, EOF | Call duration in seconds |
Call End | CallEndRate | Call End, Call Dropped | 100 (Success) reported for 'Call End' event, 0 (Failure) reported for 'Call Dropped' event. |
Call End | DRBDroppedRate | Call End, Call Dropped | 100 (Success) reported for 'Call End' event, 0 (Failure) reported for 'Call Dropped' event triggered by SIP Bye reason code 503 ("loss or bearer") |
Call End | RTPTimeoutCause | Call Dropped | RTP timeout cause reported for SIP Bye reason code 102 ("RTP-RTCP Timeout") |
Call End | SipByeReasonPhrase | SIP Bye | SIP Bye reason phrase |
Call End MO | MOCallDroppedRate | MO Call End, MO Call Dropped | 100 (Failure) reported for 'MO Call Dropped' event, 0 (Success) reported for 'MO Call End' event |
Call End MO | MOCallEndRate | MO Call End, MO Call Dropped | 100 (Success) reported for 'MO Call End' event, 0 (Failure) reported for 'MO Call Dropped' event |
Call End MT | MTCallDroppedRate | MO Call End, MO Call Dropped | 100 (Failure) reported for 'MT Call Dropped' event, 0 (Success) reported for 'MT Call End' event |
Call End MT | MTCallEndRate | MO Call End, MO Call Dropped | 100 (Success) reported for 'MT Call End' event, 0 (Failure) reported for 'MT Call Dropped' event |
Call Setup | CallAbortedCause | Call Aborted | Call aborted cause |
Call Setup | CallAbortedLogfileName | Call Aborted | Call aborted log file name |
Call Setup | CallBlockedCallId | Call Blocked | Call blocked Call Id |
Call Setup | CallBlockedCause | Call Blocked | Call blocked cause |
Call Setup | CallBlockedCellId | Call Blocked | Call blocked Cell Id |
Call Setup | CallBlockedDelay | Call Blocked | Time from 'Call Attempt' event to 'Call Blocked' event in seconds |
Call Setup | CallBlockedIMEI | Call Blocked | Call blocked device IMEI |
Call Setup | CallBlockedIMSI | Call Blocked | Call blocked device IMSI |
Call Setup | CallBlockedLatitude | Call Blocked | Call blocked latitude |
Call Setup | CallBlockedLogfileName | Call Blocked | Call blocked log file name |
Call Setup | CallBlockedLongitude | Call Blocked | Call blocked longitude |
Call Setup | CallBlockedMDN | Call Blocked | Call blocked calling party number |
Call Setup | CallBlockedRAT | Call Blocked | Call blocked radio access technology |
Call Setup | CallBlockedRate | Call Setup, Call Blocked | 100 (Failure) reported for 'Call Blocked' event, 0 (Success) reported for 'Call Setup' event |
Call Setup | CallBlockedResponseCode | Call Blocked | Call blocked SIP response code, 1000 used for failures triggered by UDP timer expiry |
Call Setup | CallBlockedResponseDirection | Call Blocked | Call blocked SIP response message direction |
Call Setup | CallBlockedServingBeamNRARFCN | Call Blocked | Call blocked serving beam NRARFCN |
Call Setup | CallBlockedServingBeamPCI | Call Blocked | Call blocked serving beam PCI |
Call Setup | CallBlockedServingBeamRSRP | Call Blocked | Call blocked serving beam RSRP |
Call Setup | CallBlockedServingBeamRSRQ | Call Blocked | Call blocked serving beam RSRQ |
Call Setup | CallBlockedServingBeamSNR | Call Blocked | Call blocked serving beam SNR |
Call Setup | CallBlockedTimestamp | Call Blocked | Call blocked timestamp |
Call Setup | CallID | Call Attempt, IMS Registration Attempt | Call attempt or IMS registration attempt Call ID |
Call Setup | CallInitiationCallBlockedRate | Call Initiation Failure, Call Blocked, Call Setup | 100 (Failure) reported for 'Call Initiation Failure' or 'Call Blocked' events, 0 (Success) reported for 'Call Setup' event |
Call Setup | CallInitiationCallSetupRate | Call Initiation Failure, Call Blocked, Call Setup | 100 (Success) reported for 'Call Setup' event, 0 (Failure) reported for 'Call Initiation Failure' or 'Call Blocked' events |
Call Setup | CallInitiationSetupDelay | Call Setup | Time from 'Dial Start' TCC event to SIP Ringing or SIP 200 Ok (Update) or SIP 200 Ok (Invite) in seconds |
Call Setup | CallInitiationSetupDelay180 | Call Setup | Time from 'Dial Start' TCC event to SIP 180 Ringing in seconds |
Call Setup | CallInitiationSetupDelay200 | Call Setup | Time from 'Dial Start' TCC event to SIP 200 Ok (Invite) in seconds |
Call Setup | CallInitiationTo183Delay | Call Setup | Time from 'Dial Start' TCC event to SIP 183 Session Progress (Invite) in seconds |
Call Setup | CallSetupDelay | Call Setup | Time from 'Call Attempt' to SIP 180 Ringing or SIP 183 Session Progress or SIP 200 Ok (Update) or SIP 200 Ok (Invite) in seconds |
Call Setup | CallSetupDelay180 | Call Setup | Time from 'Call Attempt' to SIP 180 Ringing (Invite) in seconds |
Call Setup | CallSetupDelay200 | Call Setup | Time from 'Call Attempt' to SIP 200 Ok (Invite) in seconds |
Call Setup | CallSetupDelay200Update | Call Setup | Time from 'Call Attempt' to SIP 200 Ok (Update) in seconds |
