Event Name | Event Metric | Description | SwissQual MessageName | SwissQual Field |
Access Point | SQAPT_APN | Access point | mtAccessPoint | APN |
Access Point | SQAPT_APType | Type of access point (GPRS, WAP, MMS, CS, SMSC, CDMA, WLAN) | mtAccessPoint | APType |
Access Point | SQAPT_Name | Name of the access point given in the TestManager | mtAccessPoint | Name |
Android Performance Data | SQAPD_Bat | Battery level in percent | mtAndroidPerformanceData | Bat |
Android Performance Data | SQAPD_BatHealth | Battery Health (1: Unknown, 2: Good, 3: Overheat, 4: Dead, 5: OverVoltage, 6: UnspecifiedFailure) | mtAndroidPerformanceData | BatHealth |
Android Performance Data | SQAPD_BatStat | Battery charger status (0: Unknown, 1: ChargingAC, 2: ChargingUSB, 3: Discharging, 4: NotCharging, 5: Full) | mtAndroidPerformanceData | BatStat |
Android Performance Data | SQAPD_BatTmp | Battery temperature in °C | mtAndroidPerformanceData | BatTmp |
Android Performance Data | SQAPD_CpuCores | Number of CPU cores | mtAndroidPerformanceData | CpuCores |
Android Performance Data | SQAPD_CpuFreq | Frequency in kHz per core, delimited by ; | mtAndroidPerformanceData | CpuFreq |
Android Performance Data | SQAPD_CpuLoad | Load statistics over 15 / 5 / 1 minute | mtAndroidPerformanceData | CpuLoad |
Android Performance Data | SQAPD_CpuTmp | CPU temperature in °C | mtAndroidPerformanceData | CpuTmp |
Android Performance Data | SQAPD_CpuTotal | Total CPU load in percent | mtAndroidPerformanceData | CpuTotal |
Android Performance Data | SQAPD_MemFreeKB | Free heap memory in kB | mtAndroidPerformanceData | MemFreeKB |
Android Performance Data | SQAPD_MemMaxKB | Maximum heap memory in kB | mtAndroidPerformanceData | MemMaxKB |
Android Performance Data | SQAPD_MemTotalKB | Current heap memory in kB | mtAndroidPerformanceData | MemTotalKB |
Android Performance Data | SQAPD_NativeFreeKB | Free native heap memory in kB | mtAndroidPerformanceData | NativeFreeKB |
Android Performance Data | SQAPD_NativeSizeKB | Total native heap memory in kB | mtAndroidPerformanceData | NativeSizeKB |
Android Performance Data | SQAPD_Screen | Screen status (0: screen is off, 1: screen is on) | mtAndroidPerformanceData | Screen |
Call Cause | SQCCS_callCause | String describing the call end cause | mtCallCause | callCause |
Call Cause | SQCCS_callStatus | String describing the call status (Completed, Dropped, Failed, System Release) | mtCallCause | callStatus |
Call Cause | SQCCS_Id | Unique id | mtCallCause | Id |
Call End | SQCPE_Id | Unique (within session) id | mtClipEnd | Id |
Call Setup | SQCCU_ActiveCall | Indicates if the call has been set up actively | mtCallSetupInfo | ActiveCall |
Call Setup | SQCCU_BSideNumber | The phone number that is called | mtCallSetupInfo | BSideNumber |
Call Setup | SQCCU_CallType | Type of call (e.g. Intrusive, NonIntrusive, Video) | mtCallSetupInfo | CallType |
Call Setup | SQCCU_DialtoneDelay | Time after hook off and recognition of the dial tone (PSTN only) | mtCallSetupInfo | DialtoneDelay |
Call Setup | SQCCU_Id | Unique id | mtCallSetupInfo | Id |
Call Setup | SQCCU_PostDialDelay | Time between end of dialing and the first ring | mtCallSetupInfo | PostDialDelay |
Call Setup | SQCCU_PrefixName | Name of a prefix set to the called number | mtCallSetupInfo | PrefixName |
Call Setup | SQCCU_PrefixNumber | A prefix set to the called number | mtCallSetupInfo | PrefixNumber |
Call Setup | SQCCU_SetupTime | Time between Call marker and Connect marker (not based on L3 messages) | mtCallSetupInfo | SetupTime |
Call Start | SQCST_Intrusive | Indicates call type (Intrusive, etc.) | mtCallStart | Intrusive |
Call Start | SQCST_MTC_MOC | Indicates call direction (MOC, MTC) | mtCallStart | MTC_MOC |
Call Technology Start | SQCTS_Reason | Indicates the technology active when call did start | mtCallTechnologyStart | Reason |
Call Technology Start L3 | SQCTL_Reason | Indicates the technology active when call did start, triggered by a L3 event | mtCallTechnologyStartL3 | Reason |
