Category | TD Frame | TD Metric | Description | Nemo Event | Nemo Field |
Service Quality | AMR Configuration | Active Codec Set 1 | AMR active codecs | AMRI | AMR codecs |
Service Quality | AMR Configuration | Active Codec Set 2 | AMR active codecs | AMRI | AMR codecs |
Service Quality | AMR Configuration | Active Codec Set 3 | AMR active codecs | AMRI | AMR codecs |
Service Quality | AMR Configuration | Active Codec Set 4 | AMR active codecs | AMRI | AMR codecs |
Service Quality | AMR Configuration | Hysteresis (0.5 dB):Set 1~2 | AMR first hysteresis | AMRI | AMR HYS1 (x2) |
Service Quality | AMR Configuration | Hysteresis (0.5 dB):Set 2~3 | AMR second hysteresis | AMRI | AMR HYS2 (x2) |
Service Quality | AMR Configuration | Hysteresis (0.5 dB):Set 3~4 | AMR third hysteresis | AMRI | AMR HYS3 (x2) |
Service Quality | AMR Configuration | Threshold (0.5 dB):Set 1~2 | AMR first threshold | AMRI | AMR TH1 (x2) |
Service Quality | AMR Configuration | Threshold (0.5 dB):Set 2~3 | AMR second threshold | AMRI | AMR TH2 (x2) |
Service Quality | AMR Configuration | Threshold (0.5 dB):Set 3~4 | AMR third threshold | AMRI | AMR TH3 (x2) |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | AQDL Audio FVNSIM (ViSQOL) | Mean FVNSIM result of different frequency bands. | AQDL | Audio FVNSIM |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | AQ MOS DL | Audio quality MOS DL | AQDL | AQ MOS DL |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | AQ MOS DL (ViSQOL) | Audio quality MOS DL | AQDL | AQ MOS DL |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | AQ sample duration (ms) | Audio sample duration DL | AQDL | AQ sample duration DL |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | AQ type DL | Audio quality type DL | AQDL | AQ type DL |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | AQDL activity (%) | Audio quality speech activity DL. P.862 states that the speech activity in a test signal reference and the degraded sample used with PESQ should be between 40% and 80%. A low speech activity could cause the PESQ score to be inaccurate. Although the typical speech activity for a test signal can vary depending on the language used in the signal. If the activity ratio is above 85%, it is likely that there is background noise, etc. If the activity ratio is below 35%, it is likely that the call is silent or audio information has been lost. Muting of a signal typically occurs when an error concealment algorithm at the receiver has insufficient information to replace missing or corrupted data audio quality mean delay. | AQDL | AQ activity |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | AQDL insertion gain (dB) | Audio quality insertion gain DL Gain calcDLated for active signal in active periods. dB difference between active signal of reference and degraded signals (calcDLated as of degraded minus of reference signal). Typical value is 0 dB for digital signal. | AQDL | AQ insertion gain |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | AQDL max delay (ms) | Audio quality delay max DL | AQDL | AQ max delay |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | AQDL mean delay (ms) | Audio quality delay mean DL. Framebyframe delay is the delay measure used in calcDLating the PESQ quality score. The delay is calcDLated for each 16 ms frame separately. Average, minimum, and maximum delay is reported. Delay changes are most likely to be caused by jitter buffer adaptation with VoIP. These adaptations occur when there is a large change in the jitter on an IP network. As jitter on the VoIP network increases, the delay measured by PESQ Tools will typically increase as the jitter buffer grows in size. As the jitter decreases, the delay measured will typically decrease as the jitter buffer decreases in size. | AQDL | AQ mean delay |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | AQDL min delay (ms) | Audio quality delay min DL | AQDL | AQ min delay |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | AQDL MOS streaming | Audio quality MOS streaming DL | AQDL | AQ MOS streaming |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | AQDL noise gain (dB) | Audio quality noise gain DL Gain calcDLated for noise in silent periods. dB difference between mean noise level of reference and degraded signals. CalcDLated as of degraded minus of reference signal. Insertion / noise gain has typical range from 20 dB to 20 dB and typical value of 6 dB. Gain statistics provide information on the active speech level difference between the reference and the degraded signal as well as on the amount of background noise in the degraded signal. For example, if the system being tested introduces background noise, the PESQ scores for this system will be lower than those of systems that do not introduce noise. The value of the parameter "noise gain" indicates the presence of background noise, making it unnecessary to listen to the samples in order to find out the reason for the low score. | AQDL | AQ noise gain |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | AQDL error code | Audio quality error code | AQDL | AQ error code |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | AQDL error code | Audio quality error code (ViSQOL) | AQDL | AQ error code |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | AQDL reference file | Audio quality reference sample filename DL | AQDL | AQ ref. file |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | AQDL sample file | Audio quality sample filename DL | AQDL | AQ sample file |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | AQDL sample rate (Hz) | The sample rate of the received signal as measured by MOS algorithm | AQDL | AQ sample rate |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | AQDL SNR (dB) | Audio quality SNR DL. Estimated signaltonoise ratio. SNR measures the signal strength of the speech stream relative to background noise, i.e. the relative loudness of speech compared to noise. The higher the signal to noise ratio, the better the possible listening quality. An SNR value of 20 dB can begin to impair conversational quality. Typical value is 45dB. | AQDL | AQ SNR |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | AQDL stdev delay (ms) | Audio quality delay standard deviation DL | AQDL | AQ stdev delay |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | AQDL unique ID | Audio quality unique ID. This parameter is unique for each audio quality sample between measurement units and it can be used in post-prosessing to match transmitted and received audio samples. The value of the parameter is meaningless and it should only be used for the matching. | AQDL | AQ unique ID |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | Audio quality MOS DL (Nemo Handy only) | Audio quality MOS DL (Nemo Handy only). Average quality value during one audio sample. | AQDL | AQ MOS DL handy |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | Audio quality MOS-CQ DL | Audio quality MOS-CQ DL. Estimated conversation quality MOS is calculated from the conversation quality R-factor. | AQDL | Audio quality MOS-CQ DL |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | Audio quality MOS-LQ DL | Audio quality MOS-LQ DL. Estimated listening quality MOS is calculated from the listening quality R-factor that ignores effect of delay and recency. The value should be comparable with PESQ score. | AQDL | Audio quality MOS-LQ DL |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | Audio quality R-factor CQ DL | Audio quality R-factor CQ DL. Conversation quality R-factor is calculated including delay and recency to the result. | AQDL | Audio quality R-factor CQ DL |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Downlink | Audio quality R-factor LQ DL | Audio quality R-factor LQ DL. Listening quality R-factor is calculated from E-model by ignoring the effect of delay and recency. | AQDL | Audio quality R-factor LQ DL |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Uplink | AQUL Audio FVNSIM (ViSQOL) | Mean FVNSIM result of different frequency bands. | AQUL | Audio FVNSIM |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Uplink | AQ MOS UL | Audio quality MOS UL (ViSQOL) | AQUL | AQ MOS UL |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Uplink | AQ MOS UL | Audio quality MOS UL | AQUL | AQ MOS UL |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Uplink | AQ sample duration (ms) | Audio sample duration UL | AQUL | AQ sample duration UL |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Uplink | AQ type UL | Audio quality type UL | AQUL | AQ type UL |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Uplink | AQUL activity (%) | Audio quality speech activity UL. P.862 states that the speech activity in a test signal reference and the degraded sample used with PESQ should be between 40% and 80%. A low speech activity could cause the PESQ score to be inaccurate. Although the typical speech activity for a test signal can vary depending on the language used in the signal. If the activity ratio is above 85%, it is likely that there is background noise, etc. If the activity ratio is below 35%, it is likely that the call is silent or audio information has been lost. Muting of a signal typically occurs when an error concealment algorithm at the receiver has insufficient information to replace missing or corrupted data audio quality mean delay. | AQUL | AQ activity |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Uplink | AQUL error code | Audio quality error code | AQUL | AQ error code |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Uplink | AQUL error code | Audio quality error code (ViSQOL) | AQUL | AQ error code |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Uplink | AQUL insertion gain (dB) | Audio quality insertion gain UL Gain calculated for active signal in active periods. dB difference between active signal of reference and degraded signals (calculated as of degraded minus of reference signal). Typical value is 0 dB for digital signal. | AQUL | AQ insertion gain |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Uplink | AQUL max delay (ms) | Audio quality delay max UL | AQUL | AQ max delay |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Uplink | AQUL mean delay (ms) | Audio quality delay mean UL. Framebyframe delay is the delay measure used in calculating the PESQ quality score. The delay is calculated for each 16 ms frame separately. Average, minimum, and maximum delay is reported. Delay changes are most likely to be caused by jitter buffer adaptation with VoIP. These adaptations occur when there is a large change in the jitter on an IP network. As jitter on the VoIP network increases, the delay measured by PESQ Tools will typically increase as the jitter buffer grows in size. As the jitter decreases, the delay measured will typically decrease as the jitter buffer decreases in size. | AQUL | AQ mean delay |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Uplink | AQUL min delay (ms) | Audio quality delay min UL | AQUL | AQ min delay |
Service Quality | Audio Quality – Uplink | AQUL noise gain (dB) | Audio quality noise gain UL Gain calculated for noise in silent periods. dB difference between mean noise level of reference and degraded signals. Calculated as of degraded minus of reference signal. Insertion /noise gain has typical range from -20 dB to 20 dB and typical value of -6 dB. Gain statistics provide information on the active speech level difference between the reference and the degraded signal as well as on the amount of background noise in the degraded signal. For example, if the system being tested introduces background noise, the PESQ scores for this system will be lower than those of systems that do not introduce noise. The value of the parameter "noise gain" indicates the presence of background noise, making it unnecessary to listen to the samples in order to find out the reason for the low score. | AQUL | AQ noise gain UL |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Uplink | AQUL reference file | Audio quality reference sample filename UL | AQUL | AQ ref. file |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Uplink | AQUL sample file | Audio quality sample filename UL | AQUL | AQ sample file |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Uplink | AQUL sample rate (Hz) | The sample rate of the received signal as measured by MOS algorithm | AQUL | AQ sample rate |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Uplink | AQUL SNR (dB) | Audio quality SNR UL. Estimated signaltonoise ratio. SNR measures the signal strength of the speech stream relative to background noise, i.e. the relative loudness of speech compared to noise. The higher the signal to noise ratio, the better the possible listening quality. An SNR value of 20 dB can begin to impair conversational quality. Typical value is 45dB. | AQUL | AQ SNR |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Uplink | AQUL stdev delay (ms) | Audio quality delay standard deviation UL | AQUL | AQ stdev delay |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Uplink | AQUL unique ID | Audio quality unique ID. This parameter is unique for each audio quality sample between measurement units and it can be used in post-prosessing to match transmitted and received audio samples. The value of the parameter is meaningless and it should only be used for the matching. | AQUL | AQ unique ID |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Uplink | Audio quality MOS-CQ UL | Audio quality MOS-CQ UL. Estimated conversation quality MOS is calculated from the conversation quality R-factor. | AQUL | Audio quality MOS-CQ UL |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Uplink | Audio quality MOS-LQ UL | Audio quality MOS-LQ UL. Estimated listening quality MOS is calculated from the listening quality R-factor that ignores the effect of delay and recency. The value should be comparable with PESQ score. | AQUL | Audio quality MOS-LQ UL |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Uplink | Audio quality R-factor CQ UL | Audio quality R-factor CQ UL. Conversation quality R-factor is calculated including delay and recency to the result. | AQUL | Audio quality R-factor CQ UL |
Service Quality | Audio Quality - Uplink | Audio quality R-factor LQ UL | Audio quality R-factor LQ UL. Listening quality R-factor is calculated from E-model by ignoring the effect of delay and recency. | AQUL | Audio quality R-factor LQ UL |
Service Quality | Audio Quality Info | AQ playback delay (ms) | Audio quality playback delay. Normally operating system causes short buffering etc. delays between sending audio sample to the OS buffers and before it is processed. This parameter tries to measure these delays. | AQI | AQ playback delay |
Service Quality | Audio Quality Info | AQ activity status | Audio quality signal status | AQI | AQ activity |
Service Quality | Audio Quality Info | AQ synchronization method | Audio quality synchronization method. Sync signal - This method uses a special synchronization signal at the beginning of the audio to detect the beginning of the voice quality sample. Timeboxed - This method first waits audio synchronization and assumes timely transmitted audio samples after this. Time synchronized - This method uses out-of-band (e.g. GPS) information tosynchronize time between sender and receiver. The exact timing is used to define when to send or receive the audio sample. | AQI | AQ synch. method |
Service Quality | Audio Quality Info | AQ synchronization status | Audio quality synchronization status | AQI | AQ synch. |
Service Quality | Audio Quality Info | AQ test type | Audio quality test type | AQI | AQ type |
Service Quality | Audio Quality Info | AQ type DL | Audio quality type DL | AQI | AQ type DL |
Service Quality | Audio Quality Info | AQ TX result | Audio quality indication result | AQI | AQ TX result |
Service Quality | Audio Quality Info | AQ TX type | Audio quality indication type | AQI | AQ TX type |
Service Quality | Audio Quality Info | AQ unique ID | Audio quality unique ID. This parameter is unique for each audio quality sample between measurement units and it can be used in post-prosessing to match transmitted and received audio samples. The value of the parameter is meaningless and it should only be used for the matching. | AQI | AQ unique ID |
CDMA | CDMA Band RSSI Scan | Sc Channel Number | Channel number | FREQSCAN | Channel number |
CDMA | CDMA Band RSSI Scan | Sc RSSI (dBm) | Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | FREQSCAN | RSSI |
CDMA | CDMA Band RSSI Scan | Sc RSSI Band | Band | FREQSCAN | Band |
CDMA | CDMA Carrier Rx Power | Band | Band | CELLMEAS | Band |
CDMA | CDMA Carrier Rx Power | Channel Number | Channel number | CELLMEAS | Channel number |
CDMA | CDMA Carrier Rx Power | Rx Power (Org) | RX power | CELLMEAS | RX power |
CDMA | CDMA Carrier Rx Power | Rx0 Power (Org) | RX power antenna 0 | CELLMEAS | RX0 power |
CDMA | CDMA Carrier Rx Power | Rx1 Power (Org) | RX power antenna 1 | CELLMEAS | RX1 power |
CDMA | CDMA Channel Info | Ch | Channel number | CHI | Channel number |
CDMA | CDMA Channel Info | Channel type | CDMA channel type. 1 = Control channel, 2 = Traffic channel, 3 = Synch channel , 4 = Access channel. | CHI | Ch_Type |
CDMA | CDMA Channel Info | MCC | MCC (CDMA). See ITUT recommendation E.212. | CHI | MCC |
CDMA | CDMA Channel Info | MIN_P_REV | Minimum protocol revision level. 1 = JSTD008 in PCS Band Only, 2 = IS95 in Cellular Band Only, 3 = IS95A + TSB74, 4 = IS95B Partial, 5 = IS95B Full, 6 = IS2000 Release 0, 7 = IS2000 Release A, 8 = IS2000 Release B Partial, 9 = IS2000 Release B Full, 10 = IS2000 Release C, 11 = IS2000 Release D (1xEVDV). | CHI | MIN_P_REV |
CDMA | CDMA Channel Info | MNC | MNC (CDMA) | CHI | MNC |
CDMA | CDMA Channel Info | NID | NID (Network ID) | CHI | NID (Network ID) |
CDMA | CDMA Channel Info | P_REV | protocol revision level. 1 = JSTD008 in PCS Band Only, 2 = IS95 in Cellular Band Only, 3 = IS95A + TSB74, 4 = IS95B Partial, 5 = IS95B Full, 6 = IS2000 Release 0, 7 = IS2000 Release A, 8 = IS2000 Release B Partial, 9 = IS2000 Release B Full, 10 = IS2000 Release C, 11 = IS2000 Release D (1xEVDV). | CHI | P_REV |
CDMA | CDMA Channel Info | SEARCH_WIN_A | Size of active search window. Searchers are used to find multipath signals to improve signal reception. Search_Win_A (active) is used to search active and candidate pilots. Active sets are channels that are associated with the forward channel traffic which are assigned to the mobile station. Candidate pilots are searched from additional multipaths in the same channels. | CHI | SEARCH_WIN_A |
CDMA | CDMA Channel Info | SEARCH_WIN_N | Size of neighbor search window. Searchers are used to find multipath signals to improve signal reception. Search_Win_N (neighbor) is used to search adjacent pilots. Candidate set of pilots received by the mobile station whose power exceeds a certain threshold and could be demodulated. | CHI | SEARCH_WIN_N |
CDMA | CDMA Channel Info | SEARCH_WIN_R | Size of remaining search window. Searchers are used to find multipath signals to improve signal reception. Search_Win_R (remaining) is used to search the remaining pilot set. Remaining set of all possible pilots in the system that are not currently assigned to any of the other sets. | CHI | SEARCH_WIN_R |
CDMA | CDMA Channel Info | SID | SID (System ID) | CHI | SID (System ID) |
CDMA | CDMA Channel Info | Slotted mode | Slotted mode is used for power conservation while a mobile station is in idle mode. The MS monitors only selected time slots on the Paging Channel. 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled. | CHI | Slotted mode |
CDMA | CDMA Channel Info | T_ADD | Pilot detection threshold. To get the actual T_ADD value, divide the value by two and change the sign. | CHI | T_ADD |
CDMA | CDMA Channel Info | T_COMP | Comparison threshold. Active set versus candidate set comparison threshold (L3 value). To get the actual T_ADD value, divide the value by two and change the sign. | CHI | T_COMP |
CDMA | CDMA Channel Info | T_DROP | Pilot drop threshold. To get the actual T_ADD value, divide the value by two and change the sign. | CHI | T_DROP |
CDMA | CDMA Channel Info | T_TDROP | Pilot drop timer threshold | CHI | T_TDROP |
CDMA | CDMA Fast Fwd Power Control | # Power Down Cmd | Number of sent "DL power down" commands (mobile to BTS) | RXPC | #DL pwr down |
CDMA | CDMA Fast Fwd Power Control | # Power Up Cmd | Number of sent "DL power up" commands (mobile to BTS) | RXPC | #DL pwr up |
CDMA | CDMA Fast Fwd Power Control | FPC DCCH Setpoint | FDCCH current setpoint (dB) | RXPC | F-DCCH cur. sp |
CDMA | CDMA Fast Fwd Power Control | FPC DCCH Setpoint | FDCCH current setpoint (dB) | RXPC | F-DCCH min. sp |
CDMA | CDMA Fast Fwd Power Control | FPC DCCH Setpoint | FDCCH current setpoint (dB) | RXPC | F-DCCH max. sp |
CDMA | CDMA Fast Fwd Power Control | FPC FCH Setpoint | FFCH current setpoint (dB) | RXPC | F-FCH cur. sp |
CDMA | CDMA Fast Fwd Power Control | FPC FCH Setpoint | FFCH current setpoint (dB) | RXPC | F-FCH min. sp |
CDMA | CDMA Fast Fwd Power Control | FPC FCH Setpoint | FFCH current setpoint (dB) | RXPC | F-FCH max. sp |
CDMA | CDMA Fast Fwd Power Control | FPC Mode | Forward power control operation mode indicator. Forward Power Control (FPC) is used by the Mobile Station (MS) to control the power levels on a traffic channel to optimize the Frame Error Rate (FER). There are several different FPC modes explained in 3GPP2 C.S0011E. | RXPC | FPC mode |
CDMA | CDMA Fast Fwd Power Control | FPC Pri Chan | Forward power control subchannel gain (dB). See 3GPP2 C.S0005F subclause | RXPC | FPC gain |
CDMA | CDMA Fast Fwd Power Control | FPC SCH0 Setpoint | FSCH0 current setpoint (dB) | RXPC | F-SCH0 cur. sp |
CDMA | CDMA Fast Fwd Power Control | FPC SCH0 Setpoint | FSCH0 current setpoint (dB) | RXPC | F-SCH0 min. sp |
CDMA | CDMA Fast Fwd Power Control | FPC SCH0 Setpoint | FSCH0 current setpoint (dB) | RXPC | F-SCH0 max. sp |
CDMA | CDMA Fast Fwd Power Control | FPC SCH1 Setpoint | FSCH1 current setpoint (dB) | RXPC | F-SCH1 cur. sp |
CDMA | CDMA Fast Fwd Power Control | FPC SCH1 Setpoint | FSCH1 current setpoint (dB) | RXPC | F-SCH1 min. sp |
CDMA | CDMA Fast Fwd Power Control | FPC SCH1 Setpoint | FSCH1 current setpoint (dB) | RXPC | F-SCH1 max. sp |
CDMA | CDMA Fast Fwd Power Control | FPC SubChan Gain | Forward power control subchannel indicator. Subchannel indicator is set by the BTS to indicate to a MS if the primary inner loop estimation should be preformed on the received FFCH or FDCH. | RXPC | FPC subchannel |
CDMA | CDMA Forward FER | FER (Total %) | FER (%). Total (fundamental channel + supplemental channel) frame error rate value reported by mobile. | FER | FER (dec) |
CDMA | CDMA Forward FER | FER target (%):F-DCCH | FER FDCCH target | FER | FER FDCCH target |
CDMA | CDMA Forward FER | FER target (%):F-FCH | FER FFCH target | FER | FER F-FCH target |
CDMA | CDMA Forward FER | FER target (%):F-SCH0 | FER FSCH0 target | FER | FER F-SCH target |
CDMA | CDMA Packet Channel Info | Packet State | Packet state | PCHI | Packet state |
CDMA | CDMA Pilot Measurements | Band | Band | CELLMEAS | Band cell |
CDMA | CDMA Pilot Measurements | CH_PN | Channel number & Pilot number | CELLMEAS | Ch, PN |
CDMA | CDMA Pilot Measurements | Channel Number | Channel number | CELLMEAS | Channel number |
CDMA | CDMA Pilot Measurements | Ec | RSCP | CELLMEAS | RSCP |
CDMA | CDMA Pilot Measurements | Ec/Io | Ec/I0 | CELLMEAS | Ec/Io |
CDMA | CDMA Pilot Measurements | Pilot PN | Pilot number | CELLMEAS | PN |
CDMA | CDMA Pilot Measurements | Pilot Sets | Set information | CELLMEAS | Set |
CDMA | CDMA Pilot Measurements | Walsh | Walsh code | CELLMEAS | Walsh |
CDMA | CDMA Rev Power Control | # Power Down Cmd | Number of received "UL power down" commands (BTS to mobile) | TXPC | Number of "UL power down" commands |
CDMA | CDMA Rev Power Control | # Power Up Cmd | Number of received "UL power up" commands (BTS to mobile) | TXPC | Number of "UL power up" commands |
CDMA | CDMA Rev Power Control | DCCH_TO_PICH | RDCCH to pilot ratio (dB) | TXPC | R-DCCH/R-PICH |
CDMA | CDMA Rev Power Control | FCH_TO_PICH | RFCH to pilot ratio (dB) | TXPC | R-FCH/R-PICH |
