Category | TD Frame | TD Metric | Description | SwissQual MessageName | SwissQual Field |
Common | GPS Additional Information | Altitude (m) | Altitude (m) | mtPosition | altitude |
Common | GPS Additional Information | Satellites Visible | Number of satellites | mtPosition | numSat |
Common | GPS Additional Information | Speed (km/h) | Speed (km/h) | mtPosition | speed |
Common | GPS Position | Latitude | Latitude | mtPosition | latitude |
Common | GPS Position | Longitude | Longitude | mtPosition | longitude |
Common | Network Type | Data Technology | Based on NQDI TTechType | mtNetworkType | DataTechnology |
Common | Network Type | Data Technology Name | String representation of the DataTechnology used in QualiPoc, SmartMonitor and SmartBenchmarker monitors | mtNetworkType | DataTechnologyName |
Common | Network Type | Technology | Base technology | mtNetworkType | Technology |
Common | Speech Codec | Speech Codec Main Rate Downlink | Codec type and rate per direction | mtMsgCodecInfo | Direction, Codec, CodecRate |
Common | Speech Codec | Speech Codec Main Rate Uplink | Codec type and rate per direction | mtMsgCodecInfo | Direction, Codec, CodecRate |
Common | SQ Results Listening Quality | Active Speech Level (dB) | Active Speech Level acc. to ITU-T P.56 in dB, considers only active speech parts but no speech pauses | mtResultsLQ08AvgMain | ASLrcvP56 |
Common | SQ Results Listening Quality | Application | Application (0 for narrowband handset telephony, 2 for SuperWideband, 100 for NB handset incl. P.862) | mtResultsLQ08AvgMain | Appl |
Common | SQ Results Listening Quality | BandWidth | Actual measured bandwidth 0: narrowband telephony, 1: wideband, 2:super wideband | mtResultsLQ08AvgMain | BandWidth |
Common | SQ Results Listening Quality | Delay Deviation (ms) | Delay deviation of observed delay jitter in ms | mtResultsLQ08AvgMain | DelaysDeviation |
Common | SQ Results Listening Quality | Delay Spread (ms) | Maximal spread of observed delay jitter in ms | mtResultsLQ08AvgMain | DelaySpread |
Common | SQ Results Listening Quality | Error Code | Usually 0, -5 for Silence | mtResultsLQ08AvgMain | ErrCode |
Common | SQ Results Listening Quality | Missed Voice | Missed Voice compared to reference signal | mtResultsLQ08AvgMain | MissedVoice |
Common | SQ Results Listening Quality | MOS LQO NB | MOS-LQO value obtained by SQuad-LQ in narrow-band (remains NIL in WB) | mtResultsLQ08AvgMain | SQuadLQ (NB) |
Common | SQ Results Listening Quality | MOS LQO NB (TP) | 3rd party NB | mtResultsLQ08AvgMain | Optional 3rd party NB |
Common | SQ Results Listening Quality | MOS LQO P862.1 | P.862.1 (only if Appl = 100) | mtResultsLQ08AvgMain | P862-LQ |
Common | SQ Results Listening Quality | MOS LQO WB | MOS-LQO value obtained by SQuad-LQ in wide-band | mtResultsLQ08AvgMain | SQuadLQ (WB) |
Common | SQ Results Listening Quality | MOS LQO WB (TP) | 3rd party WB | mtResultsLQ08AvgMain | Optional 3rd party WB |
Common | SQ Results Listening Quality | Noise Level (dB) | Noise Level (r.m.s. of the noise floor) in dB | mtResultsLQ08AvgMain | NoiseRcv |
Common | SQ Results Listening Quality | Quality Code | Observed main distortions in the signal evaluated. Code is explained separately | mtResultsLQ08AvgMain | QualityCode |
Common | SQ Results Listening Quality | Rcv Delay (s) | Delay between the reference speech signal and the signal evaluated in seconds | mtResultsLQ08AvgMain | RcvDelay |
Common | SQ Results Listening Quality | Speech Activity (%) | Speech Activity acc. to ITU-T P.56 in % | mtResultsLQ08AvgMain | ActivityRcvP56 |
Common | SQ Results Listening Quality | Static SNR (dB) | Signal-to-Noise ratio between Active Speech Level and Noise Level | mtResultsLQ08AvgMain | StaticSNR |
Common | SQ Results Listening Quality | Status | Usually OK, 'Silence' as option | mtResultsLQ08AvgMain | Status |
Common | SQ Results Listening Quality | Total Gain (dB) | Gain of the transmission channel (should be in the range of +6 …-12dB) | mtResultsLQ08AvgMain | TotalGain |
Common | WiFi Scan Results by BSSID | BSSID | Basic Service Set Identifier | mtWiFiConnectionData | BSSID |
Common | WiFi Scan Results by BSSID | Capabilities | Describes the authentication, key management, and encryption schemes supported by the access point. | mtWiFiConnectionData | Capability |
Common | WiFi Scan Results by BSSID | Frequency (KHz) | The frequency in MHz of the channel over which the client is communicating with the access point. | mtWiFiConnectionData | Frequency |
Common | WiFi Scan Results by BSSID | Link Speed | Speed in Mbps | mtWiFiConnectionData | Linkspeed |
Common | WiFi Scan Results by BSSID | RSSI (dBm) | Received signal strength indication in dBm. | mtWiFiConnectionData | RSSI |
Common | WiFi Scan Results by BSSID | SSID | Service Set IDentifier | mtWiFiConnectionData | SSID |
GSM | AMR Configuration | Active Codec Set 1 | 1st configured codec mode | mtGSMAMRParameters | CodecMode1 |
GSM | AMR Configuration | Active Codec Set 2 | 2nd configured codec mode | mtGSMAMRParameters | CodecMode2 |
GSM | AMR Configuration | Active Codec Set 3 | 3rd configured codec mode | mtGSMAMRParameters | CodecMode3 |
GSM | AMR Configuration | Active Codec Set 4 | 4th configured codec mode | mtGSMAMRParameters | CodecMode4 |
GSM | AMR Configuration | Hysteresis (0.5 dB):Set 1~2 | AMR hysteresis 1 in dB | mtGSMAMRParameters | Hysteresis1 |
GSM | AMR Configuration | Hysteresis (0.5 dB):Set 2~3 | AMR hysteresis 2 in dB | mtGSMAMRParameters | Hysteresis2 |
GSM | AMR Configuration | Hysteresis (0.5 dB):Set 3~4 | AMR hysteresis 3 in dB | mtGSMAMRParameters | Hysteresis3 |
GSM | AMR Configuration | Threshold (0.5 dB):Set 1~2 | AMR threshold 1 in dB | mtGSMAMRParameters | Threshold1 |
GSM | AMR Configuration | Threshold (0.5 dB):Set 2~3 | AMR threshold 2 in dB | mtGSMAMRParameters | Threshold2 |
GSM | AMR Configuration | Threshold (0.5 dB):Set 3~4 | AMR threshold 3 in dB | mtGSMAMRParameters | Threshold3 |
GSM | Data Performance - RLC Layer | RLC Throughput (kbps):DL | DL RLC throughput | mtMsgGSMData62G3 | message |
GSM | Data Performance - RLC Layer | RLC Throughput (kbps):UL | UL RLC throughput | mtMsgGSMData62G3 | message |
GSM | Data Performance - RLP Layer | RLP Throughput (kbps):DL | DL RLP throughput | mtMsgGSMData62H3 | message |
GSM | Data Performance - RLP Layer | RLP Throughput (kbps):UL | UL RLP throughput | mtMsgGSMData62H3 | message |
GSM | GPRS MAC Info | Access Burst Type | Burst Type | mtMsgGSMData62G4 | Burst Type |
GSM | GPRS MAC Info | Allocation Type | Allocation type | mtMsgGSMData62G4 | Allocation type |
GSM | GPRS MAC Info | Control Acknowledge Type | Control ACK type | mtMsgGSMData62G4 | Control ACK type |
GSM | GPRS MAC Info | DL Timeslot Allocation | Downlink timeslot | mtMsgGSMData62G4 | Downlink timeslot |
GSM | GPRS MAC Info | MS Class | MS Class | mtMsgGSMData62G4 | MS Class |
GSM | GPRS MAC Info | MS Output power | MS Tx Power | mtMsgGSMData62G4 | MS Tx Power |
GSM | GPRS MAC Info | Network Control Order | NCO | mtMsgGSMData62G4 | NCO |
GSM | GPRS MAC Info | Power Ctrl Measurement CH Indicator | PC meas channel | mtMsgGSMData62G4 | PC meas channel |
GSM | GPRS MAC Info | Priority Access Threshold | Priority Access | mtMsgGSMData62G4 | Priority Access |
GSM | GPRS MAC Info | Split PG Cycle | PG Cycle | mtMsgGSMData62G4 | PG Cycle |
GSM | GPRS MAC Info | UL Timeslot Allocation | Uplink Timeslot | mtMsgGSMData62G4 | Uplink Timeslot |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | Coding Scheme (CS) DL | 1…4 for GPRS,1…9 for EDGE | mtCodingScheme | DLCS |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | Coding Scheme (CS) UL | 1…4 for GPRS,1…9 for EDGE | mtCodingScheme | ULCS |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | Packet data technology | EDGE or GPRS | mtCodingScheme | Technology |
GSM | GPRS Status Timeslot | Number Of Used Timeslots:DL | Number of timeslots used in DL | mtTimeSlotAlloc | numDLTS |
GSM | GPRS Status Timeslot | Number Of Used Timeslots:UL | Number of timeslots used in UL | mtTimeSlotAlloc | numULTS |
GSM | GSM Frame Error Rate (FER) | FER Full (%) | FER Full in % | mtMsgGSMReport3 | FERFull |
GSM | GSM Frame Error Rate (FER) | FER Sub (%) | FER Sub in % | mtMsgGSMReport3 | FERSub |
GSM | GSM MS TX Power Level | MS Tx Power (dBm) | TxPwr value | mtMsgGSMLayer1 | TxPwr |
GSM | GSM Radio Link Timeout | Radio Link Timeout Current | Maximum RLT | mtMsgGSMData624 | Max RLT |
GSM | GSM Radio Link Timeout | Radio Link Timeout Max | Current RLT | mtMsgGSMData624 | Current RLT |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | BCCH | Neighbor cell BCCH | mtMsgGSMLayer1 | N[x]_BCCH |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | BCCH | Serving cell BCCH | mtMsgGSMReport3 | BCCH |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | BSIC (octal) | Serving cell BSIC | mtMsgGSMLayer1 | SC_NCC, SC_BCC |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | BSIC (octal) | Neighbor cell BSIC | mtMsgGSMLayer1 | SC_NCC, SC_BCC |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | C1 | Serving cell C1 | mtMsgGSMLayer1 | SC_C1 |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | C1 | Neighbor cell C1 | mtMsgGSMLayer1 | N[x]_C1 |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | C2 | Serving cell C2 | mtMsgGSMLayer1 | SC_C2 |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | C2 | Neighbor cell C2 | mtMsgGSMLayer1 | N[x]_C2 |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | RxLevFull (Org) | Serving cell RxLevFull value | mtMsgGSMLayer1 | RxLevFull |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | RxLevFull (Org) | Neighbor cell RxLev value | mtMsgGSMLayer1 | N[x]_RxLev |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | RxLevSub (Org) | Serving cell RxLevSub value | mtMsgGSMLayer1 | RxLevSub |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | Signal Strength On BCCH Carrier | BCCH RxLev value | mtMsgGSMLayer1 | BCCH_RxLev |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Quality | RxQual Full | Serving cell RxQualFull value | mtMsgGSMLayer1 | RxQualFull |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Quality | RxQual Sub | Serving cell RxQualSub value | mtMsgGSMLayer1 | RxQualSub |
GSM | GSM RxLev C/I On ARFCN | ARFCN | Channel number | mtMsgGSMCoverI | ARFCN |
GSM | GSM RxLev C/I On ARFCN | C/I on ARFCN | C/I of the channel | mtMsgGSMCoverI | CoverI |
GSM | GSM RxLev C/I On ARFCN | RxLev On ARFCN (dBm) | RxLev of the channel | mtMsgGSMCoverI | RxLev |
GSM | GSM Selected ARFCN Scanning - All Bands | Frequency Band | Frequency band | mtMsgGSMScannerTopCovI | freq[x] |
GSM | GSM Selected ARFCN Scanning - All Bands | Scanned ARFCN | BCCH | mtMsgGSMScannerTopCovI | Chn[x] |
GSM | GSM Selected ARFCN Scanning - All Bands | Scanned C/I on ARFCN | C/I | mtMsgGSMScannerTopCovI | CovI[x] |
GSM | GSM Selected ARFCN Scanning - All Bands | Scanned RxLev On ARFCN (dBm) | RxLev | mtMsgGSMScannerTopCovI | RxLev[x] |
GSM | GSM Serving Info | Channel Mode | Channel mode | mtMsgChannelType | Codec |
GSM | GSM Serving Info | Channel Type | Channel type | mtMsgChannelType | chType |
GSM | GSM Serving Info | Timeslot | Time Slot number | mtMsgGSMReport3 | TS |
GSM | GSM Timing Advance | Timing Advance | TA value | mtMsgGSMLayer1 | TA |
GSM | GSM Top BCCH/BSIC Scanning - All Bands | BCCH | BCCH | mtMsgHotChannels | BCCH |
GSM | GSM Top BCCH/BSIC Scanning - All Bands | BSIC_octal | BSIC | mtMsgHotChannels | BSIC |
GSM | GSM Top BCCH/BSIC Scanning - All Bands | C/I | C/I | mtMsgHotChannels | C/I |
GSM | GSM Top BCCH/BSIC Scanning - All Bands | Frequency Band | Frequency band | mtMsgHotChannels | RFBand |
GSM | GSM Top BCCH/BSIC Scanning - All Bands | RSSI (Org) | RSSI | mtMsgHotChannels | Rxlev |
GSM | GSM Traffic ARFCN Info | Hopping | Hopping on (1) or off (0) | mtMsgGSMReport3 | Hopping |
GSM | GSM Traffic ARFCN Info | HSN | HSN if hopping | mtMsgGSMReport3 | HSN |
GSM | GSM Traffic ARFCN Info | MAIO | MAIO if hopping | mtMsgGSMReport3 | MAIO |
GSM | GSM Traffic ARFCN Info | Traffic ARFCN | TCH ARFCN(s) | mtMsgGSMReport3 | TCH |
LTE | LTE Cell Info Scanning | Sc Cell Identity | Physical cell id | mtMsgLTEScannerTopCh | PCI |
LTE | LTE Cell Info Scanning | Sc Channel RSSI (dBm) | RSSI of the channel | mtMsgLTEScannerTopCh | RSSI |
LTE | LTE Cell Info Scanning | Sc EARFCN_CI | LTE DL channel | mtMsgLTEScannerTopCh | Channel |
LTE | LTE Cell Info Scanning | Sc RS CINR (dB) | CINR | mtMsgLTEScannerTopCh | CINR |
LTE | LTE Cell Info Scanning | Sc RSRP (dBm) | RSRP | mtMsgLTEScannerTopCh | RSRP |
LTE | LTE Cell Info Scanning | Sc RSRQ (dB) | RSRQ | mtMsgLTEScannerTopCh | RSRQ |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Bandwidth (kHz) | Bandwidth (kHz) | mtScannerLTEPilotsV2 | message |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc Cell EARFCN | DL EARFCN | mtScannerLTEPilotsV2 | message |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc Cell Identity | PCI | mtScannerLTEPilotsV2 | message |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc Channel RSSI (dBm) | Carrier RSSI | mtScannerLTEPilotsV2 | message |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc Cyclic Prefix | Cyclic Prefix | mtScannerLTEPilotsV2 | message |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc Delay Spread | Delay spread | mtScannerLTEPilotsV2 | message |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc EARFCN | DL EARFCN | mtScannerLTEPilotsV2 | message |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RRC Cell Identity | UniqueCellID | mtScannerLTEPilotsV2 | message |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RS CINR (dB) | RS CINR (dB) | mtScannerLTEPilotsV2 | message |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRP (dBm) | RSRP (dBm) | mtScannerLTEPilotsV2 | message |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRQ (dB) | RSRQ (dB) | mtScannerLTEPilotsV2 | message |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc Time Offset | Time offset | mtScannerLTEPilotsV2 | message |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Scanned No Of Transmit Antennas | Number of Tx antenna ports | mtScannerLTEPilotsV2 | message |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | CQI CW 0 Carrier 1 | Average CQI 0 | mtLTEPUCCHCQI | CQI0 |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | CQI CW 0 Carrier 2/3 | Average CQI 0 | mtLTEPUCCHCQICarrier | CQI0 |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | CQI CW 1 Carrier 1 | Average CQI 1 | mtLTEPUCCHCQI | CQI1 |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | CQI CW 1 Carrier 2/3 | Average CQI 1 | mtLTEPUCCHCQICarrier | CQI1 |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | PMI Carrier 1 | Wideband PMI | mtLTEPUCCHCQI | PMI |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | PMI Carrier 2/3 | Wideband PMI | mtLTEPUCCHCQICarrier | PMI |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | RI Carrier 1 | Rank index | mtLTEPUCCHCQI | RankIndex |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | RI Carrier 2/3 | Rank index | mtLTEPUCCHCQICarrier | RankIndex |
LTE | LTE DL Ack Nack | Number of ACKs | Number of ACKs | mtLTEDLAckNack | NumAck |
LTE | LTE DL Ack Nack | Number of NACKs | Number of NACKs | mtLTEDLAckNack | NumNack |
LTE | LTE NAS EMM State | EMM state | EMM state | mtLTEEMMState | State |
LTE | LTE NAS EMM State | EMM sub-state | EMM sub-state | mtLTEEMMState | SubState |
LTE | LTE NAS EMM State | GUTI | Globally Unique Temporary Identifier | mtLTEEMMState | GUTI |
LTE | LTE NAS ESM Bearer Context Information | GBR_DL | Guaranteed bit rate for downlink | mtLTENASQoS | GuaranteedBitRateDL |
LTE | LTE NAS ESM Bearer Context Information | GBR_DL_ex | Guaranteed bit rate for downlink (extended) | mtLTENASQoS | GuaranteedBitRateDLExt |
LTE | LTE NAS ESM Bearer Context Information | GBR_UL | Guaranteed bit rate for uplink | mtLTENASQoS | GuaranteedBitRateUL |
LTE | LTE NAS ESM Bearer Context Information | GBR_UL_ex | Guaranteed bit rate for uplink (extended) | mtLTENASQoS | GuaranteedBitRateULExt |
LTE | LTE NAS ESM Bearer Context Information | max_bit_rate_dl | Maximum bit rate for downlink | mtLTENASQoS | MaxBitRateDL |
LTE | LTE NAS ESM Bearer Context Information | max_bit_rate_dl_ex | Maximum bit rate for downlink (extended) | mtLTENASQoS | MaxBitRateDLExt |
LTE | LTE NAS ESM Bearer Context Information | max_bit_rate_ul | Maximum bit rate for uplink | mtLTENASQoS | MaxBitRateUL |
LTE | LTE NAS ESM Bearer Context Information | max_bit_rate_ul_ex | Maximum bit rate for uplink (extended) | mtLTENASQoS | MaxBitRateULExt |
LTE | LTE NAS ESM Bearer Context Information | QCI | QCI | mtLTENASQoS | QCI |