Call Type | SQCTY_Name | 0: unknown 1: CS 2: VoIP 3: VoLTE 4: VoWiFi | mtCallType | Name |
Call Type | SQCTY_Type | 0: unknown 1: CS 2: VoIP 3: VoLTE 4: VoWiFi | mtCallType | Type |
Clip Result | SQCPR_Id | Unique (within session) id | mtClipResult | Id |
Clip Result | SQCPR_Result | String Result | mtClipResult | Result |
Clip Start | SQCPS_Id | Unique (within session) id | mtClipStart | Id |
Data Session | SQDTS_Type | Current operation for the data session used in a VoIP session (Connecting, Connected, Disconnecting, Disconnected) | mtDataSession | Type |
Data Test Timeout | SQDTT_Data | String Data | mtDataTestTimeout | Data |
GSM L3 Parameters | SQGL3_Field | Field of the L3 message (name is equal as in the decoded tree view of NQDI/NQView) | mtGSML3Parameters | Field |
GSM L3 Parameters | SQGL3_MsgType | Message type | mtGSML3Parameters | MsgType |
GSM L3 Parameters | SQGL3_ProtDiscr | Protocol discriminator of the L3 message | mtGSML3Parameters | ProtDiscr |
GSM L3 Parameters | SQGL3_Value | Transferred value of the field | mtGSML3Parameters | Value |
GSM Measurement Report | SQGMR_CvBEP | Enhanced Measurement report values, see 3GPP TS 04.18 | mtGSMMeasReport | CvBEP |
GSM Measurement Report | SQGMR_EnhancedReport | 0: “normal” measurement report: only the fields from above are used 1: Enhanced Measurement report: RxLevFull, RxQualFull and the values below are used | mtGSMMeasReport | EnhancedReport |
GSM Measurement Report | SQGMR_MeanBEP | Enhanced Measurement report values, see 3GPP TS 04.18 | mtGSMMeasReport | MeanBEP |
GSM Measurement Report | SQGMR_NbrRcvdBlocks | Enhanced Measurement report values, see 3GPP TS 04.18 | mtGSMMeasReport | NbrRcvdBlocks |
GSM Measurement Report | SQGMR_NxBCCH | Measurement report values, see 3GPP TS 04.18 | mtGSMMeasReport | NxBCCH |
GSM Measurement Report | SQGMR_NxBSIC | Measurement report values, see 3GPP TS 04.18 | mtGSMMeasReport | NxBSIC |
GSM Measurement Report | SQGMR_NxRxLev | Measurement report values, see 3GPP TS 04.18 | mtGSMMeasReport | NxRxLev |
GSM Measurement Report | SQGMR_RxLevFull | Measurement report values, see 3GPP TS 04.18 | mtGSMMeasReport | RxLevFull |
GSM Measurement Report | SQGMR_RxLevSub | Measurement report values, see 3GPP TS 04.18 | mtGSMMeasReport | RxLevSub |
GSM Measurement Report | SQGMR_RxQualFull | Measurement report values, see 3GPP TS 04.18 | mtGSMMeasReport | RxQualFull |
GSM Measurement Report | SQGMR_RxQualSub | Measurement report values, see 3GPP TS 04.18 | mtGSMMeasReport | RxQualSub |
GSM WCDMA Neighbor Set | SQGWN_EcIo | Reported Ec/Io value | mtGSMWCDMANeighborSet | Ec/Io |
GSM WCDMA Neighbor Set | SQGWN_PSC | Primary Scrambling Code | mtGSMWCDMANeighborSet | PSC |
GSM WCDMA Neighbor Set | SQGWN_RSCP | Reported RSCP value | mtGSMWCDMANeighborSet | RSCP |
GSM WCDMA Neighbor Set | SQGWN_RSSI | Reported RSSI value | mtGSMWCDMANeighborSet | RSSI |
GSM WCDMA Neighbor Set | SQGWN_UARFCN | UMTS Frequency | mtGSMWCDMANeighborSet | UARFCN |
IMS SIP State | SQISS_State | SIP State. 0 = not registered, 1 = registered | mtIMSSIPState | State |
IP Ramp Up | SQIRU_IntervalBytesReceived | Bytes received since last interval | mtMsgIPRampUp | IntervalBytesReceived |
IP Ramp Up | SQIRU_IntervalThroughput | Throughput over last interval bytes / time [bytes/s] | mtMsgIPRampUp | IntervalThroughput |
IP Ramp Up | SQIRU_IntervalTime | Time since last interval in ms | mtMsgIPRampUp | IntervalTime |
IP Ramp Up | SQIRU_TotalBytesReceived | Cumulated bytes received from ramp-up start | mtMsgIPRampUp | TotalBytesReceived |
IP Ramp Up | SQIRU_TotalThroughput | Throughput over cumulated bytes / time [bytes/s] | mtMsgIPRampUp | TotalThroughput |
IP Ramp Up | SQIRU_TotalTime | Cumulated time from ramp-up start in ms | mtMsgIPRampUp | TotalTime |
IP Trace Video Streaming | SQIPT_BytesReceived | Number of payload bytes received | mtIPTraceVideoStreaming | BytesReceived |
IP Trace Video Streaming | SQIPT_BytesRetransmitted | Number of duplicate bytes received | mtIPTraceVideoStreaming | BytesRetransmitted |