CDMA | CDMA Rev Power Control | RPC Step Size | TX power control step size | TXPC | Pwr ctrl step |
CDMA | CDMA Rev Power Control | SCH0_TO_PICH | RSCH0 to pilot ratio (dB) | TXPC | R-SCH0/R-PICH |
CDMA | CDMA Rev Power Control | SCH1_TO_PICH | RSCH1 to pilot ratio (dB) | TXPC | R-SCH1/R-PICH |
CDMA | CDMA Rev Power Control | TX_GAIN_ADJ | Closed loop adjustment (dB) | TXPC | TX adjust |
CDMA | CDMA Rev Power Control | TX_PWR_VALS Org | TX power (dBm) | TXPC | TX power |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Rates | RLP Error Rate Downlink | RLP error rate downlink | RLPRATE | RLP err. DL |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Rates | RLP Error Rate Uplink | RLP error rate uplink | RLPRATE | RLP err. UL |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Rates | RLP Re-transmission Rate - Forward (%) | RLP forward retransmission rate | RLPRATE | RLP fwd. retr. rate |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Rates | RLP Re-transmission Rate - Reverse (%) | RLP reverse retransmission rate | RLPRATE | RLP rev. retr. rate |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Rates | RLP User Throughput - Forward (kbps) | RLP forward user throughput | RLPRATE | RLP for. Rate |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Rates | RLP User Throughput - Reverse (kbps) | RLP reverse user throughput | RLPRATE | RLP rev. rate |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | Block of Bytes Use | Block of bytes used | RLPSTATISTICS | Block of bytes used |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | Largest Block of Consecutive Erasures | Largest block of consecutive erasures | RLPSTATISTICS | Largest Con. Erasures |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | Last Round Trip Time Measurement | Last RTT. Number of 20ms time frames for the last roundtrip time. | RLPSTATISTICS | Last RTT |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | MUX Erasures Received:Cummulative Count | Received multiplexer erasures | RLPSTATISTICS | RX MUX erasures |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | NAck Aborts:Cummulative Count | Number of NAK aborts | RLPSTATISTICS | Aborts |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | NAcks Received:Cummulative Count | Received NAKs. Total number of negative acknowledgement frames received. | RLPSTATISTICS | RX NAKs |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | Received Blank Frames:Cummulative Count | Received blank frames | RLPSTATISTICS | RX blank frames |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | Received Fill Frames:Cummulative Count | Received fill frames | RLPSTATISTICS | RX fill frames |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | Received Fundamental Data Frames:Cummulative Count | Received fundamental data frames | RLPSTATISTICS | RX fund. frames |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | Received Idle Frames:Cummulative Count | Received idle frames | RLPSTATISTICS | RX idle frames |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | Received New Data Frames:Cummulative Count | Received new data frames | RLPSTATISTICS | RX new frames |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | Received Null Frames:Cummulative Count | Received null frames | RLPSTATISTICS | RX null frames |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | Received ReTx-ed Frames:Cummulative Count | Received retransmitted frames | RLPSTATISTICS | RX retrans. frames |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | Resets:Cummulative Count | Number of resets | RLPSTATISTICS | Resets |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | ReTx-ed Frames Not Found:Cummulative Count | Number of retransmitted frames not found | RLPSTATISTICS | Retrans. not found |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | RLP Erasures Received:Cummulative Count | Received RLP erasures | RLPSTATISTICS | RX RLP erasures |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | Service ID | Service ID | RLPSTATISTICS | Service ID |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | Total Bytes Received:Cummulative Count | Received bytes | RLPSTATISTICS | RX bytes |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | Total Bytes Transmitted:Cummulative Count | Transmitted bytes | RLPSTATISTICS | TX bytes |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | Transmitted Fundamental Data Frames:Cummulative Count | Transmitted fundamental data frames | RLPSTATISTICS | TX fund. frames |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | Transmitted Idle Frames:Cummulative Count | Transmitted idle frames | RLPSTATISTICS | TX idle frames |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | Transmitted New Data Frames:Cummulative Count | Transmitted new data frames | RLPSTATISTICS | TX new frames |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | Transmitted ReTx-ed Frames:Cummulative Count | Transmitted retransmitted frames | RLPSTATISTICS | TX retrans. frames |
CDMA | CDMA RLP Statistics | Tx Naks Count:Cummulative Count | Transmitted NAKs | RLPSTATISTICS | TX NAKs |
CDMA | CDMA Top Pilot Scan | Band | Band | PILOTSCAN | Band |
CDMA | CDMA Top Pilot Scan | Channel Number | Channel number | PILOTSCAN | Channel Number |
CDMA | CDMA Top Pilot Scan | Delay | The time difference between actual received signal and expected point in time derived from the GPS time. This parameter is also known as time offset. | PILOTSCAN | Delay |
CDMA | CDMA Top Pilot Scan | Delay spread | The time between the first and the last multipath peak component inside the search window above the PN threshold. | PILOTSCAN | Delay spread |
CDMA | CDMA Top Pilot Scan | EcIo | Ec/I0 | PILOTSCAN | Ec/I0 |
CDMA | CDMA Top Pilot Scan | Number of Cells | Number of cells | PILOTSCAN | #Cells |
CDMA | CDMA Top Pilot Scan | PN | Pilot number | PILOTSCAN | PN |
CDMA | CDMA Top Pilot Scan | RSCP | The received signal code power of single code. | PILOTSCAN | RSCP |
CDMA | CDMA Top Pilot Scan | RSSI | Carrier RSSI (pilot scanning mode). Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | PILOTSCAN | RSSI |
CDMA | CDMA Vocoder Status | Rx Voc Rate | Vocoder rate forward | VOCS | Vocoder rate forward |
CDMA | CDMA Vocoder Status | Service Option | Service option | VOCS | SO |
CDMA | CDMA Vocoder Status | Tx Voc Rate | Vocoder rate reverse | VOCS | Vocoder rate reverse |
Service Quality | Data Performance - LLC Layer | Cellular System | Measured system | LLCRATE | System |
Service Quality | Data Performance - LLC Layer | LLC BLER (%):UL | LLC retransmission rate uplink | LLCRATE | LLC retr. UL |
Service Quality | Data Performance - LLC Layer | LLC Throughput (kbps):DL | LLC throughput downlink in kbps. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are stransferred through the LLC layer. Missing and erroneous LLC blocks are excluded from the throughput calculation. | LLCRATE | LLC rate DL |
Service Quality | Data Performance - LLC Layer | LLC Throughput (kbps):UL | LLC throughput uplink in kbps. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are stransferred through the LLC layer. Missing and erroneous LLC blocks are excluded from the throughput calculation. | LLCRATE | LLC rate UL |
Service Quality | Data Performance - RLC Layer | Cellular System | Measured system | RLCRATE | System |
Service Quality | Data Performance - RLC Layer | RLC BLER (%):DL | BLER DL | RLCBLER | BLER DL |
Service Quality | Data Performance - RLC Layer | RLC BLER (%):UL | RLC retransmission rate uplink | RLCRATE | RLC retr. UL |
Service Quality | Data Performance - RLC Layer | RLC Throughput (kbps):DL | RLC throughput downlink in kbps. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the RLC layer. Missing and erroneous RLC blocks are excluded from the throughput calculation. | RLCRATE | RLC rate DL |
Service Quality | Data Performance - RLC Layer | RLC Throughput (kbps):UL | RLC throughput uplink in kbps. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the RLC layer. Missing and erroneous RLC blocks are excluded from the throughput calculation. | RLCRATE | RLC rate UL |
Service Quality | Data Service Email Receive | Email Receive kBytes Received (Cumulative) | Transferred bytes downlink for POP3 and IMAP protocols. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 6,17) |
Service Quality | Data Service Email Receive | EmailReceiveThroughput | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for POP3 and IMAP protocols. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 6,17) |
Service Quality | Data Service Email Send | Email Send kBytes Sent (Cumulative) | Transferred bytes uplink for SMTP protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 5) |
Service Quality | Data Service Email Send | EmailSendThroughput | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for SMTP protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 5) |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Download | FTP Download kBytes Received (Cumulative) | Transferred bytes downlink for FTP and SFTP protocols. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 3) |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Download | FTP Download Throughput Current (kbps) | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for FTP and SFTP protocols. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with FTP/IPbased application protocols, the FTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 3) |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Upload | FTP Upload kBytes Sent (Cumulative) | Transferred bytes uplink for FTP and SFTP protocols. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 3) |
Service Quality | Data Service FTP Upload | FTP Upload Throughput Current (kbps) | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for FTP and SFTP protocols. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with FTP/IPbased application protocols, the FTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 3) |
Service Quality | Data Service HTTP Download | HTTP Download Throughput (kbps) | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for HTTP and HTTP Browsing protocols. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 4) |
Service Quality | Data Service HTTP Download | HTTP kBytes Received (Cumulative) | Transferred bytes downlink for HTTP and HTTP Browsing protocols. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 4) |
Service Quality | Data Service HTTP Upload | HTTP Upload kBytes Sent (Cumulative) | Transferred bytes uplink for HTTP and HTTP Browsing protocols. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 4) |
Service Quality | Data Service HTTP Upload | HTTP Upload Throughput Current (kbps) | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for HTTP and HTTP Browsing protocols. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 4) |
Service Quality | Data Service Streaming | Streaming kBytes Received (Cumulative) | Transferred bytes downlink for Streaming protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 9) |
Service Quality | Data Service Streaming | Streaming kBytes Sent (Cumulative) | Transferred bytes uplink for Streaming protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 9) |
Service Quality | Data Service Streaming | Streaming Throughput UL (kbps) | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for Streaming protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 9) |
Service Quality | Data Service Streaming | StreamingThroughput | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for Streaming protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 9) |
Service Quality | Data Service TCP Layer DL | TCP Download Bytes Received (Cumulative) | Transferred bytes downlink for TCP and IPerf over TCP protocols. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 0,1,13) |
Service Quality | Data Service TCP Layer DL | TcpDownloadThroughput | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for TCP and IPerf over TCP protocols. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with TCP/IPbased application protocols, the TCP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 0,1,13) |
Service Quality | Data Service TCP Layer UL | TCP Upload Bytes Sent (Cumulative) | Transferred bytes uplink for TCP and IPerf over TCP protocols. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 0,1,13) |
Service Quality | Data Service TCP Layer UL | TcpUploadThroughput | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for TCP and IPerf over TCP protocols. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with TCP/IPbased application protocols, the TCP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 0,1,13) |
Service Quality | Data Service UDP Layer DL | UDP Download kBytes Received (Cumulative) | Transferred bytes downlink for UDP and IPerf over UDP protocols. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 2,14) |
Service Quality | Data Service UDP Layer DL | UdpDownloadThroughput | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for UDP and IPerf over UDP protocols. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with UDP/IPbased application protocols, the UDP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 2,14) |
Service Quality | Data Service UDP Layer UL | UDP Upload kBytes Sent (Cumulative) | Transferred bytes uplink for UDP and IPerf over UDP protocols. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 2,14) |
Service Quality | Data Service UDP Layer UL | UdpUploadThroughput | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for UDP and IPerf over UDP protocols. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with UDP/IPbased application protocols, the UDP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 2,14) |
Service Quality | Data Service WAP | WAP kBytes Received (Cumulative) | Transferred bytes downlink for WAP protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 8,10) |
Service Quality | Data Service WAP | WapThroughput | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for WAP protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 8,10) |
NB-IoT | Downlink Control Information (Nemo) | Cell type | Serving cell type | DCI | Cell type |
NB-IoT | Downlink Control Information (Nemo) | DCI downlink grants | DCI downlink grants | DCI | DL grants |
NB-IoT | Downlink Control Information (Nemo) | DCI Format | DCI format (N0, N1) | DCI | DCI format |
NB-IoT | Downlink Control Information (Nemo) | DCI Count | DCI count | DCI | DCI count |
NB-IoT | Downlink Control Information (Nemo) | DCI Repetitions | DCI repetitions | DCI | DCI repetitions |
NB-IoT | Downlink Control Information (Nemo) | DCI uplink grants | DCI uplink grants | DCI | UL grants |
Service Quality | Dropbox Data | App. Rate DL | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for Dropbox protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 23) |
Service Quality | Dropbox Data | App. Rate UL | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for Dropbox protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 23) |
Service Quality | Dropbox Data | Received kBytes DL | Transferred bytes downlink for Dropbox protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 23) |
Service Quality | Dropbox Data | Sent kBytes | Transferred bytes uplink for Dropbox protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 23) |
GSM | EGPRS Bit Error Probability | 8PSK CV BEP Class | BEP CV class 8PSK. See 3GPP TS 145.008 subclause | BEP | BEP CV class 8-PSK |
GSM | EGPRS Bit Error Probability | 8PSK Mean BEP Class | BEP mean class 8PSK. See 3GPP TS 145.008 subclause | BEP | BEP mean class 8-PSK |
GSM | EGPRS Bit Error Probability | GMSK CV BEP Class | BEP CV class GMSK. See 3GPP TS 145.008 subclause | BEP | BEP CV class GMSK |
GSM | EGPRS Bit Error Probability | GMSK Mean BEP Class | BEP mean class GMSK. See 3GPP TS 145.008 subclause | BEP | BEP mean class GMSK |
CDMA | EVDO Access Attempt | Attempt Duration (slots) | Time to complete the attempt | RACHI | Duration |
CDMA | EVDO Access Attempt | Color Code | Color code on which the access probe was sent | RACHI | Access color code |
CDMA | EVDO Access Attempt | Max Probe Sequence | Maximum number of probe sequences | RACHI | Max #Probe seqs |
CDMA | EVDO Access Attempt | Num Probe Per Sequence | Number of probes per probe sequence | RACHI | Max #Probes |
CDMA | EVDO Access Attempt | PN | PN of the sector that sends the ACAck or the TCA message | RACHI | Access PN |
CDMA | EVDO Access Attempt | Probe Count Array | Number of probes sent in last probe sequence | RACHI | #Probes |
CDMA | EVDO Access Attempt | Probe Sequence Count | Number of probe sequences sent for this access attempt | RACHI | #Probe seqs |
CDMA | EVDO Access Attempt | Result | Probe sequence result | RACHI | Result |
CDMA | EVDO Access Attempt | Sector ID | ector ID on which the access probe was sent | RACHI | Access sector id |
CDMA | EVDO Active Set Info | A_Set DRC Cover | Cover used to transmit DRC. | CI | DRC cover |
CDMA | EVDO Active Set Info | A_Set DRC Lock | DRC lock | CI | DRC Lock |
CDMA | EVDO Active Set Info | A_Set MAC Index | MAC index | CI | MAC Index |
CDMA | EVDO Active Set Info | A_Set RAB | Reverse activity bit | CI | RAB |
CDMA | EVDO Active Set Info | A_Set RPC Index | RPC cell index | CI | RPC cell index |
CDMA | EVDO Active Set Info | Pilot PN | Pilot number | CI | PN |
CDMA | EVDO Active Set Info | SINR | Signaltointerference and noise ratio (dB) | CI | SINR |
CDMA | EVDO Band RSSI Scan | Sc Channel Number | Channel number | FREQSCAN | Channel number |
CDMA | EVDO Band RSSI Scan | Sc RSSI (dBm) | Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | FREQSCAN | RSSI |
CDMA | EVDO Band RSSI Scan | Sc RSSI Band | Band | FREQSCAN | Band |
CDMA | EVDO Carrier Rx Power | Band | Band | CELLMEAS | Band |
CDMA | EVDO Carrier Rx Power | Channel ID | Channel ID | CELLMEAS | Ch ID |
CDMA | EVDO Carrier Rx Power | Channel Number | Channel number | CELLMEAS | Channel number |
CDMA | EVDO Carrier Rx Power | Rx Power (Org) | RX power | CELLMEAS | RX power |
CDMA | EVDO Carrier Rx Power | Rx0 Power (Org) | RX power antenna 0 | CELLMEAS | RX0 power |
CDMA | EVDO Carrier Rx Power | Rx1 Power (Org) | RX power antenna 1 | CELLMEAS | RX1 power |
CDMA | EVDO DRC-ARQ-DSC Statistics | % ACK/NACK Forced | Forced ACK/NAK ratio. Represents the ratio of forced ACK/NAKs. | FDRC | Forced ACK/NAK ratio |
CDMA | EVDO DRC-ARQ-DSC Statistics | % MUPAck Transmitted | Multiuser ACK ratio | FDRC | Multiuser ACK ratio |
CDMA | EVDO DRC-ARQ-DSC Statistics | % Valid ACK | ACK ratio | FDRC | ACK ratio |
CDMA | EVDO DRC-ARQ-DSC Statistics | ACKEnabled | ACK channel status. 0 = Not applied, 1 = Applied. | FDRC | ACK channel status |
CDMA | EVDO DRC-ARQ-DSC Statistics | DRC Cover | DRC cover. Cover used to transmit DRC. | FDRC | DRC cover |
CDMA | EVDO DRC-ARQ-DSC Statistics | DRC Index | DRC index. Average over 16 samples. | FDRC | DRC index |
CDMA | EVDO DRC-ARQ-DSC Statistics | DRC index/Ch | DRC index/Channel. Average over 16 samples. | FDRC | DRC index/Ch |
CDMA | EVDO DRC-ARQ-DSC Statistics | DSC Value | DSC value. Data source control value transmitted by the mobile (Rev A only). | FDRC | DSC value |
CDMA | EVDO DRC-ARQ-DSC Statistics | MeanSlotsDRCBoost | DRC gain boost. 0 = Not applied, 1 = Applied. | FDRC | DRC boost |
CDMA | EVDO DRC-ARQ-DSC Statistics | MeanSlotsDSCBoost | DSC gain boost. 0 = Not applied, 1 = Applied. | FDRC | DSC boost |
CDMA | EVDO DRC-ARQ-DSC Statistics | Number of Channels | Number of channels | FDRC | #Chs |
CDMA | EVDO DRC-ARQ-DSC Statistics | Packet carrier number | Packet carrier number | FDRC | Packet carrier |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Access state | Access terminal state | PCHI | Access state |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Add intercept | Add intercept | PCHI | Add intercept |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | ALMP state | ALMP state | PCHI | ALMP state |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | CC | Color code | PCHI | CC |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Connected protocol state | Connected protocol state | PCHI | Connected state |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Drop intercept | Drop intercept | PCHI | Drop intercept |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | EVDO MCC | EVDO MCC | PCHI | EVDO MCC |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | EVDO MNC | EVDO MNC | PCHI | EVDO MNC |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Hybrid Mode | Hybrid mode | PCHI | Hybrid Mode |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Idle protocol state | Idle protocol state | PCHI | Idle state |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Initialization protocol state | Initialization protocol state | PCHI | Init state |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Overhead message protocol state | Overhead message protocol state | PCHI | Overhead msg. state |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Packet carrier | Packet carrier number | PCHI | Packet carrier |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Packet ch type | Packet channel type | PCHI | Packet ch type |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Pilot add | Pilot add | PCHI | Pilot add |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Pilot compare | Pilot compare | PCHI | Pilot compare |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Pilot drop | Pilot drop | PCHI | Pilot drop |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Pilot drop timer | Pilot drop timer | PCHI | Pilot drop timer |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Route update protocol state | Route update protocol state | PCHI | Route update state |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Search window activate set | Search window activate set | PCHI | Window A |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Search window candidate set | Search window candidate set | PCHI | Window C |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Search window neighbor set | Search window neighbor set | PCHI | Window N |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Sector ID | Sector ID | PCHI | Sector ID |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Set maximum age | Set maximum age | PCHI | Set maximum age |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Soft slope | Soft slope | PCHI | Soft slope |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Subnet Mask | Sector subnet identifier | PCHI | Subnet Mask |
CDMA | EVDO Packet Channel Info | Summary session layer states | Session state | PCHI | Session state |
CDMA | EVDO PHY Throughput | Channel | Channel number | PHRATE | Ch |
CDMA | EVDO PHY Throughput | Multi-user throughput DL | Multiuser throughput DL (bit/s) | PHRATE | Multi-user throughput DL |
CDMA | EVDO PHY Throughput | Multi-user throughput DL per Channel | Multiuser throughput DL per carrier (bit/s) | PHRATE | MU rate DL/Ch |
CDMA | EVDO PHY Throughput | Number of EVDO carriers | Number of EVDO carriers | PHRATE | #Carriers |
CDMA | EVDO PHY Throughput | PER multi-user | PER multiuser (%) | PHRATE | PER multi-user |
CDMA | EVDO PHY Throughput | PER reverse | PER reverse (%) | PHRATE | PER reverse |
CDMA | EVDO PHY Throughput | PER single-user | PER singleuser (%) | PHRATE | PER single-user |
CDMA | EVDO PHY Throughput | Physical layer throughput DL | Physical layer throughput DL (bit/s) | PHRATE | Physical layer throughput DL |
CDMA | EVDO PHY Throughput | Physical layer throughput DL per Channel | Physical layer throughput DL per carrier (bit/s) | PHRATE | Ph rate DL/Ch |
CDMA | EVDO PHY Throughput | Physical layer throughput UL | Physical layer throughput UL (bit/s) | PHRATE | Physical layer throughput UL |
CDMA | EVDO PHY Throughput | Physical layer throughput UL per Channel | Physical layer throughput UL per carrier (bit/s) | PHRATE | Ph rate UL/Ch |
CDMA | EVDO PHY Throughput | Single-user throughput DL | Singleuser throughput DL (bit/s) | PHRATE | Single-user throughput DL |
CDMA | EVDO PHY Throughput | Single-user throughput DL per Channel | Singleuser throughput DL per carrier (bit/s) | PHRATE | SU rate DL/Ch |