LTE | LTE PBCH BLER | PBCH BLER (%) | FER of PBCH decoding attempts | mtLTEPBCH | FER |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | MODE | Mode: 1: AM 2: UM | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_CONTROL_PDU_GEN | Number of PDCP control PDUs generated | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | NumControlPDUGen |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_CONTROL_PDU_GEN_BYTES | PDCP control PDUs generated in bytes | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | NumControlGenBytes |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_CONTROL_PDU_RX | Number of PDCP control PDUs received | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | NumControlPDU |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_CONTROL_PDU_RX_BYTES | PDCP control PDUs received in bytes | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | NumControlBytes |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_DATA_PDU_RX | Number of PDCP data PDUs received | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | NumDataPDU |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_DATA_PDU_RX_BYTES | PDCP data PDUs received in bytes | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | NumDataBytes |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_FLOW_CTRL_TRIGGER | Number of timer flow control is trigger | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | NumFlowCtrlTrigger |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_MISSING_SDU_FROM_LOW_ LAYER | Number of PDCP missing SDUs from RLC when reestablishment happen | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | NumMissingSDULow |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_MISSING_SDU_TO_UPPER_ LAYER | Number of PDCP missing SDUs when SDUs are delivered to upper layer | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | NumMissingSDUUp |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_PDU_DUPS | Number of PDCP duplicated PDUs | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | NumDupPDU |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_PDU_DUPS_BYTES | PDCP duplicated PDUs in bytes | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | NumDupBytes |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_PDU_INTEGRITY_FAIL | Number of PDCP PDUs integrity verification failed | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | NumIntegrityPDU |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_PDU_INVALID | Number of PDCP invalid PDUs | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | NumInvalidPDU |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_PDU_INVALID_BYTES | PDCP invalid PDUs in bytes | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | NumInvalidBytes |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_PDU_OUT_OF_WIN | Number of PDCP out of windows PDUs | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | NumOutofWinPDU |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_PDU_OUT_OF_WIN_BYTES | PDCP out of windows PDUs in bytes | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | NumOutofWinBytes |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_PDU_ROHC_FAIL | Number of PDCP PDUs ROHC decompression failed | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | NumROHCFailedPDU |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_RB | Number of RBs | mtLTEPDCPDLStatisticsInfo | NumRadioBearer |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_ROHC_CONTROL_PDU_RX | Number of PDCP ROHC control PDUs received | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | NumROHCCtrlPDU |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_RST | Total Number of PDCP re-establishments since radio bearer activation | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | NumRst |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_STATUS_REPORT_CONTROL_PDU_RX | Number of PDCP status report control PDUs received | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | NumStatRepCtrlPDU |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | PDCP_HDR_LEN | Header length in bytes | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | HeaderLen |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - DL | RB ID | Radio bearer id | mtLTEPDCPDLStatistics | RadioBearerId |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - UL | MODE | Mode: 1: AM 2: UM | mtLTEPDCPULStatistics | |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_CONTROL_PDU_TX | Number of PDCP control PDUs transmitted | mtLTEPDCPULStatistics | NumCTRLPDU |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_CONTROL_PDU_TX_BYTES | PDCP control PDUs transmitted in bytes | mtLTEPDCPULStatistics | NumCtrlBytes |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_DATA_PDU_TX | Number of PDCP data PDUs transmitted | mtLTEPDCPULStatistics | NumDataPDU |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_DATA_PDU_TX_BYTES | PDCP data PDUs transmitted in bytes | mtLTEPDCPULStatistics | NumDataBytes |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_DISCARD_SDU | Number od PDCP SDUs discarded (timer discard) | mtLTEPDCPULStatistics | NumDiscardSDU |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_DISCARD_SDU_BYTES | PDCP discared SDUs in bytes (timer discard) | mtLTEPDCPULStatistics | NumDiscardBytes |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_FLOW_CTRL_TRIGGER | Number of timer flow control is trigger | mtLTEPDCPULStatistics | NumFlowCtrlTrigger |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_PDU_HO_RE_TX | Number of PDCP PDUs retransmitted | mtLTEPDCPULStatistics | NumReTxPDU |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_PDU_HO_RE_TX_BYTES | PDCP PDUs retransmitted in bytes | mtLTEPDCPULStatistics | NumReTxBytes |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_PDU_ROHC_FAIL | Number of PDCP ROHC compression failed | mtLTEPDCPULStatistics | NumROHCFailedPDU |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_RB | Number of RBs | mtLTEPDCPULStatisticsInfo | NumRadioBearer |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_ROHC_CONTROL_PDU_TX | Number of PDCP ROHC control PDUs transmitted | mtLTEPDCPULStatistics | NumROHCCtrlPDU |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_RST | Total Number of PDCP re-establishments since radio bearer activation | mtLTEPDCPULStatistics | NumRst |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_STATUS_REPORT_CONTROL_PDU_TX | Number of PDCP status report control PDU transmitted | mtLTEPDCPULStatistics | NumStatRepCtrlPDU |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - UL | PDCP_HDR_LEN | Header length in bytes | mtLTEPDCPULStatistics | HeaderLen |
LTE | LTE PDCP Cumulative Statistics - UL | RB ID | Radio bearer id | mtLTEPDCPULStatistics | RadioBearerId |
LTE | LTE PDCP DL Config | EPS id | EPS id | mtLTEPDCPDLConfig | EPSId |
LTE | LTE PDCP DL Config | Mode | Mode: 1: AM 2: UM | mtLTEPDCPDLConfig | |
LTE | LTE PDCP DL Config | Radio bearer config id | Radio bearer config id | mtLTEPDCPDLConfig | RBCfgIdx |
LTE | LTE PDCP DL Config | Radio bearer id | Radio bearer id | mtLTEPDCPDLConfig | RadioBearerId |
LTE | LTE PDCP DL Config | SN field length | SN field length: 5: 5 bit SN 10: 10 bit SN 12: 12 bit SN | mtLTEPDCPDLConfig | |
LTE | LTE PDCP DL Config | Status | Status: 1: Add 2: Modify 3: Modify-Suspended 4: Modify-Resume 5: Release 6: Full configuration | mtLTEPDCPDLConfig | |
LTE | LTE PDCP DL Config | Type | Type: 1: SRB 2: DRB | mtLTEPDCPDLConfig | |
LTE | LTE PDCP DL Config Info | Configuration reason | Configuration reason: 1: Configuration 2: Handover 4: RB Release 8: Radio link failure | mtLTEPDCPDLConfigInfo | |
LTE | LTE PDCP DL Config Info | Number of active RBs | Number of active RBs | mtLTEPDCPDLConfigInfo | NumActive |
LTE | LTE PDCP DL Config Info | Number of RBs added | Number of RBs added | mtLTEPDCPDLConfigInfo | NumAdded |
LTE | LTE PDCP DL Config Info | Number of RBs released | Number of RBs released | mtLTEPDCPDLConfigInfo | NumReleased |
LTE | LTE PDCP UL Config | EPS id | EPS id | mtLTEPDCPULConfig | EPSId |
LTE | LTE PDCP UL Config | Mode | Mode: 1: AM 2: UM | mtLTEPDCPULConfig | |
LTE | LTE PDCP UL Config | Radio bearer config id | Radio bearer config id | mtLTEPDCPULConfig | RBCfgIdx |
LTE | LTE PDCP UL Config | Radio bearer id | Radio bearer id | mtLTEPDCPULConfig | RadioBearerId |
LTE | LTE PDCP UL Config | SN field length | SN field length: 5: 5 bit SN 10: 10 bit SN 12: 12 bit SN | mtLTEPDCPULConfig | |
LTE | LTE PDCP UL Config | Status | Status: 1: Add 2: Modify 3: Modify-Suspended 4: Modify-Resume 5: Release 6: Full configuration | mtLTEPDCPULConfig | |
LTE | LTE PDCP UL Config | Type | Type: 1: SRB 2: DRB | mtLTEPDCPULConfig | |
LTE | LTE PDCP UL Config Info | Configuration reason | Configuration reason: 1: Configuration 2: Handover 4: RB Release 8: Radio link failure | mtLTEPDCPULConfigInfo | |
LTE | LTE PDCP UL Config Info | Number of active RBs | Number of active RBs | mtLTEPDCPULConfigInfo | NumActive |
LTE | LTE PDCP UL Config Info | Number of RBs added | Number of RBs added | mtLTEPDCPULConfigInfo | NumAdded |
LTE | LTE PDCP UL Config Info | Number of RBs released | Number of RBs released | mtLTEPDCPULConfigInfo | NumReleased |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | 256QAM Enabled | 1: 265QAM is indicated in RRCConnectionReconfiguration (altCQItable), used to select correct table for MCS and TBSIndex (36.213 Table or Table | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | Enabled256QAM |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Average MCS index | Average MCS index | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | AvgMCS |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Average TBS Index | Average TBS index based on table or table | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | AvgTBSIndex |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | BLER | Block error rate | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | BLER |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Bytes transferred | Bytes transferred | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | BytesTransferred |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | FER | Frame error rate | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | FER |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Max number of layers | Max number of layers | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | MaxNumLayer |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Modulation 16QAM (%) | Percentage of TBs using 16QAM | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | Perc16QAM |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Modulation 256QAM (%) | Percentage of TBs using 256QAM | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | Num256QAM |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Modulation 64QAM (%) | Percentage of TBs using 64QAM | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | Perc64QAM |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Modulation QPSK (%) | Percentage of TBs using QPSK | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | PercQPSK |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Net PDSCH throughput (kbps) | Scheduled throughput - discarded | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | NetPDSCHThroughput |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Number of carriers | Number of reported carriers since last reporting | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | NumCarriers |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Number of frames | Number of frames used in this message | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | NumRecords |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Number of RBs | Number of RBs allocated (overall TBs) | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | NumRBs |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Number of TBs | Number of TBs | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | NumTBs |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Rank 1 (%) | Percentage of frames wher number of TB present is = 1 | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | PercRank1 |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Rank 2 (%) | Percentage of frames wher number of TB present is > 1 | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | PercRank2 |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Rank 3 (%) | Percentage of frames wher number of TB present is 3 | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | NumRank3 |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Rank 4 (%) | Percentage of frames wher number of TB present is 4 | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | NumRank4 |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Requested PDSCH throughput (kbps) | Requested throughput | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | RequestedPDSCHThroughput |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Resource blocks (Avg) | Average of allocated RBs | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | AvgRBsFrame |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Resource blocks (Max) | Max number of RBs allocated (per frame) | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | MaxRBsFrame |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Resource blocks (Min) | Min number of RBs allocated | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | MinRBsFrame |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Scheduled PDSCH throughput (kbps) | Scheduled throughput | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | ScheduledPDSCHThroughput |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | TB rate | TB rate | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | TBRate |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | TB size (Avg) | Average TB size | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | AvgTBSize |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | TB size (Max) | Max TB size | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | MaxTBSize |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | TB size (Min) | Min TB size | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | MinTBSize |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | TBs discared (%) | Percentage of discarded retransmissions | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | Discarded |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | TBs not transmitted (residual) | Number of not transmitted TBs (residual TBs) | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | NumNotTransmittedTBs |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | TBs passed on first attempt (%) | Percentage of TBs passed on first attempt | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | PassOnFirstAttempt |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | TBs recombined (%) | Percentage of recombined TBs | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | Recombining |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | TBs with 1 retransmission | Number of TBs with 1 retransmission | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | NumRetrans1 |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | TBs with 2 retransmissions | Number of TBs with 2 retransmissions | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | NumRetrans2 |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | TBs with 3 or more retransmissions | Number of TBs with 3 or more retransmissions | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | NumRetrans3orMore |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | TBs with CRC pass (%) | Percentage of TBs with CRC pass | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | CRCPass |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | TBs with new data indication | Number of new data indication | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | NumNewData |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info | Transmission Mode | Transmission mode | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | TransmissionMode |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | Average MCS index | Average MCS index | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | AvgMCS |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | BLER | Block error rate | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | BLER |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | Bytes transferred | Bytes transferred | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | BytesTransferred |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | Carrier Index | Carrier index | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | CarrierIndex |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | FER | Frame error rate | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | FER |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | Max number of layers | Max number of layers | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | MaxNumLayer |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | Modulation 16QAM (%) | Percentage of TBs using 16QAM | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | Perc16QAM |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | Modulation 64QAM (%) | Percentage of TBs using 64QAM | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | Perc64QAM |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | Modulation QPSK (%) | Percentage of TBs using QPSK | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | PercQPSK |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | Net PDSCH throughput (kbps) | Scheduled throughput - discarded | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | NetPDSCHThroughput |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | Number of frames | Number of frames used in this message | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | NumRecords |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | Number of RBs | Number of RBs allocated (overall TBs) | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | NumRBs |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | Number of TBs | Number of TBs | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | NumTBs |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | Rank 1 (%) | Percentage of frames wher number of TB present is = 1 | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | PercRank1 |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | Rank 2 (%) | Percentage of frames wher number of TB present is > 1 | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | PercRank2 |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | Requested PDSCH throughput (kbps) | Requested throughput | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | RequestedPDSCHThroughput |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | Resource blocks (Avg) | Average of allocated RBs | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | AvgRBsFrame |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | Resource blocks (Max) | Max number of RBs allocated (per frame) | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | MaxRBsFrame |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | Resource blocks (Min) | Min number of RBs allocated | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | MinRBsFrame |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | Scheduled PDSCH throughput (kbps) | Scheduled throughput | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | ScheduledPDSCHThroughput |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | TB rate | TB rate | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | TBRate |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | TB size (Avg) | Average TB size | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | AvgTBSize |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | TB size (Max) | Max TB size | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | MaxTBSize |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | TB size (Min) | Min TB size | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | MinTBSize |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | TBs discared (%) | Percentage of discarded retransmissions | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | Discarded |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | TBs not transmitted (residual) | Number of not transmitted TBs (residual TBs) | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | NumNotTransmittedTBs |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | TBs passed on first attempt (%) | Percentage of TBs passed on first attempt | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | PassOnFirstAttempt |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | TBs recombined (%) | Percentage of recombined TBs | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | Recombining |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | TBs with 1 retransmission | Number of TBs with 1 retransmission | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | NumRetrans1 |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | TBs with 2 retransmissions | Number of TBs with 2 retransmissions. These TBs are also counted in NumRetrans1. | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | NumRetrans2 |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | TBs with 3 or more retransmissions | Number of TBs with 3 or more retransmission. These TBs are also counted in the above counters. | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | NumRetrans3orMore |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | TBs with CRC pass (%) | Percentage of TBs with CRC pass | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | CRCPass |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | TBs with new data indication | Number of new data indication | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | NumNewData |