IP Trace Video Streaming | SQIPT_ClientPort | receiving TCP or RTSP port on client side | mtIPTraceVideoStreaming | ClientPort |
IP Trace Video Streaming | SQIPT_ContentType | HTTP response code and HTTP content type or ‘rtsp’ | mtIPTraceVideoStreaming | ContentType |
IP Trace Video Streaming | SQIPT_Extra | Extra | mtIPTraceVideoStreaming | Extra |
IP Trace Video Streaming | SQIPT_Protocol | e.g. HTTP, TCP, RTP or empty | mtIPTraceVideoStreaming | Protocol |
IP Trace Video Streaming | SQIPT_RequestType | one of the following (the partial GET request in brackets is not part of the message): htmlContext (‘GET /watch’) playerAccess (‘GET /yt/swfbin/watch_as’ or ‘GET /api_video_info’) videoAccess (‘GET /videoplayback’); in case of RTSP only the latter exists | mtIPTraceVideoStreaming | RequestType |
IP Trace Video Streaming | SQIPT_RTPClientPort | receiving RTP port on client side (empty if not applicable) | mtIPTraceVideoStreaming | RTPClientPort |
IP Trace Video Streaming | SQIPT_TotalLength | number of bytes of the complete stream | mtIPTraceVideoStreaming | TotalLength |
IP Trace Video Streaming | SQIPT_TriggerType | synSent: TCP SYN packet sent requestSent GET request sent / DESCRIBE sent firstPacket: first answer from server, i.e. TCP or SDP/RTSP firstPayloadPacket: first packet with a payload, i.e. first TCP packet with payload or first RTP packet lastPayloadPacket: last packet of the payload, the video stream is completed, derived from the byte count but sent only when the stream end is detected by other means lastPacket: last packet signaled with a FIN or RESET flag from the server. Note: a FIN flag is not always set because the connection can be kept open! userStop: a FIN or RESET flag sent from the client, the TEARDOWN request in RTSP or stopping the IPTracer timeout: no packet received on the tracked port for a predefined period of time | mtIPTraceVideoStreaming | TriggerType |
Job Name | SQJBN_JobName | Name of the currently executed job. This message is written immediately after mtSessionStart (except the session start indicates an idle session). | mtJobName | JobName |
LTE Add CA Cell Info | SQLAC_AntennaPorts | Number number of cell specific antenna ports | mtLTEAddCACellInfo | AntennaPorts |
LTE Add CA Cell Info | SQLAC_Band | LTE Band | mtLTEAddCACellInfo | Band |
LTE Add CA Cell Info | SQLAC_Bandwidth | Bandwidth of DL channel im MHz | mtLTEAddCACellInfo | Bandwidth |
LTE Add CA Cell Info | SQLAC_CarrierIndex | Index of the released carrier | mtLTEAddCACellInfo | CarrierIndex |
LTE Add CA Cell Info | SQLAC_EARFCN | DL channel number | mtLTEAddCACellInfo | EARFCN |
LTE Add CA Cell Info | SQLAC_PCI | Physical cell id | mtLTEAddCACellInfo | PCI |
LTE Add CA Cell Info | SQLAC_TransmissionMode | Transmission mode defined in TS 36.213 | mtLTEAddCACellInfo | TransmissionMode |
LTE Rel CA Cell Info | SQLRC_CarrierIndex | Index of the released carrier | mtLTERelCACellInfo | CarrierIndex |
LTE RRC Measurement Config | SQLMC_GapOffset | Gap Offset | mtLTERRCMeasurementConfig | GapOffset |
LTE RRC Measurement Config | SQLMC_NumMeasObjects | Number of 'measObjectToAddModList' | mtLTERRCMeasurementConfig | NumMeasObjects |
LTE RRC Measurement Config | SQLMC_NumMeasurements | Number of 'measIdToAddModList' | mtLTERRCMeasurementConfig | NumMeasurements |
LTE RRC Measurement Config | SQLMC_NumReportConfig | Number of 'reportConfigToAddModList' | mtLTERRCMeasurementConfig | NumReportConfig |
LTE RRC Measurement Config | SQLMC_SMeasure | s-Measure | mtLTERRCMeasurementConfig | SMeasure |
LTE RRC Measurement Object | SQLMC_Bandwidth | Transmission bandwidth (in MHz) | mtLTERRCMeasObject | Bandwidth |
LTE RRC Measurement Object | SQLMC_CarrierFreq | Carrier frequency | mtLTERRCMeasObject | CarrierFreq |
LTE RRC Measurement Object | SQLMC_ObjectId | Id of measurement object. The same id is used in mtLTERRCMeasurements. | mtLTERRCMeasObject | ObjectId |
LTE RRC Measurement Object | SQLMC_Type | Type of the measurement (e.g. ‘EUTRA’) | mtLTERRCMeasObject | Type |