Call Setup | CallSetupRate | Call Setup, Call Blocked | 100 (Success) reported for 'Call Setup' event, 0 (Failure) reported for 'Call Blocked' event |
Call Setup | ConversationStartDelay | First RTP packet received | Time from SIP 200 Ok (Invite) until first RTP packet is received in milliseconds |
Call Setup | CSeqTransactionID | SIP Invite, SIP 180 Ringing (Invite), SIP 183 Session Progress (Invite), SIP 200 Ok (Invite) | SIP request message CSeq transaction Id |
Call Setup | InviteTo183Delay | Call Setup | Time from 'Call Attempt' to SIP 183 Session Progress (Invite) in seconds |
Call Setup | InviteTo183WithInbandSignalingDelay | Call Setup | Time from 'Call Attempt' to SIP 183 Session Progress (Invite) containing P-Early-Media field in seconds |
Call Setup | InviteToCancelDelay | SIP Cancel | Time from 'Call Attempt' to SIP Cancel in seconds |
Call Setup | MediaType | Call Attempt | Call media type |
Call Setup | RadioAccessTechnology | Call Attempt, IMS Registration Attempt, Subscribe Request, Publish Request, SRVCC to EUTRAN, Call Setup EPSFB | Call IMS radio access technology |
Call Setup | RedirectionResponseCause | Call Redirection | Call redirection SIP reason phrase |
Call Setup | RedirectionResponseCode | Call Redirection | Call redirection SIP response code |
Call Setup | RedirectionResponseLogfileName | Redirection Response | Call redirection log file name |
Call Setup | SessionEstablishedFailureCause | Call Establishment Failure | Call establishment failure cause |
Call Setup | SessionEstablishedFailureLogfileName | Call Establishment Failure | Call establishment failure log file name |
Call Setup | SIPHandshakeDelay | SIP 200 Ok (Prack) | Time from SIP Prack to SIP 200 Ok (Prack) in milliseconds |
Call Setup | SIPInviteHandshakeTime | SIP 100 Trying (Invite) | Time from 'Call Attempt' to SIP 100 Trying (Invite) in milliseconds |
Call Setup MO | MOCallBlockedRate | MO Call Setup, MO Call Blocked | 100 (Failure) reported for 'MO Call Blocked' event, 0 (Success) reported for 'MO Call Setup' event |
Call Setup MO | MOCallSetupDelay | MO Call Setup | MO device CallSetupDelay |
Call Setup MO | MOCallSetupDelay180 | MO Call Setup | MO device CallSetupDelay180 |
Call Setup MO | MOCallSetupDelay200 | MO Call Setup | MO device CallSetupDelay200 |
Call Setup MO | MOCallSetupDelay200Update | MO Call Setup | MO device CallSetupDelay200Update |
Call Setup MO | MOCallSetupRate | MO Call Setup, MO Call Blocked | 100 (Success) reported for 'MO Call Setup' event, 0 (Failure) reported for 'MO Call Blocked' event |
Call Setup MO | MOConversationStartDelay | First RTP packet received | MO device ConversationStartDelay |
Call Setup MT | MTCallBlockedRate | MT Call Setup, MT Call Blocked | 100 (Failure) reported for 'MT Call Blocked' event, 0 (Success) reported for 'MT Call Setup' event |
Call Setup MT | MTCallSetupDelay | MT Call Setup | MT device CallSetupDelay |
Call Setup MT | MTCallSetupDelay180 | MT Call Setup | MT device CallSetupDelay180 |
Call Setup MT | MTCallSetupDelay200 | MT Call Setup | MT device CallSetupDelay200 |
Call Setup MT | MTCallSetupDelay200Update | MT Call Setup | MT device CallSetupDelay200Update |
Call Setup MT | MTCallSetupRate | MT Call Setup, MT Call Blocked | 100 (Success) reported for 'MT Call Setup' event, 0 (Failure) reported for 'MT Call Blocked' event |
Call Setup MT | MTConversationStartDelay | First RTP packet received | MT device ConversationStartDelay |
Call Start | A_Number | Call Attempt | Calling party number |
Call Start | B_Number | Call Attempt | Called party number |
Call Start | CallAnswerFailureIMEI | Call Answer Failure | Call answer failure device IMEI |
Call Start | CallAnswerFailureIMSI | Call Answer Failure | Call answer failure device IMSI |
Call Start | CallAnswerFailureLatitude | Call Answer Failure | Call answer failure latitude |
Call Start | CallAnswerFailureLogfileName | Call Answer Failure | Call answer failure log file name |
Call Start | CallAnswerFailureLongitude | Call Answer Failure | Call answer failure longitude |
Call Start | CallAnswerFailureRAT | Call Answer Failure | Call answer failure radio access technology |
Call Start | CallAnswerFailureRate | Answer End | 100 (Failure) reported for event status 'Succeeded', 0 (Success) reported for event status 'Failed' or 'Stopped by Timeout' |
Call Start | CallAnswerFailureServingBeamNRARFCN | Call Answer Failure | Call answer failure serving beam NRARFCN |
Call Start | CallAnswerFailureServingBeamPCI | Call Answer Failure | Call answer failure serving beam PCI |
Call Start | CallAnswerFailureServingBeamRSRP | Call Answer Failure | Call answer failure serving beam RSRP |
Call Start | CallAnswerFailureServingBeamRSRQ | Call Answer Failure | Call answer failure serving beam RSRQ |
Call Start | CallAnswerFailureServingBeamSNR | Call Answer Failure | Call answer failure serving beam SNR |
