Metrics | Category | Triggering Event | Description |
Cellular_system | .Common | Cellular system | |
Context_ID | .Common | Context ID | |
APP_External_application_name | External application launch | APP | External application name |
APP_External_application_parameters | External application launch | APP | External application parameters |
APP_External_application_state | External application launch | APP | External application state: 1 = Started asynchronously 2 = Started synchronously 3 = Stopped |
APP_Number_of_external_application_launches | External application launch | APP | Number of external application launches ,this counter is incremented everytime external application is launched. When external application is stopped the same number is used as the one what was used when application was started. |
Application_protocol | .Common | Application protocol 0 = Nemo protocol using modem connection 1 = Nemo protocol using TCP 2 = Nemo protocol using UDP 3 = FTP 4 = HTTP 5 = SMTP 6 = POP3 7 = MMS 8 = WAP 1.0 9 = Streaming 10 = WAP 2.0 11 = HTTP browsing 12 = ICMP ping 13 = IPerf over TCP 13 = IPerf over TCP 14 = IPerf over UDP 15 = Trace route 16 = SFTP 17 = IMAP 18 = Facebook 19 = Twitter 20 = Instagram 21 = LinkedIn 22 = Youtube PEVQ-S 23 = Dropbox 24 = Speedtest 25 = mScore 26 = Netflix 27 = WhatsApp 28 = UDP echo 29 = Viber 30 = BiP 31 = iPerf3 32 = iPerf2 33 = Line 34 = Google Drive 35 = TWAMP 30 = 5GMark | |
CAA_Call_timeout | Call attempt | CAA | The timeout value from call attempt (CAA) to the dedicated channel allocation (CAC 1). If call has not been established during this time the CAF measurement event is recorded. Unit: ms |
CAA_Call_type | Call attempt | CAA | Call type 1 = Voice call 2 = Markov call 3 = Data call 4 = Fax call 5 = Dial-up based data call 6 = Loopback call (CDMA) 7 = Video call 8 = Push-to-talk 9 = Push-to-talk between mobiles (TETRA) 10 = VoIP 11 = Skype 12 = QChat 13 = Kodiak 14 = LTE IMS voice 15 = iDEN push-to-talk 16 = LTE IMS video 17 = WLAN IMS voice 18 = WLAN IMS video 19 = IP IMS voice 20 = WhatsApp voice 21 = WhatsApp video 22 = Viber voice 23 = Viber video 24 = BiP voice 25 = BiP video 26 = External call 27 = Line voice 28 = Line video |
CAA_Called_number | Call attempt | CAA | This is always the remote identity. For originated calls, this is the phone number where the calls are made to and for terminated calls this is the number from which the call is made from. For the VoIP calls the SIP URI format is used. |
CAA_Direction | Call attempt | CAA | Call direction 1 = Originated call The test system makes the call to the other end. 2 = Terminated call The test system receives the call from the other end. |
CAA_Markov_rate | Call attempt | CAA | Markov expected rate 1 = One eighth rate 2 = Quarter rate 3 = Half rate 4 = Full rate |
CAA_Number_of_mobile_originated_calls_during_session | Call attempt | CAA | Number of mobile originated call during the session |
CAA_Own_phone_number | Call attempt | CAA | This is always the own identity. For originated calls this is the phone number of the caller and for incoming calls this is the own phone number. For the VoIP calls the SIP URI format is used. Currently this parameter is only implemented for the VoIP calls. |
CAA_Phone_number | Call attempt | CAA | This is always the remote identity. For originated calls, this is the phone number where the calls are made to and for terminated calls this is the number from which the call is made from. For the VoIP calls the SIP URI format is used. |
CAA_Unique_ID | Call attempt | CAA | This parameter is unique for each call, even between measurement files, and it can be used in post-prosessing to match orginated and terminated calls. The value of the parameter is meaningless and it should only be used for the matching. |
CAA_Time_correction | Call attempt | CAA | CAA time correction. In some cases the CAA measurement event is logged later than the real call attempt. For example, for incoming calls, the CAA measurement event is logged when the SETUP signaling message is received and not to the paging request. This parameter defines the time difference between the first indication about a call and the CAA measurement event. Currently it has only been implemented for incoming voice and video calls. |
CAC_Call_attempt_time_second | Call connect success | CAC | Call setup time in seconds |
CAC_Call_connecting_status | Call connect success | CAC | With UMTS the traffic channel state is reported after DCH radio bearer is allocated. 1 = Traffic channel allocated 2 = Alerting 3 = Connected 4 = Dial-up connection established |
CAC_Call_type | Call connect success | CAC | Call type 1 = Voice call 2 = Markov call 3 = Data call 4 = Fax call 5 = Dial-up based data call 6 = Loopback call (CDMA) 7 = Video call 8 = Push-to-talk 9 = Push-to-talk between mobiles (TETRA) 10 = VoIP 11 = Skype 12 = QChat 13 = Kodiak 14 = LTE IMS voice 15 = iDEN push-to-talk 16 = LTE IMS video 17 = WLAN IMS voice 18 = WLAN IMS video 19 = IP IMS voice 20 = WhatsApp voice 21 = WhatsApp video 22 = Viber voice 23 = Viber video 24 = BiP voice 25 = BiP video 26 = External call 27 = Line voice 28 = Line video |
CAC_Timeslot_Number | Call connect success | CAC | In case of HSCSD data test call, used timeslots are listed in a DCHI event. Range: 0 – 7 |
CAD_BiP_cause | Call disconnect | CAD | BiP cause |
CAD_Call_type | Call disconnect | CAD | Call type 1 = Voice call 2 = Markov call 3 = Data call 4 = Fax call 5 = Dial-up based data call 6 = Loopback call (CDMA) 7 = Video call 8 = Push-to-talk 9 = Push-to-talk between mobiles (TETRA) 10 = VoIP 11 = Skype 12 = QChat 13 = Kodiak 14 = LTE IMS voice 15 = iDEN push-to-talk 16 = LTE IMS video 17 = WLAN IMS voice 18 = WLAN IMS video 19 = IP IMS voice 20 = WhatsApp voice 21 = WhatsApp video 22 = Viber voice 23 = Viber video 24 = BiP voice 25 = BiP video 26 = External call 27 = Line voice 28 = Line video |
CAD_CS_call_disconnect_cause | Call disconnect | CAD | CS call disconnect cause |
CAD_CS_call_disconnect_status | Call disconnect | CAD | CS call disconnect status |
CAD_CS_call_duration_second | Call disconnect | CAD | CS call duration |
CAD_External_call_cause | Call disconnect | CAD | External call cause |
CAD_ISDN_cause | Call disconnect | CAD | ISDN failure cause |
CAD_Kodiak_cause | Call disconnect | CAD | Kodiak cause |
CAD_QChat_cause | Call disconnect | CAD | QChat cause |
CAD_SIP_cause | Call disconnect | CAD | SIP cause |
CAD_Viber_cause | Call disconnect | CAD | Viber cause |
CAD_VoLTE_cause | Call disconnect | CAD | SIP cause |
CAD_WhatsApp_cause | Call disconnect | CAD | WhatsApp cause |
CAF_BiP_cause | Call failed | CAF | BiP cause |
CAF_Call_type | Call failed | CAF | Call type 1 = Voice call 2 = Markov call 3 = Data call 4 = Fax call 5 = Dial-up based data call 6 = Loopback call (CDMA) 7 = Video call 8 = Push-to-talk 9 = Push-to-talk between mobiles (TETRA) 10 = VoIP 11 = Skype 12 = QChat 13 = Kodiak 14 = LTE IMS voice 15 = iDEN push-to-talk 16 = LTE IMS video 17 = WLAN IMS voice 18 = WLAN IMS video 19 = IP IMS voice 20 = WhatsApp voice 21 = WhatsApp video 22 = Viber voice 23 = Viber video 24 = BiP voice 25 = BiP video 26 = External call 27 = Line voice 28 = Line video |
CAF_CS_call_attempt_failure_status | Call failed | CAF | Call attempt failure status |
CAF_CS_call_failure_cause | Call failed | CAF | Call attempt failure cause |
CAF_CS_call_failure_time_second | Call failed | CAF | CS call failure time in seconds |
CAF_External_call_cause | Call failed | CAF | External call failure cause |
CAF_ISDN_cause | Call failed | CAF | ISDN failure cause |
CAF_Kodiak_cause | Call failed | CAF | Kodiak failure cause |
CAF_QChat_cause | Call failed | CAF | QChat failure cause |
CAF_SIP_cause | Call failed | CAF | SIP failure cause |
CAF_Viber_cause | Call failed | CAF | Viber failure cause |
CAF_VoLTE_cause | Call failed | CAF | SIP failure cause |
CAF_WhatsApp_cause | Call failed | CAF | WhatsApp failure cause |
CAI_Call_type | Incoming call | CAI | Incoming call type |
CAI_Calling_number | Incoming call | CAI | Incoming call calling number |
CAI_Number_of_mobile_terminated_calls_during_session | Incoming call | CAI | Number of terminating call |
CALLMODI_Call_modification_type | Call modification indication | CALLMODI | Call modification type |
CALLMODI_Call_modification_result | Call modification indication | CALLMODI | Call modification result |
CREL_CRS_reason | Cell reselection | CREL | Cell reselection reason. Note that currently this parameter is only supported with iDEN. |
CREL_CRS_time | Cell reselection | CREL | Cell reselection duration |
CREL_New_band | Cell reselection | CREL | New band for the target cell |
CREL_New_channel | Cell reselection | CREL | New channel |
CREL_New_cell_identification | Cell reselection | CREL | New target cell reselection cell identification |
CREL_New_cellular_system | Cell reselection | CREL | Old cell cellular system |
CREL_New_location_area_code | Cell reselection | CREL | New target location area code |
CREL_New_location_or_tracking_area_code | Cell reselection | CREL | New location or tracking area code |
CREL_New_number_of_parameters | Cell reselection | CREL | New numbers of parameters for target cell |