LTE RRC Measurement Report | SQLMR_PhyCellId | Pyisical Cell Id, only available for neighbors | mtLTERRCMeasReport | PhyCellId |
LTE RRC Measurement Report | SQLMR_RSRP | RSRP measurement result | mtLTERRCMeasReport | RSRP |
LTE RRC Measurement Report | SQLMR_RSRQ | RSRQ measurement result | mtLTERRCMeasReport | RSRQ |
LTE RRC Measurement Report | SQLMR_Type | ServingCell or EUTRA ( = neighbor cell) | mtLTERRCMeasReport | Type |
LTE RRC Measurement Report Info | SQLMI_MeasId | Measurement id given in the LTE RRCConnectionReconfiguration | mtLTERRCMeasReportInfo | MeasId |
LTE RRC Measurement Report Info | SQLMI_NumMeasurements | Number of measurements | mtLTERRCMeasReportInfo | NumMeasurements |
LTE RRC Measurements | SQLRM_ConfigId | Id of the report configuration | mtLTERRCMeasurements | ConfigId |
LTE RRC Measurements | SQLRM_MeasId | Id of this measurement, same id will then be used in the measurement results (see mtLTERRCMeasReportInfo) | mtLTERRCMeasurements | MeasId |
LTE RRC Measurements | SQLRM_ObjectId | Id of the measurement object | mtLTERRCMeasurements | ObjectId |
LTE RRC Report Config | SQLRG_Config | Configuration (e.g. ‘EUTRA’) | mtLTERRCReportConfig | Config |
LTE RRC Report Config | SQLRG_ConfigId | Id of report configuration. The same id is used in mtLTERRCMeasurements. | mtLTERRCReportConfig | ConfigId |
LTE RRC Report Config | SQLRG_Event | Event name | mtLTERRCReportConfig | Event |
LTE RRC Report Config | SQLRG_Hysteresis | Hystersis value | mtLTERRCReportConfig | Hysteresis |
LTE RRC Report Config | SQLRG_ReportAmount | Report amount (e.g. ‘infinity’) | mtLTERRCReportConfig | ReportAmount |
LTE RRC Report Config | SQLRG_ReportInterval | Interval in ms | mtLTERRCReportConfig | ReportInterval |
LTE RRC Report Config | SQLRG_ReportQuantity | Report Quantity | mtLTERRCReportConfig | ReportQuantity |
LTE RRC Report Config | SQLRG_Threshold | For event A1, A2 and A4: Threshold value; for other events: offset value. | mtLTERRCReportConfig | Threshold |
LTE RRC Report Config | SQLRG_Threshold2 | Threshold value for second threshold | mtLTERRCReportConfig | Threshold2 |
LTE RRC Report Config | SQLRG_ThresholdType | Type of threshold (e.g. ‘RSRP’) | mtLTERRCReportConfig | ThresholdType |
LTE RRC Report Config | SQLRG_ThresholdType2 | Second threshold type (if available) | mtLTERRCReportConfig | ThresholdType2 |
LTE RRC Report Config | SQLRG_TimeToTrigger | Time to trigger in ms | mtLTERRCReportConfig | TimeToTrigger |
LTE RRC Report Config | SQLRG_TriggerQuantity | Quantity of trigger (e.g. ‘RSRP’) | mtLTERRCReportConfig | TriggerQuantity |
LTE RRC SIB Data | SQLSD_Carrier | DL EARFCN | mtLTERRCSIBData | Carrier |
LTE RRC SIB Data | SQLSD_CellReselectionPriority | CellReselectionPriority | mtLTERRCSIBData | CellReselectionPriority |
LTE RRC SIB Data | SQLSD_MappedSIB | Mapped SIB type | mtLTERRCSIBData | MappedSIB |
LTE RRC SIB Data | SQLSD_OrderId | Internal sorting id | mtLTERRCSIBData | OrderId |
LTE RRC SIB Data | SQLSD_PMax | PMax | mtLTERRCSIBData | PMax |
LTE RRC SIB Data | SQLSD_QHyst | QHyst | mtLTERRCSIBData | QHyst |
LTE RRC SIB Data | SQLSD_QQualMin | QQualMin | mtLTERRCSIBData | QQualMin |
LTE RRC SIB Data | SQLSD_QRxLevMin | QRxLevMin | mtLTERRCSIBData | QRxLevMin |
LTE RRC SIB Data | SQLSD_SIntraSearch | SIntraSearch | mtLTERRCSIBData | SIntraSearch |
LTE RRC SIB Data | SQLSD_SNonIntraSearch | SNonIntraSearch | mtLTERRCSIBData | SNonIntraSearch |
LTE RRC SIB Data | SQLSD_Threshold | Threshold | mtLTERRCSIBData | Threshold |
LTE RRC SIB Data | SQLSD_TReselectionEUTRA | TReselectionEUTRA | mtLTERRCSIBData | TReselectionEUTRA |
LTE RRC SIB Data | SQLSD_Type | SIB type (‘sib1’, ‘sib3’, ‘sib6’, ‘sib7’) | mtLTERRCSIBData | Type |
LTE RRC SIB Data Info | SQLDI_NumSIBData | Number of mtLTERRCSIBData following this message | mtLTERRCSIBDataInfo | NumSIBData |
Markers | SQMKR_Info | ‘A’ or ‘B’ indicating the side, not always present | mtMarkers | Info |
Markers | SQMKR_MarkerText | Marker Text like ‘Dial’, ‘Connect’… | mtMarkers | MarkerText |
