10 Known Bugs and Limitations
• R&S ROMES file format is not supported as of TD version 26.0.0.
• Multi-SIM measurements, introduced in Nemo FF 2.56, are not supported in TEMS Discovery version 26.0.0.
• Microsoft SQL Server 2012, Microsoft Windows Server 2012 and Microsoft Windows 8 versions are not supported as of TD version 26.0.0.
• Automated SW update will fail for TD versions prior to 25.2.1. Users who choose not to upgrade to 25.2.1 or later version may disable automated SW update by setting _td.config parameter SkipUpdateCheck to 1, or they may manually cancel SW update initiated on startup. Users who attempted assisted SW upgrade from a version lower than 25.2.1 would need start TD with Administrator privileges not to get stuck in ‘Initializing running environment’ state.
• 'Failed to retrieve license' error message may be received at TEMS Discovery 25.1.0 startup due to failure to start Mediator service. Re-launching TD will resolve the issue.
• Qvoice, LG LLDM, ZK Celltest and CALi file formats are not supported as of TD version 25.0.0.
• LTE RRC BCCH DL SCH SIB2 to SIB6 messages are not supported in Script Builder as of TD version 24.2.2 after substituting flawed standard ASN.1 decoding with special decoding implementation.
• Due to 3rd party spreadsheet engine limitation, all images added to report template are required to use ‘No fill’ setting under Format Picture | Fill. Images need to be added directly in MS Excel without saving template in Report Builder afterwards.
• SwissQual proprietary QualiPoc to MF format converter is supported for English locale only.
• Time-series chart textual y-axis labels will be displayed on a best effort basis. In case when there is no sufficient space due to limited chart dimensions or use of multiple sub-views, some of the labels may be omitted.
• Windows 7 OS is not supported as of TD version 22.3.3.
• It is recommended that users unselect ‘Equipment Time’ data frame from custom metric import configurations made prior to 22.1.0 version to avoid performance degradation and generation of unnecessary high volume measurement data. Users may also add ‘Equipment Status’ data frame to pre-22.1.0 custom metric import configurations to enable new device status measurements.
• Test device measurements based on Altair, Datang, DRT, EMP, iDEN, TravelPilot, Venture, LG, VIA and Sequans chipsets are not supported as of version 22.0.0
• Due to an Excel limitation, ‘Remove Map view area if no data’ reporting option will fail whenever area set for removal includes merged cells. In such case empty report area will remain in generated report output.
• inserted image definition will be disabled if .xlsx template is saved directly in Report Builder. In case report template is already saved in Report Builder user may re-open template in Excel, cut and paste back as picture all of the previously inserted images and save template directly in Excel to restore images in report output.
• Log files may fail to import on first attempt following installation with Unity.Exceptions.ResolutionFailedException exception indicated in system log. The workaround is to reimport log files.
• TDE statistics DB will be disabled after TDE File Mode upgrade from 21.0.x to 21.1.x due to removal of dependency to SQL. User will need to manually enable statistics and log file DB under Configuration | Options, save the changes and restart TDE.
• Official support for Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and Microsoft SQL Enterprise 2008 was discontinued as of TD version 21.0.0.
• Random log files may rarely fail to import with ‘RouteReaderInternalException: Unable to open logfile: No license to open specified file’ exception. Suggested workaround is to reimport log file in question.
• Data points may not be fully aligned with GIS layer when covering large area due to the fact that GIS and online map use different projections and data is aligned to the latter. This area will be revisited for improvements following major release 20.0.
• ‘Download TerraServer Image/Maps’ option access is limited to OpenStreetMap and ‘United States Elevation Data (NED) (10m Resolution)’ data sources due to GlobalMapper licensing limitations.
• Oracle VirtualBox virtual machines are not supported with GLS licensing.
• Due to updates in internal data mapping all log files imported in version 12.1.0 will need to be re-imported to maintain EcIo reporting in 'WCDMA Cell Measurements' data frame in versions 12.1.1 and later.
• Support for TEMS Pocket and TEMS Automatic MTU .log files was removed in TD 11.1.5 version. Support for TEMS Investigation.log fles (version 13.x and older) was removed in TD 10.0.8.
• Starting with version 12.0.3 file reference will be removed from Task Window after successful import via ADP in order to improve UI responsiveness. All log files that fail to import will remain in Task Window.
• Support for QMDL data format removed as of TD 11.1.10 version. Users may convert QMDL file to DLF format before data import.
• Pre-defined metric import configurations are made read only as of TD version 11.1.8. Any customization made to pre-defined metric import configurations should be saved with user defined name to prevent loss of information.
• Support for obsolete MTU and Pocket logfile formats (LZM, LZZ and TPZ) is discontinued as of TD 11.1.5 version.
• 'Google Earth Standalone' feature removed in 11.1.0 due to incompatibility with Google earth plugin.
• TDManagementConsole feature removed in 11.1.0; ‘Log File Execution History’, ‘Log File Execution History via SMTP’ and ‘TDE Event Log’ features may be used instead.
• Support for Nokia devices is discontinued as of TD 10.0.8
• ‘TD top menu in Russian’ feature is supported for 64-bit Windows OS only.
• Import of WAV files is no longer supported after switching from 32b to 64b application version.
• Report output including scanner data may be populated for non-scanner devices due to internal data sharing between devices; The workaround is to deploy device-based filtering for a non-scanner device.
• TEMS Pocket log files not including IP trace data will generate false Service setup failure event.
• SR00068616: Report cannot be generated completely if the template was last saved in Report Template Builder:
The third-party component used by TEMS Discovery is not fully compatible with *.xlsx files. Therefore, it is recommended that the user save a report template with MS Excel.
• Attempt of resizing TEMS Discovery window during the import of GIS data may cause the application to pause GIS data import.
• RAN Tuning Reports may show blank fields if the IEs defined in the reports are not available from data sources.
• TEMS Pocket 14.0 and 14.1 logfiles including time-based HTTP and FTP service testing will not generate KPI events. File based HTTP and FTP service testing are not impacted of this limitation.