CREL_New_pilot_number | Cell reselection | CREL | New pilot number |
CREL_Number_of_header_parameters | Cell reselection | CREL | New numbers of header parameters for target cell |
CREL_Old_band | Cell reselection | CREL | Source band |
CREL_Old_cell_identification | Cell reselection | CREL | Source cell identification |
CREL_Old_cellular_system | Cell reselection | CREL | Source cell cellular system |
CREL_Old_channel | Cell reselection | CREL | Old channel |
CREL_Old_location_area_code | Cell reselection | CREL | Source location area code |
CREL_Old_location_or_tracking_area_code | Cell reselection | CREL | Old location or tracking area code |
CREL_Old_number_of_parameters | Cell reselection | CREL | Source cell numbers of parameters |
CREL_Old_pilot_number | Cell reselection | CREL | Old pilot number |
CRELI_CRS_Uplane_interruption | Cell reselection information | CRELI | Cell reselection U-plane interruption time. The time from the last packet in the old cell to the first packet in the new cell. This parameter is only recorded during the data transfer and only for LTE to LTE, LTE to HSPA, and HSPA to LTE cell reselections and redirections. |
DAA_Call_Context_ID | Data connection attempt | DAA | Call context ID |
DAA_Connection_timeout | Data connection attempt | DAA | Data transfer connection timeout. The timeout value from data connection attempt (DAA) to the data connection (DAC). If the data connection has not been established during this time the DAF measurement event is recorded. |
DAA_Description | Data connection attempt | DAA | Data transfer description |
DAA_Security_protocol | Data connection attempt | DAA | Data transfer security protocol 0 = None 1 = SSL 2 = SSH |
DAA_Authentication_scheme | Data connection attempt | DAA | Data transfer authentication scheme 0 = Basic 1 = Digest 3 = None 4 = NTLM 5 = Negotiate |
DAA_Data_transfer_host_address | Data connection attempt | DAA | Connection address. With MMS this is the MMS service center address. |
DAA_Data_transfer_host_port | Data connection attempt | DAA | Data transfer host port |
DAA_Packet_session_context_ID | Data connection attempt | DAA | Packet session context ID |
DAA_Transport_protocol | Data connection attempt | DAA | Data transfer transport protocol 1 = TCP 2 = UDP 3 = ICMP |
DAC_Data_connection_establishment_time_second | Data connection success | Data connection establisment time in seconds | |
DAC_Data_connection_rate_downlink | Data connection success | DAC | Data connection rate for downlink |
DAC_Data_connection_rate_uplink | Data connection success | DAC | Data connection rate for uplink |
DAD_Data_connection_duration_second | Data disconnect | DAD | Data connection duration in seconds |
DAD_Data_disconnect_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | Data disconnect cause 1 = Timeout 2 = Invalid remote address 4 = Invalid remote file. |
DAD_Data_disconnect_status | Data disconnect | DAD | Data disconnect status 1 = Normal data disconnect 2 = Socket error 3 = Protocol error or timeout 4 = Test system failure |
DAD_Data_transfer_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | Data transfer cause 1 = Timeout 2 = Invalid remote address 4 = Invalid remote file. |
DAD_Dropbox_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | Dropbox cause |
DAD_Facebook_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | Facebook cause |
DAD_FTP_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | FTP cause |
DAD_HTTP_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | HTTP cause |
DAD_HTTP_browsing_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | HTTP browsing cause |
DAD_ICMP_ping_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | ICMP ping cause |
DAD_IMAP_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | IMAP cause |
DAD_Instagram_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | Instagram cause |
DAD_iPerf2_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | iPerf2 cause |
DAD_iPerf3_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | iPerf3 cause |
DAD_LinkedIn_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | LinkedIn cause |
DAD_mScore_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | mScore error code |
DAD_PEVQS_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | PEVQ-S cause |
DAD_POP3_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | POP3 cause |
DAD_SMTP_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | SMTP cause |
DAD_Socket_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | Socket cause |
DAD_Streaming_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | Streaming cause |
DAD_Trace_route_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | Trace route cause |
DAD_Twitter_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | Twitter cause |
DAD_Viber_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | Viber cause |
DAD_WAP_and_MMS_cause | Data disconnect | DAD | WAP and MMS cause |
DAF_Data_connection_establishment_failure | Data connection failed | DAF | Data connection establisment failure |
DAF_Data_connection_failure_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | Data connection failure cause (based on application protocol) |
DAF_Data_connection_failure_status | Data connection failed | DAF | Data connection failure status 1 = User abort 2 = Socket error 3 = Protocol error or timeout 4 = Test system failure |
DAF_Data_transfer_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | Data transfer cause 1 = Timeout 2 = Invalid remote address 4 = Invalid remote file. |
DAF_Dropbox_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | Dropbox cause |
DAF_Facebook_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | Facebook cause |
DAF_FTP_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | FTP cause |
DAF_HTTP_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | HTTP cause |
DAF_HTTP_browsing_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | HTTP browsing cause |
DAF_ICMP_ping_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | ICMP ping cause |
DAF_IMAP_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | IMAP cause |
DAF_Instagram_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | Instagram cause |
DAF_iPerf2_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | iPerf2 cause |
DAF_iPerf3_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | iPerf3 cause |
DAF_LinkedIn_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | LinkedIn cause |
DAF_mScore_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | mScore error code |
DAF_PEVQS_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | PEVQ-S cause |
DAF_POP3_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | POP3 cause |
DAF_SMTP_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | SMTP cause |
DAF_Socket_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | Socket cause |
DAF_Streaming_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | Streaming cause |
DAF_Trace_route_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | Trace route cause |
DAF_Twitter_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | Twitter cause |
DAF_Viber_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | Viber cause |
DAF_WAP_and_MMS_cause | Data connection failed | DAF | WAP and MMS cause |
DCHR_CS_data_channel_coding | Data channel request | DCHR | Requested channel coding 1 = 9.6 2 = 14.4 |
DCHR_CS_data_mode | Data channel request | DCHR | Requested CS data mode 0 = Non-transparent 1 = Transparent |
DCHR_Data_compression | Data channel request | DCHR | Data compression 0 = Off 1 = On (manufacturer preferred compression) 2 = V.42bis 3 = V.44 |
DCHR_Initiator | Data channel request | DCHR | Initiator 1 = Mobile station initiated 2 = Network station initiated |
DCHR_Modem_type | Data channel request | DCHR | Modem type 0 = Analog 1 = ISDN V.110 2 = ISDN V.120 |
DCHR_Number_of_CS_data_timeslots_DL | Data channel request | DCHR | Number of CS data timeslots downlink. |
DCHR_Number_of_CS_data_timeslots_UL | Data channel request | DCHR | Number of CS data timeslots uplink. |
DCHR_Requested_CS_bitrate | Data channel request | DCHR | Requested BitRate 1 = 9.6 2 = 14.4 |
DCOMP_Data_connection_processing_delay_time | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | Data connection processing delay time |
DCOMP_Data_transfer_failure_cause | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | Data transfer cause 1 = Timeout 2 = Invalid remote address 4 = Invalid remote file. |
DCOMP_Data_transfer_status | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | Data transfer status 1 = Successful 2 = Socket error 3 = Protocol error or timeout 5 = User abort |
DCOMP_Dropbox_cause | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | Dropbox cause |
DCOMP_Facebook_cause | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | Facebook cause |
DCOMP_FTP_cause | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | FTP cause |
DCOMP_Header_transfer_time | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | Header transfer time |
DCOMP_HTTP_browsing_cause | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | HTTP browsing cause |
DCOMP_HTTP_cause | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | HTTP cause |