Markers | SQMKR_MarkerType | ‘CM’, ‘IM’, ‘SM’, ‘FM’ | mtMarkers | MarkerType |
Network Status | SQNTS_NetworkStatus | This message gives the status of the mobile regarding the registered network (0 Status not available | 1 Unknown status | 2 No service | 3 Emergency calls only | 4 Searching | 5 Busy | 6 Registered to the home network | 7 Registration denied | 8 Roaming) | mtNetworkStatus | NetworkStatus |
PDP Activate Test | SQPDA_Attempts | Value always set to 0. | mtResultsPDPActivateTest | Attempts |
PDP Activate Test | SQPDA_Successful | 1 if test is successful; 0 if failed. | mtResultsPDPActivateTest | Successful |
PDP Deactivate Test | SQPDD_Attempts | Value always set to 0. | mtResultsPDPDeactivateTest | Attempts |
PDP Deactivate Test | SQPDD_Successful | 1 if test is successful; 0 if failed. | mtResultsPDPDeactivateTest | Successful |
RAC | SQRAC_RAC | RAC decoded from different layer 3 messages | mtRAC | RAC |
RTP Statistics | SQRTP_DLRTPPacketsLost | Count of lost DL RTP packets | mtMsgRTPStatistics | DLRTPPacketsLost |
RTP Statistics | SQRTP_DLRTPPacketsTotal | Count of total DL RTP packets | mtMsgRTPStatistics | DLRTPPacketsTotal |
RTP Statistics | SQRTP_Duration | Reporting duration in ms | mtMsgRTPStatistics | Duration |
RTP Statistics | SQRTP_ULRTPPacketsLost | Count of lost UL RTP packets | mtMsgRTPStatistics | ULRTPPacketsLost |
RTP Statistics | SQRTP_ULRTPPacketsTotal | Count of total UL RTP packets | mtMsgRTPStatistics | ULRTPPacketsTotal |
Session Start | SQSST_SessionType | This message starts one of the following new sessions, IDLE, CALL, DATA | mtSessionStart | SessionType |
Session Type | SQSTY_SessionType | Indicates the data session type (Data, Video, Broadcasting, Idle) | mtSessionType | SessionType |
Speech Activity | SQSAY_SpeechActivity | Speech activity in % | mtSpeechActivity | SpeechActivity |
Stream End | SQSED_capturingDevice | Device capturing the video | mtStreamEndV2 | capturingDevice |
Stream End | SQSED_errorCode | Error code of the stream | mtStreamEndV2 | errorCode |
Stream End | SQSED_horResolution | Horizontal resolution of the video | mtStreamEndV2 | horResolution |
Stream End | SQSED_player | Name of the Player | mtStreamEndV2 | player |
Stream End | SQSED_protocol | Protocol used | mtStreamEndV2 | protocol |
Stream End | SQSED_setup | Type of setup | mtStreamEndV2 | setup |
Stream End | SQSED_status | Status of the stream (like completed, dropped etc) | mtStreamEndV2 | status |
Stream End | SQSED_technology | Technology used for the stream | mtStreamEndV2 | technology |
Stream End | SQSED_timeToFirstPicture | Elapsed time until first picture was received | mtStreamEndV2 | timeToFirstPicture |
Stream End | SQSED_url | Connected URL | mtStreamEndV2 | url |
Stream End | SQSED_verResolution | Vertical resolution of the video | mtStreamEndV2 | verResolution |
Stream Start | SQSTA_Id | Video streaming test internal id | mtStreamStartV2 | Id |
Sub Test End | SQSTE_dir | A->B or B->A | mtSubTestEnd | dir |
Sub Test End | SQSTE_Id | Unique (within session) id | mtSubTestEnd | Id |
Sub Test End | SQSTE_inLev | Not used | mtSubTestEnd | inLev |
Sub Test End | SQSTE_intVal | Intrusive, NonIntrusive: Offset of voice sample to test start message Data test: ErrorCode of the test (GPRS Attach/GPRS Detach/PDP Activation/PDP Deactivation only) | mtSubTestEnd | intVal |
Sub Test End | SQSTE_jt | Job type: 0: Intrusive 1: Echo passive to any number 2: Non Intrusive 3: Access test 4: Data 5: Video 7: Streaming Service PC 9: Call to any number 10: Streaming Service Phone 11: Voice Mail Service 12: SMS Push 13: Passive Monitoring 14: Broadcasting 16: Ringback tone 17: Idle 18: Call from any number 19: Scanner only 20: Network Forcing | mtSubTestEnd | jt |
Sub Test End | SQSTE_outLev | Not used | mtSubTestEnd | outLev |