Call Start | CallAnswerFailureTimestamp | Call Answer Failure | Call answer failure timestamp |
Call Start | CallAnswerSuccessRate | Answer End | 100 (Success) reported for event status 'Succeeded', 0 (Failure) reported for event status 'Failed' or 'Stopped by Timeout' |
Call Start | CallInitiationDelay | Call Attempt | Time from 'Dial Start' TCC event to 'Call Attempt' in seconds |
Call Start | CallInitiationFailureCause | Call Initiation Failure | Call initiation failure cause |
Call Start | CallInitiationFailureIMEI | Call Initiation Failure | Call initiation failure device IMEI |
Call Start | CallInitiationFailureIMSI | Call Initiation Failure | Call initiation failure device IMSI |
Call Start | CallInitiationFailureLatitude | Call Initiation Failure | Call initiation failure latitude |
Call Start | CallInitiationFailureLogfileName | Call Initiation Failure | Call initiation failure log file name |
Call Start | CallInitiationFailureLongitude | Call Initiation Failure | Call initiation failure longitude |
Call Start | CallInitiationFailureRAT | Call Initiation Failure | Call initiation failure radio access technology |
Call Start | CallInitiationFailureRate | Call Initiation Failure, MO Call Attempt | 100 (Failure) reported for 'Call Initiation Failure' event, 0 (Success) reported for 'MO Call Attempt' event |
Call Start | CallInitiationFailureServingBeamNRARFCN | Call Initiation Failure | Call initiation failure serving beam NRARFCN |
Call Start | CallInitiationFailureServingBeamPCI | Call Initiation Failure | Call initiation failure serving beam PCI |
Call Start | CallInitiationFailureServingBeamRSRP | Call Initiation Failure | Call initiation failure serving beam RSRP |
Call Start | CallInitiationFailureServingBeamRSRQ | Call Initiation Failure | Call initiation failure serving beam RSRQ |
Call Start | CallInitiationFailureServingBeamSNR | Call Initiation Failure | Call initiation failure serving beam SNR |
Call Start | CallInitiationFailureTimestamp | Call Initiation Failure | Call initiation failure timestamp |
Call Start | CallInitiationSuccessRate | Call Initiation Failure, MO Call Attempt | 100 (Success) reported for 'MO Call Attempt' event, 0 (Failure) reported for 'Call Initiation Failure' event |
IMS Registration | IMSRegisterExpiresValue | IMS Registration Attempt | SIP Register Expires field value |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationDelay | IMS Registration Success | Time from SIP Register to SIP 200 Ok (Register) in milliseconds |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationDelayC1 | IMS Registration Success C1 (401 Unauthorized) | IMSRegistrationDelay for attempts logged after SIP 401 (Unauthorized) response on initial request |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationDelayC2 | IMS Registration Success C2 (Re-registration) | IMSRegistrationDelay for successful re-registration attempts |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationDelayC3 | IMS Registration Success C3 (Notify) | IMSRegistrationDelay for successful registration with notification attempts |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationFailureCallId | IMS Registration Failure | IMS registration failure CallId |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationFailureCause | IMS Registration Failure | IMS registration failure cause |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationFailureCellId | IMS Registration Failure | IMS registration failure Cell Id |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationFailureIMEI | IMS Registration Failure | IMS registration failure device IMEI |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationFailureIMSI | IMS Registration Failure | IMS registration failure device IMSI |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationFailureLatitude | IMS Registration Failure | IMS registration failure latitude |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationFailureLogfileName | IMS Registration Failure | IMS registration failure log file name |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationFailureLongitude | IMS Registration Failure | IMS registration failure longitude |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationFailureMDN | IMS Registration Failure | IMS registration failure calling party number |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationFailureRAT | IMS Registration Failure | IMS registration failure radio access technology |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationFailureResponseCode | IMS Registration Failure | IMS registration failure SIP response code, 1000 used for failures triggered by UDP timer expiry |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationFailureServingBeamNRARFCN | IMS Registration Failure | IMS registration failure serving beam NRARFCN |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationFailureServingBeamPCI | IMS Registration Failure | IMS registration failure serving beam PCI |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationFailureServingBeamRSRP | IMS Registration Failure | IMS registration failure serving beam RSRP |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationFailureServingBeamRSRQ | IMS Registration Failure | IMS registration failure serving beam RSRQ |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationFailureServingBeamSNR | IMS Registration Failure | IMS registration failure serving beam SNR |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationFailureTimestamp | IMS Registration Failure | IMS registration failure timestamp |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationState | Call Attempt, IMS Registration Attempt, IMS Registration Success, IMS Registration Failure | IMS registration state |
IMS Registration | IMSRegistrationSuccessRate | IMS Registration Success, IMS Registration Failure | 100 (Success) reported for 'IMS Registration Success' event, 0 (Failure) reported for 'IMS Registration Failure' event |
IMS Registration | RegisterPANI | IMS Registration Attempt | SIP Register P-Access-Network-Info field value |
IRAT - Idle | CellReselectionToNRSourceEARFCN | Inter-System Cell Reselection To NR | Inter-system cell reselection to NR source serving cell EARFCN |
IRAT - Idle | CellReselectionToNRSourcePCI | Inter-System Cell Reselection To NR | Inter-system cell reselection to NR source serving cell PCI |
IRAT - Idle | CellReselectionToNRSourceRSRP | Inter-System Cell Reselection To NR | Inter-system cell reselection to NR source serving cell RSRP |
IRAT - Idle | CellReselectionToNRSourceRSRQ | Inter-System Cell Reselection To NR | Inter-system cell reselection to NR source serving cell RSRQ |
IRAT - Idle | CellReselectionToNRSourceSNR | Inter-System Cell Reselection To NR | Inter-system cell reselection to NR source serving cell SNR |
IRAT - Idle | CellReselectionToNRTargetNRARFCN | Inter-System Cell Reselection To NR | Inter-system cell reselection to NR target serving beam NRARFCN |
IRAT - Idle | CellReselectionToNRTargetPCI | Inter-System Cell Reselection To NR | Inter-system cell reselection to NR target serving beam PCI |
IRAT - Idle | CellReselectionToNRTargetRSRP | Inter-System Cell Reselection To NR | Inter-system cell reselection to NR target serving beam RSRP |
IRAT - Idle | CellReselectionToNRTargetRSRQ | Inter-System Cell Reselection To NR | Inter-system cell reselection to NR target serving beam RSRQ |
IRAT - Idle | CellReselectionToNRTargetSNR | Inter-System Cell Reselection To NR | Inter-system cell reselection to NR target serving beam SNR |
IRAT - Idle | ChannelRelaseToFirstSIBMessageDelay | Inter-System Cell Reselection To NR | Time from channel release in EUTRAN to first SIB Type 1 message in NR in milliseconds |
IRAT - Idle | ChannelReleaseTo5GCRegistrationAcceptDelay | Inter-System Cell Reselection To NR | Time from channel release in EUTRAN to 5GMM Registration Accept in milliseconds |
IRAT - Idle | FirstSIBMessageToRRCSetupRequestDelay | Inter-System Cell Reselection To NR | Time from first SIB Type 1 message in NR to RRC Setup Request in milliseconds |
IRAT - Idle | RRCSetupRequestTo5GCRegistrationAcceptDelay | Inter-System Cell Reselection To NR | Time from RRC Setup Request to 5GMM Registration Accept in milliseconds |
NR EPS Fallback | EPSFBCallBlockedRate | Call Setup EPSFB, Call Blocked EPSFB | 100 (Failure) reported for 'Call Blocked EPSFB' event, 0 (Success) reported for 'Call Setup EPSFB' event |
NR EPS Fallback | EPSFBCallSetupRate | Call Setup EPSFB, Call Blocked EPSFB | 100 (Success) reported for 'Call Setup EPSFB' event, 0 (Failure) reported for 'Call Blocked EPSFB' event |
NR Handover | VoNRHandoverCompletionTime | VoNR Handover | Time from VoNR handover attempt to complete in milliseconds |
NR Handover | VoNRHandoverFailureCause | VoNR Handover Failure | VoNR handover failure cause |
NR Handover | VoNRHandoverFailureLogfileName | VoNR Handover Failure | VoNR handover failure log file name |
NR Handover | VoNRHandoverFailureRate | VoNR Handover, VoNR Handover Failure | 100 (Failure) reported for 'VoNR Handover Failure' event, 0 (Success) reported for 'VoNR Handover' event |
NR Handover | VoNRHandoverInterruptionTimeUserPlane | IP Interruption Time, RTP Interruption Time Audio | VoNR handover interruption time measured on control plane in milliseconds |
NR Handover | VoNRHandoverMeasReportToReconfigComplete | VoNR Handover | Time from last MR prior to VoNR handover attempt until handover complete in milliseconds |
NR Handover | VoNRHandoverSourceNRARFCN | VoNR Handover | VoNR handover source serving beam NRARFCN |