DCOMP_ICMP_ping_cause | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | ICMP ping cause |
DCOMP_IMAP_cause | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | IMAP cause |
DCOMP_Instagram_cause | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | Instagram cause |
DCOMP_IP_payload_acess_time | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | IP payload acess time |
DCOMP_IP_processing_delay_time | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | IP processing delay time |
DCOMP_IP_service_access_time_ms | Data transfer completed | Data transfer IP service access time .Time from DREQ to moment when socket connection has been established and first data packet is send | |
DCOMP_IP_termination_time_ms | Data transfer completed | Data transfer IP termination time .Time from last data packet to the DCOMP when all connections has been terminated and data transfer is finished. | |
DCOMP _iPerf2_cause | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | iPerf2 cause |
DCOMP _iPerf3_cause | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | iPerf3 cause |
DCOMP_LinkedIn_cause | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | LinkedIn cause |
DCOMP_mScore_cause | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | mScore cause |
DCOMP_PEVQS_cause | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | PEVQ-S cause |
DCOMP_POP3_cause | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | POP3 cause |
DCOMP_Redirect_address | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | Redirect address |
DCOMP_Socket_cause | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | Socket cause |
DCOMP_SMTP_cause | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | SMTP cause |
DCOMP_Streaming_cause | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | Streaming cause |
DCOMP_TCP_connection_time | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | TCP connection time |
DCOMP_TCP_receive_buffer_size | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | Initial socket buffer size DL. |
DCOMP_TCP_send_buffer_size | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | Initial socket buffer size UL. |
DCOMP_Trace_route_cause | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | Trace route cause |
DCOMP_Transferred_bytes_downlink_byte | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | Transferred bytes downlink .This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. |
DCOMP_Transferred_bytes_uplink_byte | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | Transferred bytes uplink. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. |
DCOMP_Twitter_cause | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | Twitter cause |
DCOMP_Viber_cause | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | Viber cause |
DCOMP_WAP_and_MMS_cause | Data transfer completed | DCOMP | WAP and MMS cause |
DNSQUERY_DNS_address | DNS query | DNSQUERY | DNS query address. This is the domain name in human friendly format and this is translated to the IP address using DNS. |
DNSQUERY_DNS_cache | DNS query | DNSQUERY | DNS query cache status. Defines if IP address was received from the client side DNS cache or requested from the DNS server. 0 = Non-cached 1 = Cached |
DNSQUERY_DNS_query_address | DNS query | DNSQUERY | DNS resolved address. The DNS query result in the IP format. When multiple IP addresses is received for the domain name the first recorded IP address is used by the recording tool. |
DNSQUERY_DNS_query_latency | DNS query | DNSQUERY | DNS host name resolution time. See 3GPP TS 102.25 subclause 5.11. |
DNSQUERY_DNS_query_result | DNS query | DNSQUERY | DNS query result |
DNSQUERY_Number_of_resolved_DNS_results_ | DNS query | DNSQUERY | Number of resolved DNS results |
DREQ_BiP_operation | Data transfer request | DREQ | BiP operation |
DREQ_Data_connection_context_ID | Data transfer request | DREQ | Data connection context ID |
DREQ_Data_file_size | Data transfer request | DREQ | File size |
DREQ_Data_size_bytes | Data transfer request | DREQ | Amount of data to be transferred. |
DREQ_Data_transfer_attempt_number | Data transfer request | DREQ | Data transfer attempt number |
DREQ_Data_transfer_bit_rate_limit | Data transfer request | DREQ | Transfer rate limit used in the transfer |
DREQ_Data_transfer_direction | Data transfer request | DREQ | Data transfer direction 1 = Uplink 2 = Downlink 3 = Uplink and downlink |
DREQ_Data_transfer_filename | Data transfer request | DREQ | Data transfer filename |
DREQ_Data_transfer_packet_size | Data transfer request | DREQ | Packet size used in data transfer |
DREQ_Data_transfer_threads | Data transfer request | DREQ | Data transfer threads |
DREQ_Data_transfer_timeout | Data transfer request | DREQ | Data transfer timeout |
DREQ_Dropbox_operation | Data transfer request | DREQ | Dropbox operation |
DREQ_Facebook_operation | Data transfer request | DREQ | Facebook operation |
DREQ_Google_Drive_operation | Data transfer request | DREQ | Google Drive operation |
DREQ_Hop_timeout | Data transfer request | DREQ | Trace route hop timeout |
DREQ_Instagram_operation | Data transfer request | DREQ | Instagram operation |
DREQ_Line_operation | Data transfer request | DREQ | Line operation |
DREQ_LinkedIn_operation | Data transfer request | DREQ | LinkedIn operation |
DREQ_mScore_operation | Data transfer request | DREQ | mScore operation |
DREQ_Ping_packet_size | Data transfer request | DREQ | Packet size (Bytes) used in data transfer |
DREQ_Ping_packet_size_bytes | Data transfer request | DREQ | Ping packet size is the size of the ping packet. The value also determines the size of the reply packet. |
DREQ_Ping_rate | Data transfer request | DREQ | Ping rate determines the delay between two consecutive ping requests |
DREQ_Ping_timeout_millisecond | Data transfer request | DREQ | Ping timeout determines the maximum time between a ping request and the reply. If this time is exceeded, ping measurement event is created using the timeout parameter |
DREQ_RTT_packet_size | Data transfer request | DREQ | RTT packet size is the size of the ping packet. The value also determines the size of the reply packet. |
DREQ_RTT_rate | Data transfer request | DREQ | RTT rate determines the delay between two consecutive ping requests. |
DREQ_RTT_timeout | Data transfer request | DREQ | RTT timeout determines the maximum time between a ping request and the reply. If this time is exceeded, ping measurement event is created using the timeout parameter. |
DREQ_Transferred_file_size | Data transfer request | DREQ | Amount of data to be transferred |
DREQ_TTL | Data transfer request | DREQ | Trace route time to live |
DREQ_Twitter_operation | Data transfer request | DREQ | Twitter operation |
DREQ_Viber_operation | Data transfer request | DREQ | Viber operation |
DREQ_WhatsApp_operation | Data transfer request | DREQ | WhatsApp operation |
DSS_File_size_byte | Data stream status | DSS | File size. Amount of data to be transferred. |
DSS_Stream_audio_codec | Data stream status | DSS | Data transfer stream audio codec |
DSS_Stream_bandwith | Data stream status | DSS | Non-measured stream throughput that have to be used to be able to receive data stream without breaks. |
DSS_Stream_content_type | Data stream status | DSS | Data transfer stream content type |
DSS_Stream_duration_ms | Data stream status | DSS | Data transfer stream total duration |
DSS_Stream_position_ms | Data stream status | DSS | Data transfer stream playback position |
DSS_Stream_resolution | Data stream status | DSS | Data transfer stream resolution. The string format is XxY, e.g. 1920x1080. |
DSS_Stream_state | Data stream status | DSS | Data transfer stream state 0 = Uninitialized 1 = Stopped 2 = Buffering 3 = Streaming |
DSS_Stream_video_codec | Data stream status | DSS | Data transfer stream video codec |
GAC_Attach_attempt_time_second | GPRS attach connected | Attach time in seconds | |
GAD_Attach_duration_second | GPRS detach | Attach Duration in seconds | |
GAD_Detach_cause | GPRS detach | Detach Cause | |
GAD_Detach_time_millisecond | GPRS detach | Detach time in miliseconds | |
GAD_GPRS_detach_status | GPRS detach | GAD | GPRS detach status 1 = User detach 2 = Network detach (GMM cause) 3 = Mobile detach (GMM cause) 6 = Test system failure |
GAF_Attach_failure_cause | GPRS attach failed | GAF | Attach failure cause |
GAF_Attach_failure_status | GPRS attach failed | GAF | Attach failure Status |
GAF_Attach_failure_time_second | GPRS attach failed | GAF | Attach failure time in seconds |
HOA_Attempted_cellular_system | Handover/handoff attempt | HOA | Handover attempt cellular system |
HOA_Attempted_channel_number | Handover/handoff attempt | HOA | Handover attempt channel number |
HOA_Attempted_timeslot_or_SC_or_CPI_or_PCI | Handover/handoff attempt | HOA | Attempted timeslot (GSM), SC (UMTS), CPI (TD-SCDMA), PCI (LTE, NR) |
HOA_Current_channel_number | Handover/handoff attempt | HOA | Current channel number |
HOA_Current_cellular_system | Handover/handoff attempt | HOA | Current Cellular system |
HOA_Handover_handoff_attempt_type | Handover/handoff attempt | HOA | Handover attempt Type |