CDMA | EVDO Physical FER | Number of Channels | Number of channels | PHFER | #Chs |
CDMA | EVDO Physical FER | Packet carrier number | Packet carrier number | PHFER | Packet carrier |
CDMA | EVDO Physical FER | PER | PER instantaneous | PHFER | PER inst. |
CDMA | EVDO Physical FER | PER long | PER long | PHFER | PER long |
CDMA | EVDO Physical FER | PER long/Ch | PER long/Channel | PHFER | PER long/Ch |
CDMA | EVDO Physical FER | PER short | PER short | PHFER | PER short |
CDMA | EVDO Physical FER | PER short/Ch | PER short/Channel | PHFER | PER short/Ch |
CDMA | EVDO Physical FER | PER/Ch | PER instantaneous/Channel | PHFER | PER/Ch |
CDMA | EVDO Pilot Measurements | Band | Band | CELLMEAS | Band cell |
CDMA | EVDO Pilot Measurements | CH_PN | Channel number & Pilot number | CELLMEAS | Ch, PN |
CDMA | EVDO Pilot Measurements | Channel Number | Channel number | CELLMEAS | Channel number |
CDMA | EVDO Pilot Measurements | Ec | RSCP | CELLMEAS | RSCP |
CDMA | EVDO Pilot Measurements | Ec/Io | Ec/I0 | CELLMEAS | Ec/Io |
CDMA | EVDO Pilot Measurements | Pilot PN | Pilot number | CELLMEAS | PN |
CDMA | EVDO Pilot Measurements | Pilot Sets | Set information | CELLMEAS | Set |
CDMA | EVDO Pilot Measurements | Reportable | Reportable | CELLMEAS | Reportable |
CDMA | EVDO Pilot Measurements | Scheduler Tag | Scheduler tag | CELLMEAS | Scheduler tag |
CDMA | EVDO Request Data Rate Info (Nemo) | AverageRqstRateXDuration | DRC set percentage, DRC set requested rate | DRCI | Requested rate |
CDMA | EVDO Request Data Rate Info (Nemo) | Sample Duration | DRC sets sample duration | DRCI | Sample duration |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | % Tx Throttle | TX throttle (%). TX throttle indicates how often TX channel gains are being throttled during the previous reporting period (Rev A). | TXPC | TX throttle |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | % Tx with Max. Power | TX max power usage (%). Indicates how often TX AGC was at maximum power during the previous reporting period. | TXPC | TX max power usage |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | % Tx with Min. Power | TX min power usage (%). Indicates how often TX AGC was at minimum power during the previous reporting period. | TXPC | TX min power usage |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | ACK-to-pilot ratio (dB) | ACK channel to pilot ratio (dB) | TXPC | ACK channel to pilot ratio |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | Aux-to-data ratio (dB) | AUX channel to pilot ratio (Rev A) (dB). | TXPC | AUX channel to data channel ratio |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | Channel Number | Channel number | TXPC | Channel Number |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | Data-to-pilot ratio (dB) | Data channel to pilot ratio (dB) | TXPC | Data channel to pilot ratio |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | DRC-to-pilot ratio (dB) | DRC channel to pilot ratio (dB) | TXPC | DRC channel to pilot ratio |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | DSC-to-pilot ratio (dB) | DSC channel to pilot ratio (Rev A) (dB). | TXPC | DSC channel to pilot ratio |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | Max. headroom available | PA max (dB). Maximum recommended headroom available (Rev A). The mobile station indicates the available Power Amplifier (PA) headroom to the access network. The access network can assign carriers based on the mobile stations available power amplifier headroom. | TXPC | Max recommended headroom available |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | Num of Carriers | Number of EVDO carriers | TXPC | #Carriers |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | Packet size (bits) | Physical layer packet size (bit) | TXPC | Physical layer packet size |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | Power amplifier/Ch | Power amplifier/Channel | TXPC | Power amplifier/Ch |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | Power limited/Ch | Power limited/Channel | TXPC | Power limited/Ch |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | RPC0HoldCnt | Number of received "UL power hold" commands (BTS to mobile) | TXPC | #UL pwr hold |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | RPC1UpCnt | Number of received "UL power up" commands (BTS to mobile) | TXPC | #UL pwr up |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | RPC2DownCnt | Number of received "UL power down" commands (BTS to mobile) | TXPC | #UL pwr down |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | RRI-to-pilot ratio (dB) | RRI channel to pilot ratio (Rev A) (dB). | TXPC | RRI channel to pilot ratio |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | TM_HiCapCnt | Transmission mode. Indicates the transmission mode of the data packets being transmitted (Rev A). | TXPC | Transmission mode |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | TM_LoLatCnt | Transmission mode. Indicates the transmission mode of the data packets being transmitted (Rev A). | TXPC | Transmission mode |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | Tx Adjust (dB) | Closed loop adjustment (dB) | TXPC | TX adjust |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | TX adjust/Ch | Closed loop adjustment/Channel (dB) | TXPC | TX adjust/Ch |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | TX OL power/Ch | TX open loop power/Channel (dBm) | TXPC | TX OL power/Ch |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | Tx open loop power (dBm) | TX open loop power (dBm) | TXPC | TX open loop power |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | TX pilot power (dBm) | TX pilot power (dBm) | TXPC | TX Pilot |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | TX Pilot/Ch | TX pilot power/Channel (dBm) | TXPC | TX Pilot/Ch |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | TX power/Ch | TX power/Channel (dBm) | TXPC | TX power/Ch |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | TX T2P | TX T2P (dB) | TXPC | TX T2P |
CDMA | EVDO Reverse Power Control | TX total power (dBm) | TX power (dBm) | TXPC | TX power |
CDMA | EVDO RL Packet Summary | Actual RRI | Actual RRI | RDRC | Actual RRI |
CDMA | EVDO RL Packet Summary | Combined Busy Bit | Combined busy bit (Rev 0 only). Reverse Activity Bit (RAB) is a control bit sent in regular intervals that indicates if the access network is busy or not. | RDRC | Comb. RAB |
CDMA | EVDO RL Packet Summary | Condition RRI | Condition RRI | RDRC | Condition RRI |
CDMA | EVDO RL Packet Summary | Current Rate | Current rate (Rev 0 only) | RDRC | TX current rate |
CDMA | EVDO RL Packet Summary | Num Pad Bytes | Padding bytes | RDRC | Padding bytes |
CDMA | EVDO RL Packet Summary | PA Max | Maximum PA headroom available (Rev 0 only) | RDRC | PA max |
CDMA | EVDO RL Packet Summary | Random Variable | Random variable variable. Random variable represents the random variable that was used to calculate the new reverse rate (Rev 0 only). | RDRC | Random variable |
CDMA | EVDO RL Packet Summary | Reverse Rate Limit | Reverse rate limit (Rev 0 only) | RDRC | TX rate limit |
CDMA | EVDO RL Packet Summary | Transition Probability | Transition probability | RDRC | Transition probability |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Rates | RLP Error Rate Downlink | RLP error rate downlink | RLPRATE | RLP err. DL |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Rates | RLP Error Rate Uplink | RLP error rate uplink | RLPRATE | RLP err. UL |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Rates | RLP Re-transmission Rate - Forward (%) | RLP forward retransmission rate | RLPRATE | RLP fwd. retr. rate |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Rates | RLP Re-transmission Rate - Reverse (%) | RLP reverse retransmission rate | RLPRATE | RLP rev. retr. rate |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Rates | RLP User Throughput - Forward (kbps) | RLP forward user throughput | RLPRATE | RLP for. rate |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Rates | RLP User Throughput - Reverse (kbps) | RLP reverse user throughput | RLPRATE | RLP rev. rate |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Statistics | ANNakBytesRequested | Received NAKs in bytes | RLPSTATISTICS | RX NAKs in bytes |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Statistics | ANResetAckCount | Reset ACKs received from the AN | RLPSTATISTICS | AN reset ack count |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Statistics | ANResetRequestCount | Resets requested by the AN | RLPSTATISTICS | AN reset request count |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Statistics | ATNakBytesRequested | Transmitted NAKs in bytes | RLPSTATISTICS | TX NAKs in bytes |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Statistics | ATResetRequestCount | Resets requested by the AT | RLPSTATISTICS | AT reset request count |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Statistics | NaksReceived | Received NAKs | RLPSTATISTICS | RX NAKs |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Statistics | NaksSent | Transmitted NAKs | RLPSTATISTICS | TX NAKs |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Statistics | NakTimeouts | NAK timeouts. Contains NAK timeouts and aborts. | RLPSTATISTICS | NAK timeouts |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Statistics | ResetCount | Reset count. Total resets that have occurred, initiated either by the AN or the AT. | RLPSTATISTICS | Reset count |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Statistics | ReXmitsNotFound | Number of retransmitted frames not found | RLPSTATISTICS | Retrans. not found |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Statistics | RxDuplicateBytes | Received duplice bytes | RLPSTATISTICS | RX dup. bytes |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Statistics | RxNewDataBytes | Received new data bytes | RLPSTATISTICS | RX new bytes |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Statistics | RxReXmitBytes | Received retransmitted bytes | RLPSTATISTICS | RX retrans. bytes |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Statistics | RxTotalBytes | Received bytes | RLPSTATISTICS | RX bytes |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Statistics | Service ID | Service ID | RLPSTATISTICS | Service ID |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Statistics | TxNewDataBytes | Transmitted new data bytes | RLPSTATISTICS | TX new bytes |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Statistics | TxReXmitBytes | Retransmitted bytes | RLPSTATISTICS | TX retrans. bytes |
CDMA | EVDO RLP Statistics | TxTotalBytes | Transmitted bytes | RLPSTATISTICS | TX bytes |
CDMA | EVDO Top Pilot Scan | Band | Band | PILOTSCAN | Band |
CDMA | EVDO Top Pilot Scan | Channel Number | Channel number | PILOTSCAN | Channel Number |
CDMA | EVDO Top Pilot Scan | Delay | The time difference between actual received signal and expected point in time derived from the GPS time. This parameter is also known as time offset. | PILOTSCAN | Delay |
CDMA | EVDO Top Pilot Scan | Delay spread | The time between the first and the last multipath peak component inside the search window above the PN threshold. | PILOTSCAN | Delay spread |
CDMA | EVDO Top Pilot Scan | EcIo | Ec/I0 | PILOTSCAN | Ec/I0 |
CDMA | EVDO Top Pilot Scan | Number of Cells | Number of cells | PILOTSCAN | #Cells |
CDMA | EVDO Top Pilot Scan | PN | Pilot number | PILOTSCAN | PN |
CDMA | EVDO Top Pilot Scan | RSCP | The received signal code power of single code. | PILOTSCAN | RSCP |
CDMA | EVDO Top Pilot Scan | RSSI | Carrier RSSI (pilot scanning mode). Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | PILOTSCAN | RSSI |
Common | Equipment Status | Equipment Battery Temperature (C) | Battery temperature in degree Celsius. | DEVI | Battery temp. |
Common | Equipment Status | Equipment Battery Level (%) | Battery charge state in percents | DEVI | Battery charge |
Common | Equipment Status | Equipment Battery Status | Battery status | DEVI | Battery status |
Common | Equipment Status | Equipment Device Status | Device status | DEVI | Device status |
Common | Equipment Status | Equipment Battery Current (A) | Device battery current. Positive when the battery is charging. | DEVI | Device battery current |
Common | Equipment Status | Equipment CPU Usage (%) | Device CPU usage | DEVI | Device CPU |
Common | Equipment Status | Equipment CPU Temperature (C) | Device CPU temperature in degree Celsius | DEVI | Device CPU temp. |
Service Quality | Facebook Data | App. Rate DL | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for Facebook protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 18) |
Service Quality | Facebook Data | App. Rate UL | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for Facebook protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 18) |
Service Quality | Facebook Data | Received kBytes DL | Transferred bytes downlink for Facebook protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 18) |
Service Quality | Facebook Data | Sent kBytes | Transferred bytes uplink for Facebook protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 18) |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | Band Lock Band | Band lock: Locked band | LOCK | Locked band |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | Band Lock System Lock Method | Band lock: System lock method | LOCK | System lock method |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | Cell Barring State | Cell barring: Cell barring state | LOCK | Cell barring state |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | Channel Lock Cell Lock Method | Channel lock: Cell lock method | LOCK | Cell lock method |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | Channel Lock Band | Channel lock: Locked band | LOCK | Locked band |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | Channel Lock Channel | Channel lock: Locked channel | LOCK | Locked channel |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | Disable IMS Mode | IMS mode | LOCK | IMS mode |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | Forcing Type | Lock type | LOCK | Lock type |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | GSM Handover Forcing Band | Handover suppression: HO forcing target band | LOCK | HO forcing band |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | GSM Handover Forcing BSIC | Handover suppression: HO forcing target BSIC | LOCK | HO forcing BSIC |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | GSM Handover Forcing Channel | Handover suppression: HO forcing target channel | LOCK | HO Forcing channel |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | GSM Handover Forcing Non Target RXL Bias | Handover suppression: HO forcing non-target RX level bias | LOCK | Non-target RXL bias |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | GSM Handover Forcing Non Target RXQ Bias | Handover suppression: HO forcing non-target quality bias | LOCK | Non-target RXQ bias |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | GSM Handover Forcing Target RXL Bias | Handover suppression: HO forcing target RX level bias | LOCK | Target RXL bias |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | GSM Handover Forcing Target RXQ Bias | Handover suppression: HO forcing target quality bias | LOCK | Target RXQ bias |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | LTE Handover Forcing Band | LTE handover forcing: HO forcing target band | LOCK | HO forcing band |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | LTE Handover Forcing Channel | LTE handover forcing: HO forcing target channel | LOCK | HO forcing channel |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | LTE Handover Forcing PCI | LTE handover forcing: HO forcing target physical cell identity | LOCK | HO forcing PCI |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | LTE Sector Lock Band | LTE sector lock: Locked band | LOCK | Locked band |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | LTE Sector Lock Cell Lock Method | LTE sector lock: Cell lock method | LOCK | Cell lock method |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | LTE Sector Lock Channel | LTE sector lock: Locked channel | LOCK | Locked channel |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | LTE Sector Lock PCI | LTE sector lock: Locked physical cell identity | LOCK | Locked PCI |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | NB eDRX Cycle | eDRX: NB eDRX cycle. Defines time between paging time windows (PTW) when the MS tries to decode paging channel. See more 3GPP TS 124.301 subclause 5.3.12, 3GPP TS 123.682 subclause, and 3GPP TS 124.008 subclause | LOCK | NB eDRX cycle |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | NR Cell Lock Method | NR sector lock: Cell lock method | LOCK | Cell lock method |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | NR Network Mode | NR network mode: NR network mode | LOCK | NR network mode |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | NR Network Mode Method | NR network mode: NR network mode method | LOCK | NR network mode method |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | NR SCS | NR sector lock: Numerology | LOCK | SCS |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | NR Sector Lock Band | NR sector lock: Locked band | LOCK | Locked band |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | NR Sector Lock Channel | NR sector lock: Locked channel | LOCK | Locked channel |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | NR Sector Lock PCI | NR sector lock: Locked physical cell identity | LOCK | Locked PCI |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | Number of Active Forcing | Number of active forcings | LOCK | #Forcings |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | PLMN Lock MCC | PLMN lock: Mobile country code | LOCK | MCC |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | PLMN Lock MNC | PLMN lock: Mobile network code | LOCK | MNC |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | PLMN Lock Mode | PLMN lock: PLMN selection mode | LOCK | PLMN selection mode |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | PSM T3324 | PSM: Active time. Defines the time before the device goes to the power saving mode (PSM). See 3GPP TS 124.301 subclause 5.3.11 and 3GPP TS 124.008 subclause | LOCK | T3324 |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | PSM T3412 | PSM: Periodic tracking area update time. See 3GPP TS 124.301 subclause | LOCK | T3412 |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | System Lock Cell Lock Method | System lock: System lock method | LOCK | System lock method |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | System Lock System | System lock: Locked system | LOCK | Locked system |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | UMTS Handover Forcing Band | UMTS FDD handover forcing: HO forcing target band | LOCK | HO forcing band |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | UMTS Handover Forcing Channel | UMTS FDD handover forcing: HO forcing target channel | LOCK | HO forcing channel |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | UMTS Handover Forcing Non Target ECNOBias | UMTS FDD handover forcing: HO forcing non-target Ec/N0 bias | LOCK | Non-target EcN0 bias |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | UMTS Handover Forcing Non Target RSCP Bias | UMTS FDD handover forcing: HO forcing non-target RSCP bias | LOCK | Non-target RSCP bias |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | UMTS Handover Forcing PSC | UMTS FDD handover forcing: HO forcing target scrambling code | LOCK | HO forcing SC |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | UMTS Handover Forcing Target EcNo Bias | UMTS FDD handover forcing: HO forcing target Ec/N0 bias | LOCK | Target EcN0 bias |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | UMTS Handover Forcing Target RSCP Bias | UMTS FDD handover forcing: HO forcing target RSCP bias | LOCK | Target RSCP bias |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | UMTS Sector Lock Band | UMTS sector lock: Locked band | LOCK | Locked band |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | UMTS Sector Lock Cell Lock Method | UMTS sector lock: Cell lock method | LOCK | Cell lock method |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | UMTS Sector Lock Channel | UMTS sector lock: Locked channel | LOCK | Locked channel |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | UMTS Sector Lock PSC | UMTS sector lock: Locked scrambling code | LOCK | Locked scr. |
Common | Forcing Function (Nemo) | WB eDRX Cycle | eDRX: WB eDRX cycle. Defines time between paging time windows (PTW) when the MS tries to decode paging channel. See more 3GPP TS 124.301 subclause 5.3.12, 3GPP TS 123.682 subclause, and 3GPP TS 124.008 subclause | LOCK | WB eDRX cycle |
GSM | GAN Channel Info | Cell ID | Cell identification. Cell identity of the current cell. For GSM this is 16 bit value, for UMTS this is 28 bit value (RNC ID + 16 bit cell ID), and for LTE this is 28 bit value (eNB ID + 8 bit cell ID). | CHI | Cell ID |
GSM | GAN Channel Info | LAC | Location area code | CHI | LAC |
GSM | GAN Packet Channel Info | Packet data technology | Packet technology | PCHI | Packet tech. |
GSM | GAN Packet Channel Info | Packet state | Packet state | PCHI | Packet state |
GSM | GAN Packet Channel Info | Routing area code (RAC) | Routing area code | PCHI | RAC |
GSM | GAN Signaling | Direction | GAN direction | GANSM | Direction |
GSM | GAN Signaling | GAN Data | GAN message data | GANSM | GAN msg. data |
GSM | GAN Signaling | GAN Message | GAN message | GANSM | GAN msg. |
GSM | GAN Signaling | Subchannel | GAN subchannel | GANSM | GAN subch. |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | Coding Scheme (CS) DL | Packet channel coding downlink | PCHI | PS coding DL |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | Coding Scheme (CS) UL | Packet channel coding uplink | PCHI | PS coding UL |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | GPRS cell reselection hysteresis (dB) | GPRS cell reselection hysteresis | PCHI | CLRS hyst. |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | GPRS cell reselection penalty time (sec.) | GPRS cell reselection penalty time | PCHI | CLRS time |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | Incremental redundancy status UL | Incremental redundancy status uplink. This is same as resegment bit in RLC/MAC signaling messages and also known as ARQ mode. See 3GPP TS 144.060 subclause 8.1.1. | PCHI | IR status UL |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | Modulation Coding Scheme (MCS) DL | Packet channel coding downlink | PCHI | PS coding DL |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | Modulation Coding Scheme (MCS) UL | Packet channel coding uplink | PCHI | PS coding UL |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | Network control order | Network control order. 0 = NC0 Mobile controlled cell reselection without measurement reports. 1 = NC1 Mobile controlled cell reselection with measurement reports. 2 = NC2 Network controlled cell reselection with measurement reports. | PCHI | Network ctrl. Order |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | Network mode of operation | Network mode of operation. 1 = NMO1 Combined routing area and location area update is done through PPCH (PBCCH is present). Paging messages can be sent through PCH or PPCH. Gs interface between SGSN and MSC is present. 2 = NMO2 Separate routing area and location area update is done through PCH (no PBCCH). All paging on PCH. Gs interface between SGSN and MSC is not present. 3 = NMO3 | PCHI | NW operation |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | Number of packet timeslots DL | Number of packet timeslots downlink | PCHI | #PS TSL DL |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | Number of packet timeslots UL | Number of packet timeslots uplink | PCHI | #PS TSL UL |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | Packet data technology | Packet technology | PCHI | Packet tech. |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | Packet state | Packet state | PCHI | Packet state |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | Packet timeslots DL | Allocated downlink timeslots. Number of timeslots in list is indicated by previous parameter. | PCHI | PS TNs DL |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | Packet timeslots UL | Allocated uplink timeslots. Number of timeslots in list is indicated by previous parameter. | PCHI | PS TNs UL |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | PBCCH Status | PBCCH status | PCHI | PBCCH |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | Priority access threshold | Priority access threshold | PCHI | Prior. acc. th. |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | RLC/MAC radio priority | Radio priority | PCHI | Radio priority |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | Routing area code (RAC) | Routing area code | PCHI | RAC |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel Info | Split PG cycle | The split PG cycle parameter defines the DRX period | PCHI | Split PG cycle |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel RX Quality | C Value | C value (dBm). Received signal level of each paging block monitored by the MS according to its current DRX mode and its paging group. See 3GPP TS 145.008 subclause This parameter is only recorded for GPRS. | PRXQ | C value |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel RX Quality | Rx Quality (GPRS) | Packet RX quality. See 3GPP TS 145.008 subclause This parameter is only recorded for GPRS. | PRXQ | Packet RX quality |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel RX Quality | Signal Variance | Signal variance (dBm2). Average variance of signal level (C value). See 3GPP TS 145.008 subclause This parameter is only recorded for GPRS. | PRXQ | Signal variance |