LTE | LTE PDSCH Statistics Info Carrier | Transmission Mode | Transmission mode | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsCarrier | TransmissionMode |
LTE | LTE Phy System Info | Transmission Mode Carrier 1 | DL Transmission mode defined in TS 36.213 | mtLTECarrierState | TransmissionMode |
LTE | LTE Phy System Info | Transmission Mode Carrier 2 | DL Transmission mode defined in TS 36.213 | mtLTECarrierState | TransmissionMode |
LTE | LTE Phy System Info | Transmission Mode Carrier 3 | DL Transmission mode defined in TS 36.213 | mtLTECarrierState | TransmissionMode |
LTE | LTE Phy System Info | Transmission Mode Carrier 4 | DL Transmission mode defined in TS 36.213 | mtLTECarrierState | TransmissionMode |
LTE | LTE PUCCH CSF Log | BWP Index | BWP index | mtLTEPUCCHCQI | BWPIndex |
LTE | LTE PUCCH CSF Log | BWP Index | BWP index | mtLTEPUCCHCQICarrier | BWPIndex |
LTE | LTE PUCCH CSF Log | Carrier Index | Carrier index | mtLTEPUCCHCQICarrier | CarrierIndex |
LTE | LTE PUCCH CSF Log | CSF Tx Mode | PUCCH Tx Mode | mtLTEPUCCHCQI | TxMode |
LTE | LTE PUCCH CSF Log | CSF Tx Mode | PUCCH Tx Mode | mtLTEPUCCHCQICarrier | TxMode |
LTE | LTE PUCCH CSF Log | Number of Sub-bands | Number of subbands | mtLTEPUCCHCQI | NumSubbands |
LTE | LTE PUCCH CSF Log | Number of Sub-bands | Number of subbands | mtLTEPUCCHCQICarrier | NumSubbands |
LTE | LTE PUCCH CSF Log | PUCCH Report Type | PUCCH report type | mtLTEPUCCHCQI | ReportType |
LTE | LTE PUCCH CSF Log | PUCCH Report Type | PUCCH report type | mtLTEPUCCHCQICarrier | ReportType |
LTE | LTE PUCCH CSF Log | PUCCH Reporting Mode | PUCCH reporting mode | mtLTEPUCCHCQI | ReportingMode |
LTE | LTE PUCCH CSF Log | PUCCH Reporting Mode | PUCCH reporting mode | mtLTEPUCCHCQICarrier | ReportingMode |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | Average MCS index | Average MCS index | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | AvgMCS |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | Bytes transferred | Bytes transferred | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | BytesTransferred |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | Carrier Index | 0: PCC , 1..7 : SCC 1 – 7 | mtLTEPDSCHStatisticsInfo | CarrierIndex |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | Granted PUSCH throughput (kbps) | Granted PUSCH throughput | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | GrantedPUSCHThroughput |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | Modulation 16QAM (%) | Percentage of TBs using 16QAM | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | Perc16QAM |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | Modulation 64QAM (%) | Percentage of TBs using 64QAM | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | Perc64QAM |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | Modulation BPSK (%) | Percentage of TBs using BPSK | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | PercBPSK |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | Modulation QPSK (%) | Percentage of TBs using QPSK | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | PercQPSK |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | Net PUSCH throughput (kbps) | Throughput of first transmissions | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | NetPUSCHThroughput |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | Number of frames | Number of reported records | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | NumRecords |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | Number of RBs | Number of RBs | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | NumRBs |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | Number of TBs | Number of TBs | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | NumTBs |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | Number of UL grant valid | Number of recs where UL grant is valid | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | NumULGrant |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | Retransmission rate (%) | Retranmission rate | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | RetransmissionRate |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | Scheduled PUSCH throughput (kbps) | Scheduled PUSCH throughput | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | ScheduledPUSCHThroughput |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | TB rate | TB rate | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | TBRate |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | TB size (Avg) | Average TB size | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | AvgTBSize |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | TB size (Max) | Max TB size | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | MaxTBSize |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | TB size (Min) | Min TB size | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | MinTBSize |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | TBs not transmitted (residual) | Number of residual (not transmitted) TBs | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | NumResidual |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | TBs passed on first attempt (%) | Percentage of TBs passed on first attempt | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | PassOnFirstAttempt |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | TBs with 1 retransmission | Number of TBs with 1 retransmission | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | NumRetrans1 |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | TBs with 2 retransmissions | Number of TBs with 2 retransmissions | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | NumRetrans2 |
LTE | LTE PUSCH Statistics Info | TBs with 3 or more retransmissions | Number of TBs with 3 or more retransmission | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | NumRetrans3orMore |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info | EPS RACH Current Transmit Power | PRACH Tx Power | mtLTEPRACH | TxPower |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info | EPS RACH Initial Transmit Power | Preamble initial power | mtLTEPRACH | InitPower |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info | EPS RACH Latency | BackOFF value in ms | mtLTEPRACH | BackOFF |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info | EPS RACH Max Preambles | MAX preamble attempts | mtLTEPRACH | MaxAttempts |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info | EPS RACH Number of Transmits | Number of RACH attempts | mtLTEPRACH | NumTx |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info | Number of Failed Contentions | Number of failed contentions | mtLTEPRACH | NumContentionFailed |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info | Number of Passed Contentions | Number of passed contentions | mtLTEPRACH | NumContentionPassed |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info | Pathloss | Pathloss | mtLTEPRACH | Pathloss |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info | RACH Preamble Step (dB) | RACH preamble step | mtLTEPRACH | StepSize |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info | RACH Reason | RACH trigger reason | mtLTEPRACH | Reason |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info | RACH Result | RACH attempt result | mtLTEPRACH | Result |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info | RACH Type | RACH type | mtLTEPRACH | Type |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info | Random Access Preamble Timing | Random Access Preamble timing for preamble format | mtLTEPRACH | Config |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | DATA_PDU_BYTES | RLC Data PDUs in Bytes received | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | NumDataBytes |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | DROPPED_PDU _BYTES | Number of bytes dropped | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | NumDropBytes |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | DROPPED_PDU _BYTES_FC | Number of bytes dropped due to flow control | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | NumDropBytesFC |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | INVALID_PDU_BYTES | Number of invalid RLC PDU received in bytes | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | NumInvalidBytes |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | MODE | Mode: 1: AM 2: UM | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_COMP_NACK | Number of Complete RLC PDU NACKs sent | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | NumCompNACK |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_CTRL_PDU | Number of Control PDUs sent | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | NumCTRLPDU |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_DATA_PDU | Number of RLC data PDUs received | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | NumDataPDU |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_DROPPED_PDU | Number of PDUs dropped | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | NumDropPDU |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_DROPPED_PDU_FC | Number of PDUs dropped due to flow control | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | NumDropPDUFC |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_DUP_BYTES | Number of complete duplicate RLC PDUs received in bytes | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | NumDuplBytes |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_DUP_PDU | Number of complete duplicate RLC PDUs received | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | NumDuplPDU |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_INVALID_PDU | Number of invalid RLC PDU received | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | NumInvalidPDU |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_NONSEQ_SDU | Number of Out of Order SDUs | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | NumNonSeqSDU |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_RB | Number of RBs | mtLTERLCDLStatisticsInfo | NumRadioBearer |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_RETX_PDU | Number of retransmitted PDUs | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | NumReTxPDU |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_RST | Total Number of rlc re-establishments since radio bearer activation | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | NumRst |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_SDU | Number of RLC SDUs reassembled | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | NumSDU |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_SDU_BYTES | Number of bytes reassembled | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | NumSDUBytes |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_SEGM_NACK | Number of RLC Segments NACK sent | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | NumSegmNACK |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_STATUS_RXED | Number of RLC status PDUs received | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | NumStatusPDU |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | NUM_T_REORD_EXP | Number of times T reordering timer expired | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | NumTReordExp |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | RB ID | Radio bearer id | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | RadioBearerId |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | RETX_PDU_BYTES | Number of retransmitted PDUs in bytes | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | NumReTxBytes |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - DL | STATUS_RXED_BYTES | Number of RLC status PDUs received in bytes | mtLTERLCDLStatistics | NumStatusBytes |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - UL | MODE | Mode: 1: AM 2: UM | mtLTERLCULStatistics | |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_COMP_NACK | Number of Complete RLC PDU NACKs received | mtLTERLCULStatistics | NumCompNACK |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_CTRL_PDU_BYTES_TX | Number of RLC control PDU bytes transmitted | mtLTERLCULStatistics | NumCtrlBytes |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_CTRL_PDU_RX | Number of Control PDUs received | mtLTERLCULStatistics | NumCtrlPDUReTx |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_CTRL_PDU_TX | Number of RLC control PDUs transmitted | mtLTERLCULStatistics | NumCTRLPDU |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_INVALID_CTRL_PDU_RX | Number of invalid control PDU received | mtLTERLCULStatistics | NumInvalidCtrlPDU |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_NEW_DATA_PDU | Number of New RLC data PDUs transmitted | mtLTERLCULStatistics | NumDataPDU |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_NEW_DATA_PDU_BYTES | Number of New Data PDU Bytes transmitted,including RLC headers | mtLTERLCULStatistics | NumDataBytes |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_POLL | Number of RLC PDUs transmitted with Poll Bit set | mtLTERLCULStatistics | NumPoll |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_RB | Number of RBs | mtLTERLCULStatisticsInfo | NumRadioBearer |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_RETX_PDU_BYTES | Number of PDU Bytes re-transmitted | mtLTERLCULStatistics | NumReTxBytes |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_RETX_PDUS | Number of RLC PDUs re-transmitted | mtLTERLCULStatistics | NumReTxPDU |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_RST | Total Number of rlc re-establishment during this call | mtLTERLCULStatistics | NumRst |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_SDU | Number of RLC SDUs transmitted | mtLTERLCULStatistics | NumSDU |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_SDU_BYTES | Number of RLC SDU bytes transmitted | mtLTERLCULStatistics | NumSDUBytes |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_SEGM_NACK | Number of NACKs for RLC Segments received | mtLTERLCULStatistics | NumSegmNACK |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - UL | NUM_T_POLL_RETX_EXPIRY | Number of times T poll retransmit timer expired | mtLTERLCULStatistics | NumTPollRetTxExpiry |
LTE | LTE RLC Cumulative Statistics - UL | RB ID | Radio bearer id | mtLTERLCULStatistics | RadioBearerId |
LTE | LTE RLC DL Config | Logical channel id | Logical channel id | mtLTERLCDLConfig | LogicalChnId |
LTE | LTE RLC DL Config | Mode | Mode | mtLTERLCDLConfig | |
LTE | LTE RLC DL Config | Radio bearer config id | Radio bearer config id | mtLTERLCDLConfig | RBCfgIdx |
LTE | LTE RLC DL Config | Radio bearer id | Radio bearer id | mtLTERLCDLConfig | RadioBearerId |
LTE | LTE RLC DL Config | SN field length (UM only) | SN field length (UM only) | mtLTERLCDLConfig | |
LTE | LTE RLC DL Config | Status | Status | mtLTERLCDLConfig | |
LTE | LTE RLC DL Config | T status prohibit timer in ms (AM only) | T status prohibit timer in ms (AM only) | mtLTERLCDLConfig | TStatusProhibit |
LTE | LTE RLC DL Config | T-reordering timer in ms | T-reordering timer in ms | mtLTERLCDLConfig | TReordering |
LTE | LTE RLC DL Config | Type | Type | mtLTERLCDLConfig | |
LTE | LTE RLC DL Config Info | Configuration reason | Configuration reason | mtLTERLCDLConfigInfo | |
LTE | LTE RLC DL Config Info | Number of active RBs | Number of active RBs | mtLTERLCDLConfigInfo | NumActive |
LTE | LTE RLC DL Config Info | Number of RBs added | Number of RBs added | mtLTERLCDLConfigInfo | NumAdded |
LTE | LTE RLC DL Config Info | Number of RBs released | Number of RBs released | mtLTERLCDLConfigInfo | NumReleased |
LTE | LTE RLC UL Config | Logical channel id | Logical channel id | mtLTERLCULConfig | LogicalChnId |
LTE | LTE RLC UL Config | Maximum number of transmissions (AM only) | Maximum number of transmissions (AM only) | mtLTERLCULConfig | MaxReTransThreshold |
LTE | LTE RLC UL Config | Mode | Mode: 1: AM 2: UM | mtLTERLCULConfig | |
LTE | LTE RLC UL Config | Poll byte constant (AM only) | Poll byte constant (AM only), 0xFFFFFFFF = Infinite | mtLTERLCULConfig | PollByte |
LTE | LTE RLC UL Config | Poll PDU constant (AM only) | Poll PDU constant (AM only) 0xFFFF = Infinite | mtLTERLCULConfig | PollPDU |
LTE | LTE RLC UL Config | Radio bearer id | Radio bearer id | mtLTERLCULConfig | RadioBearerId |
LTE | LTE RLC UL Config | SN field length (UM only) | SN field length (UM only): 5: 5 bit SN 10: 10 bit SN | mtLTERLCULConfig | |
LTE | LTE RLC UL Config | Status | Status: 1: Add 2: Modify 3: Release | mtLTERLCULConfig | |
LTE | LTE RLC UL Config | T poll retransmit timer in ms (AM only) | T poll retransmit timer in ms (AM only) | mtLTERLCULConfig | TPollReTrans |
LTE | LTE RLC UL Config | Type | Type: 1: SRB 2: DRB | mtLTERLCULConfig | |
LTE | LTE RLC UL Config Info | Configuration reason | Configuration reason: 1: Configuration 2: Handover 4: RB Release 8: Radio link failure | mtLTERLCULConfigInfo | |
LTE | LTE RLC UL Config Info | Number of active RBs | Number of active RBs | mtLTERLCULConfigInfo | NumActive |
LTE | LTE RLC UL Config Info | Number of RBs added | Number of RBs added | mtLTERLCULConfigInfo | NumAdded |
LTE | LTE RLC UL Config Info | Number of RBs released | Number of RBs released | mtLTERLCULConfigInfo | NumReleased |
LTE | LTE RRC States | RRC Service State | Service State | mtLTEDeviceState | ServiceState |