HOA_Number_of_attempted_system_parameters | Handover/handoff attempt | HOA | Number of attempt system parameters |
HOA_Number_of_current_system_parameters | Handover/handoff attempt | HOA | Number of current system parameters |
HOA_Number_of_header_parameters | Handover/handoff attempt | HOA | Number of header parameter |
HOA_Current_timeslot_or_SC_or_CPI_or_PCI | Handover/handoff attempt | HOA | Current timeslot (GSM), SC (UMTS), CPI (TD-SCDMA), PCI (LTE, NR) |
HOF_Handover_handoff_failure_cause | Handover/handoff fail | HOF | Handover failure cause |
HOA_Attempted_band | Handover/handoff attempt | HOA | Attempted system band |
HOA_Current_band | Handover/handoff attempt | HOA | Current band |
LUA_Location_area_update_type | Location update attempt | LUA | Location area update type |
LUF_Location_update_failure_status | Location update fail | LUF | Location update failure status 1 = Timeout 2 = Rejected by network 3 = Rejected by network after combined location and routing area update (cause value is GMM cause) |
LUF_Mobility_management_cause | Location update fail | LUF | Mobility management cause |
LUF_Old_location_area_code | Location update fail | LUF | Old location area code |
LUS_Mobile_country_code | Location update accepted | LUS | Mobile country code |
LUS_Mobile_network_code | Location update accepted | LUS | Mobile network code |
LUS_New_location_area_code | Location update accepted | LUS | New location area code |
LUS_Old_location_area_code | Location update accepted | LUS | Old location area code |
MACI_Serving_cells | MAC layer info | MACI | Number of serving cells |
MACI_Cell_type | MAC layer info | MACI | Serving cell type |
MACI_Cell_state | MAC layer info | MACI | MBMS service state 1 = Active 2 = Available |
MBMSI_Area_ID | MBMS information | MBMSI | MBSFN area ID. Multi broadcast single frequency network area identity. See more 3GPP TS 136.211 subclause |
MBMSI_Data_MCS | MBMS information | MBMSI | MBMS data MCS. Defines the modulation and the amount of coding used. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.1.7. |
MBMSI_MCC | MBMS information | MBMSI | MBMS service MCC. See ITU-T recommendation E.212. |
MBMSI_MNC | MBMS information | MBMSI | MBMS service MNC |
MBMSI_Number_of_services | MBMS information | MBMSI | Number of MBMS services |
MBMSI_Service_ID | MBMS information | MBMSI | MBMS service ID. Uniquely identifies the identity of an MBMS service within a PLMN. See more 3GPP TS 136.331 subclause 6.3.7. |
MBMSI_Session_ID | MBMS information | MBMSI | MBMS session ID |
MBMSI_State | MBMS information | MBMSI | State |
MEI_Cellular_system | Measurement event information | MEI | Cellular system information |
MEI_Measurement_event | Measurement event information | MEI | Measurement event Information |
MEI_Measurement_ID | Measurement event information | MEI | Measurement ID information |
MSGA_IPA_message_type | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | Kodiak IPA message type 1 = Send 2 = Receive |
MSGA_IPA_message_data | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | IPA message data |
MSGA_Message_direction | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | Message direction (send or receive) |
MSGA_Message_type | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | Message type: 1 = SMS 2 = MMS 3 = CDMA SMS 4 = USSD 5 = Kodiak IPA Kodiak instant private alert. 6 = USSD sequence |
MSGA_MMS_filename | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | MMS filename |
MSGA_MMS_message_type | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | MMS message type : 1 = Send 2 = Retrieve 3 = Notification 4 = Delivery report |
MSGA_MMS_sequence_number | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | MMS sequence number |
MSGA_MMS_service_center_address | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | MMS service centre address |
MSGA_MMS_timeout | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | MMS timeout. The timeout value from MMS send attempt (MSGA) to success (MSGS). If MMS has not been sent during this time the MSGF measurement event is recorded. |
MSGA_MMS_transport_protocol | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | MMS transport protocol: 1 = WAP 1.0 2 = SMS 3 = WAP 2.0 |
MSGA_Number_of_header_parameters | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | Number of header paramaters |
MSGA_Number_of_MMS_files | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | Number of MMS file |
MSGA_SMS_data_coding_scheme | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | SMS data coding scheme GSM 03.38 defines the meaning of this parameter |
MSGA_SMS_message_data | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | SMS data in hexadecimal values |
MSGA_SMS_message_length | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | SMS message length |
MSGA_SMS_message_type | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | SMS message type |
MSGA_SMS_phone_number | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | SMS message phone number |
MSGA_SMS_sequence_number | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | SMS message sequence number |
MSGA_SMS_service_center_address | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | SMS service centre number |
MSGA_SMS_timeout | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | SMS timeout. The timeout value from SMS send attempt (MSGA) to success (MSGS). If SMS has not been sent during this time the MSGF measurement event is recorded. |
MSGA_USSD_gateway | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | USSD gateway |
MSGA_USSD_message_data | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | USSD message data |
MSGA_USSD_message_type | Message sending/receiving attempt | MSGA | USSD message type. See 3GPP TS 123.090. 1 = Mobile request (Mobile originated request to the network for which the mobile station waits for the answer) 2 = Mobile response (Mobile originated response to the network request.) 3 = Network request (Network originated request of information for the mobile station) 4 = Network response (Network originated response to the request received from the mobile station) 5 = Network notification (Network originated notification that does not require further action from the mobile station) |
MSGF_IPA_message_type | Message sending/receiving failed | MSGF | Kodiak IPA message type 1 = Send 2 = Receive |
MSGF_Message_direction | Message sending/receiving failed | MSGF | SMS fail message direction |
MSGF_Message_type | Message sending/receiving failed | MSGF | Message Fail type: 1 = SMS 2 = MMS 3 = CDMA SMS 4 = USSD 5 = Kodiak IPA Kodiak instant private alert. 6 = USSD sequence Logged to indicate the beginning and ending of sending multiple separate USSD messages. 7 = IMS SMS |
MSGF_MMS_cause | Message sending/receiving failed | MSGF | MMS fail cause |
MSGF_MMS_message_type | Message sending/receiving failed | MSGF | MMS fail message type |
MSGF_MMS_sequence_number | Message sending/receiving failed | MSGF | MMS fail sequence number |
MSGF_SMS_cause_value | Message sending/receiving failed | MSGF | SMS fail cause value |
MSGF_SMS_message_type | Message sending/receiving failed | MSGF | SMS fail message type |
MSGF_SMS_sequence_number | Message sending/receiving failed | MSGF | SMS sequence number |
MSGF_USSD_message_type | Message sending/receiving failed | MSGF | USSD message type. See 3GPP TS 123.090. 1 = Mobile request (Mobile originated request to the network for which the mobile station waits for the answer) 2 = Mobile response (Mobile originated response to the network request.) 3 = Network request (Network originated request of information for the mobile station) 4 = Network response (Network originated response to the request received from the mobile station) 5 = Network notification (Network originated notification that does not require further action from the mobile station) |
MSGS_IPA_message_type | Message sending/receiving success | MSGS | Kodiak IPA message type 1 = Send 2 = Receive |
MSGS_Message_direction | Message sending/receiving success | MSGS | Successful message direction |
MSGS_Message_type | Message sending/receiving success | MSGS | Successful message type |
MSGS_MMS_message_ID | Message sending/receiving success | MSGS | Successful MMS message ID |
MSGS_MMS_message_type | Message sending/receiving success | MSGS | Successful MMS message type |
MSGS_MMS_sequence_number | Message sending/receiving success | MSGS | Successful MMS sequence number |
MSGS_SMS_message_duration_ms | Message sending/receiving success | MSGS | SMS transmission duration. Defines how long the SMS transmission has taken. Calculated from origination or paging message to the SMS acknowledgement message. |
MSGS_SMS_message_type | Message sending/receiving success | MSGS | Successful MMS message type |
MSGS_SMS_reference_number | Message sending/receiving success | MSGS | Successful SMS reference number |
MSGS_SMS_sequence_number | Message sending/receiving success | MSGS | Successful MMS sequence Number |