GSM | GPRS Packet Channel RX Quality | Timeslot Interference (Relative to C value) | Timeslot interference. Timeslot interference level relative to C value. See 3GPP TS 145.008 subclause 10.3. This parameter is only recorded for GPRS. | PRXQ | Timeslot interference |
Common | GPS Additional Information | Altitude (m) | Height (m) | GPS | Height |
Common | GPS Additional Information | GPS Mode | GPS fix quality | GPS | Quality |
Common | GPS Additional Information | Satellites Visible | GPS satellites | GPS | Satellites |
Common | GPS Additional Information | Speed (km/h) | Velocity (km/h) | GPS | Velocity |
Common | GPS Position | Latitude | Latitude of the measured position | GPS | Lat. |
Common | GPS Position | Longitude | Longitude of the measured position | GPS | Lon. |
GSM | GSM Adjacent Channel | C/A +1 | C/A +1 (dB). The value of C/A +1 parameter is the ratio between center channel RSSI and adjacent channel RSSI. The adjacent channel frequency is 200 kHz higher than the frequency of the center channel. | ADJMEAS | C/A +1 |
GSM | GSM Adjacent Channel | C/A +2 | C/A +2 (dB). The value of C/A +2 parameter is the ratio between center channel RSSI and adjacent channel RSSI. The adjacent channel frequency is 400 kHz higher than the frequency of the center channel. | ADJMEAS | C/A +2 |
GSM | GSM Adjacent Channel | C/A -1 | C/A 1 (dB). The value of C/A 1 parameter is the ratio between center channel RSSI and adjacent channel RSSI. The adjacent channel frequency is 200 kHz lower than the frequency of the center channel. | ADJMEAS | C/A -1 |
GSM | GSM Adjacent Channel | C/A -2 | C/A 2 (dB). The value of C/A 2 parameter is the ratio between center channel RSSI and adjacent channel RSSI. The adjacent channel frequency is 400 kHz lower than the frequency of the center channel. | ADJMEAS | C/A -2 |
GSM | GSM Adjacent Channel | Center ARFCN RxLev Org | C/A measurement RSSI (dBm). Signal strength for center channel. | ADJMEAS | C/A measurement RSSI |
GSM | GSM Adjacent Channel | Center ARFCN+1 RxLev Org | C/A measurement RSSI +1 (dBm). The RSSI value of the adjacent channel. The adjacent channel is 200 kHz higher than the frequency of the center channel. | ADJMEAS | C/A measurement RSSI +1 |
GSM | GSM Adjacent Channel | Center ARFCN+2 RxLev Org | C/A measurement RSSI +2 (dBm). The RSSI value of the adjacent channel. The adjacent channel is 400 kHz higher than the frequency of the center channel. | ADJMEAS | C/A measurement RSSI +2 |
GSM | GSM Adjacent Channel | Center ARFCN-1 RxLev Org | C/A measurement RSSI 1 (dBm). The RSSI value of the adjacent channel. The adjacent channel is 200 kHz lower than the frequency of the center channel. | ADJMEAS | C/A measurement RSSI -1 |
GSM | GSM Adjacent Channel | Center ARFCN-2 RxLev Org | C/A measurement RSSI 2 (dBm). The RSSI value of the adjacent channel. The adjacent channel is 400 kHz lower than the frequency of the center channel. | ADJMEAS | C/A measurement RSSI -2 |
GSM | GSM Adjacent Channel | Center Channel ARFCN | C/A center channel | ADJMEAS | Channel number |
GSM | GSM AMR Codec Usage (Nemo) | Active Codec Set DL | AMR mode downlink | AMRS | AMR mode DL |
GSM | GSM AMR Codec Usage (Nemo) | Active Codec Set UL | AMR mode uplink | AMRS | AMR mode UL |
GSM | GSM AMR Codec Usage (Nemo) | DL Mode vs Last Request | AMR mode downlink last mode request | AMRS | AMR mode DL & req. |
GSM | GSM AMR Codec Usage (Nemo) | Last ACS Command | AMR last mode command | AMRS | AMR mode UL |
GSM | GSM AMR Codec Usage (Nemo) | Last ACS Request | AMR last mode request | AMRS | AMR mode req. |
GSM | GSM AMR Codec Usage (Nemo) | UL Mode vs Last Command | AMR mode uplink last mode command | AMRS | AMR mode UL & cmd. |
GSM | GSM Cell Info Scanning | Band | Band | CELLSCAN | Band |
GSM | GSM Cell Info Scanning | BCCH | Scanned channel number | CELLSCAN | ARFCN |
GSM | GSM Cell Info Scanning | BCCH_BSIC | Scanned channel number, Scanned base station identification code | CELLSCAN | ARFCN & BSIC |
GSM | GSM Cell Info Scanning | BSIC_octal | Scanned base station identification code | CELLSCAN | BSIC (Octal) |
GSM | GSM Cell Info Scanning | Cell_ID | Scanned cell identification. Cell identity of the current cell. For GSM this is 16 bit value, for UMTS this is 28 bit value (RNC ID + 16 bit cell ID), and for LTE this is 28 bit value (eNB ID + 8 bit cell ID). | CELLSCAN | Cell ID |
GSM | GSM Cell Info Scanning | LAC | Scanned LAC | CELLSCAN | LAC |
GSM | GSM Cell Info Scanning | MCC | Scanned MCC | CELLSCAN | MCC |
GSM | GSM Cell Info Scanning | MNC | Scanned MNC | CELLSCAN | MNC |
GSM | GSM Data Channel Info | Allocated_DL_TSL | CS data timeslots downlink. Allocated downlink timeslots. The number of timeslot parameters in the event is indicated by the number of CS data timeslots downlink parameter. The first timeslot in the event is the main timeslot. | DCHI | CS TNs DL |
GSM | GSM Data Channel Info | Allocated_UL_TSL | CS data timeslots uplink. Allocated uplink timeslots. The number of timeslot parameters in the event is indicated by the number of CS data timeslots uplink parameter. The first timeslot in the event is the main timeslot. | DCHI | CS TNs UL |
GSM | GSM Data Channel Info | Coding | Channel coding, 1 = 9.6, 2 = 14.4 | DCHI | Coding |
GSM | GSM Data Channel Info | Data_Mode | CS data mode, 0 = Nontransparent, 1 = Transparent | DCHI | Data mode |
GSM | GSM Data Channel Info | NumCS_TSL_DL | Number of CS data timeslots downlink | DCHI | #CS TSL DL |
GSM | GSM Data Channel Info | NumCS_TSL_UL | Number of CS data timeslots uplink | DCHI | #CS TSL UL |
GSM | GSM DL Signaling Counter | DL Signalling Counter (DSC) Current | Downlink signaling counter current. The counter used in determining when the downlink signaling failure condition is declared. Whenever the message is decoded in the paging subchannel; if the message decoding is successful, the DSC counter is increased by one; if the message decoding fails, the DSC counter is decreased by four. The downlink signaling failure condition is declared if the DSC counter drops to zero or below. See 3GPP TS 145.008 subclause 6.5. | DSC | Downlink signaling counter current |
GSM | GSM DL Signaling Counter | DL Signalling Counter (DSC) Max | The maximum value of the DSC counter. | DSC | Downlink signaling counter maximum |
GSM | GSM Frame Error Rate (FER) | DTX DL status | DTX downlink. Defines if the DTX is used during the previous reporting period. | FER | DTX DL status |
GSM | GSM Frame Error Rate (FER) | FER Actual (%) | Frame error rate TCH (%). This calculation concentrates only on TCH frames. It is also more robust when DL DTX is changing. This is because it concentrates on the ratio of TCH frame errors to TCH frames sent. | FER | Frame error rate TCH |
GSM | GSM Frame Error Rate (FER) | FER Full (%) | Frame error rate full (%). This calculation assumes all 25 frames of the SACCH multiframe have been sent. Just like RXQual Full, when DL DTX is on, FER FULL will become invalid. This is because only 2 or 3 frames are sent when DL DTX is on. | FER | Frame error rate full |
GSM | GSM Frame Error Rate (FER) | FER Sub (%) | Frame error rate sub (%). FER Sub is calculated as the ratio of erroneous frames to number of sent frames. With EFR speech, only 2 out of the 25 are sent when DL DTX is on. With AMR speech, either 2 or 3 frames will be sent. | FER | Frame error rate sub |
GSM | GSM L3 Signaling Cell | ARFCN | Layer3 channel | L3SM | ARFCN |
GSM | GSM L3 Signaling Cell | BSIC_decimal | Layer3 BSIC | L3SM | BSIC |
GSM | GSM L3 Signaling Cell | Signaling Direction | Layer3 direction | L3SM | Transfer direction |
GSM | GSM L3 Signaling Cell | Signaling message | Layer3 message | L3SM | L3 msg |
GSM | GSM Layer 2 Message | ARFCN | Layer2 channel | L2SM | ARFCN |
GSM | GSM Layer 2 Message | BSIC_decimal | Layer2 BSIC | L2SM | BSIC |
GSM | GSM Layer 2 Message | Direction | Layer2 direction | L2SM | Direction |
GSM | GSM Layer 2 Message | L2 Data | Layer2 data | L2SM | L2 data |
GSM | GSM Layer 2 Message | L2 Message | Layer2 message | L2SM | L2 msg |
GSM | GSM Layer 2 Message | L2Type | Layer2 message type | L2SM | L2 msg type |
GSM | GSM Layer 2 Message | Subchannel | Layer2 subchannel | L2SM | Sub channel/channel type |
GSM | GSM LLC Message | Direction | LLC direction | LLCSM | Direction |
GSM | GSM LLC Message | LLC Data | LLC data | LLCSM | LLC data |
GSM | GSM LLC Message | LLC Message | LLC message | LLCSM | LLC msg |
GSM | GSM MS TX Power Level | MS Tx Power Level (0~31) | MS power level. Reported mobile station power level class. See 3GPP TS 45.005 subclause 4.1. | MSP | MS power level |
GSM | GSM Radio Link Timeout | Radio Link Timeout Current | Radiolink timeout. The counter used in determining when the radio link failure condition is declared. The value of the counter is decreased by one when SACCH message decoding fails. When decoding succeeds, it is increased by two. If the value of the counter drops to zero, the radio link failure condition is declared. See 3GPP TS 145.008 subclause 5. | RLT | Radiolink timeout |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | Band | Band | CELLMEAS | Band |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | BCCH | Channel number. During the active state this is the TCH channel number. If hopping is enabled the first hopping channel is reported. | CELLMEAS | ARFCN |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | BCCH_BSIC | Channel number & Base station identification code | CELLMEAS | ARFCN & BSIC |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | BSIC (octal) | Base station identification code | CELLMEAS | BSIC (octal) |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | C1 | C1 criterion (dB). Path loss criterion parameter C1 is used for cell selection and reselection. See 3GPP TS 145.008 subclause 6.4 (with GPRS, also subclause 10.1.2). | CELLMEAS | C1 |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | C2 | C2 criterion (dB). The reselection criterion C2 is used for cell reselection. This parameter is used for cell reselection when the value of the path loss criterion C1 is over zero. See 3GPP TS 145.008 subclause 6.4. | CELLMEAS | C2 |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | C31 | C31 criterion (dB). The signal level threshold criterion parameter C31 is used to determine whether prioritized hierarchical GPRS and LSA cell reselection shall apply. See 3GPP TS 145.008 subclause 10.1.2. | CELLMEAS | C31 |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | C32 | C32 criterion (dB). The cell ranking criterion C32 is used in selecting cells from cells that have the same priority. See 3GPP TS 145.008 subclause 10.1.2. | CELLMEAS | C32 |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | Cell ID | Cell identification. Cell identity of the current cell. For GSM this is 16 bit value, for UMTS this is 28 bit value (RNC ID + 16 bit cell ID), and for LTE this is 28 bit value (eNB ID + 8 bit cell ID). | CELLMEAS | Cell ID |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | Cell Type | Cell type | CELLMEAS | Cell type |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | HCS Priority Class | HCS priority class. Defines the cell reselection order of the cells. See 3GPP TS 145.008 subclause 10.1.3. | CELLMEAS | HCS priority |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | HCS Threshold | HCS threshold (dBm). See 3GPP TS 145.008 subclause 10.1.2. | CELLMEAS | HCS thr. |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | LAC | Location area code | CELLMEAS | LAC |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | RAC | Routing area code | CELLMEAS | RAC |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | RxLevFull (Org) | RX level full. The received signal level of all TDMA frames. See 3GPP TS 145.008 subclause 8.4. | CELLMEAS | RxLev full |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | RxLevSub (Org) | RX level sub. The received signal level of the subset of the TDMA frames. See 3GPP TS 145.008 subclause 8.4. | CELLMEAS | RxLev sub |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Level | S Criteria | Neighbor Srxlev criterion (dBm). Cell selection criterion S based on RX level. This value is only available during the UMTS mode. See 3GPP TS 25.304 subclause 5.2.3 cell selection process. | CELLMEAS | Srxlev |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Quality | RxQual Full | RX quality full. Quality value measured on every TDMA frame. Use this value when DTX is inactive. See 3GPP TS 145.008 subclause 8.4. | RXQ | RX quality full |
GSM | GSM Received Signal Quality | RxQual Sub | RX quality sub. Quality value measured over the subset of every TDMA frame. Use this value when DTX is active. See 3GPP TS 145.008 subclause 8.4. | RXQ | RX quality sub |
GSM | GSM RRLP Message | Direction | RRLP direction | RRLPSM | Direction |
GSM | GSM RRLP Message | RRLP Data | RRLP data | RRLPSM | RRLP data |
GSM | GSM RRLP Message | RRLP Message | RRLP message | RRLPSM | RRLP msg |
GSM | GSM RRLP Message | Subchannel | RRLP subchannel | RRLPSM | Subchannel |
GSM | GSM Selected ARFCN Scanning - All Bands | Frequency Band | Band | FREQSCAN | Band |
GSM | GSM Selected ARFCN Scanning - All Bands | Scanned ARFCN | Channel number | FREQSCAN | ARFCN |
GSM | GSM Selected ARFCN Scanning - All Bands | Scanned C/I on ARFCN | C/I | FREQSCAN | C/I |
GSM | GSM Selected ARFCN Scanning - All Bands | Scanned oct-BSIC On ARFCN | Base station identification code | FREQSCAN | BSIC |
GSM | GSM Selected ARFCN Scanning - All Bands | Scanned RxLev On ARFCN (dBm) | RX level | FREQSCAN | RX level |
GSM | GSM Selected ARFCN Scanning - All Bands | Scanned SCH RxLev On ARFCN (dBm) | SCH RX level | FREQSCAN | SCH RX level |
GSM | GSM Serving Cell Info | MCC | Mobile country code. If the service is not available this is the last known MCC value when the service was available. | SEI | MCC |
GSM | GSM Serving Cell Info | MME Code | MME code. Identifies Mobility Management Entities (MME) within the MME pool areas. See 3GPP TS 123.003. | SEI | MME code |
GSM | GSM Serving Cell Info | MME Group ID | MME group ID. Mobility Management Entity (MME) group identification is used to differentiate between pools of MMEs. See 3GPP TS 123.003. | SEI | MME group ID |
GSM | GSM Serving Cell Info | MNC | Mobile network code If the service is not available this is the last known MNC value when the service was available. | SEI | MNC |
GSM | GSM Serving Cell Info | State | Service info status | SEI | Service info status |
GSM | GSM Serving Info | ARFCN Current | Channel number. During the active state this is the TCH channel number. If the hopping is enabled the first hopping channel is reported. | CHI | Ch |
GSM | GSM Serving Info | BCCH ARFCN | BCCH channel | CHI | BCCH ch |
GSM | GSM Serving Info | BCCH Band | BCCH band | CHI | BCCH band |
GSM | GSM Serving Info | BSIC (decimal) | Base station identification code | CHI | BSIC |
GSM | GSM Serving Info | Cell Identification (CI) | Cell identification. Cell identity of the current cell. For GSM this is 16 bit value, for UMTS this is 28 bit value (RNC ID + 16 bit cell ID), and for LTE this is 28 bit value (eNB ID + 8 bit cell ID). | CHI | Cell ID |
GSM | GSM Serving Info | Channel Type | GSM channel type. 1 = Control channel, 2 = Traffic channel. | CHI | Ch type |
GSM | GSM Serving Info | DTX_UL | DTX uplink. 0 = DTX not in use, 1 = DTX in use. | CHI | DTX UL |
GSM | GSM Serving Info | Extended Channel Type | Extended channel type. 1 = BCCH, 2 = CCCH, 3 = CBCH. | CHI | Ext. ch type |
GSM | GSM Serving Info | LAC | Location area code | CHI | LAC |
GSM | GSM Serving Info | RLT_Max | Radiolink timeout maximum. Defines the maximum value for the radio link timeout counter. | CHI | RLT max |
GSM | GSM Serving Info | Timeslot | Timeslot number | CHI | TN |
GSM | GSM TBF Info | DL RLC window size | RLC window size downlink | TBFI | DL RLC Win. |
GSM | GSM TBF Info | DL TFI | Temporary flow identity downlink | TBFI | DL TFI |
GSM | GSM TBF Info | Number of DL TBFs | Number of downlink TBFs | TBFI | #DL TBFs |
GSM | GSM TBF Info | Number of UL TBFs | Number of uplink TBFs | TBFI | #UL TBFs |
GSM | GSM TBF Info | NumMaxTBF | Maximum number of TBFs | TBFI | TFI |
GSM | GSM TBF Info | System | Measured system | TBFI | System |
GSM | GSM TBF Info | Temporary logical link ID (TLLI) | Temporary logical link identity | TBFI | TLLI |
GSM | GSM TBF Info | UL RLC window size | RLC window size uplink | TBFI | UL RLC Win. |
GSM | GSM TBF Info | UL TFI | Temporary flow identity uplink | TBFI | UL TFI |
GSM | GSM Time Slot C/I | ARFCN | Channel number | CI | ARFCN |
GSM | GSM Time Slot C/I | C/I | C/I per hopping channel (dB). Separate C/I result for each hopping channel. C/I calculation method is vendor specific. | CI | C/I |
GSM | GSM Time Slot C/I | C/I Average | C/I average (dB). C/I average is calculated over the reporting period. The C/I average is the average of all C/I values per hopping channel (and timeslot with GPRS) when this information is available. If C/I per hopping channel or per timeslot is not available, the C/I average calculation method is vendor specific. | CI | C/I Average |
GSM | GSM Time Slot C/I | C/I List | C/I per timeslot (dB). Separate C/I result for each dedicated GRPS timeslot. C/I calculation method is vendor specific. | CI | Timeslot C/I |
GSM | GSM Time Slot C/I | No of TSL | Number of timeslot C/I results | CI | #TSL results |
GSM | GSM Time Slot C/I | RSSI (Org) | RSSI per hopping channel (dBm). Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | CI | RSSI |
GSM | GSM Timing Advance | Timing Advance | Timing advance | TAD | Timing advance |
GSM | GSM Top BCCH/BSIC Scanning - All Bands | BCCH | Channel number | FREQSCAN | ARFCN |
GSM | GSM Top BCCH/BSIC Scanning - All Bands | BCCH_BSIC | Channel number, Base station identification code | FREQSCAN | ARFCN & BSIC |
GSM | GSM Top BCCH/BSIC Scanning - All Bands | BSIC_octal | Base station identification code | FREQSCAN | BSIC (Octal) |
GSM | GSM Top BCCH/BSIC Scanning - All Bands | C/I | C/I | FREQSCAN | C/I |
GSM | GSM Top BCCH/BSIC Scanning - All Bands | Frequency Band | Band | FREQSCAN | Band |
GSM | GSM Top BCCH/BSIC Scanning - All Bands | RSSI (Org) | RX level | FREQSCAN | RX level |
GSM | GSM Top BCCH/BSIC Scanning - All Bands | SCH RX level (dBm) | SCH RX level | FREQSCAN | SCH RX level |
GSM | GSM Top C/I Scanning | BCCH | Channel number | FREQSCAN | ARFCN |
GSM | GSM Top C/I Scanning | BCCH_BSIC | Channel number, Base station identification code | FREQSCAN | ARFCN & BSIC |
GSM | GSM Top C/I Scanning | BSIC_octal | Base station identification code | FREQSCAN | BSIC (Octal) |
GSM | GSM Top C/I Scanning | C/I | C/I | FREQSCAN | C/I |
GSM | GSM Top C/I Scanning | RSSI (Org) | RX level | FREQSCAN | RX level |
GSM | GSM Top C/I Scanning | SCH RX level (dBm) | SCH RX level | FREQSCAN | SCH RX level |
GSM | GSM Traffic ARFCN Info | Hopping | Hopping status, 1 = On, 2 = Off | HOP | Hopping |
GSM | GSM Traffic ARFCN Info | Hopping Channels | Hopping channels | HOP | Ch |
GSM | GSM Traffic ARFCN Info | HSN | Hopping sequence number. See 3GPP TS 144.018 subclause | HOP | HSN |
GSM | GSM Traffic ARFCN Info | MAIO | Mobile allocation index offset. See 3GPP TS 144.018 subclause | HOP | MAIO |
GSM | GSM Traffic ARFCN Info | Number of Hopping Channels | Number of hopping channels | HOP | #Hopping Chs |
GSM | GSM Traffic ARFCN Info | Traffic ARFCN | Traffic channel | HOP | Ch |
WCDMA | HS Transport Block Sizes - DL | HS MIMO 1-TB Rate (%) | HSDPA percentage (%). Percentage of this set from the total sample duration. Note that the sum of the percentages is 200 when the measurement event contains information about primary and secondary HSDPA cells. | PLAID | MIMO 1TB Rate |
WCDMA | HS Transport Block Sizes - DL | HS MIMO 2-TB Rate (%) | HSDPA percentage (%). Percentage of this set from the total sample duration. Note that the sum of the percentages is 200 when the measurement event contains information about primary and secondary HSDPA cells. | PLAID | MIMO 2TB Rate |
WCDMA | HS Transport Block Sizes - DL | Max Transport Block Size (bits): Carrier 2 Stream 2 | HSDPA transport block size (bit) | PLAID | Cell Type & TB Size 2 |
WCDMA | HS Transport Block Sizes - DL | Max. Transport Block Size (bits): Carrier 1 Stream 1 | HSDPA transport block size (bit) | PLAID | Cell Type & TB Size |
WCDMA | HS Transport Block Sizes - DL | Max. Transport Block Size (bits): Carrier 1 Stream 2 | HSDPA transport block size (bit) | PLAID | Cell Type & TB Size 2 |
WCDMA | HS Transport Block Sizes - DL | Max. Transport Block Size (bits): Carrier 2 Stream 1 | HSDPA transport block size (bit) | PLAID | Cell Type & TB Size |
WCDMA | HS Transport Block Sizes - DL | Mean Transport Block Size (bits): Carrier 1 Stream 1 | HSDPA transport block size (bit) | PLAID | Cell Type & TB Size |
WCDMA | HS Transport Block Sizes - DL | Mean Transport Block Size (bits): Carrier 1 Stream 2 | HSDPA transport block size (bit) | PLAID | Cell Type & TB Size 2 |
WCDMA | HS Transport Block Sizes - DL | Mean Transport Block Size (bits): Carrier 2 Stream 1 | HSDPA transport block size (bit) | PLAID | Cell Type & TB Size |
WCDMA | HS Transport Block Sizes - DL | Mean Transport Block Size (bits): Carrier 2 Stream 2 | HSDPA transport block size (bit) | PLAID | Cell Type & TB Size 2 |
WCDMA | HS Transport Block Sizes - DL | Min. Transport Block Size (bits): Carrier 1 Stream 1 | HSDPA transport block size (bit) | PLAID | Cell Type & TB Size |
WCDMA | HS Transport Block Sizes - DL | Min. Transport Block Size (bits): Carrier 1 Stream 2 | HSDPA transport block size (bit) | PLAID | Cell Type & TB Size 2 |
WCDMA | HS Transport Block Sizes - DL | Min. Transport Block Size (bits): Carrier 2 Stream 1 | HSDPA transport block size (bit) | PLAID | Cell Type & TB Size |
WCDMA | HS Transport Block Sizes - DL | Min. Transport Block Size (bits): Carrier 2 Stream 2 | HSDPA transport block size (bit) | PLAID | Cell Type & TB Size 2 |
WCDMA | HS Transport Block Sizes - DL | Pecentage of No-Data Frame (%) | HSDPA percentage (%). Percentage of this set from the total sample duration. Note that the sum of the percentages is 200 when the measurement event contains information about primary and secondary HSDPA cells. | PLAID | Percentage |
WCDMA | HSDPA ACK/NACK Rate | Number of ACK Messages | The total number of ACK status messages sent to the uplink by MAChs layer. | MACBLER | #ACK/NACK & MAC BLER |