Sub Test End | SQSTE_tot | Type of test, depending on Job type: Intrusive, NonIntrusive: 0: Speech 1: DTMF 2: SilenceSuppression 3: NoiseSuppression 5: RTT (inband roundtrip) 9: AEC 10: AECActive 11: P862 14: Nina+ 19: Speech Wideband 20: Speech POLQA 21: Speech Wideband POLQA Data: 0: Ping 1: Ping trace 2: FTP 3: HTTP 4: UDP 5: UDP downlink 6: EMail 7: Attach 8: Detach 9: PDP activation 10: PDP deactivation 11: GPRS availability 12: HTTPBrowser 13: Email send 14: Email receive 15: WAP 16: MMS send 17: MMS receive 18: SMS send 19: SMS receive 20: UDP plus 21: Message receive 22: SMS Push 23: HTTPTransfer 24: IPERF 25: Capacity 26: YouTube No Reference Smartphone | mtSubTestEnd | tot |
Sub Test Start | SQSTS_dir | A->B or B->A | mtSubTestStart | dir |
Sub Test Start | SQSTS_Id | Unique (within session) id | mtSubTestStart | Id |
Sub Test Start | SQSTS_inLev | Not used | mtSubTestStart | inLev |
Sub Test Start | SQSTS_intVal | Intrusive, NonIntrusive: Offset of voice sample to test start message Data test: ErrorCode of the test (GPRS Attach/GPRS Detach/PDP Activation/PDP Deactivation only) | mtSubTestStart | intVal |
Sub Test Start | SQSTS_jt | Job type: 0: Intrusive 1: Echo passive to any number 2: Non Intrusive 3: Access test 4: Data 5: Video 7: Streaming Service PC 9: Call to any number 10: Streaming Service Phone 11: Voice Mail Service 12: SMS Push 13: Passive Monitoring 14: Broadcasting 16: Ringback tone 17: Idle 18: Call from any number 19: Scanner only 20: Network Forcing | mtSubTestStart | jt |
Sub Test Start | SQSTS_outLev | Not used | mtSubTestStart | outLev |
Sub Test Start | SQSTS_tot | Type of test, depending on Job type: Intrusive, NonIntrusive: 0: Speech 1: DTMF 2: SilenceSuppression 3: NoiseSuppression 5: RTT (inband roundtrip) 9: AEC 10: AECActive 11: P862 14: Nina+ 19: Speech Wideband 20: Speech POLQA 21: Speech Wideband POLQA Data: 0: Ping 1: Ping trace 2: FTP 3: HTTP 4: UDP 5: UDP downlink 6: EMail 7: Attach 8: Detach 9: PDP activation 10: PDP deactivation 11: GPRS availability 12: HTTPBrowser 13: Email send 14: Email receive 15: WAP 16: MMS send 17: MMS receive 18: SMS send 19: SMS receive 20: UDP plus 21: Message receive 22: SMS Push 23: HTTPTransfer 24: IPERF 25: Capacity 26: YouTube No Reference Smartphone | mtSubTestStart | tot |
TCP Connection Data Size Multi Socket | SQTMS_Bytes | Transferred or received bytes | mtMsgTCPConnectionDataSizeMultiSocket | Bytes |
TCP Connection Data Size Multi Socket | SQTMS_Direction | "uplink" or "downlink" | mtMsgTCPConnectionDataSizeMultiSocket | Direction |
TCP Connection Info | SQTCI_LocalIP | Local IP address | mtMsgTCPConnectionInfo | LocalIP |
TCP Connection Info | SQTCI_LocalPort | Local port | mtMsgTCPConnectionInfo | LocalPort |
TCP Connection Info | SQTCI_RemoteIP | Remote IP address | mtMsgTCPConnectionInfo | RemoteIP |
TCP Connection Info | SQTCI_RemotePort | Remote port | mtMsgTCPConnectionInfo | RemotePort |
Technology View | SQTEC_Id | Id representing the new Technology. 0. No data technology, 1. GPRS, 2. EDGE, 3. R99, 4. HSDPA, 5. HSUPA, 6. HSPA, 7. HSPAPlus, 8. HSPADC, 9. CDMA, 10. EVDORev0, 11. EVDORevA, 12. LTE, 13. WiFi, 14. EVDORevB, 15. R99(CELL_FACH) | mtTechnologyView | Id |
Test End | SQTED_dir | A->B or B->A | mtTestEnd | dir |
Test End | SQTED_Id | Unique (within session) id | mtTestEnd | Id |
Test End | SQTED_inLev | Not used | mtTestEnd | inLev |
Test End | SQTED_intVal | Intrusive, NonIntrusive: Offset of voice sample to test start message Data test: ErrorCode of the test (GPRS Attach/GPRS Detach/PDP Activation/PDP Deactivation only) | mtTestEnd | intVal |
Test End | SQTED_jt | Job type: 0: Intrusive 1: Echo passive to any number 2: Non Intrusive 3: Access test 4: Data 5: Video 7: Streaming Service PC 9: Call to any number 10: Streaming Service Phone 11: Voice Mail Service 12: SMS Push 13: Passive Monitoring 14: Broadcasting 16: Ringback tone 17: Idle 18: Call from any number 19: Scanner only 20: Network Forcing | mtTestEnd | jt |
Test End | SQTED_outLev | Not used | mtTestEnd | outLev |