LTE | LTE RRC States | RRC State | RRC State | mtLTEDeviceState | RRCState |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Evaluation Parameters | Max UE Tx Power | Max Ue Tx power | mtLTEServingCellInfo | MaxTxPower |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Evaluation Parameters | P_max | P-Max | mtLTEServingCellInfo | PMax |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Evaluation Parameters | Qrxlevmin | qRxLev Min | mtLTEServingCellInfo | QRxLevMin |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Evaluation Parameters | S_intra_search | S intra search | mtLTEServingCellInfo | SIntraSearch |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Evaluation Parameters | S_non_intra_search | S non intra search | mtLTEServingCellInfo | SNonIntraSearch |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Evaluation Parameters | Srxlev | S Rx Level | mtLTEServingCellInfo | SRxLev |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Allowed Access | Allowed Access (0 = Full, 1 = Limited) | mtLTEServingCellInfo | AllowedAccess |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Cell Identity (28bits) | RRC cell Identity received in SIB1 | mtLTEServingCellInfo | CellIdentity |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Detected antenna ports | Number of detected antennas | mtLTEServingCellInfo | DetectedAntennas |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | DL Bandwidth (text) | DL Bandwidth in MHz | mtLTEServingCellInfo, mtLTECarrierState | DLBandWidth |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | DL Bandwidth Carrier 2 (text) | DL Bandwidth in MHz | mtLTECarrierState | DLBandWidth |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | DL Bandwidth Carrier 3 (text) | DL Bandwidth in MHz | mtLTECarrierState | DLBandWidth |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | DL Bandwidth Carrier 4 (text) | DL Bandwidth in MHz | mtLTECarrierState | DLBandWidth |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | DL EARFCN | DL channel number | mtLTEServingCellInfo, mtLTECarrierState | DL_EARFCN |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | DL EARFCN Carrier 2 | DL channel number | mtLTECarrierState | DL_EARFCN |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | DL EARFCN Carrier 3 | DL channel number | mtLTECarrierState | DL_EARFCN |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | DL EARFCN Carrier 4 | DL channel number | mtLTECarrierState | DL_EARFCN |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Freq Band Indicator | Frequency band indicator | mtLTEServingCellInfo | BandIndicator |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | MCC | MCC | mtLTEServingCellInfo | MCC |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | MNC | MNC | mtLTEServingCellInfo | MNC |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Physical Cell ID | Physical cell id | mtLTEServingCellInfo | PhyCellId |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Tracking Area Code (16bits) | Tracking Area Code | mtLTEServingCellInfo | TAC |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | UL Bandwidth (text) | UL Bandwidth in MHz | mtLTEServingCellInfo, mtLTECarrierState | ULBandWidth, UL_BW |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | UL Bandwidth Carrier 2 (text) | UL Bandwidth in MHz | mtLTECarrierState | UL_BW |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | UL EARFCN | UL channel number | mtLTEServingCellInfo, mtLTECarrierState | UL_EARFCN |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | UL EARFCN Carrier 2 | UL channel number | mtLTECarrierState | UL_EARFCN |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Signal Quality | RS SINR 0 (dB) | RS SINR 0 (dB) | mtLTEMeasurementReport | SINR0 |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Signal Quality | RS SINR 0 (dB) | RS SINR 0 (dB) | mtLTEMeasurementReportCarrier | SINR0 |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Signal Quality | RS SINR 1 (dB) | RS SINR 1 (dB) | mtLTEMeasurementReport | SINR1 |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Signal Quality | RS SINR 1 (dB) | RS SINR 1 (dB) | mtLTEMeasurementReportCarrier | SINR1 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Cell Identity | Ranked PCI | mtLTEMeasurementReport | PhyCellId |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Cell Identity | Ranked PCI | mtLTENeighbors | PhyCellId |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Cell Identity | Ranked PCI | mtLTEMeasurementReportCarrier | PhyCellId |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Cell Type | Ranked Cell Type (Neighbor, Detected) | mtLTENeighbors | Detected |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Cell Type | Ranked Cell Type (PCell, SCell1, SCell2) | mtLTEMeasurementReportCarrier | Carrier Index |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Channel RSSI (dBm) | Ranked RSSI | mtLTEMeasurementReport | RSSI |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Channel RSSI (dBm) | Ranked RSSI | mtLTENeighbors | RSSI |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Channel RSSI (dBm) | Ranked RSSI | mtLTEMeasurementReportCarrier | RSSI |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Channel RSSI Tx1 Rx1 (dBm) | Ranked RSSI of first antenna | mtLTEMeasurementReport | RSSI_Rx0 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Channel RSSI Tx1 Rx1 (dBm) | Ranked RSSI of first antenna | mtLTEMeasurementReportCarrier | RSSI_Rx0 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Channel RSSI Tx1 Rx2 (dBm) | Ranked RSSI of second antenna | mtLTEMeasurementReport | RSSI_Rx1 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Channel RSSI Tx1 Rx2 (dBm) | Ranked RSSI of second antenna | mtLTEMeasurementReportCarrier | RSSI_Rx1 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | DL EARFCN | Ranked DL EARFCN | mtLTEMeasurementReport | EARFCN |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | DL EARFCN | Ranked DL EARFCN | mtLTENeighbors | EARFCN |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | DL EARFCN | Ranked DL EARFCN | mtLTEMeasurementReportCarrier | EARFCN |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RS SINR (dB) | SINR | mtLTEMeasurementReport, mtLTEMeasurementReportCarrier | SINR0, SINR1, Carrier Index |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP (dBm) | Ranked RSRP | mtLTEMeasurementReport | RSRP |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP (dBm) | Ranked RSRP | mtLTENeighbors | RSRP |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP (dBm) | Ranked RSRP | mtLTEMeasurementReportCarrier | RSRP |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP Tx1 Rx1 (dBm) | Ranked RSRP of first antenna | mtLTEMeasurementReport | RSRP_Rx0 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP Tx1 Rx1 (dBm) | Ranked RSRP of first antenna | mtLTEMeasurementReportCarrier | RSRP_Rx0 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP Tx1 Rx2 (dBm) | Ranked RSRP of second antenna | mtLTEMeasurementReport | RSRP_Rx1 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP Tx1 Rx2 (dBm) | Ranked RSRP of second antenna | mtLTEMeasurementReportCarrier | RSRP_Rx1 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ (dB) | Ranked RSRQ | mtLTEMeasurementReport | RSRQ |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ (dB) | Ranked RSRQ | mtLTENeighbors | RSRQ |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ (dB) | Ranked RSRQ | mtLTEMeasurementReportCarrier | RSRQ |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ Tx1 Rx1 (dB) | Ranked RSRQ of first antenna | mtLTEMeasurementReport | RSRQ_Rx0 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ Tx1 Rx1 (dB) | Ranked RSRQ of first antenna | mtLTEMeasurementReportCarrier | RSRQ_Rx0 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ Tx1 Rx2 (dB) | Ranked RSRQ of second antenna | mtLTEMeasurementReport | RSRQ_Rx1 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ Tx1 Rx2 (dB) | Ranked RSRQ of second antenna | mtLTEMeasurementReportCarrier | RSRQ_Rx1 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Secondary Serving Cell 1 RS SINR (dB) | SINR | mtLTEMeasurementReport, mtLTEMeasurementReportCarrier | SINR0, SINR1, Carrier Index |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Secondary Serving Cell 2 RS SINR (dB) | SINR | mtLTEMeasurementReport, mtLTEMeasurementReportCarrier | SINR0, SINR1, Carrier Index |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Secondary Serving Cell 3 RS SINR (dB) | SINR | mtLTEMeasurementReport, mtLTEMeasurementReportCarrier | SINR0, SINR1, Carrier Index |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Serving Cell RS SINR (dB) | SINR | mtLTEMeasurementReport, mtLTEMeasurementReportCarrier | SINR0, SINR1, Carrier Index |
LTE | LTE Timing Advance | Serving Cell DL Frame Timing Offset (Ts) | Downlink frame timing offset | mtLTEFrameTiming | DLFrameTimingOffset |
LTE | LTE Timing Advance | Serving Cell UL Frame Timing Offset (Ts) | Uplink frame timing offset | mtLTEFrameTiming | ULFrameTimingOffset |
LTE | LTE Timing Advance | Timing Advance (16Ts) | Starting NTA value (in units of 16 TS) | mtLTEFrameTiming | TimingAdvance |
LTE | LTE UE TX Power Summary | UE TX Power - PUCCH (dBm) | Total PUCCH Tx power | mtLTEPUCCHCQI | TxPower |
LTE | LTE UE TX Power Summary | UE TX Power - PUCCH (dBm) | Total PUCCH Tx power | mtLTEPUCCHCQICarrier | TxPower |
LTE | LTE UE TX Power Summary | UE TX Power - PUSCH (dBm) | Average total Tx power | mtLTEPUSCHStatisticsInfo | PuschTxPower |
LTE | LTE UL Ack Nack | Number of ACKs | Number of ACKs | mtLTEDLAckNack | NumAck |
LTE | LTE UL Ack Nack | Number of NACKs | Number of NACKs | mtLTEDLAckNack | NumNack |
LTE | SIP Client Info | Client interval time in [ms] used to re-register to the SIP server. | Client interval time in [ms] used to re-register to the SIP server. | mtSIPClientInfo | Reregister time |
LTE | SIP Client Info | Client name | Client name | mtSIPClientInfo | Application type |
LTE | SIP Client Info | Defines how traffic is being routed | Defines how traffic is being routed | mtSIPClientInfo | Outbound traffic |
LTE | SIP Client Info | Defines whether the Interactive Connectivity Establishment is enabled (1) or disabled (2). | Interactive Connectivity Establishment status | mtSIPClientInfo | |
LTE | SIP Client Info | Defines whether the R-Port support is enabled (1) or disabled (2). | R-Port support status | mtSIPClientInfo | |
LTE | SIP Client Info | Dialplan | Dialplan | mtSIPClientInfo | Dialing plan |
LTE | SIP Client Info | SIP account authorization user name | SIP account authorization user name | mtSIPClientInfo | Authorization user name |
LTE | SIP Client Info | SIP account user name | SIP account user name | mtSIPClientInfo | User name |
LTE | SIP Client Info | SIP server | SIP server | mtSIPClientInfo | SIP Server |
LTE | SIP Client Info | STUN server | STUN server | mtSIPClientInfo | STUN server |
LTE | SIP Session Info | Application registering time in [ms]. Time used to to register to the SIP server. | Application registering time in [ms]. Time used to to register to the SIP server. | mtSIPSessionInfo | Registering time |
LTE | SIP Session Info | CALL or ACCEPT | CALL or ACCEPT | mtSIPSessionInfo | Type |
LTE | SIP Session Info | Reserved | Reserved | mtSIPSessionInfo | Audio Codec |
LTE | SQ LTE MAC DL Statistics | Duration since last reported message | Duration since last reported message | mtLTEMACDLStatistics | Duration |
LTE | SQ LTE MAC DL Statistics | Number of data bytes | Number of data bytes | mtLTEMACDLStatistics | NumDataBytes |
LTE | SQ LTE MAC DL Statistics | Number of header bytes | Number of header bytes | mtLTEMACDLStatistics | NumHdrBytes |
LTE | SQ LTE MAC DL Statistics | Number of padding bytes | Number of padding bytes | mtLTEMACDLStatistics | NumPaddingBytes |
LTE | SQ LTE MAC DL Statistics | Number of PDUs received | Number of PDUs received | mtLTEMACDLStatistics | TotalNumPDU |
LTE | SQ LTE MAC DL Statistics | Number of PDUs to decode | Number of PDUs to decode | mtLTEMACDLStatistics | NumPDU |
LTE | SQ LTE MAC DL Statistics | Sum of RLC PDUs | Sum of RLC PDUs | mtLTEMACDLStatistics | NumRLCPDU |
LTE | SQ LTE MAC UL Statistics | Duration since last reported message | Duration since last reported message | mtLTEMACULStatistics | Duration |
LTE | SQ LTE MAC UL Statistics | Number of data bytes | Number of data bytes | mtLTEMACULStatistics | NumDataBytes |
LTE | SQ LTE MAC UL Statistics | Number of header bytes | Number of header bytes | mtLTEMACULStatistics | NumHdrBytes |
LTE | SQ LTE MAC UL Statistics | Number of padding bytes | Number of padding bytes | mtLTEMACULStatistics | NumPaddingBytes |
LTE | SQ LTE MAC UL Statistics | Number of PDUs received | Number of PDUs received | mtLTEMACULStatistics | TotalNumPDU |
LTE | SQ LTE MAC UL Statistics | Number of PDUs to decode | Number of PDUs to decode | mtLTEMACULStatistics | NumPDU |
LTE | SQ LTE MAC UL Statistics | Sum of RLC PDUs | Sum of RLC PDUs | mtLTEMACULStatistics | NumRLCPDU |
LTE | SQ LTE MAC UL Statistics | Sum of uplink grant bytes | Sum of uplink grant bytes | mtLTEMACULStatistics | NumGrantedBytes |
LTE | SQ RTP Call Statistics | Avg Absolute Jitter | Average packet delay variation (RFC 5481) | mtRTPCallStatistics | AvgAbsJitter |
LTE | SQ RTP Call Statistics | Avg AJBQ Pending | Avg AJBQ Pending | mtRTPCallStatistics | AvgAJBQPending |
LTE | SQ RTP Call Statistics | Avg Delay | Average inter packet delay variation (RFC 5481) | mtRTPCallStatistics | AvgDelay |
LTE | SQ RTP Call Statistics | Avg Payload Length | Avg Payload Length | mtRTPCallStatistics | AvgPayloadLength |
LTE | SQ RTP Call Statistics | Avg Relative Jitter | An estimate of the statistical variance of the RTP data packet (RFC 1889) | mtRTPCallStatistics | AvgRelJitter |
LTE | SQ RTP Call Statistics | Codec | Codec | mtRTPCallStatistics | Codec |
LTE | SQ RTP Call Statistics | Codec Rate | Codec Rate | mtRTPCallStatistics | CodecRate |
LTE | SQ RTP Call Statistics | Max AJBQ Pending | Max AJBQ Pending | mtRTPCallStatistics | MaxAJBQPending |
LTE | SQ RTP Call Statistics | Max Consequtive Lost Packets | Max Consequtive Lost Packets | mtRTPCallStatistics | MaxConseqLostPackets |
LTE | SQ RTP Call Statistics | Max Delay | Max inter packet delay variation (RFC 5481) | mtRTPCallStatistics | MaxDelay |
LTE | SQ RTP Call Statistics | Min Delay | Min inter packet delay variation (RFC 5481) | mtRTPCallStatistics | MinDelay |
LTE | SQ RTP Call Statistics | Min One Way Delay | Min One Way Delay | mtRTPCallStatistics | MinOneWayDelay |
LTE | SQ RTP Call Statistics | Mode | 0: Rx, 1: Tx | mtRTPCallStatistics | Mode |
LTE | SQ RTP Call Statistics | Num Lost Packets | All next field are only present in Rx | mtRTPCallStatistics | NumLostPackets |
LTE | SQ RTP Call Statistics | Num Out Of Order Packets | Num Out Of Order Packets | mtRTPCallStatistics | NumOutOfOrderPackets |
LTE | SQ RTP Call Statistics | Num Packets | Number of packets | mtRTPCallStatistics | NumPackets |
LTE | SQ RTP Call Statistics | Payload | Payload | mtRTPCallStatistics | Payload |
LTE | SQ RTP Call Statistics | SSRC | Synchronization source identifier | mtRTPCallStatistics | SSRC |
LTE | SQ RTP Statistics | Avg Absolute Jitter | Average packet delay variation (RFC 5481) | mtRTPStatistics | AvgPDV |
LTE | SQ RTP Statistics | Avg AJBQ Pending | Avg AJBQ Pending | mtRTPStatistics | AvgAJBQPending |
LTE | SQ RTP Statistics | Avg Delay | Average inter packet delay variation (RFC 5481) | mtRTPStatistics | AvgIPDV |
LTE | SQ RTP Statistics | Avg Payload Length | Avg Payload Length | mtRTPStatistics | AvgPayloadLength |
LTE | SQ RTP Statistics | Avg Relative Jitter | An estimate of the statistical variance of the RTP data packet (RFC 1889) | mtRTPStatistics | AvgJitter |
LTE | SQ RTP Statistics | Codec | Codec | mtRTPStatistics | Codec |
LTE | SQ RTP Statistics | Codec Rate | Codec Rate | mtRTPStatistics | CodecRate |
LTE | SQ RTP Statistics | Max AJBQ Pending | Max AJBQ Pending | mtRTPStatistics | MaxAJBQPending |
LTE | SQ RTP Statistics | Max Consequtive Lost Packets | Max Consequtive Lost Packets | mtRTPStatistics | MaxConseqLostPackets |
LTE | SQ RTP Statistics | Max Delay | Max inter packet delay variation (RFC 5481) | mtRTPStatistics | MaxIPDV |
LTE | SQ RTP Statistics | Min Delay | Min inter packet delay variation (RFC 5481) | mtRTPStatistics | MinIPDV |
LTE | SQ RTP Statistics | Min One Way Delay | Min One Way Delay | mtRTPStatistics | MinOneWayDelay |
LTE | SQ RTP Statistics | Mode | 0: Rx, 1: Tx | mtRTPStatistics | Mode |
LTE | SQ RTP Statistics | Num Lost Packets | All next field are only present in Rx | mtRTPStatistics | NumLostPackets |
LTE | SQ RTP Statistics | Num Out Of Order Packets | Num Out Of Order Packets | mtRTPStatistics | NumOutOfOrderPackets |
LTE | SQ RTP Statistics | Num Packets | Number of packets | mtRTPStatistics | NumPackets |
LTE | SQ RTP Statistics | Payload | Payload | mtRTPStatistics | Payload |
LTE | SQ RTP Statistics | SSRC | Synchronization source identifier | mtRTPStatistics | SSRC |
NB-IoT | eMTC/CAT M1 Coverage Enhancement | CE Level | LTE-M Coverage enhancement level | mtLTEPRACH | CELevel |
NB-IoT | eMTC/CAT M1 Coverage Enhancement | CE Mode | LTE-M Coverage Enhancement Mode | mtLTEServingCellInfo | CEMode |
Service Quality | Data Service Application Layer Downlink | Application Layer kBytes Received Mobile (Current) | Number kB transferred | mtMsgIPThroughputNetwork | bytesTransferred |
Service Quality | Data Service Application Layer Downlink | Application Layer kBytes Received WiFi (Current) | Number kB transferred | mtMsgIPThroughputNetwork | bytesTransferred |
Service Quality | Data Service Application Layer Downlink | Application Layer Throughput Downlink (kbps) | Throughput in kbps | mtMsgIPThroughput | throughput |
Service Quality | Data Service Application Layer Downlink | Application Layer Throughput Downlink Mobile (kbps) | Throughput in kbps | mtMsgIPThroughputNetwork | throughput |
Service Quality | Data Service Application Layer Downlink | Application Layer Throughput Downlink WiFi (kbps) | Throughput in kbps | mtMsgIPThroughputNetwork | throughput |
Service Quality | Data Service Application Layer Downlink | BytesTransferred | Number kB transferred | mtMsgIPThroughput | bytesTransferred |
Service Quality | Data Service Application Layer Uplink | Application Layer kBytes Sent Mobile (Current) | Number kB transferred | mtMsgIPThroughputNetwork | bytesTransferred |
Service Quality | Data Service Application Layer Uplink | Application Layer kBytes Sent WiFi (Current) | Number kB transferred | mtMsgIPThroughputNetwork | bytesTransferred |
Service Quality | Data Service Application Layer Uplink | Application Layer Throughput Uplink (kbps) | Throughput in kbps | mtMsgIPThroughput | throughput |
Service Quality | Data Service Application Layer Uplink | Application Layer Throughput Uplink Mobile (kbps) | Throughput in kbps | mtMsgIPThroughputNetwork | throughput |
Service Quality | Data Service Application Layer Uplink | Application Layer Throughput Uplink WiFi (kbps) | Throughput in kbps | mtMsgIPThroughputNetwork | throughput |
Service Quality | Data Service Application Layer Uplink | BytesTransferred | Number kB transferred | mtMsgIPThroughput | bytesTransferred |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Download | FTP Download Abort Criterion | Type of test abort criterion (0 = max. timeout, 1 = fix duration) | mtResultsFTPParameters | FixedDuration |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Download | FTP Download Error Code | Error code | mtResultsFTPTest | errorCode |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Download | FTP Download File Name | File name to transfer | mtResultsFTPParameters | fileName |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Download | FTP Download Host Server | FTP server | mtResultsFTPParameters | host |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Download | FTP Download kBytes Received (Cumulative) | Number kB transferred | mtResultsFTPTest | bytesTransferred |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Download | FTP Download Last Block | 1 if it is the last block of an operation, else 0 | mtResultsFTPTest | lastBlock |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Download | FTP Download Mode | Active or passive | mtResultsFTPParameters | mode |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Download | FTP Download Port | Used port | mtResultsFTPParameters | Port |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Download | FTP Download Protocol | ftp or ftps | mtResultsFTPParameters | Protocol |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Download | FTP Download Throughput Current (kbps) | Throughput in kbps | mtResultsFTPTest | throughput |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Upload | FTP Download Error Code | Error code | mtResultsFTPTest | errorCode |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Upload | FTP Download Last Block | 1 if it is the last block of an operation, else 0 | mtResultsFTPTest | lastBlock |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Upload | FTP Upload Abort Criterion | Type of test abort criterion (0 = max. timeout, 1 = fix duration) | mtResultsFTPParameters | FixedDuration |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Upload | FTP Upload File Name | File name to transfer | mtResultsFTPParameters | fileName |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Upload | FTP Upload Host Server | FTP server | mtResultsFTPParameters | host |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Upload | FTP Upload kBytes Sent (Cumulative) | Number kB transferred | mtResultsFTPTest | bytesTransferred |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Upload | FTP Upload Mode | Active or passive | mtResultsFTPParameters | mode |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Upload | FTP Upload Port | Used port | mtResultsFTPParameters | Port |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Upload | FTP Upload Protocol | ftp or ftps | mtResultsFTPParameters | Protocol |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Upload | FTP Upload Throughput Current (kbps) | Throughput in kbps | mtResultsFTPTest | throughput |