WCDMA | HSDPA ACK/NACK Rate | Number of NACK Messages | The total number of NACK status messages sent to the uplink by MAChs layer. | MACBLER | #ACK/NACK & MAC BLER |
WCDMA | HSDPA ACK/NACK Rate | Number of Transport Channels | Number of transport channels | MACBLER | #TRCH |
WCDMA | HSDPA ACK/NACK Rate | Transport Channel ID | Transport channel ID. Transport channel ID is always n/a for HSDSCH transport channel type. | MACBLER | TrCh ID |
WCDMA | HSDPA ACK/NACK Rate | Transport Channel Type | Transport channel type | MACBLER | TrCh type |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | Carrier 1 CQI | HSDPA CQI for Primary CQI type B cell representing an estimate of the link adaptation (transport block size, the modulation type, the number of parallel codes, and the spreading factor) required to enable correct reception with reasonable block error rate. The measured value is reported periodically to the network. This information can be used for data scheduling and link adaptation. When the secondary CQI has a valid value, the range of the parameter is limited to values 014. See 3GPP TS 125.214 subclause 6A.2. | CQI | Cell 1 CQI Type B |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | Carrier 1 CQI - Maximum | HSDPA CQI for Primary CQI type B cell (derived) | CQI | Cell 1 CQI Type B Max |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | Carrier 1 CQI - Mean | HSDPA CQI for Primary CQI type B cell (derived) | CQI | Cell 1 CQI Type B Mean |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | Carrier 1 CQI - Minimum | HSDPA CQI for Primary CQI type B cell (derived) | CQI | Cell 1 CQI Type B Min |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | Carrier 2 CQI | HSDPA CQI for Secondary CQI type B cell representing an estimate of the link adaptation (transport block size, the modulation type, the number of parallel codes, and the spreading factor) required to enable correct reception with reasonable block error rate. The measured value is reported periodically to the network. This information can be used for data scheduling and link adaptation. When the secondary CQI has a valid value, the range of the parameter is limited to values 014. See 3GPP TS 125.214 subclause 6A.2. | CQI | Cell 2 CQI Type B |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | Carrier 2 CQI - Maximum | HSDPA CQI for Primary CQI type B cell (derived) | CQI | Cell 2 CQI Type B Max |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | Carrier 2 CQI - Mean | HSDPA CQI for Primary CQI type B cell (derived) | CQI | Cell 2 CQI Type B Mean |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | Carrier 2 CQI - Minimum | HSDPA CQI for Primary CQI type B cell (derived) | CQI | Cell 2 CQI Type B Min |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | HSDPA CQI feedback cycle | HSDPA CQI feedback cycle. Controls how often the UE transmits new CQI information on the uplink. See 3GPP TS 25.214 subclause 6A.1.2. | CQI | HSDPA CQI feedback cycle |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | HSDPA CQI repetition factor | HSDPA CQI repetition factor. Controls how often the UE repeats CQI information on the uplink. See 3GPP TS 25.214 subclause 6A.1.2. | CQI | HSDPA CQI repetition factor |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | HSDPA MIMO rank 2 request ratio (%) | HSDPA MIMO rank 2 request ratio. Defines the percentage of time MIMO was requested using CQI values. This is the ratio of double CQI values to total of type A CQIvalues. This parameter is also known as rank indicator. | CQI | HSDPA MIMO rank 2 request ratio |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | MIMO Type A CQI_1 | HSDPA CQI for Primary CQI type A cell. HSDPA CQI represents an estimate of the link adaptation (transport block size, the modulation type, the number of parallel codes, and the spreading factor) required to enable correct reception with reasonable block error rate. The measured value is reported periodically to the network. This information can be used for data scheduling and link adaptation. When the secondary CQI has a valid value, the range of the parameter is limited to values 014. See 3GPP TS 125.214 subclause 6A.2. | CQI | Cell 1 CQI Type A1 |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | MIMO Type A CQI_1 - Maximum | HSDPA CQI for Primary CQI type A cell (derived) | CQI | Cell 1 CQI Type A1 Max |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | MIMO Type A CQI_1 - Mean | HSDPA CQI for Primary CQI type A cell (derived) | CQI | Cell 1 CQI Type A1 Mean |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | MIMO Type A CQI_1 - Minimum | HSDPA CQI for Primary CQI type A cell (derived) | CQI | Cell 1 CQI Type A1 Min |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | MIMO Type A CQI_2 | HSDPA CQI 2 for Primary CQI type A cell. HSDPA CQI represents an estimate of the link adaptation (transport block size, the modulation type, the number of parallel codes, and the spreading factor) required to enable correct reception with reasonable block error rate. The measured value is reported periodically to the network. This information can be used for data scheduling and link adaptation. When the secondary CQI has a valid value, the range of the parameter is limited to values 014. See 3GPP TS 125.214 subclause 6A.2. | CQI | Cell 1 CQI Type A2 |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | MIMO Type A CQI_2 - Maximum | HSDPA CQI 2 for Primary CQI type A cell (derived) | CQI | Cell 1 CQI Type A2 Max |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | MIMO Type A CQI_2 - Mean | HSDPA CQI 2 for Primary CQI type A cell (derived) | CQI | Cell 1 CQI Type A2 Mean |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | MIMO Type A CQI_2 - Minimum | HSDPA CQI 2 for Primary CQI type A cell (derived) | CQI | Cell 1 CQI Type A2 Min |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | MIMO Type A CQI_S | HSDPA CQI for Primary CQI type A cell and HSDPA CQI 2 = n/a. HSDPA CQI represents an estimate of the link adaptation (transport block size, the modulation type, the number of parallel codes, and the spreading factor) required to enable correct reception with reasonable block error rate. The measured value is reported periodically to the network. This information can be used for data scheduling and link adaptation. When the secondary CQI has a valid value, the range of the parameter is limited to values 014. See 3GPP TS 125.214 subclause 6A.2. | CQI | Cell 1 CQI Type As |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | MIMO Type A CQI_S - Maximum | HSDPA CQI for Primary CQI type A cell and HSDPA CQI 2 = n/a (derived) | CQI | Cell 1 CQI Type As Max |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | MIMO Type A CQI_S - Mean | HSDPA CQI for Primary CQI type A cell and HSDPA CQI 2 = n/a (derived) | CQI | Cell 1 CQI Type As Mean |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | MIMO Type A CQI_S - Minimum | HSDPA CQI for Primary CQI type A cell and HSDPA CQI 2 = n/a (derived) | CQI | Cell 1 CQI Type As Min |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | Pct | HSDPA CQI percentage (%) for Primary CQI type B cell (see 3GPP TS 125.214 subclause 6A.1.2.2). Percentage of this CQI value from the total sampling duration. Note that the sum of the percentages is 200 when the measurement event contains information about primary and secondary HSDPA cells. | CQI | Cell 1 CQI Type B Distribution |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | Pct_A_S | HSDPA CQI percentage (%) for Primary CQI type A cell and HSDPA CQI 2 = n/a (see 3GPP TS 125.214 subclause 6A.2). HSDPA CQI percentage (%) (see 3GPP TS 125.214 subclause 6A.1.2.2). Percentage of this CQI value from the total sampling duration. Note that the sum of the percentages is 200 when the measurement event contains information about primary and secondary HSDPA cells. | CQI | Cell 1 CQI Type As Distribution |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | Pct_A1 | HSDPA CQI percentage (%) for Primary CQI type A cell and HSDPA CQI 2 <> n/a (see 3GPP TS 125.214 subclause 6A.2). HSDPA CQI percentage (%) (see 3GPP TS 125.214 subclause 6A.1.2.2). Percentage of this CQI value from the total sampling duration. Note that the sum of the percentages is 200 when the measurement event contains information about primary and secondary HSDPA cells. | CQI | Cell 1 CQI Type A1 Distribution |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | Pct_A2 | HSDPA CQI percentage (%) for Primary CQI type A cell and HSDPA CQI 2 <> n/a (see 3GPP TS 125.214 subclause 6A.2). HSDPA CQI percentage (%) (see 3GPP TS 125.214 subclause 6A.1.2.2). Percentage of this CQI value from the total sampling duration. Note that the sum of the percentages is 200 when the measurement event contains information about primary and secondary HSDPA cells. | CQI | Cell 1 CQI Type A2 Distribution |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | Pct2 | HSDPA CQI percentage (%) for Secondary CQI type B cell. HSDPA CQI percentage (%) (see 3GPP TS 125.214 subclause 6A.1.2.2). Percentage of this CQI value from the total sampling duration. Note that the sum of the percentages is 200 when the measurement event contains information about primary and secondary HSDPA cells. | CQI | Cell 2 CQI Type B Distribution |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | PctSum | HSDPA CQI percentage (%) for Primary CQI type B cell (derived) | CQI | Sum Cell 1 CQI Type B Distribution |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | PctSum_A_S | HSDPA CQI percentage (%) for Primary CQI type A cell and HSDPA CQI 2 = n/a | CQI | Sum Cell 1 CQI Type As Distribution |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | PctSum_A1 | HSDPA CQI percentage (%) for Primary CQI type A cell and HSDPA CQI 2 <> n/a (derived) | CQI | Sum Cell 1 CQI Type A1 Distribution |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | PctSum_A2 | HSDPA CQI percentage (%) for Primary CQI type A cell and HSDPA CQI 2 <> n/a (derived) | CQI | Sum Cell 1 CQI Type A2 Distribution |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | PctSum2 | HSDPA CQI percentage (%) for Primary CQI type B cell (derived) | CQI | Sum Cell 2 CQI Type B Distribution |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | Physical Layer Requested TP (kbps) | HSDPA physical layer requested throughput (kbit/s). Computational throughput based on the transport block sizes indicated by the CQI values. In MIMO mode, only CQI type A is used for the calculation. This is the throughput that would have been achieved if the network had sent the link adaptation parameters defined by the CQI. | CQI | HSDPA physical layer requested throughput |
WCDMA | HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | Sample Duration (ms) | Sample duration (ms). The time from which samples are collected for the distribution. | CQI | Sample duration |
WCDMA | HSDPA HARQ Process Info | HARQ Blocks in Error Per Process | HSDPA HARQ process BLER (%). The ratio of erroneously received MAChs PDUs to all received MAChs PDUs for each HARQ process separately. | HARQI | HSDPA HARQ process BLER |
WCDMA | HSDPA HARQ Process Info | HARQ Blocks Transferred Per Process | The number of MAChs PDUs transferred per HARQ process. | HARQI | HSDPA HARQ blocks transferred |
WCDMA | HSDPA HARQ Process Info | HARQ Process Identifier | HSDPA HARQ process Identifier | HARQI | HSDPA HARQ process Identifier |
WCDMA | HSDPA HARQ Process Info | HS Phy Served Throughput Per Process (kbps) | HSDPA HARQ process throughput (kbit/s). The value of the parameter is calculated from the transport block sizes for each HARQ process separately. | HARQI | HSDPA HARQ process throughput |
WCDMA | HSDPA HARQ Process Info | Number of HARQ processes | Number of HARQ processes | HARQI | Number of HARQ processes |
WCDMA | HSDPA HS-SCCH Code Usage | HS-SCCH Channelization Code | HSDPA HS-SCCH channelisation code | HSSCCHI | HSDPA HS-SCCH channelisation code |
WCDMA | HSDPA HS-SCCH Code Usage | HS-SCCH Usage (%) | HSDPA HS-SCCH usage | HSSCCHI | HSDPA HS-SCCH usage |
WCDMA | HSDPA HS-SCCH Code Usage | Number of HS-SCCH Channels | Number of channels | HSSCCHI | Number of channels |
WCDMA | HSDPA MAC Layer Throughput | BinCount | Number of header parameters | PLAID | BinCount |
WCDMA | HSDPA MAC Layer Throughput | MAC-hs 1st Retransmission Blocks | HSDPA MAChs 1st retransmission rate. The ratio of MAChs PDUs retransmitted after the first transmission attempt. | MACRATE | MAC-hs 1st retr. |
WCDMA | HSDPA MAC Layer Throughput | MAC-hs 2nd Retransmission Blocks | HSDPA MAChs 2nd retransmission rate. The ratio of MAChs PDUs retransmitted after the second transmission attempt. | MACRATE | MAC-hs 2nd retr. |
WCDMA | HSDPA MAC Layer Throughput | MAC-hs 3rd Retransmission Blocks | HSDPA MAChs 3rd+ retransmission rate. The ratio of MAChs PDUs retransmitted after the third or later transmission attempt. | MACRATE | MAC-hs 3rd retr. |
WCDMA | HSDPA MAC Layer Throughput | MAC-hs Blocks Transmitted | HSDPA MAChs block rate. The total number of MAChs PDUs received during the reporting interval. | MACRATE | MAC-hs block rate |
WCDMA | HSDPA MAC Layer Throughput | MAChsTput | HSDPA MAChs throughput. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully received through the MAChs layer. Missing and erroneous MAChs blocks are excluded from the throughput calculation. When exact MAChs SDUs are not available the approximation of the MAChs throughput is calculated based on transport block sizes ignoring incorrect or duplicated transport blocks. This causes a minor error between reported throughput and real MAC hs throughput but it still provides a very good approximation of the real MAChs throughput. | MACRATE | MAC-hs bitrate |
WCDMA | HSDPA MAC Layer Throughput | Number of Transport Channels | Number of transport channels | MACRATE | #TRCH |
WCDMA | HSDPA MAC Layer Throughput | Transport Channel ID | Transport channel ID | MACRATE | TrCh ID |
WCDMA | HSDPA MAC Layer Throughput | Transport Channel Type | Transport channel type | MACRATE | TrCh type |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation Rate | Carrier 1 Stream 1 Modulation Rate (%) | HSDPA modulation | PLAID | Modulation |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation Rate | Carrier 1 Stream 1 Modulation Scheme | HSDPA modulation | PLAID | Modulation |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation Rate | Carrier 1 Stream 2 Modulation Rate (%) | HSDPA modulation | PLAID | Modulation |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation Rate | Carrier 1 Stream 2 Modulation Scheme | HSDPA modulation | PLAID | Modulation |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation Rate | Carrier 2 Stream 1 Modulation Rate (%) | HSDPA modulation | PLAID | Modulation |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation Rate | Carrier 2 Stream 1 Modulation Scheme | HSDPA modulation | PLAID | Modulation |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation Rate | Carrier 2 Stream 2 Modulation Rate (%) | HSDPA modulation | PLAID | Modulation |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation Rate | Carrier 2 Stream 2 Modulation Scheme | HSDPA modulation | PLAID | Modulation |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation Rate | DTX Rate Carrier 1 (%) | HSDPA percentage (%). Percentage of this set from the total sample duration. Note that the sum of the percentages is 200 when the measurement event contains information about primary and secondary HSDPA cells. | PLAID | Distribution DTX (Primary Cell or SingleCarrier) |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation Rate | DTX Rate Carrier 1 Stream 2 (%) | HSDPA percentage (%). Percentage of this set from the total sample duration. Note that the sum of the percentages is 200 when the measurement event contains information about primary and secondary HSDPA cells. | PLAID | Distribution DTX (Primary Cell or SingleCarrier, Stream2) |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation Rate | DTX Rate Carrier 2 (%) | HSDPA percentage (%). Percentage of this set from the total sample duration. Note that the sum of the percentages is 200 when the measurement event contains information about primary and secondary HSDPA cells. | PLAID | Distribution DTX (Secondary Cell) |
WCDMA | HSDPA Modulation Rate | DTX Rate Carrier 2 Stream 2 (%) | HSDPA percentage (%). Percentage of this set from the total sample duration. Note that the sum of the percentages is 200 when the measurement event contains information about primary and secondary HSDPA cells. | PLAID | Distribution DTX (Secondary Cell, Stream2) |
WCDMA | HSDPA Throughput | HS Phy Scheduled Throughput Total (kbps) | HSDPA HSPDSCH throughput (kbit/s). HighSpeed Physical Downlink Shared Channel throughput is calculated from all (also retransmitted) transport blocks received from the HSDSCH transport channel and divided by sample duration. This parameter is also known as HSDPA physical channel throughput or served throughput. | PLAID | Scheduled rate |
WCDMA | HSDPA Throughput | HS Phy Served Throughput Total (kbps) | HSDPA HSPDSCH throughput (kbit/s). HighSpeed Physical Downlink Shared Channel throughput is calculated from all (also retransmitted) transport blocks received from the HSDSCH transport channel and divided by sample duration. This parameter is also known as HSDPA physical channel throughput or served throughput. | PLAID | ServedTP |
WCDMA | HSUPA Absolute Grant | Absolute Grant Index | HSUPA AGCH absolute grant index. Absolute grant index provides the information of how much power a user equipment can use for transmission. See more 3GPP TS 125.321 subclause | AGRANT | AGCH index |
WCDMA | HSUPA Absolute Grant | AGCH Grant Scope | HSUPA AGCH absolute grant scope. See more 3GPP TS 125.321 subclause | AGRANT | AGCH scope |
WCDMA | HSUPA Absolute Grant | AGCH Grant Selector | HSUPA AGCH absolute grant selector. 1 = Primary, 2 = Secondary. | AGRANT | AGCH selector |
WCDMA | HSUPA Absolute Grant | Cell Type | HSUPA cell type | AGRANT | Cell type |
WCDMA | HSUPA Absolute Grant | E-DPDCH / DPCCH Ratio (dB) | HSUPA AGCH absolute grant power. Absolute grant power level is issued to a user equipment (UE) by the network and is the maximum amount of power the UE is allowed to use for transmission. Power ratio between EDPDCH and DPCCH channels. See more 3GPP TS 125.212 subclause 4.10.1A. | AGRANT | AGCH grant |
WCDMA | HSUPA Absolute Grant | SGRANT Selector | HSUPA serving grant selector. Defines currently selected ERNTI. 1 = Primary, 2 = Secondary. | AGRANT | E-RNTI selector |
WCDMA | HSUPA E-DCH Info | % Non-Serving ACK | HSUPA nonserving ACK percentage. Defines how often only nonserving EDCH cell has reported ACK. Nontransmitting frames are ignored. | EDCHI | NS ACKs % |
WCDMA | HSUPA E-DCH Info | % Non-Serving Grant Down | HSUPA nonserving grant down percentage down %. Defines how often nonserving EDCH cell has reported grant down even if serving EDCH cell has reported grant up or hold. Non transmitting frames are ignored. | EDCHI | NS grant down % |
WCDMA | HSUPA E-DCH Info | Cell Type | HSUPA cell type | EDCHI | Cell type |
WCDMA | HSUPA E-DCH Info | HICH % ACK | HSUPA HICH ACK percentage | EDCHI | HICH ACK percentage |
WCDMA | HSUPA E-DCH Info | HICH % DTX | HSUPA HICH DTX percentage | EDCHI | HICH DTX percentage |
WCDMA | HSUPA E-DCH Info | HICH % NACK | HSUPA HICH NACK percentage | EDCHI | HICH NACK percentage |
WCDMA | HSUPA E-DCH Info | HSUPA Channel Number | HSUPA channel | EDCHI | Channel number |
WCDMA | HSUPA E-DCH Info | HSUPA PSC | HSUPA scrambling code | EDCHI | Scrambling code |
WCDMA | HSUPA E-DCH Info | HSUPA Radio Link Set | HSUPA radio link set. This parameter is the same as RG combination index defined in RRC protocol specification. | EDCHI | HSUPA radio link set |
WCDMA | HSUPA E-DCH Info | Number of E-DCH Cells | Number of EDCH cells | EDCHI | #Cells |
WCDMA | HSUPA E-DCH Info | RGCH % Grant Down | HSUPA RGCH grant down percentage | EDCHI | RGCH grant down percentage |
WCDMA | HSUPA E-DCH Info | RGCH % Grant Hold | HSUPA RGCH grant hold percentage | EDCHI | RGCH grant hold percentage |
WCDMA | HSUPA E-DCH Info | RGCH % Grant Up | HSUPA HICH NACK percentage | EDCHI | RGCH grant up percentage |
WCDMA | HSUPA Happy Bit Indicator | DTX Percentage | HSUPA happy bit DTX percentage (%). How many TTIs DTX was used during previous reporting period. | HBI | DTX |
WCDMA | HSUPA Happy Bit Indicator | Happy Bit Percentage | HSUPA happy bit status percentage (%). Defines how often happy bit status was set happy during previous reporting interval excluding DTX TTIs. | HBI | Happy bit |
WCDMA | HSUPA Happy Bit Indicator | Reporting Interval (ms) | HSUPA happy bit reporting interval (ms). Defines how often HBI measurement event is reported during HSUPA transfer. | HBI | Reporting interval |
WCDMA | HSUPA MAC Layer Throughput | Cell Type | HSUPA cell type | MACERATE | Cell type |
WCDMA | HSUPA MAC Layer Throughput | MAC-e 1st Retransmission Blocks | HSUPA MACe 1st retransmission rate (%). The ratio of MACe PDUs retransmitted after the first transmission attempt. | MACERATE | MAC-e 1st retr. |
WCDMA | HSUPA MAC Layer Throughput | MAC-e 2nd Retransmission Blocks | HSUPA MACe 2nd retransmission rate (%). The ratio of MACe PDUs retransmitted after the second transmission attempt. | MACERATE | MAC-e 2nd retr. |
WCDMA | HSUPA MAC Layer Throughput | MAC-e 3rd Retransmission Blocks | HSUPA MACe 3rd+ retransmission rate (%). The ratio of MACe PDUs retransmitted after the third or later transmission attempt. | MACERATE | MAC-e 3rd retr. |
WCDMA | HSUPA MAC Layer Throughput | MAC-e Blocks Transmitted | HSUPA MACe block rate. The total number of MACe PDUs transmitted during the reporting period. | MACERATE | MAC-e block rate |
