3 Statistic > 3.7 Cube Data Scope Configurations

3.7 Cube Data Scope Configurations
Project.bmp The Cube Data Scope Configurations allows you to define geo center for calculating geo area bins, select the data source for a cube, and define cube processing scheduler.
TEMS Discovery applies Azimuthal Equidistant projection for map display and geo area bin calculation, therefore, geo center is crucial. If you make change to geo center, all the effected statistical data shall be re-processed. You can always make change to the definition of a particular cube to force it to be re-processed.
TEMS Discovery will extract the data within the certain time range from the selected projects and fill the cubes associated in the statistic database.
In addition, you can schedule when to extract measurement data and fill statistic database for a cube group. But for better performance, it is highly recommended to select option “Immediate – Fill all active cubes(s) during data import”.
The Cube Data Scope Configuration dialog is accessed by selecting Cube Data Scope Configuration from the Statistic menu on the Main Window.