4.5 Configuring TEMS Discovery Client
The following two installation options are supported for Clients connecting to TEMS Discovery Enterprise Database Mode.
1. TEMS Discovery Enterprise server and user machines are in same network.
2. TEMS Discovery Enterprise server and user machines are in separate networks.
Follow the steps below to access TEMS Discovery Enterprise database using TEMS Discovery Client.
4.5.1 Connect to TEMS Discovery Enterprise configuration Database
1. Click Measurement Data Storage from the left side of the screen.
2. Click on Use MS SQL Server for data storage.
3. Select or enter a SQL Server instance name to use. If the instance name is default instance enter only the server name otherwise enter server name and instance name as SERVERNAME\\INSTANCENAME
4. Select TEMS Discovery Enterprise configuration database name.
5. Click on the ‘Paths for database data’ tab.
For ‘Data folder (Local):’ select the default folder or browse to a folder of your choice.
The fields in the ‘Remote path settings if database server is in a remote server’ are important to TEMS Discovery Client to access settings and data produced by TEMS Discovery Enterprise.
For ‘System data folder’ provide the network path name of the system data folder of TEMS Discovery Enterprise server configured in section 4.3.1.
For ‘Data folder’ provide the network path name of the data folder of TEMS Discovery Enterprise server configured in section 4.3.3.
4.5.2 Connect to Statistics Database
1. Click on the Statistics Database from the left side of Options window
2. Click Enable statistics database
3. Click Add button to enter Analysis Services database information.
⋅ Statistics Database is not supported for (1) TDE File Mode and (2) TDE Database Mode using SQL Server Authentication. Configure Statistics Database Connection
1. Enter Analysis Services database server name or IP address
2. Select authentication type (currently only Integrated Windows authentication is supported).
3. Select a database name.