WCDMA | HSUPA MAC Layer Throughput | MAC-e Throughput (kbps) | HSUPA MACe throughput (kbit/s). The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the MACe layer. Missing and erroneous MACe blocks are excluded from the throughput calculation. Approximation of MACe throughput is calculated from transport block sizes if real MACe throughput is not provided by diagnostic interface of the device. Approximation is a little bit higher than real MACe throughput since it contains MAC headers and padding. | MACERATE | MAC-e bitrate |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | E-TFC Selection Data-Limited (%) | HSUPA ETFC selection limited by lack of data percentage. Percentage of frames when larger ETFCI cannot be selected since mobile's output buffers doesn't contain enough data. | PLAIU | Lim. lack of data |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | E-TFC Selection HARQ-Limited (%) | HSUPA ETFC selection limited by HARQ restriction percentage. Percentage of frames when larger ETFCI cannot be selected since certain MACd flows cannot be send using current used HARQ process. Allowed HARQ processes per MACd flow is controlled by 2ms nonscheduled transmission grant HARQ process allocation parameter in 3GPP TS 125.331 subclause Nonzero only when 2ms subframes are used. | PLAIU | Lim. by HARQ |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | E-TFC Selection Max-Power-Limited (%) | HSUPA ETFC selection limited by max power percentage. Percentage of frames when larger ETFCI selection would cause exceeding of the maximum allowed TX power usage. | PLAIU | Lim. max power |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | E-TFC Selection MUX-Limited (%) | HSUPA ETFC selection limited by mux restriction percentage. Percentage of frames when larger ETFCI cannot be selected since MACd flows containing data cannot be multiplexed together with currently selected MACd flow. Allowed multiplexing is defined by EDCH MACd flow multiplexing list parameter in 3GPP TS 125.331 subclause | PLAIU | Lim. by mux |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | E-TFC Selection Serving-Grant-Limited (%) | HSUPA ETFC selection limited by serving grant percentage. Percentage of frames when larger ETFCI cannot be selected since it would require more power than allowed by current serving grant. | PLAIU | Lim. grant |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | HSUPA E-DPDCH throughput | HSUPA EDPDCH throughput (kbit/s). EDPDCH throughput is calculated from all (including retransmitted) transport blocks transmitted in the EDCH transport channel. | PLAIU | E-DPDCH Rate |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | HSUPA E-TFCI (text) | HSUPA ETFCI | PLAIU | E-TFCI |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | HSUPA Modulation | HSUPA modulation | PLAIU | Modulation |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | Most-common Serving Grant | HSUPA average serving grant. The most common value is reported. | PLAIU | Average serving grant |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | No. of records used for this bin | Number of parameters per packet link adpatation set | PLAIU | #Params/PLA set |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | No. of UL PLA Sets in the latest record | Number of packet link adaptation sets | PLAIU | #PLA sets |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | Original Sample Duratio (ms) | Sample duration | PLAIU | Sample duration |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | Pct_ValidSG | HSUPA percentage (%). Percentage of this set from the total sample duration. Note that the sum of the percentages is 200 when the measurement event contains information about primary and secondary HSDPA cells. | PLAIU | Percentage |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | Pct_X_ValidETFCI | HSUPA ETFCI | PLAIU | E-TFCI |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | Pct_X_ValidReTx_Rate | HSUPA retransmission rate per LA (%). The ratio of erroneous MACe PDUs retransmitted using this link adaptation configuration. | PLAIU | Retr. |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | Pct_X_ValidSGIndex | HSUPA average serving grant. The most common value is reported. | PLAIU | Avg. SG index |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | Pct_X_ValidSGPwr | HSUPA average serving grant power (dB). 10.0 if ZERO_GRANT. | PLAIU | Avg. SG |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | Pct_X_ValidTBS | HSUPA transport block size (bit) | PLAIU | TB size |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | PctForSum | HSUPA percentage (%). Percentage of this set from the total sample duration. Note that the sum of the percentages is 200 when the measurement event contains information about primary and secondary HSDPA cells. | PLAIU | Distribution |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | Retransmission Rate (%) | HSUPA retransmission rate per LA (%). The ratio of erroneous MACe PDUs retransmitted using this link adaptation configuration. | PLAIU | Retransmission rate |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | SGRANT E-DPDCH-to-DPCCH Ratio (dB) | HSUPA average serving grant power (dB). 10.0 if ZERO_GRANT. | PLAIU | Average serving grant power |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | Spreading and Channelization Codes | HSUPA spreading and channelisation codes | PLAIU | SFs |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | Transport Block Size (bits) | HSUPA transport block size (bit) | PLAIU | TB size |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | ValidETFCI | HSUPA ETFCI | PLAIU | E-TFCI |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | ValidReTx_Rate | HSUPA retransmission rate per LA (%). The ratio of erroneous MACe PDUs retransmitted using this link adaptation configuration. | PLAIU | Retr. |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | ValidSGIndex | HSUPA average serving grant. The most common value is reported. | PLAIU | Avg. SG index |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | ValidSGPwr | HSUPA average serving grant power (dB). 10.0 if ZERO_GRANT. | PLAIU | Avg. SG |
WCDMA | HSUPA Packet Link Adaptation | ValidTBS | HSUPA transport block size (bit) | PLAIU | TB size |
WCDMA | HSUPA Scheduling Information | HLBS array | HSUPA SI highest priority logical channel buffer status | HSUPASI | HLBS |
WCDMA | HSUPA Scheduling Information | HLID | HSUPA SI highest priority logical channel ID | HSUPASI | HLID |
WCDMA | HSUPA Scheduling Information | Number of SI sent | HSUPA scheduling information count. Number of Scheduling Informations sent during reporting period. | HSUPASI | SI count |
WCDMA | HSUPA Scheduling Information | TEBS array | HSUPA SI total EDCH buffer status. This is a mode of all EDCH buffer status received during reporting period. | HSUPASI | TEBS |
WCDMA | HSUPA Scheduling Information | TEBS:Max | HSUPA SI total EDCH buffer status maximum. This is a maximum of all EDCH buffer status received during reporting period. | HSUPASI | TEBS max |
WCDMA | HSUPA Scheduling Information | TEBS:Min | HSUPA SI total EDCH buffer status minimum. This is a minimum of all EDCH buffer status received during reporting period. | HSUPASI | TEBS min |
WCDMA | HSUPA Scheduling Information | UE Power Headroom array | HSUPA SI UE power headroom. This is mode of all UE power headrooms received during reporting period. | HSUPASI | UPH |
WCDMA | HSUPA Scheduling Information | UE Power Headroom (dB):Max | HSUPA SI UE power headroom maximum. This is maximum of all UE power headrooms received during reporting period. | HSUPASI | UPH max |
WCDMA | HSUPA Scheduling Information | UE Power Headroom (dB):Min | HSUPA SI UE power headroom minimum. This is minimum of all UE power headrooms received during reporting period. | HSUPASI | UPH min |
WCDMA | HSUPA Serving Grant | Cell Type | HSUPA cell type | SGRANT | Cell type |
WCDMA | HSUPA Serving Grant | E-DPDCH / DPCCH Ratio (dB) | HSUPA serving grant power. Power ratio between E-DPDCH and DPCCH channels. -10.0 if ZERO_GRANT. | SGRANT | Serving grant |
WCDMA | HSUPA Serving Grant | E-DPDCH/DPCCH Ratio - Max | HSUPA serving grant power. Power ratio between E-DPDCH and DPCCH channels. -10.0 if ZERO_GRANT. | SGRANT | Distribution |
WCDMA | HSUPA Serving Grant | E-DPDCH/DPCCH Ratio - Min | HSUPA serving grant power. Power ratio between E-DPDCH and DPCCH channels. -10.0 if ZERO_GRANT. | SGRANT | Distribution |
WCDMA | HSUPA Serving Grant | Granted Rate | HSUPA granted throughput. The throughput that would have been achieved if all power defined by the serving grant had been used for the data transmission (kbps). | SGRANT | Granted Rate |
WCDMA | HSUPA Serving Grant | Non0SGRANT_Pct | HSUPA serving grant distribution | SGRANT | Distribution |
WCDMA | HSUPA Serving Grant | Original Sample Duration (ms) | The time from which samples are collected for the distribution (ms). | SGRANT | Sample duration |
WCDMA | HSUPA Serving Grant | Pct_X_SGRANT_Index | HSUPA serving grant distribution | SGRANT | Distribution |
WCDMA | HSUPA Serving Grant | Pct_X_SGRANT_Pwr | HSUPA serving grant power. Power ratio between E-DPDCH and DPCCH channels. -10.0 if ZERO_GRANT. | SGRANT | Distribution, SG index |
WCDMA | HSUPA Serving Grant | Records used for this bin | Number of serving grant sets | SGRANT | #SG sets |
WCDMA | HSUPA Serving Grant | Serving Grant Index | HSUPA serving grant index. See more 3GPP TS 125.321 subclause | SGRANT | SG index |
WCDMA | HSUPA Serving Grant | Serving Grant Utilization | HSUPA serving grant utilization. SG utilization is the total of all transferred scheduled bits divided by bits that could have been transferred if the appropriate serving grant index had been used. This is approximately the same as the ratio between transferred throughput and serving grant throughput. | SGRANT | SG utilization |
WCDMA | HSUPA Serving Grant | SGRANT Index - Highest | HSUPA serving grant index. See more 3GPP TS 125.321 subclause | SGRANT | SG index |
WCDMA | HSUPA Serving Grant | SGRANT Index - Lowest | HSUPA serving grant index. See more 3GPP TS 125.321 subclause | SGRANT | SG index |
WCDMA | HSUPA Serving Grant | SGRANT Key | HSUPA serving grant index. See more 3GPP TS 125.321 subclause | SGRANT | SG index |
WCDMA | HSUPA Serving Grant | SGRANT_Pct | HSUPA serving grant distribution | SGRANT | Distribution |
Service Quality | 5GMark Data | App. Rate DL | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for Instagram protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 36) |
Service Quality | 5GMark Data | App. Rate UL | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for Instagram protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 36) |
Service Quality | 5GMark Data | Received kBytes DL | Transferred bytes downlink for Instagram protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 36) |
Service Quality | 5GMark Data | Sent kBytes | Transferred bytes uplink for Instagram protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 36) |
Service Quality | Google Drive Data | App. Rate DL | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for Instagram protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 34) |
Service Quality | Google Drive Data | App. Rate UL | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for Instagram protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 34) |
Service Quality | Google Drive Data | Received kBytes DL | Transferred bytes downlink for Instagram protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 34) |
Service Quality | Google Drive Data | Sent kBytes | Transferred bytes uplink for Instagram protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 34) |
Service Quality | Instagram Data | App. Rate DL | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for Instagram protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 20) |
Service Quality | Instagram Data | App. Rate UL | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for Instagram protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 20) |
Service Quality | Instagram Data | Received kBytes DL | Transferred bytes downlink for Instagram protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 20) |
Service Quality | Instagram Data | Sent kBytes | Transferred bytes uplink for Instagram protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 20) |
Service Quality | iPerf2 Data | App. Rate DL | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for Instagram protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 32) |
Service Quality | iPerf2 Data | App. Rate UL | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for Instagram protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 32) |
Service Quality | iPerf2 Data | Received kBytes DL | Transferred bytes downlink for Instagram protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 32) |
Service Quality | iPerf2 Data | Sent kBytes | Transferred bytes uplink for Instagram protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 32) |
Service Quality | iPerf3 Data | App. Rate DL | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for Instagram protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 31) |
Service Quality | iPerf3 Data | App. Rate UL | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for Instagram protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 31) |
Service Quality | iPerf3 Data | Received kBytes DL | Transferred bytes downlink for Instagram protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 31) |
Service Quality | iPerf3 Data | Sent kBytes | Transferred bytes uplink for Instagram protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 31) |
Service Quality | LinkedIn Data | App. Rate DL | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for Linkedin protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 21) |
Service Quality | LinkedIn Data | App. Rate UL | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for Linkedin protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 21) |
Service Quality | LinkedIn Data | Received kBytes DL | Transferred bytes downlink for Linkedin protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 21) |
Service Quality | LinkedIn Data | Sent kBytes | Transferred bytes uplink for Linkedin protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 21) |
Service Quality | Line Data | App. Rate DL | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for Linkedin protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 33) |
Service Quality | Line Data | App. Rate UL | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for Linkedin protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 33) |
Service Quality | Line Data | Received kBytes DL | Transferred bytes downlink for Linkedin protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 33) |
Service Quality | Line Data | Sent kBytes | Transferred bytes uplink for Linkedin protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 33) |
Service Quality | mScore Data | App. Rate DL | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for Linkedin protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 25) |
Service Quality | mScore Data | App. Rate UL | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for Linkedin protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 25) |
Service Quality | mScore Data | Received kBytes DL | Transferred bytes downlink for Linkedin protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 25) |
Service Quality | mScore Data | Sent kBytes | Transferred bytes uplink for Linkedin protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 25) |
LTE | LTE AMR Codec Usage (Nemo) | Active Codec Set DL | AMR mode downlink | AMRS | AMR mode DL |
LTE | LTE AMR Codec Usage (Nemo) | Active Codec Set UL | AMR mode uplink | AMRS | AMR mode UL |
LTE | LTE Band RSSI Scan | Sc RSSI (dBm) | Carrier RSSI (frequency scanning mode). Carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | FREQSCAN | RSSI |
LTE | LTE Band RSSI Scan | Sc RSSI Band | Band | FREQSCAN | Band |
LTE | LTE Band RSSI Scan | Sc RSSI EARFCN | Channel number | FREQSCAN | Ch |
LTE | LTE Band RSSI Scan | Sc RSSI EARFCN (Group-by SF) | Channel number | FREQSCAN | Ch |
LTE | LTE Band RSSI Scan | Sc RSSI PCI (Group-by SF) | Physical cell identity | FREQSCAN | PCI |
LTE | LTE Band RSSI Scan | Sc RSSI SF (Group-by SF) | Subframe | FREQSCAN | Subframe |
LTE | LTE Band RSSI Scan | Sc RSSI (dBm - Group-by SF) | Carrier RSSI (frequency scanning mode). Carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | FREQSCAN | RSSI |
LTE | LTE Cell Info Scanning | Sc Band | Band | CELLSCAN | Band |
LTE | LTE Cell Info Scanning | Sc Cell Identity | Scanned physical cell identity | CELLSCAN | PCI |
LTE | LTE Cell Info Scanning | Sc Cell_ID | Scanned cell identification. Cell identity of the current cell. For GSM this is 16 bit value, for UMTS this is 28 bit value (RNC ID + 16 bit cell ID), and for LTE this is 28 bit value (eNB ID + 8 bit cell ID). | CELLSCAN | Cell ID |
LTE | LTE Cell Info Scanning | Sc EARFCN | Scanned channel number | CELLSCAN | EARFCN |
LTE | LTE Cell Info Scanning | Sc EARFCN_CI | Scanned channel number, Scanned physical cell identity | CELLSCAN | EARFCN_CI |
LTE | LTE Cell Info Scanning | Sc TAC | Scanned TAC | CELLSCAN | TAC |
LTE | LTE Cell Info Scanning | Sc MBSFN Subframe Ratio (%) | Ratio of allocated eMBMS or DSS subframes to radio frame allocation period. | CELLSCAN | MBSFN subframe ratio |
LTE | LTE Cell Info Scanning | Sc MCC | Scanned MCC | CELLSCAN | MCC |
LTE | LTE Cell Info Scanning | Sc MNC | Scanned MNC | CELLSCAN | MNC |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc Channel RSSI (dBm) | EUTRAN carrier RSSI. Wideband power of all subcarriers including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. For the reference signal scanning this is the same as EUTRAN carrier RSSI. See 3GPP TS 136.214 subclause 5.1.5. | OFDMSCAN | RSSI (RS) |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | EARFCN_Cell_Identity | Channel number / Physical cell identity | OFDMSCAN | Channel number, PCI |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc P-SCH RP (dBm) | P-SCH RP. Linear average over the power contributions of the resource elements that carry primary synchronization signal. | OFDMSCAN | P-SCH RP |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRP (dBm) | Reference signal received power is the linear average of the power contributions of the resource elements that carry cellspecific reference signals within the considered measurement frequency. 3GPP TS 36.214 subclause 5.1.1. | OFDMSCAN | RSRP |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRP Rx0 Tx0 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRP_100 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRP Rx0 Tx1 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRP_110 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRP Rx0 Tx2 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRP_120 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRP Rx0 Tx3 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRP_130 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRP Rx1 Tx0 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRP_101 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRP Rx1 Tx1 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRP_111 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRP Rx1 Tx2 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRP_121 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRP Rx1 Tx3 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRP_131 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRP Rx2 Tx0 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRP_102 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRP Rx2 Tx1 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRP_112 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRP Rx2 Tx2 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRP_122 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRP Rx2 Tx3 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRP_132 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRP Rx3 Tx0 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRP_103 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRP Rx3 Tx1 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRP_113 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRP Rx3 Tx2 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRP_123 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRP Rx3 Tx3 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRP_133 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc Bandwidth | DL bandwidth. This is the scanned bandwidth when the scanned bandwidth differs from the system bandwidth. | OFDMSCAN | DL bandwidth |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc Cell EARFCN | Channel number | OFDMSCAN | Channel number |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc Cell Identity | Physical cell identity | OFDMSCAN | PCI |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc Delay Spread | Delay spread. The unit of the parameter is 32.552ns that is the same as the Ts parameter defined by 3GPP TS 136.211 subclause 4. | OFDMSCAN | Delay spread (usec) |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc EARFCN | Channel number | OFDMSCAN | Channel number |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc P-SCH RQ (dB) | P-SCH RQ. The ratio between PSCH received power (PSCH RP) and linear average of total received power measured over OFDM symbols and resource blocks, including primary synchronization (PSCH) signal. The measurements in the numerator and denominator are made over the same set of resource blocks. | OFDMSCAN | P-SCH RQ |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RS CINR (dB) | Ratio between the reference signal received power (RSRP) and the interference and noise from the same reference signal set. | OFDMSCAN | RS CINR |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RS CINR Rx0 Tx0 (dB) | CINR/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | CINR_100 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RS CINR Rx0 Tx1 (dB) | CINR/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | CINR_110 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RS CINR Rx0 Tx2 (dB) | CINR/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | CINR_120 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RS CINR Rx0 Tx3 (dB) | CINR/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | CINR_130 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RS CINR Rx1 Tx0 (dB) | CINR/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | CINR_101 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RS CINR Rx1 Tx1 (dB) | CINR/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | CINR_111 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RS CINR Rx1 Tx2 (dB) | CINR/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | CINR_121 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RS CINR Rx1 Tx3 (dB) | CINR/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | CINR_131 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RS CINR Rx2 Tx0 (dB) | CINR/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | CINR_102 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RS CINR Rx2 Tx1 (dB) | CINR/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | CINR_112 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RS CINR Rx2 Tx2 (dB) | CINR/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | CINR_122 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RS CINR Rx2 Tx3 (dB) | CINR/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | CINR_132 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RS CINR Rx3 Tx0 (dB) | CINR/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | CINR_103 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RS CINR Rx3 Tx1 (dB) | CINR/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | CINR_113 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RS CINR Rx3 Tx2 (dB) | CINR/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | CINR_123 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RS CINR Rx3 Tx3 (dB) | CINR/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | CINR_133 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRQ (dB) | Reference signal received quality is the ratio N * RSRP / EUTRA carrier RSSI, where N is the number of resource blocks of the E UTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. The measurements in the numerator and denominator are made over the same set of resource blocks. 3GPP TS 36.214 subclause 5.1.3. | OFDMSCAN | RSRQ |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRQ Rx0 Tx0 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRQ_100 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRQ Rx0 Tx1 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRQ_110 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRQ Rx0 Tx2 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRQ_120 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRQ Rx0 Tx3 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRQ_130 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRQ Rx1 Tx0 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRQ_101 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRQ Rx1 Tx1 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRQ_111 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRQ Rx1 Tx2 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRQ_121 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRQ Rx1 Tx3 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRQ_131 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRQ Rx2 Tx0 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRQ_102 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRQ Rx2 Tx1 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRQ_112 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRQ Rx2 Tx2 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRQ_122 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRQ Rx2 Tx3 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRQ_132 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRQ Rx3 Tx0 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRQ_103 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRQ Rx3 Tx1 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRQ_113 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRQ Rx3 Tx2 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRQ_123 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRQ Rx3 Tx3 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port | OFDMSCAN | RSRQ_133 |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc S-SCH CINR (dB) | S-SCH CINR. The ratio between synchronization channel received power and interference and noise from the same synchronization signal set. | OFDMSCAN | S-SCH CINR |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc S-SCH RQ (dB) | S-SCH RQ. The ratio between PSCH received power (PSCH RP) and linear average of total received power measured over OFDM symbols and resource blocks, including primary synchronization (PSCH) signal. The measurements in the numerator and denominator are made over the same set of resource blocks. | OFDMSCAN | S-SCH RQ |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc Time Offset | The time difference between actual received PSCH primary synchronization signal and expected point in time derived from GPS reference time. The unit of the parameter is 32.552ns that is the same as the Ts parameter defined by 3GPP TS 136.211 | OFDMSCAN | Time offset (usec) |