NR Handover | VoNRHandoverSourcePCI | VoNR Handover | VoNR handover source serving beam PCI |
NR Handover | VoNRHandoverSuccessRate | VoNR Handover, VoNR Handover Failure | 100 (Success) reported for 'VoNR Handover' event, 0 (Failure) reported for 'VoNR Handover Failure' event |
NR Handover | VoNRHandoverTargetNRARFCN | VoNR Handover | VoNR handover target serving beam NRARFCN |
NR Handover | VoNRHandoverTargetPCI | VoNR Handover | VoNR handover target serving beam PCI |
NR RRC | RRCDropCause | RRC Drop | NR RRC drop cause |
NR RRC | RRCDropLogfileName | RRC Drop | NR RRC drop log file name |
NR RRC | RRCDropRate | RRC Release, RRC Drop | 100 (Failure) reported for 'RRC Drop' event, 0 (Success) reported for 'RRC Release' event |
NR RRC | RRCDropServingBeamNRARFCN | RRC Drop | NR RRC drop serving beam NRARFCN |
NR RRC | RRCDropServingBeamPCI | RRC Drop | NR RRC drop serving beam PCI |
NR RRC | RRCDropServingBeamRSRP | RRC Drop | NR RRC drop serving beam RSRP |
NR RRC | RRCDropServingBeamRSRQ | RRC Drop | NR RRC drop serving beam RSRQ |
NR RRC | RRCDropServingBeamSNR | RRC Drop | NR RRC drop serving beam SNR |
NR RRC | RRCDropUETxPower | RRC Drop | NR RRC drop PUSCH Tx power in dB |
NR RRC | RRCDuration | RRC Release, Inter-System Handover to LTE | Time from 'RRC Setup Complete' to 'RRC Release' or 'Inter-System Handover to LTE' event in seconds |
NR RRC | RRCFailureCause | RRC Setup Failure, RRC Drop | RRC failure cause |
NR RRC | RRCReestablishmentCause | RRC Reestablished | RRC reestablishment cause |
NR RRC | RRCReestablishmentFailureCause | RRC Reestablishment Failure | RRC reestablishment failure cause |
NR RRC | RRCReestablishmentRequestPCI | RRC Reestablishment Request | RRC reestablishment request PCI |
NR RRC | RRCReestablishmentRequestPreviousPCI | RRC Reestablishment Request | Serving cell PCI prior to RRC reestablishment request |
NR RRC | RRCReestablishmentRequestType | RRC Reestablishment Request | RRC reestablishment request type |
NR RRC | RRCReestablishmentTime | RRC Reestablished | Time from 'RRC Reestablishment Request' to 'RRC Reestablished' in milliseconds |
NR RRC | RRCSetupFailureCause | RRC Setup Failure | RRC setup failure cause |
NR RRC | RRCSetupRequestEstablishmentCause | RRC Setup Request | RRC setup request establishment cause field value |
NR RRC | RRCSetupSuccessRate | RRC Setup Complete, RRC Setup Failure | 100 (Success) reported for 'RRC Setup Complete' event, 0 (Failure) reported for 'RRC Setup Failure' event |
NR RRC | RRCSetupTime | RRC Setup Complete | Time from 'RRC Setup Request' to 'RRC Setup Complete' in milliseconds |
NR RRC | RRCSuccessRate | RRC Release, RRC Setup Failure, RRC Drop | 100 (Success) reported for 'RRC Release' event, 0 (Failure)reported for 'RRC Setup Failure' and 'RRC Drop' events |
Presence | PresenceSubscriptionDelay | Presence Subscription Success | Time from SIP Subscribe to SIP 200 Ok (Notify) in milliseconds |
Presence | PublishRequestDelay | Publish Request Success | Time from SIP Publish to SIP 200 Ok (Publish) in milliseconds |
Presence | PublishRequestFailureCause | Publish Request Failure | Publish request failure cause |
Presence | PublishRequestFailureRate | Publish Request Success, Publish Request Failure | 100 (Failure) reported for 'Publish Request Failure' event, 0 (Success) reported for 'Publish Request Success' event |
Presence | PublishRequestFailureResponseCode | Publish Request Failure | Publish request failure SIP response code, 1000 used for failures triggered by UDP timer expiry |
Presence | PublishRequestSuccessRate | Publish Request Success, Publish Request Failure | 100 (Success) reported for 'Publish Request Success' event, 0 (Failure) reported for 'Publish Request Failure' event |
Presence | SubscribeExpiresValue | Subscribe Request | SIP Subscribe Expires field value |
Presence | SubscribeFailureLogfileName | Presence Subscription Failure | Presence subscription failure log file name |
Presence | SubscribeRequestDelay | Subscribe Request Success | Time from SIP Subscribe to SIP 200 Ok (Subscribe) in milliseconds |
Presence | SubscribeRequestFailureCause | Subscribe Request Failure | Subscribe request failure cause |
Presence | SubscribeRequestFailureResponseCode | Subscribe Request Failure | Subscribe request failure SIP response code, 1000 used for failures triggered by UDP timer expiry |
Presence | SubscribeType | Subscribe Request | Subscribe request type |
Radio Link Failure | NRBeamFailureNRARFCN | NR Beam Failure | NR beam failure NRARFCN |
Radio Link Failure | NRBeamFailurePCI | NR Beam Failure | NR beam failure PCI |
Radio Link Failure | NRBeamFailureTime | NR Beam Failure | Time from NR establishment to 'NR Beam Failure' event in seconds |