Test End | SQTED_tot | Type of test, depending on Job type: Intrusive, NonIntrusive: 0: Speech 1: DTMF 2: SilenceSuppression 3: NoiseSuppression 5: RTT (inband roundtrip) 9: AEC 10: AECActive 11: P862 14: Nina+ 19: Speech Wideband 20: Speech POLQA 21: Speech Wideband POLQA Data: 0: Ping 1: Ping trace 2: FTP 3: HTTP 4: UDP 5: UDP downlink 6: EMail 7: Attach 8: Detach 9: PDP activation 10: PDP deactivation 11: GPRS availability 12: HTTPBrowser 13: Email send 14: Email receive 15: WAP 16: MMS send 17: MMS receive 18: SMS send 19: SMS receive 20: UDP plus 21: Message receive 22: SMS Push 23: HTTPTransfer 24: IPERF 25: Capacity 26: YouTube No Reference Smartphone | mtTestEnd | tot |
Test Name | SQTNM_Name | Name | mtTestName | Name |
Test Result | SQTRT_dir | A->B or B->A | mtTestResult | dir |
Test Result | SQTRT_Id | Unique (within session) id | mtTestResult | Id |
Test Result | SQTRT_inLev | Not used | mtTestResult | inLev |
Test Result | SQTRT_intVal | Intrusive, NonIntrusive: Offset of voice sample to test start message Data test: ErrorCode of the test (GPRS Attach/GPRS Detach/PDP Activation/PDP Deactivation only) | mtTestResult | intVal |
Test Result | SQTRT_jt | Job type: 0: Intrusive 1: Echo passive to any number 2: Non Intrusive 3: Access test 4: Data 5: Video 7: Streaming Service PC 9: Call to any number 10: Streaming Service Phone 11: Voice Mail Service 12: SMS Push 13: Passive Monitoring 14: Broadcasting 16: Ringback tone 17: Idle 18: Call from any number 19: Scanner only 20: Network Forcing | mtTestResult | jt |
Test Result | SQTRT_outLev | Not used | mtTestResult | outLev |
Test Result | SQTRT_Result | String Result | mtTestResult | Result |
Test Result | SQTRT_tot | Type of test, depending on Job type: Intrusive, NonIntrusive: 0: Speech 1: DTMF 2: SilenceSuppression 3: NoiseSuppression 5: RTT (inband roundtrip) 9: AEC 10: AECActive 11: P862 14: Nina+ 19: Speech Wideband 20: Speech POLQA 21: Speech Wideband POLQA Data: 0: Ping 1: Ping trace 2: FTP 3: HTTP 4: UDP 5: UDP downlink 6: EMail 7: Attach 8: Detach 9: PDP activation 10: PDP deactivation 11: GPRS availability 12: HTTPBrowser 13: Email send 14: Email receive 15: WAP 16: MMS send 17: MMS receive 18: SMS send 19: SMS receive 20: UDP plus 21: Message receive 22: SMS Push 23: HTTPTransfer 24: IPERF 25: Capacity 26: YouTube No Reference Smartphone | mtTestResult | tot |
Test Start | SQTST_dir | A->B or B->A | mtTestStart | dir |
Test Start | SQTST_Id | Unique (within session) id | mtTestStart | Id |
Test Start | SQTST_inLev | Not used | mtTestStart | inLev |
Test Start | SQTST_intVal | Intrusive, NonIntrusive: Offset of voice sample to test start message Data test: ErrorCode of the test (GPRS Attach/GPRS Detach/PDP Activation/PDP Deactivation only) | mtTestStart | intVal |
Test Start | SQTST_jt | Job type: 0: Intrusive 1: Echo passive to any number 2: Non Intrusive 3: Access test 4: Data 5: Video 7: Streaming Service PC 9: Call to any number 10: Streaming Service Phone 11: Voice Mail Service 12: SMS Push 13: Passive Monitoring 14: Broadcasting 16: Ringback tone 17: Idle 18: Call from any number 19: Scanner only 20: Network Forcing | mtTestStart | jt |
Test Start | SQTST_outLev | Not used | mtTestStart | outLev |
Test Start | SQTST_tot | Type of test, depending on Job type: Intrusive, NonIntrusive: 0: Speech 1: DTMF 2: SilenceSuppression 3: NoiseSuppression 5: RTT (inband roundtrip) 9: AEC 10: AECActive 11: P862 14: Nina+ 19: Speech Wideband 20: Speech POLQA 21: Speech Wideband POLQA Data: 0: Ping 1: Ping trace 2: FTP 3: HTTP 4: UDP 5: UDP downlink 6: EMail 7: Attach 8: Detach 9: PDP activation 10: PDP deactivation 11: GPRS availability 12: HTTPBrowser 13: Email send 14: Email receive 15: WAP 16: MMS send 17: MMS receive 18: SMS send 19: SMS receive 20: UDP plus 21: Message receive 22: SMS Push 23: HTTPTransfer 24: IPERF 25: Capacity 26: YouTube No Reference Smartphone | mtTestStart | tot |
Time To First Payload | SQTTF_Duration | Duration from Browser test start to first payload in ms | mtMsgIPTimeToFirstPayload | Duration |
Video Status Trace | SQVST_Event | Message itself | mtVideoStatusTrace | Event |
Video Status Trace | SQVST_Player | Player the message is from | mtVideoStatusTrace | Player |