Service Quality | Data Service HTTP Transfer | HTTP Transfer Duration (second) | Duration used for throughput calculation | mtResultsHTTPTransferTest | Duration |
Service Quality | Data Service HTTP Transfer | HTTP Transfer Error Code | Error code of the current operation | mtResultsHTTPTransferTest | ErrorCode |
Service Quality | Data Service HTTP Transfer | HTTP Transfer Last Block | Indicates last message within a test | mtResultsHTTPTransferTest | LastBlock |
Service Quality | Data Service HTTP Transfer | HTTP Transfer Mean Throughput (kbps) | Application throughput in kbps | mtResultsHTTPTransferTest | Throughput |
Service Quality | Data Service HTTP Transfer | HTTP Transfer Size (Bytes) | Number of bytes transferred | mtResultsHTTPTransferTest | BytesTransferred |
Service Quality | Data Service IE Browse Overall | IE Browse Error Code | Error code | mtResultsHTTPBrowserTest | errorCode |
Service Quality | Data Service IE Browse Overall | IE Browse Host Server | Host address | mtResultsHTTPBrowserTest | host |
Service Quality | Data Service IE Browse Overall | IE Browse Mean Throughput (kbps) | Application throughput in kbps | mtResultsHTTPBrowserTest | throughput |
Service Quality | Data Service IE Browse Overall | IE Browse Number of Frames | Number of frames in page | mtResultsHTTPBrowserTest | numOfFrames |
Service Quality | Data Service IE Browse Overall | IE Browse Number of Images | Number of images in page | mtResultsHTTPBrowserTest | numOfImages |
Service Quality | Data Service IE Browse Overall | IE Browse Number of Resource Errors | Number of not loaded resources | mtResultsHTTPBrowserTest | NumberResourceErrors |
Service Quality | Data Service IE Browse Overall | IE Browse Number of Resources | Number of resources started to load | mtResultsHTTPBrowserTest | NumberResources |
Service Quality | Data Service IE Browse Overall | IE Browse Page Size (Bytes) | Page size incl. images | mtResultsHTTPBrowserTest | size |
Service Quality | Data Service IE Browse Overall | IE Browse Tag | Browser tag (i.e. IE 6.0) | mtResultsHTTPBrowserTest | browser |
Service Quality | Data Service IE Browse Overall | IE Browse URL | Complete URL | mtResultsHTTPBrowserTest | url |
Service Quality | Data Service Network Perf | Data Transferred (kBytes) | Duration used for throughput calculation | mtResultsNetworkPerfThroughput | Duration |
Service Quality | Data Service Network Perf | Duration (ms) | Cumulated throughput in kbps (peak + floor) | mtResultsNetworkPerfThroughput | Throughput |
Service Quality | Data Service Network Perf | Period | Period | mtResultsNetworkPerfThroughput | Period |
Service Quality | Data Service Network Perf | Throughput (kbps) | Number of kB transferred | mtResultsNetworkPerfThroughput | BytesTransferred |
Service Quality | Ping | Ping Delay (ms) | Round trip time in milliseconds | mtResultsPingTest | RTT |
Service Quality | Ping | Ping Delay (ms) | Round trip time in milliseconds | mtResultsPingTraceTest | RTT |
Service Quality | Ping | Ping Error Code | Error code | mtResultsPingTest | errorCode |
Service Quality | Ping | Ping Error Code | Error code | mtResultsPingTraceTest | errorCode |
Service Quality | Ping | Ping Hop Number | Hop number | mtResultsPingTraceTest | hopNumber |
Service Quality | Ping | Ping Host Server | Host address | mtResultsPingTest | host |
Service Quality | Ping | Ping Host Server | Host address | mtResultsPingTraceTest | host |
Service Quality | Ping | Ping Size (bytes) | Packet size in bytes | mtResultsPingTest | packetSize |
Service Quality | Results Email Recv Test | Email account, username | Email account, username | mtResultsEMailRecvTest | account |
Service Quality | Results Email Recv Test | Error Code | Error Code | mtResultsEMailRecvTest | |
Service Quality | Results Email Recv Test | Host address | Host address | mtResultsEMailRecvTest | host |
Service Quality | Results Email Recv Test | Number of this message on server | Number of this message on server | mtResultsEMailRecvTest | msgNr |
Service Quality | Results Email Recv Test | Size of email | Size of email | mtResultsEMailRecvTest | size |
Service Quality | Results Email Recv Test | Subject of the email | Subject of the email | mtResultsEMailRecvTest | subject |
Service Quality | Results Email Recv Test | Throughput when downloading email | Throughput when downloading email | mtResultsEMailRecvTest | throughput |
Service Quality | Results Email Recv Test | Time to connect and authenticate on POP3 server | Time to connect and authenticate on POP3 server | mtResultsEMailRecvTest | connectTime |
Service Quality | Results Email Recv Test | Time to receive email | Time to receive email | mtResultsEMailRecvTest | recvTime |
Service Quality | Results Email Recv Test | Time to search the message (subject) | Time to search the message (subject) | mtResultsEMailRecvTest | searchTime |
Service Quality | Results Email Recv Test | Type of protocol (POP3 or IMAP) | Type of protocol (POP3 or IMAP) | mtResultsEMailRecvTest | Protocol |
Service Quality | Results Email Send Test | Email address | Email address | mtResultsEMailSendTest | address |
Service Quality | Results Email Send Test | Error Code | Error Code | mtResultsEMailSendTest | |
Service Quality | Results Email Send Test | Host address | Host address | mtResultsEMailSendTest | host |
Service Quality | Results Email Send Test | Size of email | Size of email | mtResultsEMailSendTest | size |
Service Quality | Results Email Send Test | Subject of the email | Subject of the email | mtResultsEMailSendTest | subject |
Service Quality | Results Email Send Test | Throughput when sending email | Throughput when sending email | mtResultsEMailSendTest | throughput |
Service Quality | Results Email Send Test | Time to connect and authenticate on SMTP server | Time to connect and authenticate on SMTP server | mtResultsEMailSendTest | connectTime |
Service Quality | Results Email Send Test | Time to send email | Time to send email | mtResultsEMailSendTest | sendTime |
Service Quality | SQ Application Action | Action Id | Action id, linked to the action results or parameter messages | mtResultsAppActionUploadFileParameters, mtResultsAppActionDownloadFileParameters, mtResultsAppAction, mtResultsAppActionParameters | ActionId |
Service Quality | SQ Application Action | Action Name | Name of the action | mtResultsAppActionUploadFileParameters, mtResultsAppActionDownloadFileParameters, mtResultsAppActionParameters | ActionName |
Service Quality | SQ Application Action | Bytes Transferred | Number of bytes transferred | mtResultsAppAction | BytesTransferred |
Service Quality | SQ Application Action | Direction | mtResultsAppActionUploadFileParameters, mtResultsAppActionDownloadFileParameters | N/A | |
Service Quality | SQ Application Action | Duration (ms) | Duration used for throughput calculation | mtResultsAppAction | Duration |
Service Quality | SQ Application Action | Error Code | Error for the action | mtResultsAppAction | ErrorCode |
Service Quality | SQ Application Action | Last Block | LastBlock: 0 = intermediate result; 1 = result over test | mtResultsAppAction | LastBlock |
Service Quality | SQ Application Action | Local File | Local file to upload | mtResultsAppActionUploadFileParameters | LocalFile |
Service Quality | SQ Application Action | Remote File Path | Remote path for the uploaded or downloaded file | mtResultsAppActionUploadFileParameters, mtResultsAppActionDownloadFileParameters | RemoteFilePath |
Service Quality | SQ Application Action | Throughput (kbps) | Throughput in kbps | mtResultsAppAction | Throughput |
Service Quality | SQ Application Messaging | Action Id | Action id, linked to the parameter messages | mtResultsAppActionMessagingSend, mtResultsAppActionMessagingReceive | ActionId |
Service Quality | SQ Application Messaging | Direction | mtResultsAppActionMessagingSend, mtResultsAppActionMessagingReceive | N/A | |
Service Quality | SQ Application Messaging | Duration (ms) | Duration of the action | mtResultsAppActionMessagingSend, mtResultsAppActionMessagingReceive | Duration |
Service Quality | SQ Application Messaging | Error Code | Error for the action | mtResultsAppActionMessagingSend, mtResultsAppActionMessagingReceive | ErrorCode |
Service Quality | SQ Application Messaging | File Name | Name of the above file | mtResultsAppActionMessagingSend, mtResultsAppActionMessagingReceive | FileName |
Service Quality | SQ Application Messaging | File Size (Bytes) | File size of the send file | mtResultsAppActionMessagingSend, mtResultsAppActionMessagingReceive | FileSize |
Service Quality | SQ Application Messaging | Identifier | Unique identifier to match send and receive | mtResultsAppActionMessagingSend, mtResultsAppActionMessagingReceive | Identifier |
Service Quality | SQ Application Messaging | Messaging Type | 1: Text, 2: Sticker, 3: Photo, 4: Audio, 5: Video | mtResultsAppActionMessagingSend, mtResultsAppActionMessagingReceive | MessagingType |
Service Quality | SQ Application Messaging | Read Confirmation Time | Time when message was read | mtResultsAppActionMessagingSend, mtResultsAppActionMessagingReceive | ReadConfirmationTime |
Service Quality | SQ Application Messaging | Start Time | Start of sending the message | mtResultsAppActionMessagingSend, mtResultsAppActionMessagingReceive | StartTime |
Service Quality | SQ Application Performance | Action Id | Action id, linked to the parameter messages | mtResultsAppActionPerformance | ActionId |
Service Quality | SQ Application Performance | DL Size (Bytes) | Size of downloaded data [Bytes] | mtResultsAppActionPerformance | DLSize |
Service Quality | SQ Application Performance | DL Throughput (kbps) | DL throughput [kbps] | mtResultsAppActionPerformance | DLThroughput |
Service Quality | SQ Application Performance | Duration (ms) | Overall duration | mtResultsAppActionPerformance | Duration |
Service Quality | SQ Application Performance | Error Code | Error for the action | mtResultsAppActionPerformance | ErrorCode |
Service Quality | SQ Application Performance | Initialization Duration (ms) | Duration to initialize the action [ms] | mtResultsAppActionPerformance | InitDuration |
Service Quality | SQ Application Performance | Latency (ms) | Optional: FCC Speed test: Latency [ms] | mtResultsAppActionPerformance | Latency |
Service Quality | SQ Application Performance | Packet Loss (%) | Optional: FCC Speed test: Packet loss [%] | mtResultsAppActionPerformance | PacketLossPercent |
Service Quality | SQ Application Performance | Ping Duration (ms) | Ping duration [ms] | mtResultsAppActionPerformance | Ping |
Service Quality | SQ Application Performance | Server | Server used for the action | mtResultsAppActionPerformance | Server |
Service Quality | SQ Application Performance | Total Packets | Optional: FCC Speed test: Total packets send | mtResultsAppActionPerformance | TotalPackets |
Service Quality | SQ Application Performance | UL Size (Bytes) | Size of uploaded data [Bytes] | mtResultsAppActionPerformance | ULSize |
Service Quality | SQ Application Performance | UL Throughput (kbps) | UL throughput [kbps] | mtResultsAppActionPerformance | ULThroughput |
Service Quality | SQ Application Social Media | Action Id | Action id, linked to the parameter messages | mtResultsAppActionSocialMedia | ActionId |
Service Quality | SQ Application Social Media | Application Type Id | App specific action - For Instagram: 1: Post picture, 2: Post video, 3: Comment post, 4: Delete post | mtResultsAppActionSocialMedia | AppTypeId |
Service Quality | SQ Application Social Media | Core Duration (ms) | Action core duration in ms | mtResultsAppActionSocialMedia | CoreDuration |
Service Quality | SQ Application Social Media | Deinitialization Duration (ms) | Deinitialization duration in ms | mtResultsAppActionSocialMedia | DeinitDuration |
Service Quality | SQ Application Social Media | Error Code | Error code of the action | mtResultsAppActionSocialMedia | ErrorCode |
Service Quality | SQ Application Social Media | Identifier | Unique identifier to match e.g. different actions | mtResultsAppActionSocialMedia | Identifier |
Service Quality | SQ Application Social Media | Initialization Duration (ms) | Initialization duration in ms | mtResultsAppActionSocialMedia | InitDuration |
Service Quality | SQ Application Social Media | Post Processing Duration (ms) | Post processing duration in ms | mtResultsAppActionSocialMedia | PostProcessing |
Service Quality | SQ Application Social Media | Start Time | UTC time, format: yyyy-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.fffffff | mtResultsAppActionSocialMedia | StartTime |
Service Quality | SQ Application Test | Action Names | Semicolon-separated list of action names | mtResultsAppTestParameters | ActionNames |
Service Quality | SQ Application Test | Application Test Type | 44: App; 45: Ookla; 46: Dropbox; 47: Facebook; 48: Line send; 49: Line receive | mtResultsAppTestParameters | AppTestType |
Service Quality | SQ Application Test | Bytes Transferred | Number of bytes transferred | mtResultsAppTest | BytesTransferred |
Service Quality | SQ Application Test | Duration | Duration of the test in milliseconds | mtResultsAppTest | Duration |
Service Quality | SQ Application Test | Error Code | Errorcode of the app test | mtResultsAppTest | ErrorCode |
Service Quality | SQ Application Test | Number of Actions | Number of actions within this test | mtResultsAppTest | NumActions |
Service Quality | SQ Application Test | Service Class | 2: Cloud Storage Service; 3: Messaging; 4: Social media; 6: Network Performance | mtResultsAppTestParameters | ServiceClass |
Service Quality | SQ Application Test | Service Profile Name | User-specified name of the used service profile | mtResultsAppTestParameters | ServiceProfileName |
Service Quality | SQ Application Test | Service Provider | Name of the service provider | mtResultsAppTestParameters | ServiceProvider |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result Average | Black (%) | Black (%) | mtClipResult | Black[%%] |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result Average | Blockiness (%) | Blockiness (%) | mtClipResult | Blockiness[%%] |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result Average | Blurring (%) | Blurring (%) | mtClipResult | Blurring[%%] |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result Average | Estimated Frame Rate | Estimated Frame Rate | mtClipResult | FrameRateCalc[fps] |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result Average | Frame Jitter (ms) | Frame Jitter (ms) | mtClipResult | FrameJitter[ms] |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result Average | Freezing (%) | Freezing (%) | mtClipResult | Freezing[%%] |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result Average | Jerkiness (%) | Jerkiness (%) | mtClipResult | Jerkiness[%%] |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result Average | Lum Gain (%) | Lum Gain (%) | mtClipResult | LumGain[%%] |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result Average | Lum Offset (%) | Lum Offset (%) | mtClipResult | LumOffset[%%] |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result Average | Matched Frames (%) | Matched Frames (%) | mtClipResult | MatchedFrames[%%] |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result Average | Problem Code | Problem Code | mtClipResult | ProblemCode[C] |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result Average | PSNR (dB) | PSNR (dB) | mtClipResult | PSNR[dB] |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result Average | Quality Code | Quality Code | mtClipResult | QualityCode[C] |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result Average | Status | Status | mtClipResult | Status[C] |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result Average | Tiling (%) | Tiling (%) | mtClipResult | Tiling[%%] |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result Average | Visual Quality | Visual Quality | mtClipResult | VisualQuality[M] |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result General Information | Capture Type | Capture Type | mtClipResult | CaptureType |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result General Information | Deg File | Deg File | mtClipResult | DegFile |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result General Information | First Frame Deg | First Frame Deg | mtClipResult | FFrameDeg |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result General Information | First Frame Ref | First Frame Ref | mtClipResult | FFrameRef |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result General Information | Frame Rate File Ref | Frame Rate File Ref | mtClipResult | FrameRateFileRef |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result General Information | Horizontal frame resolution | Horizontal frame resolution | mtClipResult | HorFrameSize |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result General Information | Nr Frames Eval | Nr Frames Eval | mtClipResult | NrFramesEval |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result General Information | Ref File | Ref File | mtClipResult | RefFile |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result General Information | Sequence Length Deg | Sequence Length Deg | mtClipResult | SequenceLengthDeg |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result General Information | Sequence Length Ref | Sequence Length Ref | mtClipResult | SequenceLengthRef |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result General Information | SMDM Ver | SMDM Ver | mtClipResult | SMDMVer |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result General Information | SQIPL Ver | SQIPL Ver | mtClipResult | SQIPLVer |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result General Information | Use Seq Marker | Use Seq Marker | mtClipResult | UseSeqMarker |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result General Information | Vertical frame resolution | Vertical frame resolution | mtClipResult | VerFrameSize |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result General Information | Vquad Ver | Vquad Ver | mtClipResult | VQuadVer |