LTE | LTE Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc S-SCH RP (dBm) | S-SCH RP. Linear average over the power contributions of the resource elements that carry primary synchronization signal. | OFDMSCAN | S-SCH RP |
LTE | LTE CFI Information | PDCCH CFI 1 percentage | PDCCH CFI 1 percentage (%). Defines how many percent of subframes are using CFI 1 meaning that 1 symbol (2 when 1.4 MHz bandwidth) is allocated for PDCCH. See 3GPP TS 36.212 subclause 5.3.4. | PHRATE | CFI 1 |
LTE | LTE CFI Information | PDCCH CFI 2 percentage | PDCCH CFI 2 percentage (%). Defines how many percent of subframes are using CFI 2 meaning that 2 symbols (3 when 1.4 MHz bandwidth) are allocated for PDCCH. See 3GPP TS 36.212 subclause 5.3.4. | PHRATE | CFI 2 |
LTE | LTE CFI Information | PDCCH CFI 3 percentage | PDCCH CFI 3 percentage (%). Defines how many percent of subframes are using CFI 3 meaning that 3 symbols (4 when 1.4 MHz bandwidth) are allocated for PDCCH. See 3GPP TS 36.212 subclause 5.3.4. | PHRATE | CFI 3 |
LTE | LTE CQI Information | CQI for codeword 0 per subband | CQI for codeword 0 per subband. The average channel quality index value over the reporting period for defined subband. Not available when the best M select mode is used. More information about CQI see 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.2. | CQI | CQI CW 0 per SB |
LTE | LTE CQI Information | CQI for codeword 1 per subband | CQI for codeword 1 per subband. The average channel quality index value over the reporting period for defined subband. Not available when the best M select mode is used. More information about CQI see 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.2. | CQI | CQI CW 1 per SB |
LTE | LTE CQI Information | PDSCH Rank Indicator | Rank | CQI | Rank |
LTE | LTE CQI Information | PDSCH Rank Indicator | PDSCH rank. Defines how many data streams are used for the data transmission. When spatial multiplexing transmission scheme is used, the rank is the same as the number of used layers. The value of the parameter is zero when data is not received. | PLAID | Rank |
LTE | LTE CQI Information | Rank1 Sub-band CQI | Subband CQI for codeword 0 if SB CQI 1 = n/a. The subband CQI is the average calculated over the subbands defined by higher layer or selected by mobile. This reported subband CQI value is furthermore averaged over the reporting period before it is logged to the measurement event. More information about CQI see 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.2. | CQI | SB CQI 0 |
LTE | LTE CQI Information | Rank1 Wideband CQI | Wideband CQI for codeword 0 if WB CQI 1 = n/a. This is the average wideband CQI calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.2. | CQI | WB CQI 0 |
LTE | LTE CQI Information | Rank2 Sub-band CQI CW0 | Subband CQI for codeword 0 if SB CQI 1 <> n/a. The subband CQI is the average calculated over the subbands defined by higher layer or selected by mobile. This reported subband CQI value is furthermore averaged over the reporting period before it is logged to the measurement event. More information about CQI see 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.2. | CQI | SB CQI 0 |
LTE | LTE CQI Information | Rank2 Sub-band CQI CW1 | Subband CQI for codeword 1. The subband CQI is the average calculated over the subbands defined by higher layer or selected by mobile. This reported subband CQI value is furthermore averaged over the reporting period before it is logged to the measurement event. More information about CQI see 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.2. | CQI | SB CQI 1 |
LTE | LTE CQI Information | Rank2 Wideband CQI CW0 | Wideband CQI for codeword 0 if WB CQI 1 <> n/a. This is the average wideband CQI calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.2. | CQI | WB CQI 0 |
LTE | LTE CQI Information | Rank2 Wideband CQI CW1 | Wideband CQI for codeword 1. This is the average wideband CQI calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.2. | CQI | WB CQI 1 |
LTE | LTE CQI Information | Rank Indicator Distribution (%) | Rank indication percentage | CQI | RI % |
LTE | LTE CQI Information | PDSCH Rank Indicator | Rank indication. Defines based on RI reports the ratio of time when the mobile would have been able to receive data using defined rank. This is the report from the device to the network how many simultaneous data streams (or layers) it can receive when spatial multiplexing transmission scheme is used. See more 3GPP TS 136.212. | CQI | RI |
LTE | LTE CQI Information | Requested Throughput (kbps) | Requested throughput (kbit/s). Computational throughput based on the transport block sizes indicated by the wideband CQI values. It is assumed that all eNodeB resources are available for the device, three PDCCH symbols are allocated for each subframe, no PRBs are allocated for PBCH, PSCH, or SSCH physical channels, and BLER is zero. In situations where rank 2 or rank 4 reception would have been possible, wideband CQI values of both codewords are used in the throughput calculation. This is the estimation of throughput that would have been achieved if the network had used the link adaptation parameters defined by the CQI. This estimation may be overestimation because of zero BLER hypothesis and since no PRBs are allocated for other physical channels or it can be underestimation since for PDCCH three symbols are always reserved. | CQI | Requested throughput |
LTE | LTE CQI Information | SampleDuration | Sample duration | CQI | Sample duration |
LTE | LTE CQI Information | SampleDuration | Sample duration | PLAID | Sample duration |
LTE | LTE CQI Information | Sub-band Index | CQI subband index. Subband Channel Quality Indication (CQI) reports the quality on a selected set of preferred subbands by the UE. The selected set can also be configured from a higher layer. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.2. | CQI | SB index |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | CQI CW 0 Carrier 1 | Wideband CQI for codeword 0 if WB CQI 1 = n/a. This is the average wideband CQI calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.2. Serving cell type = Pcell. | CQI | WB CQI 0 Pcell |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | CQI CW 0 Carrier 2 | Wideband CQI for codeword 0 if WB CQI 1 = n/a. This is the average wideband CQI calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.2. Serving cell type = Scell0. | CQI | WB CQI 0 Scell 1 |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | CQI CW 0 Carrier 3 | Wideband CQI for codeword 0 if WB CQI 1 = n/a. This is the average wideband CQI calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.2. Serving cell type = Scell1. | CQI | WB CQI 0 Scell 2 |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | CQI CW 0 Carrier 4 | Wideband CQI for codeword 0 if WB CQI 1 = n/a. This is the average wideband CQI calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.2. Serving cell type = Scell2. | CQI | WB CQI 0 Scell 3 |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | CQI CW 0 Carrier 5 | Wideband CQI for codeword 0 if WB CQI 1 = n/a. This is the average wideband CQI calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.2. Serving cell type = Scell3. | CQI | WB CQI 0 Scell 4 |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | CQI CW 1 Carrier 1 | Subband CQI for codeword 0 if SB CQI 1 <> n/a. The subband CQI is the average calculated over the subbands defined by higher layer or selected by mobile. This reported subband CQI value is furthermore averaged over the reporting period before it is logged to the measurement event. More information about CQI see 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.2. Serving cell type = Pcell. | CQI | WB CQI 1 Pcell |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | CQI CW 1 Carrier 2 | Subband CQI for codeword 0 if SB CQI 1 <> n/a. The subband CQI is the average calculated over the subbands defined by higher layer or selected by mobile. This reported subband CQI value is furthermore averaged over the reporting period before it is logged to the measurement event. More information about CQI see 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.2. Serving cell type = Scell0. | CQI | WB CQI 1 Scell 1 |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | CQI CW 1 Carrier 3 | Subband CQI for codeword 0 if SB CQI 1 <> n/a. The subband CQI is the average calculated over the subbands defined by higher layer or selected by mobile. This reported subband CQI value is furthermore averaged over the reporting period before it is logged to the measurement event. More information about CQI see 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.2. Serving cell type = Scell1. | CQI | WB CQI 1 Scell 2 |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | CQI CW 1 Carrier 4 | Subband CQI for codeword 0 if SB CQI 1 <> n/a. The subband CQI is the average calculated over the subbands defined by higher layer or selected by mobile. This reported subband CQI value is furthermore averaged over the reporting period before it is logged to the measurement event. More information about CQI see 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.2. Serving cell type = Scell2. | CQI | WB CQI 1 Scell 3 |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | CQI CW 1 Carrier 5 | Subband CQI for codeword 0 if SB CQI 1 <> n/a. The subband CQI is the average calculated over the subbands defined by higher layer or selected by mobile. This reported subband CQI value is furthermore averaged over the reporting period before it is logged to the measurement event. More information about CQI see 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.2. Serving cell type = Scell3. | CQI | WB CQI 1 Scell 4 |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | PMI Carrier 1 | Wideband PMI. The logged value is the most commonly used value during the reporting period. A user equipment uses Precoding Matrix Indicator (PMI) to inform the eNodeB which precoding matrix should be used for downlink transmission according to the rank indication. See 3GPP TS 136.213 subclause 7.2.4. Serving cell type = Pcell. | CQI | WB PMI Pcell |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | PMI Carrier 2 | Wideband PMI. The logged value is the most commonly used value during the reporting period. A user equipment uses Precoding Matrix Indicator (PMI) to inform the eNodeB which precoding matrix should be used for downlink transmission according to the rank indication. See 3GPP TS 136.213 subclause 7.2.4. Serving cell type = Scell0. | CQI | WB PMI Scell 1 |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | PMI Carrier 3 | Wideband PMI. The logged value is the most commonly used value during the reporting period. A user equipment uses Precoding Matrix Indicator (PMI) to inform the eNodeB which precoding matrix should be used for downlink transmission according to the rank indication. See 3GPP TS 136.213 subclause 7.2.4. Serving cell type = Scell1. | CQI | WB PMI Scell 2 |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | PMI Carrier 4 | Wideband PMI. The logged value is the most commonly used value during the reporting period. A user equipment uses Precoding Matrix Indicator (PMI) to inform the eNodeB which precoding matrix should be used for downlink transmission according to the rank indication. See 3GPP TS 136.213 subclause 7.2.4. Serving cell type = Scell2. | CQI | WB PMI Scell 3 |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | PMI Carrier 5 | Wideband PMI. The logged value is the most commonly used value during the reporting period. A user equipment uses Precoding Matrix Indicator (PMI) to inform the eNodeB which precoding matrix should be used for downlink transmission according to the rank indication. See 3GPP TS 136.213 subclause 7.2.4. Serving cell type = Scell3. | CQI | WB PMI Scell 4 |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | RI Carrier 1 | PDSCH rank. Defines how many data streams are used for the data transmission. When spatial multiplexing transmission scheme is used, the rank is the same as the number of used layers. The value of the parameter is zero when data is not received. | PLAID | Rank |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | RI Carrier 2 | PDSCH rank. Defines how many data streams are used for the data transmission. When spatial multiplexing transmission scheme is used, the rank is the same as the number of used layers. The value of the parameter is zero when data is not received. | PLAID | Rank |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | RI Carrier 3 | PDSCH rank. Defines how many data streams are used for the data transmission. When spatial multiplexing transmission scheme is used, the rank is the same as the number of used layers. The value of the parameter is zero when data is not received. | PLAID | Rank |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | RI Carrier 4 | PDSCH rank. Defines how many data streams are used for the data transmission. When spatial multiplexing transmission scheme is used, the rank is the same as the number of used layers. The value of the parameter is zero when data is not received. | PLAID | Rank |
LTE | LTE CQI Summary | RI Carrier 5 | PDSCH rank. Defines how many data streams are used for the data transmission. When spatial multiplexing transmission scheme is used, the rank is the same as the number of used layers. The value of the parameter is zero when data is not received. | PLAID | Rank |
LTE | LTE Frame Error Rate (FER) | Speech frame FER (%) | Frame error rate (%). Calculated from the speech frames. | FER | Frame error rate |
LTE | LTE Handover History | Handover delay (ms) | Handover duration. With the LTE this defines the handover duration containing handover processing and interrupt time. Time from the handover initiating RRC signaling message to the succesfully completed RACH procedure in the new cell. | HOI | Handover duration |
LTE | LTE Handover History | HO to preamble time | Handover to preamble time. Time from handover attempt (RRC signaling message) to the first random access preamble (MSG1) in the target cell. Only support for LTE to LTE handovers. | HOI | HO to preamble tim |
LTE | LTE Handover History | HO U-plane interruption | Handover Uplane interruption time. Defines the time from the last packet in the old cell to the first packet in the new cell. | HOI | HO U-plane interruption |
LTE | LTE MAC Throughput DL | Cell type | Serving cell type. The value of this parameter is the same as the serving cell index. | MACRATE | Cell type |
LTE | LTE MAC Throughput DL | MAC DL BLER (%) | MAC downlink BLER. The ratio of erroneously received transport blocks to all received transport blocks. | MACRATE | MAC DL BLER |
LTE | LTE MAC Throughput DL | MAC DL BLER 1st (%) | MAC downlink BLER. The ratio of 1st retransmissions to all received TBs. | MACRATE | MAC DL BLER 1st |
LTE | LTE MAC Throughput DL | MAC DL BLER 2nd (%) | MAC downlink BLER. The ratio of 2nd retransmissions to all received TBs. | MACRATE | MAC DL BLER 2nd |
LTE | LTE MAC Throughput DL | MAC DL BLER 3rd+ (%) | MAC downlink BLER. The ratio of 3rd or more retransmissions to all received TBs. | MACRATE | MAC DL BLER 3rd+ |
LTE | LTE MAC Throughput DL | MAC DL BLER residual (%) | MAC downlink residual BLER. Defines the ratio of transport blocks that HARQ was not able to correct and RLC layer has to fix. The ratio of HARQ failed transport blocks to new transmissions. | MACRATE | MAC DL residual BLER |
LTE | LTE MAC Throughput DL | MAC DL Bytes | MAC downlink throughput. MAC throughput that is calculated from succesfully received SDUs. With the devices that do not support MAC throughput parameter the estimation of MAC throughput is calculated from succesfully received transport blocks. The estimation is a little bit higher than the real MAC throughput since it includes MAC header, MAC control data, and padding to the throughput. | MACRATE | MAC DL bitrate |
LTE | LTE MAC Throughput DL | MAC DL new | MAC downlink new blocks. The number of received new (1st attempt) transport blocks since the last report. | MACRATE | MAC DL new |
LTE | LTE MAC Throughput DL | MAC DL redundant retr. | MAC downlink redundant retransmission. The ratio of transport blocks that were already correctly received and have unnecessarily been retransmitted (duplicated transmission). This happens when the ACK message sent by the mobile is decoded or received incorrectly, or not received at all, by the the base station. | MACRATE | MAC DL redundant retr |
LTE | LTE MAC Throughput DL | Total MAC DL Blocks | MAC downlink block rate rate. Number of succesfully received transport blocks excluding redundant. | MACRATE | MAC DL block rate |
LTE | LTE MAC Throughput UL | Cell type | Serving cell type | MACRATEU | Cell Type |
LTE | LTE MAC Throughput UL | MAC UL 1st Re-transmission Rate (%) | MAC uplink retransmission rate 1st. The ratio of 1st retransmissions to all transmitted TBs. | MACRATEU | MAC UL retr. 1st |
LTE | LTE MAC Throughput UL | MAC UL 2nd Re-transmission Rate (%) | MAC uplink retransmission rate 2nd. The ratio of 2nd retransmissions to all transmitted TBs. | MACRATEU | MAC UL retr. 2nd |
LTE | LTE MAC Throughput UL | MAC UL 3rd and more Re-transmission Rate (%) | MAC uplink retransmission rate 3rd+. The ratio of 3rd or more retransmissions to all transmitted TBs. | MACRATEU | MAC UL retr. 3rd+ |
LTE | LTE MAC Throughput UL | MAC UL BLER residual (%) | MAC uplink residual BLER Defines the ratio of transport blocks that HARQ was not able to correct and RLC layer have to fix. The ratio of HARQ failed transport blocksk to new transmissions. | MACRATEU | MAC UL residual BLER |
LTE | LTE MAC Throughput UL | MAC UL Block Rate | MAC uplink block rate. The number of successfully transmitted transport blocks since previous report. | MACRATEU | MAC UL block rate |
LTE | LTE MAC Throughput UL | MAC UL Bytes | MAC uplink throughput. The throughput that is calculated from succesfully transmitted MAC SDUs. With the devices that do not support MAC throughput parameter the estimation of MAC throughput is calculated from succesfully delivered transport blocks. The estimation is a little bit higher than the real MAC throughput since it includes MAC headers, MAC control data, and padding. | MACRATEU | MAC UL bitrate |
LTE | LTE MAC Throughput UL | MAC UL Re-transmission Rate (%) | MAC uplink retransmission rate. The ratio of retransmitted transport blocks to all transmitted TBs. | MACRATEU | MAC UL retr. |
LTE | LTE MAC Throughput UL | MAC UL New Blocks | MAC uplink new blocks The number of transmitted new (1st attempt) transport blocks since the last report. | MACRATEU | MAC uplink new blocks |
LTE | LTE Modulation PDSCH | MCS Index 0 | PDSCH MCS index for codeword 0. Defines the modulation and the amount of coding used. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.1.7. | PLAID | MCS 0 |
LTE | LTE Modulation PDSCH | MCS Index 1 | PDSCH MCS index for codeword 1. Defines the modulation and the amount of coding used. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.1.7. | PLAID | MCS 1 |
LTE | LTE Modulation PDSCH | MCS 0 PDF (%) | PDSCH modulation percentage (%) | PLAID | Modulation |
LTE | LTE Modulation PDSCH | MCS 1 PDF (%) | PDSCH modulation percentage (%) | PLAID | Modulation |
LTE | LTE Modulation PDSCH | PDSCH Modulation 0 PDF (%) | PDSCH modulation percentage (%) | PLAID | Modulation |
LTE | LTE Modulation PDSCH | PDSCH Modulation 1 PDF (%) | PDSCH modulation percentage (%) | PLAID | Modulation |
LTE | LTE Modulation PDSCH | PDSCH Modulation 0 | PDSCH modulation for codeword 0. This is the modulation order as defined by 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.1.7. | PLAID | Modulation 0 |
LTE | LTE Modulation PDSCH | PDSCH Modulation 1 | PDSCH modulation for codeword 1. This is the modulation order as defined by 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 7.1.7. | PLAID | Modulation 1 |
LTE | LTE Modulation PDSCH | % no data frames | PDSCH modulation percentage (%) | PLAID | Rank |
LTE | LTE Modulation PDSCH | SampleDuration | Sample duration | PLAID | Sample duration |
LTE | LTE Modulation PUSCH | MCS Index | PUSCH MCS index for codeword 0. Defines the modulation and the amount of coding used for data transmission. In the case of retransmission the recorded value is the same as originally used for the data transmission (instead of values from 29 to 31 that are used to indicate redundancy version). See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 8.6. | PLAIU | MCS |
LTE | LTE Modulation PUSCH | MCS PDF (%) | PUSCH modulation percentage (%) | PLAIU | Modulation |
LTE | LTE Modulation PUSCH | PUSCH Modulation PDF (%) | PUSCH modulation percentage (%) | PLAIU | Modulation |
LTE | LTE Modulation PUSCH | PUSCH Modulation | PUSCH modulation for codeword 0. The modulation order as defined by 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 8.6. | PLAIU | Modulation |
LTE | LTE Modulation PUSCH | % no data frames | Sample duration, PUSCH modulation percentage | PLAIU | Sample duration, PLA Percentage |
LTE | LTE Modulation PUSCH | SampleDuration | Sample duration | PLAIU | Sample duration |
NB-IoT | LTE NB Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc EARFCN | Channel number | OFDMSCAN | Channel number |
NB-IoT | LTE NB Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc Bandwidth | DL bandwidth. This is the scanned bandwidth when the scanned bandwidth differs from the system bandwidth. | OFDMSCAN | DL bandwidth |
NB-IoT | LTE NB Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc Band | Band | OFDMSCAN | Band |
NB-IoT | LTE NB Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc Cell EARFCN | Channel number | OFDMSCAN | Channel number |
NB-IoT | LTE NB Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc Cell Identity | Physical cell identity | OFDMSCAN | PCI |
NB-IoT | LTE NB Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc Channel Raster Offset | Channel raster offset. With NB-IoT this is used to define offset to the 100 kHz channel raster. See 3GPP TS 136.101 subclause 5.7.3F | OFDMSCAN | Channel raster offset |
NB-IoT | LTE NB Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc Channel RSSI (dBm) | E-UTRAN carrier RSSI. Wide-band power of all subcarriers including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. For the reference signal scanning this is the same as E-UTRAN carrier RSSI. See 3GPP TS 136.214 subclause 5.1.5. | OFDMSCAN | RSSI (NRS) |
NB-IoT | LTE NB Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc Cyclic Prefix | Cyclic prefix DL | OFDMSCAN | Cyclic prefix |
NB-IoT | LTE NB Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc Nr Tx Antennas | Cell TX antennas | OFDMSCAN | Cell TX antennas |
NB-IoT | LTE NB Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RS CINR (dB) | Ratio between the reference signal received power (RSRP) and the interference and noise from the same reference signal set. | OFDMSCAN | RS CINR |
NB-IoT | LTE NB Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRP (dBm) | Reference signal received power is the linear average of the power contributions of the resource elements that carry cellspecific reference signals within the considered measurement frequency. This is the same as NRSRP with NB-IoT. 3GPP TS 36.214 subclause 5.1.1. | OFDMSCAN | RSRP |