Radio Link Failure | NRRadioLinkFailureNRARFCN | NR Radio Link Failure | NR radio link failure NRARFCN |
Radio Link Failure | NRRadioLinkFailurePCI | NR Radio Link Failure | NR radio link failure PCI |
Radio Link Failure | NRRadioLinkFailureTime | NR Radio Link Failure | Time from NR establishment to 'NR Radio Link Failure' event in seconds |
Radio Link Failure | NRSCGFailureNRARFCN | NR SCG Failure | NR SCG failure NRARFCN |
Radio Link Failure | NRSCGFailurePCI | NR SCG Failure | NR SCG failure PCI |
Radio Link Failure | NRSCGFailureTime | NR SCG Failure | Time from NR establishment to 'NR SCG Failure' event in seconds |
Radio Link Failure | NRSCGFailureType | NR SCG Failure | NR SCG failure type |
Random Access | RACHFailureRate | NR RACH Success, NR RACH Failure | 100 (Failure) reported for 'NR RACH Failure' event, 0 (Success) reported for 'NR RACH Success' event |
Random Access | RACHSuccessRate | NR RACH Success, NR RACH Failure | 100 (Success) reported for 'NR RACH Success' event, 0 (Failure) reported for 'NR RACH Failure' event |
RTCP | InterarrivalJitterRTCP | RTCP packet received | RTCP interarrival jitter reported for audio stream |
RTCP | InterarrivalJitterRTCPVideo | RTCP packet received | RTCP interarrival jitter reported for video stream |
RTCP | RoundTripDelay | RTCP packet received | RTCP round trip delay reported for audio stream |
RTCP | RoundTripDelayVideo | RTCP packet received | RTCP round trip delay reported for video stream |
RTP | CodecUsed | SIP Invite | Audio codec type |
RTP | ConsecutivePacketsLost | RTP packet received | Number of audio RTP packets lost since last received packet |
RTP | ConsecutivePacketsLostVideo | RTP packet received | Number of video RTP packets lost since last received packet |
RTP | FrameInterarrivalTimeVideo | RTP packet received | Time since last received video frame |
RTP | InterarrivalJitter | RTP packet received | RFC 3550 interarrival jitter calculated for audio stream in milliseconds |
RTP | InterarrivalJitterVideo | RTP packet received | RFC 3550 interarrival jitter calculated for video stream in milliseconds |
RTP | JitterBufferOverruns | Recurrent (1s) | Percentage of VoIP audio frames with overruns |
RTP | JitterBufferSizeIncrease | Recurrent (1s) | Percentage of VoIP audio frames for which VoIP client increased jitter buffer size |
RTP | JitterBufferUnderruns | Recurrent (1s) | Percentage of VoIP audio frames for which jitter buffer was empty and had no packets to deliver to the speech decoder |
RTP | MOSequenceNumberReceived | RTP packet received | RTP audio packet sequence number received by MO device |
RTP | MOSequenceNumberReceivedVideo | RTP packet received | RTP video packet sequence number received by MO device |
RTP | MOSequenceNumberSent | RTP packet sent | RTP audio packet sequence number sent by MO device |
RTP | MOSequenceNumberSentVideo | RTP packet sent | RTP video packet sequence number sent by MO device |
RTP | MTSequenceNumberReceived | RTP packet received | RTP audio packet sequence number received by MO device |
RTP | MTSequenceNumberReceivedVideo | RTP packet received | RTP video packet sequence number received by MO device |
RTP | MTSequenceNumberSent | RTP packet sent | RTP audio packet sequence number sent by MO device |
RTP | MTSequenceNumberSentVideo | RTP packet sent | RTP video packet sequence number sent by MO device |
RTP | NumberOfPacketsLost | Recurrent (1s) | Number of RTP audio packets lost |
RTP | NumberOfPacketsLostVideo | Recurrent (1s) | Number of RTP video packets lost |
RTP | PacketInterarrivalTime | RTP packet received | Time interval since last received RTP audio packet |
RTP | PacketLossRatio | Recurrent (1s) | RTP audio packet loss ratio |
RTP | PacketLossRatioVideo | Recurrent (1s) | RTP video packet loss ratio |
RTP | PayloadTypeAudio | SIP Invite | Audio media payload type |
RTP | PayloadTypeVideo | SIP Invite | Video media payload type |
RTP | RTPRelativePacketDelayAudio | RTP packet received | RTP audio packet relative delay |
RTP | RTPRelativePacketDelayVideo | RTP packet received | RTP video packet relative delay |
RTP | RTPTimeGap | RTP packet received | Time gap in milliseconds over which RTP audio packets are lost |
RTP | SSRCIdentityReceived | RTP packet received | Received RTP audio packet SSRC Identifier |
RTP | SSRCIdentityReceivedVideo | RTP packet received | Received RTP video packet SSRC Identifier |
RTP | SSRCIdentitySent | RTP packet sent | Sent RTP audio packet SSRC Identifier |
RTP | SSRCIdentitySentVideo | RTP packet sent | Sent RTP video packet SSRC Identifier |
RTP | VideoFrameErrorRate | Recurrent (1s) | Video frame error rate |
RTP | VoIPApplicationThroughputDL | Recurrent (1s) | VoIP downlink application throughput of audio data stream |
RTP | VoIPApplicationThroughputDLVideo | Recurrent (1s) | VoIP downlink application throughput of video data stream |