Service Quality | SQ Clip Result General Information | VTA Ver | VTA Ver | mtClipResult | VTAVer |
Service Quality | SQ MMS | Delivery Report | Indicates if the delivery report is on or not | mtResultsMMSParameters | DeliveryReport |
Service Quality | SQ MMS | Direction | ‘S’ Sender event / ‘R’ Receiver event | mtResultsMMSTest, mtResultsMMSTrace | sendReceive |
Service Quality | SQ MMS | Duration (ms) | Duration of the sending/receiving in ms | mtResultsMMSRslt | Duration |
Service Quality | SQ MMS | Error Code | Error Code, link to errorcodes.ini | mtResultsMMSRslt | ErrorCode |
Service Quality | SQ MMS | Event | Event text | mtResultsMMSTest, mtResultsMMSTrace | event |
Service Quality | SQ MMS | First Attachment | First attachment | mtResultsMMSParameters | Attachment1 |
Service Quality | SQ MMS | GPRS Connect Time (ms) | Time to connect to GPRS in ms | mtResultsMMSRslt | GPRSConnectTime |
Service Quality | SQ MMS | Identifier | Unique Identifier of the MMS message | mtResultsMMSParameters | identifier |
Service Quality | SQ MMS | Max Time (s) | Maximum sending time in seconds | mtResultsMMSParameters | MaxTime |
Service Quality | SQ MMS | MMS Gateway | Gateway of the MMS | mtResultsMMSParameters | Gateway |
Service Quality | SQ MMS | MMS Id | Unique Identifier of the MMS message | mtResultsMMSTest | MMSId |
Service Quality | SQ MMS | MMS Size (Bytes) | Size of the message in bytes | mtResultsMMSParameters | MMSSize |
Service Quality | SQ MMS | MMSC | Name of MMSC | mtResultsMMSParameters | MMSC |
Service Quality | SQ MMS | Pause Time (s) | Pause between messages in seconds | mtResultsMMSParameters | PauseTime |
Service Quality | SQ MMS | Phone Number | Number/ email address of the receiver | mtResultsMMSParameters | CntPtNumber |
Service Quality | SQ MMS | Protocol | Used protocol (HTTP, WSP) | mtResultsMMSParameters | Protocol |
Service Quality | SQ MMS | Second Attachment | Second attachment | mtResultsMMSParameters | Attachment2 |
Service Quality | SQ MMS | Throughput (kbps) | Throughput in kbps | mtResultsMMSRslt | Throughput |
Service Quality | SQ MMS | WAP Connect Time (ms) | Time to connect to WAP in ms | mtResultsMMSRslt | WAPConnectTime |
Service Quality | SQ SMS | Delivery Report | Indicates if a delivery report is requested or not | mtResultsSMSParameters | DeliveryReport |
Service Quality | SQ SMS | Direction | ‘S’ Sender event / ‘R’ Receiver event | mtResultsSMSTrace | sendReceive |
Service Quality | SQ SMS | Duration (ms) | Send/Receive Time in ms | mtResultsSMSRslt | Duration |
Service Quality | SQ SMS | Error Code | Error Code, link to errorcodes.ini | mtResultsSMSRslt | ErrorCode |
Service Quality | SQ SMS | Event | Event text | mtResultsSMSTrace | event |
Service Quality | SQ SMS | Identifier | Unique Identifier of the SMS message | mtResultsSMSParameters | identifier |
Service Quality | SQ SMS | Max Time (s) | Maximum Sending Time in s | mtResultsSMSParameters | MaxTime |
Service Quality | SQ SMS | Pause Time (s) | Pause between messages in s | mtResultsSMSParameters | PauseTime |
Service Quality | SQ SMS | Phone Number | Number of the receiver/sender | mtResultsSMSParameters | CntPtNumber |
Service Quality | SQ SMS | SMS Size (Bytes) | Size in bytes (character) | mtResultsSMSParameters | SMSSize |
Service Quality | SQ SMS | SMS Text | Contains the SMS text | mtResultsSMSParameters | SMSText |
Service Quality | SQ SMS | SMSC | Name of the SMSC | mtResultsSMSParameters | SMSC |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information | Capture Type | Capture Type | mtTestResult | CaptureType |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information | Deg File | Deg File | mtTestResult | DegFile |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information | First Frame Deg | First Frame Deg | mtTestResult | FFrameDeg |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information | First Frame Ref | First Frame Ref | mtTestResult | FFrameRef |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information | Frame Rate File Ref | Frame Rate File Ref | mtTestResult | FrameRateFileRef |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information | Horizontal frame resolution | Horizontal frame resolution | mtTestResult | HorFrameSize |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information | Nr Frames Eval | Nr Frames Eval | mtTestResult | NrFramesEval |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information | Ref File | Ref File | mtTestResult | RefFile |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information | Sequence Length Deg | Sequence Length Deg | mtTestResult | SequenceLengthDeg |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information | Sequence Length Ref | Sequence Length Ref | mtTestResult | SequenceLengthRef |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information | SMDM Ver | SMDM Ver | mtTestResult | SMDMVer |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information | SQIPL Ver | SQIPL Ver | mtTestResult | SQIPLVer |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information | Use Seq Marker | Use Seq Marker | mtTestResult | UseSeqMarker |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information | Vertical frame resolution | Vertical frame resolution | mtTestResult | VerFrameSize |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information | Vquad Ver | Vquad Ver | mtTestResult | VQuadVer |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information | VTA Ver | VTA Ver | mtTestResult | VTAVer |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Details | Black Frames (%) | Black Frames (%) | mtTestResult | Black[%%] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Details | Blockiness (%) | Blockiness (%) | mtTestResult | Blockiness[%%] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Details | Blurring (%) | Blurring (%) | mtTestResult | Blurring[%%] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Details | Estimated Frame Rate | Estimated Frame Rate | mtTestResult | FrameRateCalc[fps] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Details | Frame Jitter (ms) | Frame Jitter (ms) | mtTestResult | FrameJitter[ms] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Details | Freezing (%) | Freezing (%) | mtTestResult | Freezing[%%] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Details | Jerkiness (%) | Jerkiness (%) | mtTestResult | Jerkiness[%%] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Details | Lum Gain (%) | Lum Gain (%) | mtTestResult | LumGain[%%] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Details | Lum Offset (%) | Lum Offset (%) | mtTestResult | LumOffset[%%] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Details | Matched Frames (%) | Matched Frames (%) | mtTestResult | MatchedFrames[%%] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Details | Problem Code | Problem Code | mtTestResult | ProblemCode[C] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Details | PSNR (dB) | PSNR (dB) | mtTestResult | PSNR[dB] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Details | Quality Code | Quality Code | mtTestResult | QualityCode[C] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Details | Status | Status | mtTestResult | Status[C] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Details | Tiling (%) | Tiling (%) | mtTestResult | Tiling[%%] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Details | Visual Quality | Visual Quality | mtTestResult | VisualQuality[M] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Time Domain | Audio Active | Audio Active | mtTestResult | AudioActive[B] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Time Domain | Black | Black | mtTestResult | Black[B] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Time Domain | Blockiness (%) | Blockiness (%) | mtTestResult | Blockiness[%%] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Time Domain | Blue | Blue | mtTestResult | Blue[B] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Time Domain | Blurring (%) | Blurring (%) | mtTestResult | Blurring[%%] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Time Domain | Deg Frame Nr | Deg Frame Nr | mtTestResult | DegFrameNr |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Time Domain | DeltaTime (ms) | DeltaTime (ms) | mtTestResult | DeltaTime[ms] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Time Domain | Frame Height | Frame Height | mtTestResult | FrameHeight[C] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Time Domain | Graphics Text | Graphics Text | mtTestResult | GraphicsText[B] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Time Domain | PSNR (dB) | PSNR (dB) | mtTestResult | PSNR[dB] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Time Domain | Ref Frame Nr | Ref Frame Nr | mtTestResult | RefFrameNr |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Time Domain | Rep Frame | Rep Frame | mtTestResult | RepFrame[B] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Time Domain | RMS Interframe Difference (%) | RMS Interframe Difference (%) | mtTestResult | DegInterFDiff[%%] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Time Domain | Scene Change | Scene Change | mtTestResult | SceneChange[B] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Time Domain | TA Flag | TA Flag | mtTestResult | TAFlag |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Time Domain | Tiling (%) | Tiling (%) | mtTestResult | Tiling[%%] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Analysis Information Time Domain | Time (ms) | Time (ms) | mtTestResult | Time[ms] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Average Results | Freezing (%) | Freezing (%) | mtTestResult | Freezing[%] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Average Results | Freezing (s) | Freezing (s) | mtTestResult | FreezingInSec |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Average Results | Session Quality | Session Quality | mtTestResult | SessionQuality[M] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Average Results | Status | Status | mtTestResult | Status |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Average Results | Tests Quality Average | Tests Quality Average | mtTestResult | TestsQualityAverage[M] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Average Results | Tests Quality Max | Tests Quality Max | mtTestResult | TestsQualityMax[M] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Average Results | Tests Quality Min | Tests Quality Min | mtTestResult | TestsQualityMin[M] |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming Average Results | Tests Quality Std Dev | Tests Quality Std Dev | mtTestResult | TestsQualityStdDev |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming General Information | Duration (s) | Duration (s) | mtTestResult | DurationInSec |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming General Information | Horizontal frame resolution | Horizontal frame resolution | mtTestResult | HorFrameSize |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming General Information | Streaming Name | Streaming Name | mtTestResult | StreamName |
Service Quality | SQ Video Streaming General Information | Vertical frame resolution | Vertical frame resolution | mtTestResult | VerFrameSize |
Service Quality | SQ YouTube Player Statistics Overview | Movie Bytes Total | MovieBytesTotal | mtTestResult | MovieBytesTotal[Byte] |
Service Quality | SQ YouTube Player Statistics Overview | Movie Duration (s) | MovieDuration | mtTestResult | MovieDuration[s] |
Service Quality | SQ YouTube Player Statistics Overview | Movie Quality | MovieQuality | mtTestResult | MovieQuality |
Service Quality | WiFi Scan Results by BSSID | BSSID | Basic Service Set Identifier | mtScannerWiFi | BSSID |
Service Quality | WiFi Scan Results by BSSID | Capabilities | Describes the authentication, key management, and encryption schemes supported by the access point | mtScannerWiFi | Capability |
Service Quality | WiFi Scan Results by BSSID | Frequency (KHz) | Frequency | mtScannerWiFi | Frequency |
Service Quality | WiFi Scan Results by BSSID | RSSI (dBm) | Received signal strength indication in dBm. | mtScannerWiFi | RSSI |
Service Quality | WiFi Scan Results by BSSID | SSID | Service Set IDentifier | mtScannerWiFi | SSID |
WCDMA | HS UL Block Error Statistics | HS UL E-DCH Throughput (kbps) | Value is in kbit/s | mtHSUPAMACStatistics | EDCHThroughput |
WCDMA | HS UL TTI Statistics | HS UL Buffer Limited Tx Rate | HS UL Buffer Limited Tx Rate | mtHSUPAMACStatistics | BufferLimitTxRate |
WCDMA | HS UL TTI Statistics | HS UL Happy Rate | HS UL Happy Rate | mtHSUPAMACStatistics | HappyRate |
WCDMA | HS UL TTI Statistics | HS UL Number of TTIs | Transfer time interval | mtHSUPAMACStatistics | TTI |
WCDMA | HS UL TTI Statistics | HS UL Power Limited Tx Rate | HS UL Power Limited Tx Rate | mtHSUPAMACStatistics | PwrLimitTxRate |
WCDMA | HS UL TTI Statistics | HS UL Serving Grant Limited Tx Rate | HS UL Serving Grant Limited Tx Rate | mtHSUPAMACStatistics | SGLimitTxRate |
WCDMA | HS UL TTI Statistics | HS UL Successful E-AGCH Rate (All TTIs) | HS UL Successful E-AGCH Rate (All TTIs) | mtHSUPAMACStatistics | AverageAGCH |
WCDMA | HSDPA HARQ Statistics | Average number of erroneous blocks over all HARQ processes | Average number of erroneous blocks over all HARQ processes | mtHSDPAHarq | AvgNumBlkErrors |
WCDMA | HSDPA HARQ Statistics | Average number of new transmissions over all HARQ processes | Average number of new transmissions over all HARQ processes | mtHSDPAHarq | AvgNumNewTx |
WCDMA | HSDPA HARQ Statistics | Average of successfully decoded information bits over all HARQ processes | Average of successfully decoded information bits over all HARQ processes | mtHSDPAHarq | AvgNumRxBits |
WCDMA | HSDPA HARQ Statistics | AvgNumRxBits/Duration | AvgNumRxBits/Duration | mtHSDPAHarq | ThroughPutRx |
WCDMA | HSDPA HARQ Statistics | Number of HARQ processes | Number of HARQ processes | mtHSDPAHarq | NumHarqProc |
WCDMA | HSDPA HARQ Statistics | Number of sub-frames | Number of sub-frames | mtHSDPAHarq | NumSubFrames |
WCDMA | HSDPA HARQ Statistics | Time between 2 records (in ms) | Time between 2 records (in ms) | mtHSDPAHarq | Duration |
WCDMA | HSDPA MAC data | Number of bits transferred | Number of bits transferred | mtHSDPAMacHeaders | Data |
WCDMA | HSDPA MAC data | Number of MAC headers | Number of MAC headers | mtHSDPAMacHeaders | NumMacHeaders |
WCDMA | HSDPA MAC data | Throughput in kbit/s | Throughput in kbit/s | mtHSDPAMacHeaders | ThroughPut |
WCDMA | HSDPA MAC data | Time between 2 records (in ms) | Time between two records (in ms) | mtHSDPAMacHeaders | Duration |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | 2nd Carrier 64QAM status | 64QAM status (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled) | mtHSDPAModulation | Enabled64QAM_C1 |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | 2nd Carrier BLER Rate | BLER rate | mtHSDPAModulation | RateBLER1st_C1 |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | 2nd Carrier Num of BLER | Number of BLER samples | mtHSDPAModulation | NumBLER1st_C1 |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | 2nd Carrier Num of ResidualBlocks | Number of residual blocks | mtHSDPAModulation | NumResidualBlocks_C1 |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | 2nd Carrier Num of Retransmission | Number of retransmissions | mtHSDPAModulation | NumRetransmissions_C1 |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | 2nd Carrier Number of code channels | Number of code channels | mtHSDPAModulation | AvgNumCodeChannels_C1 |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | 2nd Carrier Number of frames using 16QAM | Number of frames using 16QAM | mtHSDPAModulation | ModScheme16QAM_C1 |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | 2nd Carrier Number of frames using 64QAM | Number of frames using 64QAM | mtHSDPAModulation | ModScheme64QAM_C1 |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | 2nd Carrier Number of frames using QPSK | Number of frames using QPSK | mtHSDPAModulation | ModSchemeQPSK_C1 |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | 2nd Carrier Number of sub-frames | Number of sub-frames | mtHSDPAModulation | NumSamples_C1 |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | 2nd Carrier Residual Blocks Rate | Residual blocks rate | mtHSDPAModulation | RateResidualBlocks_C1 |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | 2nd Carrier Retransmission Rate | Retransmission rate | mtHSDPAModulation | RateRetransmissions_C1 |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | 2nd Carrier Size of transport block | Size of transport block | mtHSDPAModulation | TransportBlock_C1 |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | 2nd Carrier Use of 16QAM in percent | Use of 16QAM in percent | mtHSDPAModulation | Percent16QAM_C1 |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | 2nd Carrier Use of 64QAM in percent | 64QAM usage rate | mtHSDPAModulation | Percent64QAM_C1 |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | 2nd Carrier Use of QPSK in percent | Use of QPSK in percent | mtHSDPAModulation | PercentQPSK_C1 |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | 64QAM status | 64QAM status (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled) | mtHSDPAModulation | Enabled64QAM |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | BLER Rate | BLER rate | mtHSDPAModulation | RateBLER1st |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | Dual carrier status | Dual carrier status (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled) | mtHSDPAModulation | EnabledDualCarrier |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | Dual transport blocks status | Dual transport blocks status (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled) | mtHSDPAModulation | DualTBs |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | Duration | Duration | mtHSDPAModulation | Duration |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | MIMO status | MIMO status (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled) | mtHSDPAModulation | EnabledMIMO |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | Num of BLER | Number of BLER samples | mtHSDPAModulation | NumBLER1st |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | Num of ResidualBlocks | Number of residual blocks | mtHSDPAModulation | NumResidualBlocks |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | Num of Retransmission | Number of retransmissions | mtHSDPAModulation | NumRetransmissions |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | Number of code channels | Number of code channels | mtHSDPAModulation | AvgNumCodeChannels |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | Number of frames using 16QAM | Number of frames using 16QAM | mtHSDPAModulation | ModScheme16QAM |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | Number of frames using 64QAM | Number of frames using 64QAM | mtHSDPAModulation | ModScheme64QAM |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | Number of frames using QPSK | Number of frames using QPSK | mtHSDPAModulation | ModSchemeQPSK |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | Number of sub-frames | Number of sub-frames | mtHSDPAModulation | NumSamples |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | Residual Blocks Rate | Residual blocks rate | mtHSDPAModulation | RateResidualBlocks |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | Retransmission Rate | Retransmission rate | mtHSDPAModulation | RateRetransmissions |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | Size of transport block | Size of transport block | mtHSDPAModulation | TransportBlock |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | Use of 16QAM in percent | Use of 16QAM in percent | mtHSDPAModulation | Percent16QAM |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | Use of 64QAM in percent | 64QAM usage rate | mtHSDPAModulation | Percent64QAM |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation | Use of QPSK in percent | Use of QPSK in percent | mtHSDPAModulation | PercentQPSK |