Video Status Trace | SQVST_Source | Source of the message | mtVideoStatusTrace | Source |
VoIPSession | SQVSS_Type | Current operation for the data session used in a VoIP session (Connecting, Connected, Disconnecting, Disconnected) | mtVoIPSession | Type |
WCDMA Event Report | SQWER_EcIo | Ec/Io | mtWCDMAEventReport | EcIo |
WCDMA Event Report | SQWER_Event | Event occurred | mtWCDMAEventReport | Event |
WCDMA Event Report | SQWER_PSC | Primary Scrambling Code | mtWCDMAEventReport | PSC |
WCDMA FDD Frequency List | SQWFL_CPICHTxPower | CPICH tx power | mtWCDMAFDDFreqList | CPICHTxPower |
WCDMA FDD Frequency List | SQWFL_PSC | Primary scrambling code | mtWCDMAFDDFreqList | PSC |
WCDMA FDD Frequency List | SQWFL_ReadSFNIndicator | N/A | mtWCDMAFDDFreqList | ReadSFNIndicator |
WCDMA FDD Frequency List | SQWFL_TxDiversityIndicator | N/A | mtWCDMAFDDFreqList | TxDiversityIndicator |
WCDMA FDD Frequency List | SQWFL_UARFCN | UTRAN Channel number | mtWCDMAFDDFreqList | UARFCN |
WCDMA FDD Frequency List Info | SQWFI_Count | Number of records to follow | mtWCDMAFDDFreqListInfo | Count |
WCDMA FDD Frequency List Info | SQWFI_Intra | 0 = inter frequency list, 1 = Intra frequency lis | mtWCDMAFDDFreqListInfo | Intra |
WCDMA GSM Neighbor Set | SQWGN_ARFCN | GSM Channel number | mtWCDMAGSMNeighborSet | ARFCN |
WCDMA GSM Neighbor Set | SQWGN_BSIC | BSIC | mtWCDMAGSMNeighborSet | BSIC |
WCDMA GSM Neighbor Set | SQWGN_RFBand | GSM Band | mtWCDMAGSMNeighborSet | RFBand |
WCDMA GSM Neighbor Set | SQWGN_RxLev | RxLevel | mtWCDMAGSMNeighborSet | RxLev |
WCDMA InterRAT Frequency List Info | SQWIL_Count | Number of records to follow | mtWCDMAInterRATFreqListInfo | Count |
WCDMA InterRAT Frequency Measurement Report Info | SQWIM_Count | Number of records to follow | mtWCDMAInterRATFreqMeasInfo | Count |
WCDMA Measurement Control Event Info | SQWEI_Count | Number of records to follow | mtWCDMAMeasControlEventInfo | Count |
WCDMA Measurment Control Event | SQWCE_BadCRC | Bad CRC | mtWCDMAMeasControlEvent | BadCRC |
WCDMA Measurment Control Event | SQWCE_Event | Name of the event (e.g. 'e1a') | mtWCDMAMeasControlEvent | Event |
WCDMA Measurment Control Event | SQWCE_Hysteresis | Hysteresis of the event | mtWCDMAMeasControlEvent | Hysteresis |
WCDMA Measurment Control Event | SQWCE_PendingAfterTrigger | Pending time after trigger | mtWCDMAMeasControlEvent | PendingAfterTrigger |
WCDMA Measurment Control Event | SQWCE_ReportingAmount | Reporting amount | mtWCDMAMeasControlEvent | ReportingAmount |
WCDMA Measurment Control Event | SQWCE_ReportingCellStatus | Reporting cell status | mtWCDMAMeasControlEvent | ReportingCellStatus |
WCDMA Measurment Control Event | SQWCE_ReportingRange | Reporting range | mtWCDMAMeasControlEvent | ReportingRange |
WCDMA Measurment Control Event | SQWCE_Threshold | First threshold if available | mtWCDMAMeasControlEvent | Threshold |
WCDMA Measurment Control Event | SQWCE_Threshold2 | Second threshold if available | mtWCDMAMeasControlEvent | Threshold2 |
WCDMA Measurment Control Event | SQWCE_TimeToTrigger | Time to trigger in ms | mtWCDMAMeasControlEvent | TimeToTrigger |
WCDMA Measurment Control Event | SQWCE_TotalCRC | Total CRC | mtWCDMAMeasControlEvent | TotalCRC |
WCDMA Measurment Control Event | SQWCE_TransportChannelIdentity | Transport channel identity | mtWCDMAMeasControlEvent | TransportChannelIdentity |
WCDMA Measurment Control Event | SQWCE_TriggeringCondition | Trigger condition | mtWCDMAMeasControlEvent | TriggeringCondition |
WCDMA Measurment Control Event | SQWCE_TxInterruptionAfterTrigger | Tx interruption after trigger | mtWCDMAMeasControlEvent | TxInterruptionAfterTrigger |
WCDMA Measurment Control Event | SQWCE_ULTChId | UL transport channel id | mtWCDMAMeasControlEvent | ULTChId |
WCDMA Measurment Report Info | SQWRI_Data | String Data | mtWCDMAMeasReportInfo | Data |
WiFi Event | SQWIF_Event | WiFi event | mtWiFiEvent | Event |
WiFi Event | SQWIF_Source | WiFi source | mtWiFiEvent | Source |