MSGS_USSD_message_type | Message sending/receiving success | MSGS | USSD message type. See 3GPP TS 123.090. 1 = Mobile request (Mobile originated request to the network for which the mobile station waits for the answer) 2 = Mobile response (Mobile originated response to the network request.) 3 = Network request (Network originated request of information for the mobile station) 4 = Network response (Network originated response to the request received from the mobile station) 5 = Network notification (Network originated notification that does not require further action from the mobile station) |
PAA_Access_point_name | Packet session activation attempt | PAA | Access point name |
PAA_Data_compression | Packet session activation attempt | PAA | Data compression 0 = Off 1 = On (manufacturer preferred compression) 2 = V.42bis 3 = V.44 |
PAA_Header_compression | Packet session activation attempt | PAA | Header compression 0 = Off 1 = On (manufacturer preferred compression) 2 = RFC1144 (VanJacobsen) 3 = RFC2507 (Degermark) 4 = RFC3095 (RoHC) |
PAA_Initiator | Packet session activation attempt | PAA | Initiator 1 = Mobile station initiated 2 = Network station initiated |
PAA_Packet_data_protocol_type | Packet session activation attempt | PAA | Data protocol type |
PAA_Packet_protocol_address | Packet session activation attempt | PAA | Packet protocol address |
PAC_Packet_protocol_address | Packet session activated | PAC | Protocol address |
PAC_Packet_session_activation_state | Packet session activated | PAC | Packet session activation state 1 = Air interface connected (in session management layer) 2 = Packet session activated |
PAC_Packet_session_activation_time_second | Packet session activated | Packet activation time in seconds | |
PAD_Packet_session_deactivation_cause | Packet session deactivated | PAD | Packet session deactivation cause |
PAD_Packet_session_deactivation_status | Packet session deactivated | PAD | Packet session deactivation status |
PAD_Packet_session_deactivation_time_millisecond | Packet session deactivated | Packet session deactivation duration in miliseconds | |
PAD_session_active_duration_second | Packet session deactivated | Packet session active duration in seconds | |
PAF_Failure_cause | Packet session activation failed | PAF | Packet activation failure cause |
PAF_Failure_status | Packet session activation failed | PAF | Packet activation failure status |
PAF_Packet_session_activation_failure_cause | Packet session activation failed | PAF | Packet session activation failure cause |
PAF_Packet_session_activation_failure_status | Packet session activation failed | PAF | Packet session activation failure Status |
PAF_Packet_session_activation_failure_time_second | Packet session activation failed | PAF | Session Failure duration in seconds |
PBA_PB_type | Packet bearer allocation | PBA | Packet bearer type 1 = Default 2 = Dedicated |
PBC_Linked_PB_ID | Packet bearer allocation | PBC | Packet bearer identity (linked). Defines the default bearer ID for the dedicated bearer. |
PBC_PB_ID | Packet bearer allocation | PBC | Packet bearer identity. With the LTE this is the same as the EPS bearer ID. See 3GPP TS 125.007 subclause |
PBC_Qos | Packet bearer allocation | PBC | Packet bearer QoS class identifier. See 3GPP TS 123.203 subclause 6.1.7. |
PBD_ESM_cause | Packet bearer allocation | PBD | EPS bearer reject cause |
PBF_ESM_cause | Packet bearer allocation | PBF | EPS bearer release cause |
PSM_Power_saving_mode | Power saving mode | PSM | Power save mode 0 = Radio off 1 = PSM This is highest power save mode where the device is most of the time in sleep. The device goes to this mode when active timer (T3324) triggers and wakes up after tracking area update timer (T3412) triggers. During this mode the diagnostic interface may not work. See 3GPP TS 24.301 subclause 5.3.11 and 23.682 subclause 4.5.4. 10 = I-DRX Idle DRX mode where the device wakes up to read paging messages every now and then. 20 = Idle 30 = C-DRX During connected DRX mode the device is using less power than in connected mode and reads downlink indications occasionally. Currently this is not implemented. 40 = Connected |
PSMI_T3324 | Power saving mode | PSMI | Active time. Defines the time before the device goes to the power saving mode (PSM). See 3GPP TS 124.301 subclause 5.3.11 and 3GPP TS 124.008 subclause |
PSMI_T3412 | Power saving mode | PSMI | Periodic tracking area update time. See 3GPP TS 124.301 subclause |
PSMI_eDRX_cycle | Power saving mode | PSMI | eDRX cycle. Defines time between paging time windows (PTW) when the MS tries to decode paging channel. See more 3GPP TS 124.301 subclause 5.3.12, 3GPP TS 123.682 subclause, and 3GPP TS 124.008 subclause |
PSMI_PTW | Power saving mode | PSMI | eDRX paging time window. nnLogged as n/a when eDRX is not used. Defines the time when paging channel is attempted to decode using normal paging cycle. See more 3GPP TS 123.682 subclause |
PSMR_Req_T3324 | Power saving mode | PSMR | Requested active time. The MS requests power saving mode (PSM) using this parameter. See 3GPP 124.301 subclause 5.3.11 and 3GPP 124.008 subclause |
PSMR_Req_T3412 | Power saving mode | PSMR | Requested periodic tracking area update time. Update time can be requested only when PSM is requested. See 3GPP TS 124.301 subclause |
PSMR_Req_eDRX_cycle | Power saving mode | PSMR | Requested eDRX cycle. The MS requests usage of eDRX with this parameter. See 3GPP subclause 124.008 subclause |
PSMR_Req_PTW | Power saving mode | PSMR | Requested paging time window. Logged as n/a when eDRX is not used. See 3GPP subclause 124.008 subclause |
PTTA_POC_server_address | Push-to-talk session attempt | PTTA | POC server address |
PTTA_Push_to_Talk_type | Push-to-talk session attempt | PTTA | Push to talk type |
PTTC_POC_group_attach_time_millisecond | Push-to-talk session connected | Time from POC server connection to successful group attach in miliseconds | |
PTTC_POC_server_address | Push-to-talk session connected | PTTC | POC server address |
PTTC_POC_session_activation_time_millisecond | Push-to-talk session connected | PTTC | POC session activation time in miliseconds |
PTTC_POC_session_login_time_millisecond | Push-to-talk session connected | PTTC | POC Login time in miliseconds |
PTTC_Push_to_Talk_type | Push-to-talk session connected | PTTC | Push to talk type |
PTTD_POC_session_deactivation_cause | Push-to-talk session disconnected | PTTD | POC session deactivation cause |
PTTD_POC_session_deactivation_status | Push-to-talk session disconnected | PTTD | POC session deactivation status |
PTTD_POC_session_deactivation_time_millisecond | Push-to-talk session disconnected | PTTD | POC deactivation time |
PTTD_POC_session_duration_second | Push-to-talk session disconnected | POC session duration | |
PTTD_Push_to_Talk_type | Push-to-talk session disconnected | PTTD | Push to talk type |
PTTF_POC_session_failure_cause | Push-to-talk session failed | PTTF | If fail status is PoC server registration failed this cause is SIP failure cause |
PTTF_POC_session_failure_status | Push-to-talk session failed | PTTF | POC failure status 1 = User abort 2 = Packet session failed 3 = PoC server registration failed 4 = Timeout 5 = Group attach failure |
PTTF_POC_session_failure_time_millisecond | Push-to-talk session failed | PTTF | POC session failure time in miliseconds |
PTTF_Push_to_Talk_type | Push-to-talk session failed | PTTF | Push to talk type |
QSPN_Negotiated_average_throughput_class | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | Average transfer rate at which data is transferred across the network. |
QSPN_Negotiated_delay_class | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | Negotiated delay class 1 = Less than 0.5 seconds 2 = Less than 5 seconds 3 = Less than 50 seconds 4 = Best effort |
QSPN_Negotiated_delivery_of_erroneous_SDUs | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | Negotiated delivery of erroneous SDUs 0 = No 1 = Yes 2 = No detect |
QSPN_Negotiated_delivery_order | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | Negotiated delivery order 0 = No 1 = Yes |
QSPN_Negotiated_EPS_guaranteed_downlink_bitrate | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | EPS guaranteed downlink bitrate |
QSPN_Negotiated_EPS_guaranteed_uplink_bitrate | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | EPS guaranteed uplink bitrate |
QSPN_Negotiated_EPS_maximum_downlink_bitrate | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | EPS maximum downlink bitrate |
QSPN_Negotiated_EPS_maximum_uplink_bitrate | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | EPS maximum uplink bitrate |
QSPN_Negotiated_EPS_QoS_class_identifier | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | Negotiated EPS QoS class identifier .See 3GPP TS 23.203 subclause 6.1.7. |
QSPN_Negotiated_guaranteed_downlink_bitrate_in_kbits_s | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | Guaranteed downlink bitrate in kbps |
QSPN_Negotiated_guaranteed_uplink_bitrate_in_kbits_s | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | Guaranteed uplink bitrate kbps |
QSPN_Negotiated_max_downlink_bitrate_in_kbits_s | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | Maximum downlink bitrate kbps |
QSPN_Negotiated_max_uplink_bitrate_in_kbits_s | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | Maximum uplink bitrate kbps |