RTP | VoIPApplicationThroughputUL | Recurrent (1s) | VoIP uplink application throughput of audio data stream |
RTP | VoIPApplicationThroughputULVideo | Recurrent (1s) | VoIP uplink application throughput of video data stream |
RTP | VOIPDecodingErrors | Recurrent (1s) | VOIP decoding errors in % |
RTP | VOIPFERCombinedPacketLoss | Recurrent (1s) | VOIP FER Combined Packet Loss in % |
Speech Quality | AQMAlgorithmDL | AQM DL sample received | AQM algorithm downlink |
Speech Quality | AQMAlgorithmUL | AQM UL sample received | AQM algorithm uplink |
Speech Quality | AQMScoreDL | AQM DL sample received | AQM score downlink |
Speech Quality | AQMScoreUL | AQM UL sample received | AQM score uplink |
Speech Quality | HandoverSpeechInterruptionDownlinkTime | VoNR Handover | Handover downlink speech interruption time in milliseconds |
Speech Quality | HandoverSpeechInterruptionDownlinkType | VoNR Handover | Handover type |
Speech Quality | IPInterruptionTime | Handover, serving cell update | IP interruption time during handover or serving cell update |
Speech Quality | RTPInterruptionTimeAudio | Handover, serving cell update | RTP audio stream interruption time during handover or serving cell update |
Speech Quality | SpeechInterruptionTimeDownlink | Voice indication received | Voice or silence indication reporting |
Speech Quality | SpeechPathDelayOneWay | Speech sentence statistics received | Speech path delay (one way) in milliseconds |
Speech Quality | SpeechPathDelayRTT | Speech sentence statistics received | Speech path delay (RTT) in milliseconds |
SRVCC | FirstMeasurementReportToMobilityFromEUTRACommandDelay | SRVCC to NR | Time from the first LTE measurement report including NR measurements until 'Mobility From EUTRA Command' in milliseconds |
SRVCC | FirstMeasurementReportToMobilityFromNRCommandDelay | SRVCC to EUTRAN | Time from the first NR measurement report including EUTRA measurements until 'Mobility From NR Command' in milliseconds |
SRVCC | LastMeasurementReportNeighborMeasurements | SRVCC to EUTRAN SRVCC to NR | LTE and NR neighbor measurements extracted from the last MR preceding 'Mobility From NR Command' and 'Mobility From EUTRA Command' respectively |
SRVCC | LastMeasurementReportToMobilityFromEUTRACommandDelay | SRVCC to NR | Time from the last MR including NR measurements until 'Mobility From EUTRA Command' in milliseconds |
SRVCC | LastMeasurementReportToMobilityFromNRCommandDelay | SRVCC to EUTRAN | Time from the last LTE measurement report including EUTRA measurements until 'Mobility From NR Command' in milliseconds |
SRVCC | LastRRCReconfigurationToFirstMeasurementReportDelay | SRVCC to EUTRAN SRVCC to NR | Time from the last NR 'RRC Reconfiguration' including EUTRA measurement object until the first MR including EUTRA measurements in milliseconds, or Time from the last LTE 'RRC Connection Reconfiguration' including LTE measurement object until the first MR including NR measurements in milliseconds |
SRVCC | LastRRCReconfigurationToMobilityFromEUTRACommandDelay | SRVCC to NR | Time from the last LTE 'RRC Connection Reconfiguration' including NR measurement object until 'Mobility From EUTRA Command' in milliseconds |
SRVCC | LastRRCReconfigurationToMobilityFromNRCommandDelay | SRVCC to EUTRAN SRVCC to NR | Time from the last NR 'RRC Reconfiguration' including EUTRA measurement object until 'Mobility From NR Command' in milliseconds, or Time from the last LTE 'RRC Connection Reconfiguration' including NR measurement object until 'Mobility From EUTRA Command' in milliseconds |
SRVCC | LastRRCReconfigurationToSRVCCHandover | SRVCC to EUTRAN SRVCC to NR | Time from the last NR 'RRC Reconfiguration' including EUTRA measurement object until LTE 'RRC Connection Reconfiguration Complete' in milliseconds, or Time from the last LTE 'RRC Connection Reconfiguration' including NR measurement object until NR 'RRC Reconfiguration Complete' in milliseconds |
SRVCC | LastRTPPacketToSRVCCHandover | SRVCC to EUTRAN SRVCC to NR | Time from the last RTP packet received in NR until LTE 'RRC Connection Reconfiguration Complete' in milliseconds, or Time from the last RTP packet received in LTE until NR 'RRC Reconfiguration Complete' in milliseconds |
SRVCC | MobilityFromEUTRACommandToSRVCCHandover | SRVCC to NR | Time from 'Mobility From EUTRA Command' until NR 'RRC Reconfiguration Complete' in milliseconds |
SRVCC | MobilityFromNRCommandToSRVCCHandover | SRVCC to EUTRAN | Time from 'Mobility From NR Command' until EUTRA 'RRC Connection Reconfiguration Complete' in milliseconds |
SRVCC | SRVCCHandoverCompletionTime | SRVCC to EUTRAN SRVCC to NR | Time from 'Mobility From NR Command' until LTE 'RRC Connection Reconfiguration Complete' in milliseconds, or Time from 'Mobility From EUTRA Command' until NR 'RRC Reconfiguration Complete' in milliseconds |