WCDMA | HSDPA SCCH Statistics | 1st Carrier Attempt/NumFrames in percent | Attempt/NumFrames in percent (1st Carrier) | mtHSDPAScch | SCCHAttemptsPercent_C0 |
WCDMA | HSDPA SCCH Statistics | 1st Carrier Number of sub-frames in which valid SCCH was received | Number of sub-frames in which valid SCCH was received (1st Carrier) | mtHSDPAScch | NumSCCHValid_C0 |
WCDMA | HSDPA SCCH Statistics | 1st Carrier Total number of sub-frames in the packet | Total number of sub-frames in the packet (1st Carrier) | mtHSDPAScch | NumSubFrames_C0 |
WCDMA | HSDPA SCCH Statistics | 1st Carrier Total number of sub-frames in which SCCH decoding was attempted | Total number of sub-frames in which SCCH decoding was attempted (1st Carrier) | mtHSDPAScch | NumSCCHDecodeAttempted_C0 |
WCDMA | HSDPA SCCH Statistics | 1st Carrier Valid/NumFrames in percent | Valid/NumFrames in percent (1st Carrier) | mtHSDPAScch | SCCHUsagePercent_C0 |
WCDMA | HSDPA SCCH Statistics | 2nd Carrier Attempt/NumFrames in percent | Attempt/NumFrames in percent (2nd Carrier) | mtHSDPAScch | SCCHAttemptsPercent_C1 |
WCDMA | HSDPA SCCH Statistics | 2nd Carrier Number of sub-frames in which valid SCCH was received | Number of sub-frames in which valid SCCH was received (2nd Carrier) | mtHSDPAScch | NumSCCHValid_C1 |
WCDMA | HSDPA SCCH Statistics | 2nd Carrier Total number of sub-frames in the packet | Total number of sub-frames in the packet (2nd Carrier) | mtHSDPAScch | NumSubFrames_C1 |
WCDMA | HSDPA SCCH Statistics | 2nd Carrier Total number of sub-frames in which SCCH decoding was attempted | Total number of sub-frames in which SCCH decoding was attempted (2nd Carrier) | mtHSDPAScch | NumSCCHDecodeAttempted_C1 |
WCDMA | HSDPA SCCH Statistics | 2nd Carrier Valid/NumFrames in percent | Valid/NumFrames in percent (2nd Carrier) | mtHSDPAScch | SCCHUsagePercent_C1 |
WCDMA | HSDPA SCCH Statistics | Attempt/NumFrames in percent | Attempt/NumFrames in percent | mtHSDPAScch | SCCHAttemptsPercent |
WCDMA | HSDPA SCCH Statistics | Number of sub-frames in which valid SCCH was received | Number of sub-frames in which valid SCCH was received | mtHSDPAScch | NumSCCHValid |
WCDMA | HSDPA SCCH Statistics | Total number of sub-frames in the packet | Total number of sub-frames in the packet | mtHSDPAScch | NumSubFrames |
WCDMA | HSDPA SCCH Statistics | Total number of sub-frames in which SCCH decoding was attempted | Total number of sub-frames in which SCCH decoding was attempted | mtHSDPAScch | NumSCCHDecodeAttempted |
WCDMA | HSDPA SCCH Statistics | Valid/NumFrames in percent | Valid/NumFrames in percent | mtHSDPAScch | SCCHUsagePercent |
WCDMA | HSDPA TBS & Modulation | Number of SCCH blocks modulated with 16QAM | Number of SCCH blocks modulated with 16QAM | mtHSDPATBSDecodingView | QAM_16 |
WCDMA | HSDPA TBS & Modulation | Number of SCCH blocks modulated with QPSK | Number of SCCH blocks modulated with QPSK | mtHSDPATBSDecodingView | QPSK |
WCDMA | HSDPA TBS & Modulation | Number of SCCH blocks with CRC errors | Number of SCCH blocks with CRC errors | mtHSDPATBSDecodingView | SBMinus |
WCDMA | HSDPA TBS & Modulation | Number of SCCH blocks with no CRC error | Number of SCCH blocks with no CRC error | mtHSDPATBSDecodingView | SBPlus |
WCDMA | HSDPA TBS & Modulation | Transport Block Size | Transport Block Size | mtHSDPATBSDecodingView | TBS |
WCDMA | HSDPA UL HS-DPCCH Statistics | Count:Ack | Number of ACK in all samples | mtHSDPACQI | numACK |
WCDMA | HSDPA UL HS-DPCCH Statistics | Count:DTX | Number of DTX in all samples | mtHSDPACQI | numDTX |
WCDMA | HSDPA UL HS-DPCCH Statistics | Count:Nack | Number of NACK in all samples | mtHSDPACQI | numNACK |
WCDMA | HSDPA UL HS-DPCCH Statistics | Num of CQI | Number of CQI in all samples | mtHSDPACQI | numCQI |
WCDMA | HSDPA UL HS-DPCCH Statistics | Number of Samples | Number of sub-frames | mtHSDPACQI | NumSamples |
WCDMA | HSDPA UL HS-DPCCH Statistics | Starting Global SFN | Starting global sub-frame number | mtHSDPACQI | StartFN |
WCDMA | HSDPA UL HS-DPCCH Statistics | Sum of CQI | Sum of CQIs over all samples | mtHSDPACQI | sumCQI |
WCDMA | HSUPA E-DPCH Configuration | Highest Supported Spreading Factor | Highest Supported Spreading Factor | mtHSUPAEDCHUL | UEMaxSF |
WCDMA | HSUPA E-DPCH Configuration | Hs UL DPCCH present | Hs UL DPCCH present | mtHSUPAEDCHUL | HSDPCCHPresent |
WCDMA | HSUPA E-DPCH Configuration | HS UL E-DCH TTI | Transfer time interval | mtHSUPAEDCHUL | TTI |
WCDMA | HSUPA E-DPCH Configuration | Initial Serving Grant | Initial Serving Grant | mtHSUPAEDCHUL | InitServingGrant |
WCDMA | HSUPA E-DPCH Configuration | Max. Layer 1 Bit Rate | Max. Layer 1 Bit Rate | mtHSUPAEDCHUL | ChannelBitRate |
WCDMA | HSUPA E-DPCH Configuration | Maximum supported UE Tx Power | Maximum supported UE Tx Power | mtHSUPAEDCHUL | MaxTxPwr |
WCDMA | HSUPA E-DPCH Configuration | Power offset of E-DPCCH relative to DPCCH | Power offset of E-DPCCH relative to DPCCH | mtHSUPAEDCHUL | PowerOffset |
WCDMA | HSUPA Grant Summary | Max Power allowed (dBm) | Max Power allowed (dBm) | mtHSUPAMACStatistics | MaxPower |
WCDMA | HSUPA Grant Summary | Non-Serving RG Down % | Non-Serving RG Down % | mtHSUPAMACStatistics | NonServingRGDownRate |
WCDMA | HSUPA Grant Summary | Non-Serving RG Hold % | Non-Serving RG Hold % | mtHSUPAMACStatistics | NonServingRGHoldRate |
WCDMA | HSUPA Grant Summary | Num of AGCH Received | Num of AGCH Received | mtHSUPAMACStatistics | NumAGCHMsgs |
WCDMA | HSUPA Grant Summary | Serving RG Down % | Serving RG Down % | mtHSUPAMACStatistics | ServingRGDownRate |
WCDMA | HSUPA Grant Summary | Serving RG Hold % | Serving RG Hold % | mtHSUPAMACStatistics | ServingRGHoldRate |
WCDMA | HSUPA Grant Summary | Serving RG Up % | Serving RG Up % | mtHSUPAMACStatistics | ServingRGUpRate |
WCDMA | HSUPA MAC data | Number of bits transferred | Number of bits transferred | mtHSUPAMACHeaders | Data |
WCDMA | HSUPA MAC data | Number of MAC headers | Number of MAC-e headers | mtHSUPAMACHeaders | NumMacHeaders |
WCDMA | HSUPA MAC data | Throughput in kbit/s | Throughput in kbit/s | mtHSUPAMACHeaders | ThroughPut |
WCDMA | HSUPA MAC data | Time between 2 records (in ms) | Time in ms between two messages | mtHSUPAMACHeaders | Duration |
WCDMA | HSUPA MAC-es | SQ Scheduled Throughput | Value is in kbit/s | mtHSUPAMACStatistics | ScheduledThroughput |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | SQ Average ETFCI | SQ Average ETFCI | mtHSUPAMACStatistics | AverageETFCI |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | SQ Average SG Power | SQ Average SG Power | mtHSUPAMACStatistics | AverageSG |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | SQ Average TB size | SQ Average TB size | mtHSUPAMACStatistics | AverageTBsize |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | SQ Retransmission Rate (%) | SQ Retransmission Rate (%) | mtHSUPAMACStatistics | RetransRate |
WCDMA | HSUPA Radio Link Set | Indicates if it is a AGCH or not (0, 1) | Indicates if it is a AGCH or not (0, 1) | mtHSUPARLS | AGCH |
WCDMA | HSUPA Radio Link Set | Indicates if it is a HICH or not (0, 1) | Indicates if it is a HICH or not (0, 1) | mtHSUPARLS | HICH |
WCDMA | HSUPA Radio Link Set | Indicates if it is a RGCH or not (0, 1) | Indicates if it is a RGCH or not (0, 1) | mtHSUPARLS | RGCH |
WCDMA | HSUPA Radio Link Set | Indicates if it is active or not (0, 1) | Indicates if it is active or not (0, 1) | mtHSUPARLS | Active |
WCDMA | HSUPA Radio Link Set | Indicates if it is the serving cell or not (0, 1) | Indicates if it is the serving cell or not (0, 1) | mtHSUPARLS | SrvCell |
WCDMA | HSUPA Radio Link Set | Indicates if it is the serving RLS or not (0, 1) | Indicates if it is the serving RLS or not (0, 1) | mtHSUPARLS | SrvRLS |
WCDMA | HSUPA Radio Link Set | RLS index | RLS index | mtHSUPARLS | RLSIndex |
WCDMA | HSUPA Radio Link Set | Scrambling code | Scrambling code | mtHSUPARLS | SC |
WCDMA | HSUPA RRC EDCH Configuration | ETFCI Table Index | ETFCI Table Index | mtHSUPAMACStatistics | ETCITable |
WCDMA | HSUPA Serving Grant | SQ Granted Throughput | Value is in kbit/s | mtHSUPAMACStatistics | GrantedThroughput |
WCDMA | HSUPA UL Info | EDPDCH Spreading Factor | EDPDCH Spreading Factor | mtHSUPAEDCHUL | MaxEULSF |
WCDMA | SQ HSDPA Throughput | HSDPA TB Size | DSCH transport block size | mtHSDPAThroughput | DSCHTBsize |
WCDMA | SQ HSDPA Throughput | HSDPA TB Size Carrier 1 | DSCH transport block size C0 | mtHSDPAThroughput | DSCHTBSize_C0 |
WCDMA | SQ HSDPA Throughput | HSDPA TB Size Carrier 2 | DSCH transport block size C1 | mtHSDPAThroughput | DSCHTBSize_C1 |
WCDMA | SQ HSDPA Throughput | HSDPA Throughput (kbps) | HSDPA data throughput | mtHSDPAThroughput | DSCHthroughput |
WCDMA | SQ HSDPA Throughput | HSDPA Throughput Carrier 1 (kbps) | HSDPA data throughput C0 | mtHSDPAThroughput | DSCHThroughput_C0 |
WCDMA | SQ HSDPA Throughput | HSDPA Throughput Carrier 2 (kbps) | HSDPA data throughput C1 | mtHSDPAThroughput | DSCHThroughput_C1 |
WCDMA | SQ HSDPA Throughput | Requested CQI | Num/Sum CQI | mtHSDPAThroughput | ReqCQI |
WCDMA | SQ HSDPA Throughput | Requested CQI Carrier 1 | Num/Sum CQI C0 | mtHSDPAThroughput | ReqCQI_C0 |
WCDMA | SQ HSDPA Throughput | Requested CQI Carrier 2 | Num/Sum CQI C1 | mtHSDPAThroughput | ReqCQI_C1 |
WCDMA | SQ HSDPA Throughput | Requested TB Size | Transport block size | mtHSDPAThroughput | ReqTBSize |
WCDMA | SQ HSDPA Throughput | Requested TB Size Carrier 1 | Transport block size C0 | mtHSDPAThroughput | ReqTBSize_C0 |
WCDMA | SQ HSDPA Throughput | Requested TB Size Carrier 2 | Transport block size C1 | mtHSDPAThroughput | ReqTBSize_C1 |
WCDMA | SQ HSDPA Throughput | Requested Throughput (kbps) | HSDPA requested throughput | mtHSDPAThroughput | ReqThroughput |
WCDMA | SQ HSDPA Throughput | Requested Throughput Carrier 1 (kbps) | HSDPA requested throughput C0 | mtHSDPAThroughput | ReqThroughput_C0 |
WCDMA | SQ HSDPA Throughput | Requested Throughput Carrier 2 (kbps) | HSDPA requested throughput C1 | mtHSDPAThroughput | ReqThroughput_C1 |
WCDMA | SQ HSDPA Throughput | Scheduled TB Size | SCCH transport block size | mtHSDPAThroughput | SCCHTBsize |
WCDMA | SQ HSDPA Throughput | Scheduled TB Size Carrier 1 | SCCH transport block size C0 | mtHSDPAThroughput | SchTBSize_C0 |
WCDMA | SQ HSDPA Throughput | Scheduled TB Size Carrier 2 | SCCH transport block size C1 | mtHSDPAThroughput | SchTBSize_C1 |
WCDMA | SQ HSDPA Throughput | Scheduled Throughput (kbps) | HSDPA scheduled throughput | mtHSDPAThroughput | SCCHthroughput |
WCDMA | SQ HSDPA Throughput | Scheduled Throughput Carrier 1 (kbps) | HSDPA scheduled throughput C0 | mtHSDPAThroughput | SchThroughput_C0 |
WCDMA | SQ HSDPA Throughput | Scheduled Throughput Carrier 2 (kbps) | HSDPA scheduled throughput C1 | mtHSDPAThroughput | SchThroughput_C1 |
WCDMA | UMTS Cell Parameters | CID read from SIB3 | CID read from SIB3 | mtUMTSCellParams | cid |
WCDMA | UMTS Cell Parameters | LAC read from SIB1 | LAC read from SIB1 | mtUMTSCellParams | lac |
WCDMA | UMTS Cell Parameters | Last valid MIB value tag | Last valid MIB value tag | mtUMTSCellParams | mibValueTag |
WCDMA | UMTS Cell Parameters | MCC read from MIB | MCC read from MIB | mtUMTSCellParams | mcc |
WCDMA | UMTS Cell Parameters | MNC read from MIB | MNC read from MIB | mtUMTSCellParams | mnc |
WCDMA | UMTS Cell Parameters | q_HYST_2_S read from SIB3 | q_HYST_2_S read from SIB3 | mtUMTSCellParams | qhyst2s |
WCDMA | UMTS Cell Parameters | q_Hyst_l_S read from SIB3 | q_Hyst_l_S read from SIB3 | mtUMTSCellParams | qhyst1s |
WCDMA | UMTS Cell Parameters | q_QualMin read from SIB3 | q_QualMin read from SIB3 | mtUMTSCellParams | qrxqualmin |
WCDMA | UMTS Cell Parameters | q_RxlevMin read from SIB3 | q_RxlevMin read from SIB3 | mtUMTSCellParams | qrxlevmin |
WCDMA | UMTS Cell Parameters | RNCID read from SIB3 | RNCID read from SIB3 | mtUMTSCellParams | rncid |
WCDMA | UMTS Cell Parameters | s_Intersearch read from SIB3 | s_Intersearch read from SIB3 | mtUMTSCellParams | sintersearch |
WCDMA | UMTS Cell Parameters | s_Intrasearch read from SIB3 | s_Intrasearch read from SIB3 | mtUMTSCellParams | sintrasearch |
WCDMA | UMTS Cell Parameters | s_SearchRAT read from SIB3 | s_SearchRAT read from SIB3 | mtUMTSCellParams | ssearchRAT |
WCDMA | UMTS Cell Parameters | t_Reselection_S read from SIB3 | t_Reselection_S read from SIB3 | mtUMTSCellParams | tReselection |
WCDMA | UMTS GMM State | GMM State | GMM state | mtUMTS_GMM_MM_State | State |
WCDMA | UMTS GMM State | GMM Sub State | GMM sub state | mtUMTS_GMM_MM_State | Substate |
WCDMA | UMTS GMM State | GMM Update | GMM update type | mtUMTS_GMM_MM_State | UpdateType |
WCDMA | UMTS MM State | MM State | MM state | mtUMTS_GMM_MM_State | State |
WCDMA | UMTS MM State | MM Sub State | MM sub state | mtUMTS_GMM_MM_State | Substate |
WCDMA | UMTS MM State | MM Update | MM update type | mtUMTS_GMM_MM_State | UpdateType |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSUPA UE category | HSUPA category | mtHSUPAMACStatistics | Category |
WCDMA | UMTS PS QoS Parameters - Negotiated | Delay Class | Delay class | mtUMTSNASQoS | DelayClass |
WCDMA | UMTS PS QoS Parameters - Negotiated | Delivery of erroneous SDU | Delivery of erroneous SDU | mtUMTSNASQoS | DeliveryErrSDU |
WCDMA | UMTS PS QoS Parameters - Negotiated | Delivery Order | Delivery order | mtUMTSNASQoS | DeliveryOrder |
WCDMA | UMTS PS QoS Parameters - Negotiated | Guaranteed Bit Rate DL | Guaranteed bit rate DL | mtUMTSNASQoS | GuaranteedDlBitRate |
WCDMA | UMTS PS QoS Parameters - Negotiated | Guaranteed Bit Rate UL | Guaranteed bit rate UL | mtUMTSNASQoS | GuaranteedUlBitRate |
WCDMA | UMTS PS QoS Parameters - Negotiated | Max. Bit rate DL | Max. bit rate DL | mtUMTSNASQoS | MaxDlBitRate |
WCDMA | UMTS PS QoS Parameters - Negotiated | Max. Bit rate UL | Max. bit rate UL | mtUMTSNASQoS | MaxUlBitRate |
WCDMA | UMTS PS QoS Parameters - Negotiated | Max. SDU Size | Max. SDU Size | mtUMTSNASQoS | MaxSDU |
WCDMA | UMTS PS QoS Parameters - Negotiated | Mean Throughput | Mean throughput | mtUMTSNASQoS | MeanTroughput |
WCDMA | UMTS PS QoS Parameters - Negotiated | Peak Throughput | Peak throughput | mtUMTSNASQoS | PeakThroughput |
WCDMA | UMTS PS QoS Parameters - Negotiated | Precedence Class | Precedence class | mtUMTSNASQoS | PrecendenceClass |
WCDMA | UMTS PS QoS Parameters - Negotiated | QoS Version | QoS version | mtUMTSNASQoS | ConnectionId |
WCDMA | UMTS PS QoS Parameters - Negotiated | Reliability Class | Reliability class | mtUMTSNASQoS | ReliabilityClass |
WCDMA | UMTS PS QoS Parameters - Negotiated | Residual BER | Residual BER | mtUMTSNASQoS | ResidualBER |
WCDMA | UMTS PS QoS Parameters - Negotiated | SDU Error Ratio | SDU error ratio | mtUMTSNASQoS | SDUErrRatio |
WCDMA | UMTS PS QoS Parameters - Negotiated | Traffic Class | Traffic class | mtUMTSNASQoS | TrafficClass |
WCDMA | UMTS PS QoS Parameters - Negotiated | Traffic Handling Priority | Traffic handling priority | mtUMTSNASQoS | TrafficHandlingPrio |
WCDMA | UMTS PS QoS Parameters - Negotiated | Transfer Delay | Transfer delay | mtUMTSNASQoS | TransferDelay |
WCDMA | UMTS Rake Finger Info - All UARFCNs | Finger Position (Chip) | Transmit PN position in chipx8 | mtWCDMAFingerInfo | txPos |
WCDMA | UMTS Rake Finger Info - All UARFCNs | OVSF Code | OVSF code of the CPICH that this path uses for demodulation | mtWCDMAPath | FingChanCodeIdx |
WCDMA | UMTS Rake Finger Info - All UARFCNs | Peak Locked Finger Ec/Io (dB) | Ec over Io of the path in dB | mtWCDMAPath | pathEcIo |
WCDMA | UMTS Rake Finger Info - All UARFCNs | Primary Scrambling Code | Primary Scrambling Code of the Primary CPICH (0..511) | mtWCDMAPath | PrimScPathIdx |
WCDMA | UMTS Rake Finger Info - All UARFCNs | Rake Finger Count | Number of Fingers (0..8) | mtWCDMAFingerInfo | numFinger |
WCDMA | UMTS Rake Finger Info - All UARFCNs | Rake Finger Index | Index of the finger assigned to the path (0..7, FF = no finger) | mtWCDMAPath | FingIdx |
WCDMA | UMTS Rake Finger Info - All UARFCNs | Secondary Scrambling Code | Secondary Scrambling Code of the secondary CPICH | mtWCDMAPath | SecScCodeIdx |