QSPN_Negotiated_maximum_SDU_size_byte | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | Negotiated maximum service data unit (SDU) size. |
QSPN_Negotiated_peak_throughput_class | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | Negotiated peak throughput class |
QSPN_Negotiated_priority_class | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | Negotiated priority class 1 = High 2 = Normal 3 = Low |
QSPN_Negotiated_reliability_class | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | Negotiated reliability class 1 = Like X.25 2 = Like IP 3 = For signaling 4 = For text TV style application 5 = For video |
QSPN_Negotiated_residual_bit_error_ratio | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | Negotiated residual bit error ratio |
QSPN_Negotiated_SDU_error_ratio | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | Negotiated SDU error ratio |
QSPN_Negotiated_traffic_class | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | Negotiated traffic class |
QSPN_Negotiated_traffic_handling_priority | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | Negotiated traffic handling priority 1 is the highest priority. |
QSPN_Negotiated_transfer_delay_milliseconds | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | Negotiated transfer delay |
QSPN_Packet_technology | Quality of service profile negotiated | QSPN | Packet technology |
QSPR_Min_accepted_average_throughput_class | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum accepted average throughput class |
QSPR_Minimum_accepted_delay_class | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum accepted delay class 0 = Accept all 1 = Less than 0.5 seconds 2 = Less than 5 seconds 3 = Less than 50 seconds 4 = Lest effort |
QSPR_Minimum_accepted_delivery_of_erroneous_SDUs | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum accepted SDU error ratio |
QSPR_Minimum_accepted_delivery_order | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum accepted delivery order 0 = No 1 = Yes 2 = Accept all |
QSPR_Minimum_accepted_guaranteed_downlink_bitrate_kbit_s | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum accepted guaranteed downlink bit rate |
QSPR_Minimum_accepted_guaranteed_uplink_bitrate_kbit_s | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum accepted guaranteed uplink bit rate |
QSPR_Minimum_accepted_maximum_downlink_bitrate_kbit_s | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Maximum accepted guaranteed downlink bit rate |
QSPR_Minimum_accepted_maximum_SDU_size_bytes | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum accepted maximum SDU size |
QSPR_Minimum_accepted_maximum_uplink_bitrate_kbit_s | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Maximum accepted guaranteed uplink bit rate |
QSPR_Minimum_accepted_peak_throughput_class | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum accepted peak thrpughput class |
QSPR_Minimum_accepted_priority_class | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum accepted priority class 0 = Accept all 1 = High 2 = Normal 3 = Low |
QSPR_Minimum_accepted_reliability_class | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum accepted reliability class 0 = Accept all 1 = Like X.25 2 = Like IP 3 = For signaling 4 = For text TV style application 5 = For video |
QSPR_Minimum_accepted_residual_bit_error_ratio | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Requested residual bit error ratio E0E is subscribed value. |
QSPR_Minimum_accepted_SDU_error_ratio | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Requested SDU error ratio E0E is subscribed value. |
QSPR_Minimum_accepted_traffic_class | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum accepted traffic class 0 = Conversational 1 = Streaming 2 = Interactive 3 = Background 4 = Accept all |
QSPR_Minimum_accepted_traffic_handling_priority | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum accepted traffic handling priority 1 is the highest priority. 0 = Accept all |
QSPR_Minimum_accepted_transfer_delay_ms | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum accepted transfer delay 0 = Accept all |
QSPR_Packet_technology | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Packet technology |
QSPR_Requested_average_throughput_class | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum requested average throughput class |
QSPR_Requested_delay_class | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum requested delay class 0 = Accept all 1 = Less than 0.5 seconds 2 = Less than 5 seconds 3 = Less than 50 seconds 4 = Lest effort |
QSPR_Requested_delivery_of_erroneous_SDUs | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum requested SDU error ratio |
QSPR_Requested_delivery_order | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum requested delivery order 0 = No 1 = Yes 2 = Accept all |
QSPR_Requested_guaranteed_downlink_bitrate_kbits_s | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum requested guaranteed downlink bit rate |
QSPR_Requested_guaranteed_uplink_bitrate_kbits_s | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum requested guaranteed uplink bit rate |
QSPR_Requested_max_downlink_bitrate_kbits_s | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Maximum requested guaranteed downlink bit rate |
QSPR_Requested_max_uplink_bitrate_kbits_s | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum requested maximum SDU size |
QSPR_Requested_maximum_SDU_size | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Maximum requested guaranteed uplink bit rate |
QSPR_Requested_peak_throughput_class | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum requested peak thrpughput class |
QSPR_Requested_priority_class | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum requested priority class 0 = Accept all 1 = High 2 = Normal 3 = Low |
QSPR_Requested_reliability_class | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum requested reliability class 0 = Accept all 1 = Like X.25 2 = Like IP 3 = For signaling 4 = For text TV style application 5 = For video |
QSPR_Requested_residual_bit_error_ratio | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Requested residual bit error ratio E0E is subscribed value. |
QSPR_Requested_SDU_error_ratio | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Requested SDU error ratio E0E is subscribed value. |
QSPR_Requested_traffic_class | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum requested traffic class 0 = Conversational 1 = Streaming 2 = Interactive 3 = Background 4 = Accept all |
QSPR_Requested_traffic_handling_priority | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum requested traffic handling priority 1 is the highest priority. 0 = Accept all |
QSPR_Requested_transfer_delay_ms | Quality of service profile request | QSPR | Minimum requested transfer delay 0 = Accept all |
RABA_Number_of_header_parameters | Radio access bearer allocation | RABA | Number of header parameters |
RABA_RAB_type | Radio access bearer allocation | RABA | RAB type |
RABA_RAB_ID | Radio access bearer allocation | RABA | RAB ID |
RABC_RAB_type | Radio access bearer allocation | RABC | RAB type |
RABC_RAB_ID | Radio access bearer allocation | RABC | RAB ID |
RABD_RAB_type | Radio access bearer allocation | RABD | RAB type |
RABD_RAB_ID | Radio access bearer allocation | RABD | RAB ID |
RABD_RAB_release_type | Radio access bearer allocation | RABD | RAB release type 1 = Network release 2 = UE release |
RABF_RAB_type | Radio access bearer allocation | RABF | RAB type |
RABF_RAB_ID | Radio access bearer allocation | RABF | RAB ID |
RABF_RAB_fail_type | Radio access bearer allocation | RABF | RAB failure cause type 1 = LTE re-establishment cause 2 = UMTS failure cause 3 = UMTS ISHO failure cause 4 = GSM RR cause |
RABF_Re_est_cause | Radio access bearer allocation | RABF | RRC re-establishment cause. See 3GPP TS 36.331 subclause 6.2.2 RRCConnectionReestablishment. 0 = Reconfiguration failure 1 = Handover failure 2 = Other failure 100 = NB reconfiguration failure 101 = NB other failure |
RABF_RRC_cause | Radio access bearer allocation | RABF | RRC cause. This is the same as a failure cause defined by 3GPP TS 25.331 subclause 0 = Configuration unsupported 1 = Physical channel failure 2 = Incompatible simultaneous reconfiguration 3 = Protocol error 4 = Compressed mode runtime error 5 = Cell update occurred 6 = Invalid configuration 7 = Configuration incomplete 8 = Unsupported measurement 9 = MBMS session already received correctly 10 = Lower priority MBMS service |
RABF_InterRAT_cause | Radio access bearer allocation | RABF | Inter-RAT handover failure cause. This is the same as a failure cause defined by 3GPP TS 25.331 subclause 0 = Configuration unacceptable 1 = Physical channel failure 2 = Protocol error 3 = Inter-RAT protocol error 4 = Unspecified |
RABF_RR_cause | Radio access bearer allocation | RABF | RR cause. See 3GPP TS 144.018 subclause 0 = Normal event 1 = Abnormal release, unspecified 2 = Abnormal release, channel unacceptable 3 = Abnormal release, timer expired 4 = Abnormal release, no activity on the radio path 5 = Pre-emptive release 6 = UTRAN configuration unknown 8 = Handover impossible, timing advance out of range 9 = Channel mode unacceptable 10 = Frequency not implemented 11 = Originator or talker leaving group call area 12 = Lower layer failure 65 = Call already cleared 95 = Semantically incorrect message 96 = Invalid mandatory information 97 = Message type non-existent or not implemented 98 = Message type not compatible with protocol state 100 = Conditional IE error 101 = No cell allocation available 111 = Protocol error unspecified |
