4.12 Event Set Filter
An Event Set Filter is a set of time ranges defined by each event. For example, if an event occurred at 8:00:00.000 AM, and the Before Time is defined as 6000 ms and the After Time as 4000 ms, then the time range from 7:59:54:000 AM to 8:00:04:000 AM is one of the time filtering ranges.
You can use an Event Set Filter to filter metric values along with the other filters (e.g., Sector Group, Condition, and Region).
Event Set Filters are created with the Event Set Filter Configuration dialog. To access this dialog, select Event Set Filter Configuration from the Configuration menu.
Drag-and-drop any Script Event from the tree view on the left into the spreadsheet on the right.
You can add as many events as you need, and you can modify the Before Time and After Time for each event.
Typing directly into the Event column in the spreadsheet is not recommended because if you make a syntax error, that event will not be used in the filter.