WCDMA | UMTS Rake Finger Info - All UARFCNs | TX_PN_Position | Path PN position in chipx8 | mtWCDMAPath | PnPosPath |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB1 Timing Data | n312 | n312 L3 decoded value | mtUMTSIB1TimingData | n312 |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB1 Timing Data | n313 | n313 L3 decoded value | mtUMTSIB1TimingData | n313 |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB1 Timing Data | n315 | n315 L3 decoded value | mtUMTSIB1TimingData | n315 |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB1 Timing Data | t312 | t312 L3 decoded value | mtUMTSIB1TimingData | t312 |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB1 Timing Data | t313 | t313 L3 decoded value | mtUMTSIB1TimingData | t313 |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB1 Timing Data | t314 | t314 L3 decoded value | mtUMTSIB1TimingData | t314 |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB1 Timing Data | t315 | t315 L3 decoded value | mtUMTSIB1TimingData | t315 |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB1 Timing Data | t323 | t323 L3 decoded value | mtUMTSIB1TimingData | t323 |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB11 Data | Actual q_RxlevMin | q_RxlevMin | mtUMTSSIB11Data | |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB11 Data | Cell Individual Offset | Cell Individual Offset | mtUMTSSIB11Data | cellIndividualOffset |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB11 Data | Intra or Inter cell | Intra or Inter cell | mtUMTSSIB11Data | |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB11 Data | Last valid MIB value tag | Last valid MIB value tag | mtUMTSSIB11Data | mibValueTag |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB11 Data | PSC | Primary Scrambling Code | mtUMTSSIB11Data | psc |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB11 Data | q_Offset1S_N | q_Offset1S_N | mtUMTSSIB11Data | qoffset1 |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB11 Data | q_Offset2S_N | q_Offset2S_N | mtUMTSSIB11Data | qoffset2 |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB11 Data | UARFCN | Downlink UARFCN of the cell data | mtUMTSSIB11Data | uarfcn |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB19 Data | Bandwidth | Layer 3 decoded values | mtUMTSSIB19Data | Bandwidth |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB19 Data | EARFCN | Layer 3 decoded values | mtUMTSSIB19Data | EARFCN |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB19 Data | Order id as the records were reported in the L3 message | Order id as the records were reported in the L3 message | mtUMTSSIB19Data | OrderId |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB19 Data | Priority | Layer 3 decoded values | mtUMTSSIB19Data | Priority |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB19 Data | QRxLevMinEUTRA | Layer 3 decoded values | mtUMTSSIB19Data | QRxLevMinEUTRA |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB19 Data | ThreshXhigh | Layer 3 decoded values | mtUMTSSIB19Data | ThreshXhigh |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB19 Data Info | Last valid MIB value tag | Last valid MIB value tag | mtUMTSSIB19DataInfo | MIBValueTag |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB19 Data Info | Number of EUTRA in this SIB message | Number of EUTRA in this SIB message | mtUMTSSIB19DataInfo | NumEUTRA |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB19 Data Info | Priority | Layer 3 decoded values | mtUMTSSIB19DataInfo | Priority |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB19 Data Info | SPrioritySearch1 | Layer 3 decoded values | mtUMTSSIB19DataInfo | SPrioritySearch1 |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB19 Data Info | SPrioritySearch2 | Layer 3 decoded values | mtUMTSSIB19DataInfo | SPrioritySearch2 |
WCDMA | UMTS SIB19 Data Info | ThreshServingLow | Layer 3 decoded values | mtUMTSSIB19DataInfo | ThreshServingLow |
WCDMA | Video Stream TCP Data | Pre buffering time (ms) | Pre buffering time | mtVideoStreamTCPData | PreBufferingTime |
WCDMA | Video Stream TCP Data | Pre buffering time depending on player events (ms) | Pre buffering time depending on player events | mtVideoStreamTCPData | PreBufferingTimePlayer |
WCDMA | Video Stream TCP Data | Received bytes | Received bytes | mtVideoStreamTCPData | BytesReceived |
WCDMA | Video Stream TCP Data | Time to first picture depending on player events (ms) | Time to first picture depending on player events | mtVideoStreamTCPData | TimeToFirstPicturePlayer |
WCDMA | Video Stream TCP Data | Time to start buffering (ms) | Time to start buffering | mtVideoStreamTCPData | TimeToStartBuffering |
WCDMA | Video Stream TCP Data | Time to start buffering depending on player events (ms) | Time to start buffering depending on player events | mtVideoStreamTCPData | TimeToStartBufferingPlayer |
WCDMA | Video Stream TCP Data | Time used until ready to play (ms) | Time used until ready to play | mtVideoStreamTCPData | TimeToReadytoPlay |
WCDMA | Video Stream TCP Data | Time used up to first picture (ms) | Time used up to first picture | mtVideoStreamTCPData | TimeToFirstPicture |
WCDMA | Video Stream TCP Data | Total stream size (bytes) | Total stream size | mtVideoStreamTCPData | BytesTotal |
WCDMA | Video Stream TCP Data | Used container for video | Used container for video (flash, mpeg, …) | mtVideoStreamTCPData | Container |
WCDMA | WCDMA Bit Error Rate | Pilot BER (%) | BER measured from pilots bits or TPC bits on DPCCH channel, averaged over 16 frames of data | mtWCDMAPowerControl | BER |
WCDMA | WCDMA Bit Error Rate | TFCI BER (%) | BER measured from the TFCI data bits, averaged over the reporting period | mtWCDMAPowerControl | TFCIBER |
WCDMA | WCDMA Carrier RSSI Scanning | RSSI Org | RSSI of the channel | mtMsgWCDMAScannerTopCh | RSSI |
WCDMA | WCDMA Carrier RSSI Scanning | RSSI Org | RSSI | mtMsgWCDMAScannerPilotInfo | IO |
WCDMA | WCDMA Carrier RSSI Scanning | UARFCN | UARFCN DL | mtMsgWCDMAScannerTopCh | Channel |
WCDMA | WCDMA Carrier RSSI Scanning | UARFCN | DL UARFCN | mtMsgWCDMAScannerPilotInfo | Channel |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell ID | Allowed Access | Allowed access | mtWCDMACellId | CallAccess |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell ID | Cell Access Restriction | Cell access restriction status | mtWCDMACellId | CellAccessRest |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell ID | Cell ID | RRC cell identity (28 Bit) | mtWCDMACellId | CellId |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell ID | URA ID | URA identity | mtWCDMACellId | URAId |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked Cell Type | Ranked Cell Type (Active, Monitored, Detected) | mtWCDMANeighborSet | SetValue |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked CPICH RSCP | Ranked RSCP | mtWCDMAActiveSet | AggrRSCP |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked CPICH RSCP | Ranked RSCP | mtWCDMANeighborSet | RSCP_PSC |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked Ec/Io | Ranked Ec/Io | mtWCDMAActiveSet | AggrEcIo_PSC |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked Ec/Io | Ranked Ec/Io | mtWCDMANeighborSet | EcIo_PSC |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked PSC | Ranked PSC | mtWCDMAActiveSet | PrimScCode |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked PSC | Ranked PSC | mtWCDMANeighborSet | PrimScrCode |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked Secondary SC | Ranked SSC | mtWCDMAActiveSet | SecScCode |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked UARFCN DL | Ranked UARFCN DL | mtWCDMAActiveSet | FreqDL |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked UARFCN DL | Ranked UARFCN DL | mtWCDMANeighborSet | FreqDL |
WCDMA | WCDMA Channel Info | DL Spreading Factor | DL SF | mtWCDMAValues | SFDL |
WCDMA | WCDMA Channel Info | Min UL Spreading Factor | UL SF | mtWCDMAValues | SFUL |
WCDMA | WCDMA Channel Info | RRC State | RRC State | mtWCDMARRCState | RRCState |
WCDMA | WCDMA NAS MM Characteristics | Location Area Identification | LAC | mtUMTSNASMM | LAC |
WCDMA | WCDMA NAS MM Characteristics | Network Operation Mode | Network operation mode | mtUMTSNASMM | NetOpMode |
WCDMA | WCDMA NAS MM Characteristics | Routing Area Identification | RAC | mtUMTSNASMM | RAI |
WCDMA | WCDMA NAS MM Characteristics | Serv Type | Service type | mtUMTSNASMM | ServiceType |
WCDMA | WCDMA NAS MM Characteristics | Serving Cell MCC | Serving cell MCC | mtUMTSNASMM | MCC |
WCDMA | WCDMA NAS MM Characteristics | Serving Cell MNC | Serving cell MNC | mtUMTSNASMM | MNC |
WCDMA | WCDMA Neighbor Set | Cell Diversity | Cell diversity | mtWCDMAQCPNeighborSet | Diversity |
WCDMA | WCDMA Neighbor Set | Neighbor Cell Position | Neighbor cell position | mtWCDMAQCPNeighborSet | NCellPos |
WCDMA | WCDMA Neighbor Set | Primary Scrambling Code | PSC | mtWCDMAQCPNeighborSet | PSC |
WCDMA | WCDMA Neighbor Set | UARFCN - DL | DL UARFCN | mtWCDMAQCPNeighborSet | FreqDL |
WCDMA | WCDMA Power Control - DL | DL TPC History | Difference between number of increase and decrease power control commands | mtWCDMAPowerControl | DlTpcHist |
WCDMA | WCDMA Power Control - DL | SIR (dB) | Current SIR value | mtWCDMAPowerControl | CurrentSIR |
WCDMA | WCDMA Power Control - DL | SIR target (dB) | Target SIR value | mtWCDMAPowerControl | SIR |
WCDMA | WCDMA Power Control - DL | UL TPC History | Difference between number of increase and decrease power control commands | mtWCDMAPowerControl | UlTpcHist |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Io org | RSSI | mtMsgWCDMAScannerPilotInfo | IO |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Pilot UARFCN | DL UARFCN | mtMsgWCDMAScannerPilotInfo | Channel |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | PSC | PSC | mtMsgWCDMAScannerPilot | Number |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Sc Delay Spread | Delay spread | mtMsgWCDMAScannerPilot | DelaySpread |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Sc LAC | LAC | mtMsgWCDMAScannerPilot | LAC |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Sc MCC | MCC | mtMsgWCDMAScannerPilot | MCC |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Sc MNC | MNC | mtMsgWCDMAScannerPilot | MNC |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Sc Peak Ec/Io (dB) | Ec/Io | mtMsgWCDMAScannerPilot | EcIoData |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Sc P-SCH Ec/Io (dB) | Eps/Io | mtMsgWCDMAScannerPilot | EpsIo |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Sc Rake Finger Count | Rake finger count | mtMsgWCDMAScannerPilot | RakeFingerCnt |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Sc RRC Cell Identity | CID | mtMsgWCDMAScannerPilot | CID |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Sc SIR (dB) | Signal/Interference | mtMsgWCDMAScannerPilot | SigIntRatio |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Sc S-SCH Ec/Io (dB) | Ess/Io | mtMsgWCDMAScannerPilot | EssIo |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Sc Time Offset | Toffset or PDelay | mtMsgWCDMAScannerPilot | TOffsetORPDelay |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Sc UL Interference | UL Interference | mtMsgWCDMAScannerPilot | ULInterference |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | UARFCN | DL UARFCN | mtMsgWCDMAScannerPilotInfo | Channel |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | CPICH TX Power (dBm) | Primary CPICH Tx power from SIB5 | mtWCDMARACHStatus | CPICHTXPower |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | Open Loop Power Offset (dB) | Open loop power offset (dB) | mtWCDMARACHStatus | OpenLoopPwrOffset |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | Power control algorithm type | Power control algorithm type | mtWCDMAPowerControl | TxPwrCtrlAlg |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH AICH Status | RACH AICH status | mtWCDMARACHStatus | RACHStatus |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH Control Channel Gain (dB) | Message control part weight | mtWCDMARACHStatus | MessageCtrlWeight |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH Data Channel Gain (dB) | Message data part weight | mtWCDMARACHStatus | MessageDataWeight |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH Intitial TX Power (dBm) | First preamble TX power | mtWCDMARACHStatus | InitialPower |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH Intitial TX Power (dBm) | Initial RACH message transmission power | mtWCDMAPowerControl | TxInitPwr |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH Last TX Power (dBm) | Message TX power | mtWCDMARACHStatus | MessageTxPower |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH Last TX Power (dBm) | RACH message transmission power | mtWCDMAPowerControl | TxMsgPwr |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH Maximum Preamble Count | Preamble retransmission max value | mtWCDMARACHStatus | PreambleRetransMax |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH Power Offset (dB) | Power step between last preamble and message control part | mtWCDMARACHStatus | MessageOffset |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH Preamble Count | Number of preamble transmissions | mtWCDMARACHStatus | PreambleCount |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH Preamble Count | Preamble transmission count | mtWCDMAPowerControl | TxParamCnt |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH Preamble Step (dB) | Preamble power step | mtWCDMARACHStatus | PreambleStepSize |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH Preamble Step (dB) | RACH preamble power step size | mtWCDMAPowerControl | TxPoParam |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | SFN Timestamp | SFN timestamp | mtWCDMARACHStatus | SFNTimestamp |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | UL Interference Level (dBm) | UL interference from SIB7 | mtWCDMARACHStatus | ULInterference |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC AM Detailed Statistics - DL | Accum. AM PDU NAK-ed | Number of not acknowledged PDUs | mtWCDMARLCDLStatDet | numPDUNAK |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC AM Detailed Statistics - DL | Accum. PDU bytes Received | Number of PDU bytes | mtWCDMARLCDLStatDet | numPDUBytes |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC AM Detailed Statistics - DL | Accum. PDU Received in Error | Number of bad PDUs | mtWCDMARLCDLStatDet | numPDUError |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC AM Detailed Statistics - DL | Accum. SDU bytes Received | Number of SDU bytes | mtWCDMARLCDLStatDet | numSDUBytes |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC AM Detailed Statistics - DL | Channel Type | Logical channel type | mtWCDMARLCDLStatDet | ChanType |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC AM Detailed Statistics - DL | Control Logical Channel | Control logical channel id | mtWCDMARLCDLStatDet | CtlRLCId |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC AM Detailed Statistics - DL | Logical Channel ID | AMD logical channel id | mtWCDMARLCDLStatDet | DataRLCId |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC AM Detailed Statistics - DL | RLC PDU Throughput - All CHs (kbps) | PDU throughput in kbit/s | mtWCDMARLCDLStat | PDUThPut |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC AM Detailed Statistics - DL | RLC SDU Throughput - All CHs (kbps) | SDU throughput in kbit/s | mtWCDMARLCDLStat | SDUThPut |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC AM Detailed Statistics - DL | Time since last record (Sec) | Duration between two messages in ms | mtWCDMARLCDLStatDet | Duration |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC AM Detailed Statistics - UL | Accum. AM PDU NAK-ed to NW | Number of not acknowledged PDUs | mtWCDMARLCULStatDet | numPDUNAK |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC AM Detailed Statistics - UL | Accum. PDU bytes Transmitted | Number of PDU bytes | mtWCDMARLCULStatDet | numPDUBytes |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC AM Detailed Statistics - UL | Accum. SDU bytes Transmitted | Number of SDU bytes | mtWCDMARLCULStatDet | numSDUBytes |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC AM Detailed Statistics - UL | Channel Type | Channel type | mtWCDMARLCULStatDet | ChanType |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC AM Detailed Statistics - UL | Control Logical Channel | Control logical channel id | mtWCDMARLCULStatDet | CtlRLCId |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC AM Detailed Statistics - UL | Logical Channel ID | AMD logical channel id | mtWCDMARLCULStatDet | DataRLCId |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC AM Detailed Statistics - UL | RLC PDU Payload Throughput - All CHs (kbps) | PDU throughput in kbit/s | mtWCDMARLCULStat | PDUThPut |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC AM Detailed Statistics - UL | RLC SDU Payload Throughput - All CHs (kbps) | SDU throughput in kbit/s | mtWCDMARLCULStat | SDUThPut |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC AM Detailed Statistics - UL | Time since last record (Sec) | Duration between two messages in ms | mtWCDMARLCULStatDet | Duration |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC State | State0 | State0 | mtWCDMARLCState | State0 |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC State | State1 | State1 | mtWCDMARLCState | State1 |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC State | State10 | State10 | mtWCDMARLCState | State10 |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC State | State11 | State11 | mtWCDMARLCState | State11 |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC State | State12 | State12 | mtWCDMARLCState | State12 |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC State | State13 | State13 | mtWCDMARLCState | State13 |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC State | State14 | State14 | mtWCDMARLCState | State14 |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC State | State15 | State15 | mtWCDMARLCState | State15 |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC State | State16 | State16 | mtWCDMARLCState | State16 |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC State | State17 | State17 | mtWCDMARLCState | State17 |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC State | State18 | State18 | mtWCDMARLCState | State18 |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC State | State19 | State19 | mtWCDMARLCState | State19 |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC State | State2 | State2 | mtWCDMARLCState | State2 |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC State | State3 | State3 | mtWCDMARLCState | State3 |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC State | State4 | State4 | mtWCDMARLCState | State4 |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC State | State5 | State5 | mtWCDMARLCState | State5 |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC State | State6 | State6 | mtWCDMARLCState | State6 |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC State | State7 | State7 | mtWCDMARLCState | State7 |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC State | State8 | State8 | mtWCDMARLCState | State8 |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC State | State9 | State9 | mtWCDMARLCState | State9 |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC State | Up or Downlink | Up or Downlink | mtWCDMARLCState | Direction |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC Throughput | Sum RLC DL Throughput (kbps) | RLC DL throughput | mtWCDMARLCThroughputInfo | ThroughputDL |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC Throughput | Sum RLC UL Throughput (kbps) | RLC UL throughput | mtWCDMARLCThroughputInfo | ThroughputUL |
WCDMA | WCDMA RRC Connection Reject Summary | RRC Connection Reject Cause | RRC failure cause | mtWCDMARRCState | ErrRRCFailureCause |
WCDMA | WCDMA Rx Tx Power | Rx Power (org) | Rx Power (dBm) | mtWCDMAAGC | RxPwr |
WCDMA | WCDMA Rx Tx Power | Tx Power (org) | Tx Power (dBm) | mtWCDMAAGC | TxPwr |
WCDMA | WCDMA Rx Tx Power | Tx Power Limit (dBm) | Tx Power limit (dBm) | mtWCDMAAGC | MaxTxPwr |
WCDMA | WCDMA Transport Ch Metrics - DL | Transport CH Index | Number of transport channels | mtWCDMABLER | TrChanId |
WCDMA | WCDMA Transport Ch Metrics - DL | Transport CH No of Error Blocks | Number of received CRCs in error | mtWCDMABLER | CRCerror |
WCDMA | WCDMA Transport Ch Metrics - DL | Transport CH Received Good Blocks | Number of received CRCs | mtWCDMABLER | CRCRec |
WCDMA | WCDMA Transport Ch Metrics - DL | Window Size | Window size used for BLER calculation | mtWCDMABLER | Win_size |
WCDMA | WCDMA Transport Channel Info - DL | Assigned Physical Layer Rate (kbps) | Physical channel frame bit rate averaged over reporting period | mtWCDMAPowerControl | FrameBitRate |