RACHSM_Contention_result | RACH message | RACHSM | RACH contention resolution result |
RACHSM_N_TA | RACH message | RACHSM | RACH timing advance. Timing advance command received in random access response (MSG2). See 3GPP TS 38.213 subclause 4.2 and 3GPP TS 38.321 subclause 5.1.4 and 6.2.3. |
RACHSM_Number_of_parameters | RACH message | RACHSM | Number of rach message type specific parameters |
RACHSM_Numerology | RACH message | RACHSM | Numerology |
RACHSM_PL | RACH message | RACHSM | RACH pathloss. An estimate of the radio condition and what is used calculate initial RACH TX power. See 3GPP TS 38.213 subclause 7.4. |
RACHSM_Preamble_TX_power | RACH message | RACHSM | RACH preamble power |
RACHSM_PUSCH_TX_power | RACH message | RACHSM | RACH PUSCH power. For successful RACH procedures this contains the TX power used for message sending in PUSCH. |
RACHSM_RA_RNTI | RACH message | RACHSM | RACH RA-RNTI. RNTI that is used on the PDCCH or NPDCCH when random access responses are transmitted. See 3GPP TS 38.321 subclause 5.1.3. |
RACHSM_RACH_grant_bytes | RACH message | RACHSM | RACH grant bytes |
RACHSM_RACH_message_type | RACH message | RACHSM | RACH message type |
RACHSM_RACH_MSG1_SCS | RACH message | RACHSM | Delta f in 3GPP 38.211 subclause 5.3.2 and preamble SCS in 3GPP 38.213 subclause 8.1. |
RACHSM_RACH_type | RACH message | RACHSM | RACH type. More information about RACH procedure in LTE see 3GPP TS 38.213 subclause 8 and 3GPP TS 38.321 subclause 5.1. |
RACHSM_RAPID | RACH message | RACHSM | RACH preamble index. The preamble index of the last successfully transmitted preamble. This is only valid for successful RACH procedures. This parameter is same as preamble sequence or random access preamble ID (RAPID). See 3GPP TS 38.213 subclause 8.2 and 3GPP TS 38.321 subclause 5.1.3, 6.1.5, and 6.2.2. |
RACHSM_Slot | RACH message | RACHSM | This is NR timing in slots by combining frame, subframe, and slot to one number using formula (frame * 10 + subframe) * number of slots in subframe + slot. |
RACHSM_TC_RNTI | RACH message | RACHSM | TC-RNTI that is used to scramble MSG3. This is not available for contention free RACH procedure. |
RRRE_Re_est_status | LTE RRC Reestablishment | RRRE | RRC re-establishment status. See 3GPP TS 36.331 subclause 6.2.2 RRCConnectionReestablishment. 1 = Succeeded 2 = Failed 3 = Rejected |
RRRE_Re_est_cause | LTE RRC Reestablishment | RRRE | RRC re-establishment cause. See 3GPP TS 36.331 subclause 6.2.2 RRCConnectionReestablishment. 0 = Reconfiguration failure 1 = Handover failure 2 = Other failure 100 = NB reconfiguration failure 101 = NB other failure |
ROAM_Roaming_status | Roaming Status Changes | ROAM | Packet technology |
RRA_Establishment_cause | Radio resource connection attempt | RRA | Radio resource attempt establishment cause |
RRA_RRC_connection_establishment_cause | Radio resource connection attempt | RRA | Radio resource control establishment cause |
RRC_Number_of_RRC_connection_attempts | Radio resource connection success | RRA | Number of RRC connection attempts |
RRC_RRC_connection_establishment_time_millisecond | Radio resource connection success | RRC connection establishment duration in miliseconds | |
RRD_RRC_connection_release_cause | Radio resource connection release | RRD | RRC connection release cause |
RRD_RRC_connection_release_status | Radio resource connection release | RRD | RRC connection release status |
RRF_Number_of_RRC_connection_attempts | Radio resource connection failure | RRF | Number of RRC connection attempts |
RRF_RRC_connection_failure_time_millisecond | Radio resource connection failure | RRF | RRC connection failure time in miliseconds |
RRF_RRC_connection_rejection_cause | Radio resource connection failure | RRF | RRC connection rejection cause |
RRF_RRC_connection_rejection_status | Radio resource connection failure | RRF | RRC connection rejection status |
RTPBUFFER_RTP_buffer_type | RTP Information | RTP Information | RTP btype |
RTPBUFFER_Talk_rate | RTP Information | RTPBUFFER | Talk rate Ratio of talk frames to all frames. |
RTPBUFFER_Dequeue_underflow | RTP Information | RTPBUFFER | Dequeue underflow. The number of the audio frames that have not been available in the de-jitter buffer during the playback. |
RTPBUFFER_Consecutive_dequeue_underflow | RTP Information | RTPBUFFER | Consecutive dequeue underflow. The longest consecutive missed audio frames during the playback. The audio interruption time is this parameter mupltiplied by frame length that is currently 20 ms. |
RTPBUFFER_Q_size | RTP Information | RTPBUFFER | Queue size (talk). The maximum size of the dejitter buffer during the reporting period. |
RTPBUFFER_Q_size_silence | RTP Information | RTPBUFFER | Queue size (silence). The maximum size of the dejitter buffer during the reporting period. |
RTPBUFFER_Frame_delay | RTP Information | RTPBUFFER | Frame delay (talk). During the reporting period the maximum duration the RTP packet has been in the dejitter buffer before the usage. |
RTPBUFFER_Frame_delay_silence | RTP Information | RTPBUFFER | Frame delay (silence). During the reporting period the maximum duration the RTP packet has been in the dejitter buffer before the usage. |
RTPJITTER_IAT_DL | RTP Information | RTPJITTER | RTP interarrival time downlink. During the reporting period the maximum duration between two received voice RTP packets. |
RTPJITTER_IAT_UL | RTP Information | RTPJITTER | RTP interarrival time uplink |
RTPJITTER_Jitter | RTP Information | RTPJITTER | RTP jitter downlink. This is average packet delay variation during the reporting period based on RFC 5481 subclause 4.2. PDV = (Ri - Rmin) - (Si - Smin) = (Ri - Si) - (Rmin - Smin), where R is receive time and S is sent time based on RTP timestamps. |
RTPJITTER_RTP_BEL | RTP Information | RTPJITTER | RTP burst error length. Maximum length of sequential erroneous or missing RTP packets during the last reporting period. |
RTPJITTER_RTP_DL_bytes | RTP Information | RTPJITTER | RTP bytes downlink. Number of RTP downlink bytes transferred after last update. |
RTPJITTER_RTP_DL_packets | RTP Information | RTPJITTER | RTP packets downlink. Number of RTP downlink packets transferred after last update. |
RTPJITTER_RTP_jitter_type | RTP Information | RTPJITTER | RTP jitter type 1 = POC 2 = VoIP 3 = IMS voice 4 = IMS video |
RTPJITTER_RTP_jitter_UL | RTP Information | RTPJITTER | RTP jitter uplink |
RTPJITTER_RTP_PER | RTP Information | RTPJITTER | RTP packet error rate. Ratio of missing RTP packets to all RTP packets that should have been received during the reporting period. Number of lost and total number of RTP packets are derived from RTP sequence number (packets are either lost or arrive too late). |
RTPJITTER_RTP_RTT | RTP Information | RTPJITTER | RTP round-trip-time |
RTPJITTER_RTP_UL_bytes | RTP Information | RTPJITTER | RTP bytes uplink. Number of RTP uplink bytes transferred after last update. |
RTPJITTER_RTP_UL_packets | RTP Information | RTPJITTER | RTP packets uplink. Number of RTP uplink packets transferred after last update. |
RTPJITTER_Video_IAT_DL | RTP Information | RTPJITTER | RTP video interarrival time downlink. During the reporting period the maximum duration between two received video RTP packets. |
RTPJITTER_Video_jitter | RTP Information | RTPJITTER | RTP video jitter downlink |
RTPJITTER_Video_RTP_BEL | RTP Information | RTPJITTER | RTP video burst error length. Maximum length of sequential erroneous or missing RTP packets during the last reporting period. |
RTPJITTER_Video_RTP_DL_bytes | RTP Information | RTPJITTER | RTP video bytes downlink. Number of video RTP downlink bytes transferred after last update. |
RTPJITTER_Video_RTP_DL_packets | RTP Information | RTPJITTER | RTP video packets downlink. Number of video RTP downlink packets transferred after last update. |
RTPJITTER_Video_RTP_PER | RTP Information | RTPJITTER | RTP video packet error rate |
RTPJITTER_Video_RTP_UL_bytes | RTP Information | RTPJITTER | RTP video bytes uplink. Number of video RTP uplink bytes transferred after last update. |
RTPJITTER_Video_RTP_UL_packets | RTP Information | RTPJITTER | RTP video packets uplink. Number of video RTP uplink packets transferred for after last update. |
RTPJITTERU_RTP_jitter_type | RTP Information | RTPJITTERU | RTP jitter type |
RTPJITTERU_RTP_jitter_UL | RTP Information | RTPJITTERU | RTP jitter uplink |
RTPJITTERU_RTP_PER_UL | RTP Information | RTPJITTERU | RTP packet error rate uplink |
RUA_Routing_area_update_type | Routing area update attempt | RUA | Routing area update type 1 = Routing area update 2 = Combined routing area and location area update 3 = Combined routing area and location area update with IMSI attach 4 = Periodic update |
RUF_Attempted_location_area_code | Routing area update fail | RUF | Attempted location area code |