SRVCC | SRVCCHandoverRTPInterruptionTime | SRVCC to EUTRAN SRVCC to NR | Time from the last RTP packet received in NR until the first packet received in LTE for SRVCC to EUTRAN handover in milliseconds, or Time from the last RTP packet received in LTE until the first packet received in NR for SRVCC to NR handover in milliseconds |
SRVCC | SRVCCHandoverFailureRate | SRVCC to EUTRAN SRVCC to NR | 100 (Failure) reported for 'SRVCC to EUTRAN Failure' or 'SRVCC to NR Failure' events, 0 (Success) reported for 'SRVCC to EUTRAN' or 'SRVCC to LTE' events |
SRVCC | SRVCCHandoverSuccessRate | SRVCC to EUTRAN SRVCC to NR | 100 (Success) reported for 'SRVCC to EUTRAN' or 'SRVCC to LTE' events, 0 (Failure) reported for 'SRVCC to EUTRAN Failure' or 'SRVCC to NR Failure' events |
SRVCC | SRVCCSourceEARFCN | SRVCC to NR | SRVCC to NR source serving cell EARFCN |
SRVCC | SRVCCSourcePCI | SRVCC to EUTRAN SRVCC to NR | SRVCC to EUTRAN source primary serving beam PCI, or SRVCC to NR source primary serving cell PCI |
SRVCC | SRVCCSourceRSRP | SRVCC to EUTRAN SRVCC to NR | SRVCC to EUTRAN source primary serving beam RSRP, or SRVCC to NR source primary serving cell RSRP |
SRVCC | SRVCCSourceRSRQ | SRVCC to EUTRAN SRVCC to NR | SRVCC to EUTRAN source primary serving beam RSRQ, SRVCC to NR source primary serving cell RSRQ |
SRVCC | SRVCCSourceSNR | SRVCC to EUTRAN SRVCC to NR | SRVCC to EUTRAN source primary serving beam SNR |
SRVCC | SRVCCTargetEARFCN | SRVCC to EUTRAN | SRVCC to EUTRAN target primary serving cell EARFCN |
SRVCC | SRVCCTargetNRARFCN | SRVCC to NR | SRVCC to NR target primary serving beam NRARFCN |
SRVCC | SRVCCTargetPCI | SRVCC to EUTRAN | SRVCC to EUTRAN target primary serving cell PCI |
SRVCC | SRVCCTargetRSRP | SRVCC to EUTRAN | SRVCC to EUTRAN target primary serving cell RSRP |
SRVCC | SRVCCTargetRSRQ | SRVCC to EUTRAN | SRVCC to EUTRAN target primary serving cell RSRQ |
SRVCC | SRVCCTargetSNR | SRVCC to EUTRAN | SRVCC to EUTRAN target primary serving cell SNR |
SRVCC | SRVCCUserPlaneDelay | SRVCC to EUTRAN | SRVCC to EUTRAN user plane interruption time in milliseconds |
Video | MediaStreamAdditionDelay | Media Stream Addition Success | Time from SIP Invite indicating media stream addition to SIP 200 Ok (Invite) in milliseconds |
Video | MediaStreamAdditionFailureCause | Media Stream Addition Failure | Media stream addition failure cause |
Video | MediaStreamAdditionSuccessRatio | Media Stream Addition Success, Media Stream Addition Failure | 100 (Success) reported for 'Media Stream Addition Success' event, 0 (Failure) reported for 'Media Stream Addition Failure' event |
Video | MediaStreamRemovalDelay | Media Stream Removal Success | Time from SIP Invite indicating media stream removal to SIP 200 Ok (Invite) in milliseconds |
Video | MediaStreamRemovalFailureCause | Media Stream Removal Failure | Media stream removal failure cause |
Video | MediaStreamRemovalSuccessRatio | Media Stream Addition Success, Media Stream Addition Failure | 100 (Success) reported for 'Media Stream Removal Success' event, 0 (Failure) reported for 'Media Stream Removal Failure' event |
Video | PortNumberVideoStream | Call Attempt, Media Stream Addition Attempt, Media Stream Removal Attempt | Video stream port number |
Voice Mail | VoiceMailCallCallId | Voice Mail Call | Voice mail Call Id |
Voice Mail | VoiceMailCallCellId | Voice Mail Call | Voice mail call P-Access-Network-Info field value |
Voice Mail | VoiceMailCallIMEI | Voice Mail Call | Voice mail call IMEI |
Voice Mail | VoiceMailCallIMSI | Voice Mail Call | Voice mail call IMSI |
Voice Mail | VoiceMailCallLatitude | Voice Mail Call | Voice mail call latitude |
Voice Mail | VoiceMailCallLogfileName | Voice Mail Call | Voice mail call log file name |
Voice Mail | VoiceMailCallLongitude | Voice Mail Call | Voice mail call longitude |
Voice Mail | VoiceMailCallMDN | Voice Mail Call | Voice mail call calling party number |
Voice Mail | VoiceMailCallRAT | Voice Mail Call | Voice mail call radio access technology |
Voice Mail | VoiceMailCallRate | Voice Mail Call, MO Session Attempt | 100 (Success) reported for 'Voice Mail Call' event, 0 (Failure) reported for 'MO Session Attempt' event |
Voice Mail | VoiceMailCallServingBeamNRARFCN | Voice Mail Call | Voice mail call serving beam NRARFCN |
Voice Mail | VoiceMailCallServingBeamPCI | Voice Mail Call | Voice mail call serving beam PCI |
Voice Mail | VoiceMailCallServingBeamRSRP | Voice Mail Call | Voice mail call serving beam RSRP |
Voice Mail | VoiceMailCallServingBeamRSRQ | Voice Mail Call | Voice mail call serving beam RSRQ |
Voice Mail | VoiceMailCallServingBeamSNR | Voice Mail Call | Voice mail call serving beam SNR |
Voice Mail | VoiceMailCallTimestamp | Voice Mail Call | Voice mail call timestamp |