RUF_Attempted_routing_area_code | Routing area update fail | RUF | Attempted routing area code |
RUF_Routing_area_update_failure_cause | Routing area update fail | RUF | Routing area update failure cause With GSM and UMTS see 3GPP TS 124.008 subclause With LTE see 3GPP TS 124.301 |
RUF_Routing_area_update_failure_time_second | Routing area update fail | RUF | Routing area update failure in seconds |
RUS_Location_area_code | Routing area update successful | RUS | Location area code |
RUS_Old_location_area_code | Routing area update successful | RUS | Old location area code |
RUS_Old_routing_area_code | Routing area update successful | RUS | Old routing area code |
RUS_Routing_area_code | Routing area update successful | RUS | Routing area code |
RUS_Routing_area_update_success_time_second | Routing area update successful | RUS | Routing area code sussess duration in miliseconds |
SCELLMOD_Result | Serving cell modification | SCELLMOD | Modification result |
SCELLMOD_Number_of_SCells_added | Serving cell modification | SCELLMOD | Number of added serving cells |
SCELLMOD_Serving_cell_type_added_i (i = 1 to 4) | Serving cell modification | SCELLMOD | Serving cell type |
SCELLMOD_Band_added_i (i = 1 to 4) | Serving cell modification | SCELLMOD | Band |
SCELLMOD_ARFCN_added_i (i = 1 to 4) | Serving cell modification | SCELLMOD | ARFCN. For LTE this is E-ARFCN and for NR this is NR-ARFCN. |
SCELLMOD_PCI_added_i (i = 1 to 4) | Serving cell modification | SCELLMOD | Physical cell identity |
SCELLMOD_Number_of_SCells_removed | Serving cell modification | SCELLMOD | Number of removed serving cells |
SCELLMOD_Serving_cell_type_removed_i (i = 1 to 4) | Serving cell modification | SCELLMOD | Serving cell type |
SCELLMOD_Band_removed_i (i = 1 to 4) | Serving cell modification | SCELLMOD | Band |
SCELLMOD_ARFCN_removed_i (i = 1 to 4) | Serving cell modification | SCELLMOD | ARFCN. For LTE this is E-ARFCN and for NR this is NR-ARFCN. |
SCELLMOD_PCI_removed_i (i = 1 to 4) | Serving cell modification | SCELLMOD | Physical cell identity |
SEI_LAC | Service Status Changes | SEI | If the service is not available this is the last known LAC value when the service was available. |
SEI_M_TMSI | Service Status Changes | SEI | M-Temporary Moblie subscriber Identity. See 3GPP TS 123.003. |
SEI_MCC | Service Status Changes | SEI | If the service is not available this is the last known MCC value when the service was available. |
SEI_MME_code | Service Status Changes | SEI | MME code See 3GPP TS 123.003. |
SEI_MME_group_ID | Service Status Changes | SEI | MME group ID See 3GPP TS 123.003. |
SEI_MNC | Service Status Changes | SEI | If the service is not available this is the last known MNC value when the service was available. |
SEI_P_TMSI | Service Status Changes | SEI | Packet temporary mobile subscriber identity. See 3GPP TS 124.008 subclause and 3GPP TS 123.003 subclause 2.7. |
SEI_Service_status | Service Status Changes | SEI | Service info status 1 = Service received 2 = Service dropped |
SEI_TMSI | Service Status Changes | SEI | Temporary mobile subscriber identity. See 3GPP TS 124.008 subclause and 3GPP TS 123.003 subclause 2.4. |
SIPREGA_SIP_server | SIP server registration attempt | SIPREGA | SIP server address |
SIPREGA_SIP_server_registration_type | SIP server registration attempt | SIPREGA | SIP server registration type 1 = SIP server registration 2 = Skype server registration 3 = LTE IMS SIP server registration 4 = Kodiak server registration 5 = WLAN IMS SIP server registration |
SIPREGC_SIP_server_registration_type | SIP server registration completed | SIPREGC | SIP server registration type 1 = SIP server registration 2 = Skype server registration 3 = LTE IMS SIP server registration 4 = Kodiak server registration 5 = WLAN IMS SIP server registration |
SIPREGD_SIP_deregistration_cause | SIP server deregistered | SIPREGD | SIP server deactivation cause |
SIPREGD_SIP_deregistration_status | SIP server deregistered | SIPREGD | SIP server deactivation status 1 = Normal disconnect 2 = Server initiated disconnect 3 = Abnormal release 5 = Test system failure |
SIPREGD_SIP_deregistration_time_ms | SIP server deregistered | SIPREGD | SIP server deactivation time |
SIPREGD_SIP_server_registration_type | SIP server reregistration | SIPREGD | SIP server registration type 1 = SIP server registration 2 = Skype server registration 3 = LTE IMS SIP server registration 4 = Kodiak server registration 5 = WLAN IMS SIP server registration |
SIPREGF_SIP_registration_failure_cause | SIP server registration failed | SIPREGF | SIP server failure cause |
SIPREGF_SIP_registration_failure_status | SIP server registration failed | SIPREGF | SIP server failure status 1 = User abort 2 = Server reject 3 = Mobile reject 4 = Timeout 5 = Test system failure |
SIPREGF_SIP_server_registration_type | SIP server registration failed | SIPREGF | SIP server registration type 1 = SIP server registration 2 = Skype server registration 3 = LTE IMS SIP server registration 4 = Kodiak server registration 5 = WLAN IMS SIP server registration |
SIPREGRE_SIP_reregistration_result | SIP server reregistration | SIPREGRE | |
SIPREGRE_SIP_server | SIP server reregistration | SIPREGRE | |
SIPREGRE_SIP_server_registration_type | SIP server reregistration | SIPREGRE | SIP server registration type 1 = SIP server registration 2 = Skype server registration 3 = LTE IMS SIP server registration 4 = Kodiak server registration 5 = WLAN IMS SIP server registration |
SHO_Added_pilot_number | Soft handover | SHO | Number of pilots added |
SHO_Added_scrambling_code_number | Soft handover | SHO | Added scrambling code number |
SHO_Number_of_header_parameters | Soft handover | SHO | Number of header parameters |
SHO_Number_of_pilots_added | Soft handover | SHO | Number of pilots added |
SHO_Number_of_pilots_removed | Soft handover | SHO | Number of pilots removed |
SHO_Number_of_scrambling_codes_added | Soft handover | SHO | Number of scrambling code added |
SHO_Number_of_scrambling_codes_removed | Soft handover | SHO | Number of scrambling code removed |
SHO_Removed_pilot_number | Soft handover | SHO | Removed pilot number |
SHO_Removed_scrambling_code_number | Soft handover | SHO | Removed scrambling code number |
SHO_RRC_cause | Soft handover | SHO | RRC cause This is the same as a failure cause defined by 3GPP TS 25.331 subclause |
SHO_Soft_handover_status | Soft handover | SHO | Soft handover status 1 = Successful handover 2 = Failed handover |
SHO_Soft_handover_type | Soft handover | SHO | Soft handover type 1 = Normal 2 = Virtual |
SHOI_Soft_handover_event | Soft handover event information | SHOI | Soft Handover event Information |
TBFULE_Uplink_TBF_establishment_cause | TBF uplink establishment | TBFULE | Uplink TBF establishment cause |
TBFULE_Uplink_TBF_establishment_request_count | TBF uplink establishment | TBFULE | Uplink TBF establishment request count |
TBFULE_Uplink_TBF_establishment_status | TBF uplink establishment | TBFULE | Uplink TBF establishment status 1 = Succeeded 2 = Failed 3 = Rejected 4 = Aborted (e.g. Downlink TBF assignment) |
TBFULE_Uplink_TBF_establishment_type | TBF uplink establishment | TBFULE | Uplink TBF establishment type 1 = One phase access 2 = Two phase access 3 = Single block or multi block access 4 = (EGPRS) Packet downlink ACK/NACK channel request 5 = DTM request |
TNOTE_Textual_note | Textual user note | TNOTE | Textual note |
TUA_TAU_type | LTE Tracking Area Update | TUA | Tracking area update type. This is the same as EPS update type parameter in 3GPP TS 124.301 subclause 0 = TA updating 1 = Combined TA/LA updating 2 = Combined TA/LA updating with IMSI attach 3 = Periodic updating |
TUS_Number_of_parameter_per_TAC | LTE Tracking Area Update | TUS | Number of parameter per TAC |
TUS_Number_of_TAC | LTE Tracking Area Update | TUS | Number of tracking area identities |
TUS_MCC | LTE Tracking Area Update | TUS | Mobile country code. See ITU-T recommendation E.212. |
TUS_MNC | LTE Tracking Area Update | TUS | Mobile network code |
TUS_TAC | LTE Tracking Area Update | TUS | Tracking area code. The tracking area code in the tracking area identity list. See 3GPP TS 124.301 subclause |
TUF_EMM_cause | LTE Tracking Area Update | TUF | Tracking area update failure cause. Tracking area update rejection events see 3GPP TS 24.301 subclause 8.2.28. |
VOIPI_VoIP_type | VoIP Information | VOIPI | VoIP type 1 = VoIP 3 = IMS voice 4 = IMS video |
VOIPI_Number_of_parameter | VoIP Information | VOIPI | Number of type specific parameters. |
VOIPI_VoIP_codec | VoIP Information | VOIPI | VoIP codec. Currently used VoIP codec that can change during the VoIP call. This is the same as what is configured as audio media (m=audio) in the SDP part of the SIP message. See more RFC 4566. |
VOIPI_SIP_handshake_time | VoIP Information | VOIPI | SIP handshake time. Time from SIP INVITE to 100 Trying message. |
VOIPI_VoIP_video_codec | VoIP Information | VOIPI | VoIP video codec. Currently used VoIP video codec that can change during the VoIP call. The parameter is empty for audio only IMS video calls. This is the same as what is configured as video media (m=video) in the SDP part of the SIP message. See more RFC 4566. |