NB-IoT | LTE NB Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc RSRQ (dB) | Reference signal received quality is the ratio N * RSRP / E-UTRA carrier RSSI, where N is the number of resource blocks of the EUTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. The measurements in the numerator and denominator are made over the same set of resource blocks. This is the same as NRSRQ with NB-IoT. 3GPP TS 36.214 subclause 5.1.3. | OFDMSCAN | RSRQ |
NB-IoT | LTE NB Cell Scan - All EARFCNs | Sc Time Offset | The time difference between actual received signal and expected point in time derived from GPS reference time. The unit of the parameter is 32.552ns that is the same as the Ts parameter defined by 3GPP TS 136.211 subclause 4. | OFDMSCAN | Time offset (usec) |
LTE | LTE Packet Channel Info | Packet State | EUTRAN carrier RSSI. Wideband power of all subcarriers including thermal noise, co carrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. For the reference signal scanning this is the same as EUTRAN carrier RSSI. See 3GPP TS 136.214 subclause 5.1.5. | PCHI | Packet state |
LTE | LTE Packet Channel Info | Packet Technology | Packet state | PCHI | Packet tech. |
LTE | LTE PBCH BLER | LtePbchBlerPercent | PBCH BLER (%). Physical Downlink Shared Channel (PDSCH) block error rate. Block error rate (BLER) is the number of received erroneous blocks per total number of sent blocks. Erroneous blocks are found with the cyclic redundancy check (CRC), see 3GPP TS 34.1211 subclause F.6.1.1. | PHRATE | PBCH block rate |
LTE | LTE PBCH BLER | PBCH Rx TB Count | PBCH block rate | PHRATE | PBCH block rate |
LTE | LTE PDCCH Format Info | #PDCCH channel formats | Number of PDCCH channel formats | PHRATE | #PDCCH channel formats |
LTE | LTE PDCCH Format Info | PDCCH format | PDCCH format. PDCCH format defines how much resources are allocated for PDCCH channel. See more 3GPP TS 36.211 subclause 6.8.1. | PHRATE | PDCCH format |
LTE | LTE PDCCH Format Info | PDCCH format count | PDCCH format count. Defines how many times PDCCH format has been used during the previous reporting period. | PHRATE | PDCCH format count |
LTE | LTE PDCCH-PHICH Statistics | PDCCH BLER est. | PDCCH BLER estimation (%). This parameter estimates PDCCH BLER by calculating number of undetected and missed downlink grants. The parameter does not contain all possible PDCCH errors so it is more of an indicative rathern than an absolute ratio of errors in the PDCCH channel. Note that the exact calculation method of the parameter can change in the future. | PHRATE | PDCCH BLER est. |
LTE | LTE PDCP Throughput DL | PDCP DL Throughput | PDCP downlink throughput per RB. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the PDCP layer. Missing and erroneous PDCP blocks are excluded from the throughput calculation. | PDCPRATED | PDCP DL bitrate/RB |
LTE | LTE PDCP Throughput DL | RB ID | Radio bearer ID | PDCPRATED | Radio bearer ID |
LTE | LTE PDCP Throughput DL | Total PDCP DL Throughput | Total downlink RLC throughput. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the RLC layer. Missing and erroneous RLC blocks are excluded from the throughput calculation. | PDCPRATED | PDCP DL bitrate |
LTE | LTE PDCP Throughput UL | PDCP UL Throughput | PDCP uplink throughput per RB. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the PDCP layer. Missing and erroneous PDCP blocks are excluded from the throughput calculation. | PDCPRATEU | PDCP UL bitrate/RB |
LTE | LTE PDCP Throughput UL | Radio Bearer ID | Radio bearer ID | PDCPRATEU | Radio bearer ID |
LTE | LTE PDCP Throughput UL | Total PDCP UL Throughput | Total uplink PDCP throughput. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the PDCP layer. Missing and erroneous PDCP blocks are excluded from the throughput calculation. | PDCPRATEU | PDCP UL bitrate |
LTE | LTE PDSCH BLER | LtePdschBlerTb0Percent | PDSCH BLER for codeword 0 (%) | PHRATE | PDSCH BLER 0 |
LTE | LTE PDSCH BLER | LtePdschBlerTb1Percent | PDSCH BLER for codeword 1 (%) | PHRATE | PDSCH BLER 1 |
LTE | LTE PDSCH BLER | PDSCH BLER (%) | PDSCH BLER (%). The ratio of transport blocks with CRC check accepted to all received TBs. | PHRATE | PDSCH BLER |
LTE | LTE PDSCH BLER | PDSCH Rx TB Count | PDSCH block rate. The number of received transport blocks since the last report including TBs with CRC failure. | PHRATE | PDSCH block rate |
LTE | LTE PDSCH BLER | PDSCH Rx TB CRC NOK | Number of of transport blocks with CRC check not accepted | PHRATE | PDSCH BLER |
LTE | LTE PDSCH TBS Statistics | TBS (Avg) | PDSCH average transport block size (bit) | PLAID | DL TBS |
LTE | LTE PDSCH TBS Statistics | TBS (Max) | PDSCH maximum transport block size (bit) | PLAID | Max DL TBS |
LTE | LTE PHY Throughput PDSCH | PDSCH Scheduled Throughput per PRB | PDSCH scheduled throughput/PRB (kbit/s). Scheduled throughput per PRB is the average throughput per PRB over the TTIs where PRB resources are allocated. This is calculated by summing PDSCH throughput per PRB during the reporting period and this is divided by number of allocated PRBs during the reporting period. | PHRATE | Sch bitrate/PRB |
LTE | LTE PHY Throughput PDSCH | PDSCH CW0 DL Throughput (kbps) | PDSCH throughput for codeword 0 (kbit/s) | PHRATE | PDSCH bitrate 0 |
LTE | LTE PHY Throughput PDSCH | PDSCH CW1 DL Throughput (kbps) | PDSCH throughput for codeword 1 (kbit/s) | PHRATE | PDSCH bitrate 1 |
LTE | LTE PHY Throughput PDSCH Per Carrier | PDSCH Phy Throughput (kbps) | PDSCH throughput (kbit/s). The throughput is calculated from all received transport blocks including TBs with CRC failure. | PHRATE | PDSCH bitrate |
LTE | LTE PHY Throughput PDSCH Per Carrier | PDSCH Phy Throughput Carrier 1 (kbps) | PDSCH throughput (kbit/s). The throughput is calculated from all received transport blocks including TBs with CRC failure. | PHRATE | PDSCH bitrate Pcell |
LTE | LTE PHY Throughput PDSCH Per Carrier | PDSCH Phy Throughput Carrier 2 (kbps) | PDSCH throughput (kbit/s). The throughput is calculated from all received transport blocks including TBs with CRC failure. | PHRATE | PDSCH bitrate Scell 1 |
LTE | LTE PHY Throughput PDSCH Per Carrier | PDSCH Phy Throughput Carrier 3 (kbps) | PDSCH throughput (kbit/s). The throughput is calculated from all received transport blocks including TBs with CRC failure. | PHRATE | PDSCH bitrate Scell 2 |
LTE | LTE PHY Throughput PDSCH Per Carrier | PDSCH Phy Throughput Carrier 4 (kbps) | PDSCH throughput (kbit/s). The throughput is calculated from all received transport blocks including TBs with CRC failure. | PHRATE | PDSCH bitrate Scell 3 |
LTE | LTE PHY Throughput PDSCH Per Carrier | PDSCH Phy Throughput Carrier 5 (kbps) | PDSCH throughput (kbit/s). The throughput is calculated from all received transport blocks including TBs with CRC failure. | PHRATE | PDSCH bitrate Scell 4 |
LTE | LTE PHY Throughput PUSCH | PUSCH Phy Throughput Carrier 1 (kbps) | PUSCH throughput (kbit/s). This is calculated from all transmitted transport blocks including TBs that are not delivered succesfully or are delivered redundantly. | PHRATE | PUSCH bitrate Pcell |
LTE | LTE PHY Throughput PUSCH | PUSCH Phy Throughput Carrier 2 (kbps) | PUSCH throughput (kbit/s). This is calculated from all transmitted transport blocks including TBs that are not delivered succesfully or are delivered redundantly. | PHRATE | PUSCH bitrate Scell 1 |
LTE | LTE PHY Throughput PUSCH | PUSCH Phy Throughput Carrier 3 (kbps) | PUSCH throughput (kbit/s). This is calculated from all transmitted transport blocks including TBs that are not delivered succesfully or are delivered redundantly. | PHRATE | PUSCH bitrate Scell 2 |
LTE | LTE PHY Throughput PUSCH | PUSCH Phy Throughput Carrier 4 (kbps) | PUSCH throughput (kbit/s). This is calculated from all transmitted transport blocks including TBs that are not delivered succesfully or are delivered redundantly. | PHRATE | PUSCH bitrate Scell 3 |
LTE | LTE PHY Throughput PUSCH | PUSCH Phy Throughput Carrier 5 (kbps) | PUSCH throughput (kbit/s). This is calculated from all transmitted transport blocks including TBs that are not delivered succesfully or are delivered redundantly. | PHRATE | PUSCH bitrate Scell 4 |
LTE | LTE PHY Throughput PUSCH | PUSCH Phy Throughput (kbps) | PUSCH throughput (kbit/s). This is calculated from all transmitted transport blocks including TBs that are not delivered succesfully or are delivered redundantly. | PHRATE | PUSCH bitrate |
LTE | LTE Phy System Info | MIMO Antenna Configuration Carrier 1 | Antenna port, MIMO cell type | MIMOMEAS | Port, Cell type |
LTE | LTE Phy System Info | MIMO Antenna Configuration Carrier 2 | Antenna port, MIMO cell type | MIMOMEAS | Port, Cell type |
LTE | LTE Phy System Info | MIMO Antenna Configuration Carrier 3 | Antenna port, MIMO cell type | MIMOMEAS | Port, Cell type |
LTE | LTE Phy System Info | MIMO Antenna Configuration Carrier 4 | Antenna port, MIMO cell type | MIMOMEAS | Port, Cell type |
LTE | LTE Phy System Info | MIMO Antenna Configuration Carrier 5 | Antenna port, MIMO cell type | MIMOMEAS | Port, Cell type |
LTE | LTE PUSCH TBS Statistics | TBS (Avg) | PUSCH average transport block size (bit) | PLAIU | Avg UL TBS |
LTE | LTE PUSCH TBS Statistics | TBS (Max) | PUSCH maximum transport block size (bit) | PLAIU | Max UL TBS |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info (Nemo) | Cell Type | Serving cell type | RACHI | Cell type |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info (Nemo) | RA-RNTI | RNTI that is used on the PDCCH when random access responses are transmitted. See 3GPP TS 136.321 subclause 5.1. | RACHI | RA-RNTI |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info (Nemo) | EPS RACH Max Preambles | RACH maximum preamble count. This is the same as preambleTransMax. See 3GPP TS 136.133 subclause 6.3.2 and 136.321 subclause 5.1. | RACHI | Max preambles |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info (Nemo) | Pathloss | RACH pathloss. An estimate of the radio condition for the RACH procedure. Pathloss is used for initial TX power. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause 6.1. | RACHI | Pathloss |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info (Nemo) | Preambles Failure | RACH preamble responses with backoff time | RACHI | Preambles failures |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info (Nemo) | Preambles Success | RACH preamble responses with PUSCH resource | RACHI | Preambles successes |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info (Nemo) | PUSCH power | RACH PUSCH power. For successful RACH procedures this contains the TX power used for message sending in PUSCH. | RACHI | RACH PUSCH power |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info (Nemo) | RACH access delay | Time from initial MSG1 to MSG2 for noncontention based RACH procedures and time from initial MSG1 to MSG4 for contention based RACH procedures. Valid only for succesful RACH procedures. | RACHI | Access delay |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info (Nemo) | RACH CE level | RACH CE level. The last used coverage enhancement level. CE level defines the parameter set that is used for preamble sending. See 3GPP TS 136.321 subclause 5.1.4. | RACHI | RACH CE level |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info (Nemo) | RACH contention resolution failures | RACH contention resolution failures. This is the total number of contention resolution failures including timer expiries and msg4 decoding failures. Substract RACH contention resolution decoding failures from this parameter to get the number of timer expiries. | RACHI | RACH cont. failures |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info (Nemo) | RACH contention resolution msg4 decoding failures | RACH contention resolution msg4 decoding failures | RACHI | CR MSG4 |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info (Nemo) | RACH initial CE level | RACH initial CE level. The initial coverage enhancement level. CE level defines the parameter set that is used for preamble sending. See 3GPP TS 136.321 subclause 5.1.4. | RACHI | RACH initial CE level |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info (Nemo) | RACH Initial Transmit Power | RACH preamble initial TX power. TX power used for the first preamble. See 3GPP TS 36.321 subclause 5.1.3. | RACHI | Init TX power |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info (Nemo) | RACH preamble index | RACH preamble count. Defines the number of preambles that were sent during the RACH procedure. This is the same as PREAMBLE_TRANSMISSION_COUNTER after end of the RACH procedure. | RACHI | Preambles |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info (Nemo) | RACH preamble index | RACH preamble count. Defines the number of preambles that were sent during the RACH procedure. This is the same as PREAMBLE_TRANSMISSION_COUNTER after end of the RACH procedure. | RACHI | RACH preamble index |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info (Nemo) | RACH preamble repetitions | RACH preamble repetitions. Number of times the preamble is repeated to improve coverage. This is the same as numRepetitionPerPreambleAttempt. When multiple CE levels were used during the RACH procedure this is the last used repetitions. See 3GPP TS 136.321 subclause 5.1.3 and 3GPP TS 136.213 subclause 16.3. | RACHI | RACH preamble repetitions |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info (Nemo) | RACH Preamble Step (dB) | RACH preamble step. This parameter is the same as power ramping step. 3GPP TS 36.321 subclause 5.1. | RACHI | Preamble step |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info (Nemo) | RACH Reason | RACH reason | RACHI | RACH reason |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info (Nemo) | RACH response window size | RACH response window size. This is same as raResponseWindowSize. Defines how long random access response (MSG2) is monitored after preamble is transmitted. See 3GPP TS 136.321 subclause 5.1. | RACHI | Response window size |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info (Nemo) | RACH Result | RACH result | RACHI | RACH result |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info (Nemo) | RACH Type | RACH type | RACHI | RACH type |
LTE | LTE RACH Summary Info (Nemo) | Random Access Preamble Timing | RACH timing advance. Timing advance command received in random access response (MSG2). See 3GPP TS 136.321 subclause 5.2. | RACHI | TA |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PDSCH | % of Subframes with PDSCH Resource Blocks Allocated | PDSCH Subframes (%). With NB-IoT defines how many subframes were allocated (%). | PLAID | SFs |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PDSCH | Cell Type | Serving cell type | PLAID | Cell type |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PDSCH | PDSCH PRB | PDSCH PRBs | PLAID | RPBs |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PDSCH | PDSCH Resource Block Allocation Carrier 1 (%) | PRB Utilization DL Serving cell type = Pcell. | PLAID | PRB Utilization DL Pcell |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PDSCH | PDSCH Resource Block Allocation Carrier 2 (%) | PRB Utilization DL. Serving cell type = Scell0. | PLAID | PRB Utilization DL Scell 1 |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PDSCH | PDSCH Resource Block Allocation Carrier 3 (%) | PRB Utilization DL. Serving cell type = Scell1. | PLAID | PRB Utilization DL Scell 2 |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PDSCH | PDSCH Resource Block Allocation Carrier 4 (%) | PRB Utilization DL. Serving cell type = Scell2. | PLAID | PRB Utilization DL Scell 3 |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PDSCH | PDSCH Resource Block Allocation Carrier 5 (%) | PRB Utilization DL. Serving cell type = Scell3. | PLAID | PRB Utilization DL Scell 4 |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PDSCH | PRB index | PRB index | PLAID | PRB index |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PDSCH | PRB utilization DL per index | PRB utilization DL/index (%) | PLAID | DL PRB %/i |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PDSCH | PRB_Pct | PDSCH PRB percentage (%) | PLAID | PRB Percentage |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PUSCH | Cell Type | Serving cell type | PLAIU | Cell Type |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PUSCH | EpsPuschResourceBlocks | PUSCH PRBs | PLAIU | PRBs |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PUSCH | PRB index | PRB index | PLAIU | PRB index |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PUSCH | PRB utilization UL per index | PRB utilization UL/index | PLAIU | UL PRB %/i |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PUSCH | PRB_Pct | PUSCH PRB percentage (%) | PLAIU | PRB Percentage |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PUSCH | PUSCH PRB | PUSCH PRBs | PLAIU | RPBs |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PUSCH | PUSCH Resource Block Allocation Carrier 1 (%) | PRB utilization UL (%). Uplink PRB utilization proportional to bandwidth and reporting period. Serving cell type = Pcell. | PLAIU | PRB Utilization UL Pcell |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PUSCH | PUSCH Resource Block Allocation Carrier 2 (%) | PRB utilization UL (%). Uplink PRB utilization proportional to bandwidth and reporting period. Serving cell type = Scell0. | PLAIU | PRB Utilization UL Scell 1 |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PUSCH | PUSCH Resource Block Allocation Carrier 3 (%) | PRB utilization UL (%). Uplink PRB utilization proportional to bandwidth and reporting period. Serving cell type = Scell1. | PLAIU | PRB Utilization UL Scell 2 |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PUSCH | PUSCH Resource Block Allocation Carrier 4 (%) | PRB utilization UL (%). Uplink PRB utilization proportional to bandwidth and reporting period. Serving cell type = Scell2. | PLAIU | PRB Utilization UL Scell 3 |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PUSCH | PUSCH Resource Block Allocation Carrier 5 (%) | PRB utilization UL (%). Uplink PRB utilization proportional to bandwidth and reporting period. Serving cell type = Scell3. | PLAIU | PRB Utilization UL Scell 4 |
LTE | LTE Resource Blocks - PUSCH | PUSCH Subcarriers | PUSCH subcarriers. With NB-IoT defines how many subcarriers are allocated. | PLAIU | SCs |
LTE | LTE RLC BLER DL | RLC BLER DL (%) | RLC downlink block rate. Total number of correctly or incorrectly received RLC PDUs calculated from all active radio bearers. | RLCRATE | RLC downlink BLER |
LTE | LTE RLC Throughput DL | RB ID | Radio bearer ID | RLCRATE | Radio bearer ID |
LTE | LTE RLC Throughput DL | RLC RB Throughput DL (kbps) | RLC downlink throughput per RB | RLCRATE | RLC DL bitrate/RB |
LTE | LTE RLC Throughput DL | ThroughputDlKbits_Import | RLC downlink throughput in kbps. Total downlink RLC throughput is calculated over all radio bearers. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the RLC layer. Missing and erroneous RLC blocks are excluded from the throughput calculation. | RLCRATE | RLC DL bitrate |
LTE | LTE RLC Throughput UL | RB ID | Radio bearer ID | RLCRATEU | Radio bearer ID |
LTE | LTE RLC Throughput UL | RLC RB Throughput UL (kbps) | RLC uplink throughput per RB | RLCRATEU | RLC UL bitrate/RB |
LTE | LTE RLC Throughput UL | ThroughputUlKbits_Import | Total uplink RLC throughput. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the RLC layer. Missing and erroneous RLC blocks are excluded from the throughput calculation. | RLCRATEU | RLC UL bitrate |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Band Description | Band | CHI | Band |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | CQI aperiodic reporting mode | CQI aperiodic reporting mode. This is the same as cqi-ReportModeAperiodic parameter in CQIReportConfig. More information see 3GPP TS 136.213 subclause 7.2.1. | CHI | Aperiodic RM |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | CQI periodic reporting mode | CQI periodic reporting mode. See 3GPP TS 136.213 subclause 7.2.2. | CHI | Periodic RM |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | C-RNTI | C-RNTI. Cell Radio Network Temporary Identifier. A dynamic identity assigned by eNodeB and is valid as long as the UE is connected to that eNB. | CHI | C-RNTI |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Detected antenna ports | Detected TX antenna ports. 0 = Port 0. 1 = Ports 01. 3 = Ports 03. | CHI | Antenna ports |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | DL Bandwidth (MHz) | DL Bandwidth | CHI | DL Bandwidth |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | DL Bandwidth (RB) | DL Bandwidth | CHI | DL Bandwidth |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | DL EARFCN | Channel number | CHI | Ch |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | EMM substate | EMM substate. See 3GPP 124.301 subclause 5.1.3. | CHI | EMM substate |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Max TX Power | Maximum allowed uplink power. | CHI | Max TX power |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | MCC | Mobile country code. If the service is not available this is the last known MCC value when the service was available. | SEI | MCC |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | MME Code | MME code. Identifies Mobility Management Entities (MME) within the MME pool areas. See 3GPP TS 123.003. | SEI | MME code |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | MME Group ID | MME group ID. Mobility Management Entity (MME) group identification is used to differentiate between pools of MMEs. See 3GPP TS 123.003. | SEI | MME group ID |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | MNC | Mobile network code If the service is not available this is the last known MNC value when the service was available. | SEI | MNC |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | M-TMSI | MTMSI. MTemporary Moblie subscriber Identity. See 3GPP TS 123.003. | SEI | M-TMSI |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | M-TMSI | M-Temporary Moblie subscriber Identity. See 3GPP TS 123.003. | SEI | M-TMSI |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Physical Cell ID | Physical cell identity | CHI | PCI |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Primary serving cell MBSFN subframe ratio (%) | Ratio of allocated eMBMS or DSS subframes to radio frame allocation period. | CHI | MBSFN subframe ratio |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | RRC_CELL_ID_QC | Cell identification. Cell identity of the current cell. For GSM this is 16 bit value, for UMTS this is 28 bit value (RNC ID + 16 bit cell ID), and for LTE this is 28 bit value (eNB ID + 8 bit cell ID). | CHI | Cell ID |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Secondary serving cell Antenna ports | SCell detected TX antenna ports | CHI | Antenna ports |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Secondary serving cell band | SCell band | CHI | Band |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Secondary serving cell CA | SCell carrier aggregation mode | CHI | CA |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Secondary serving cell CP | SCell cyclic prefix. This is uplink cyclic prefix. Extended cyclic prefix can reduce intersymbol-interference when multipath components have significant arrival time deviation from each other. | CHI | CP |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Secondary serving cell DL Bandwidth (MHz) | SCell bandwidth | CHI | Bandwidth |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Secondary serving cell DL Bandwidth (RB) | SCell bandwidth | CHI | Bandwidth |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Secondary serving cell EARFCN | SCell channel | CHI | Channel |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Secondary serving cell MBSFN subframe ratio (%) | Ratio of allocated eMBMS or DSS subframes to radio frame allocation period. | CHI | MBSFN subframe ratio |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Secondary serving cell Physical cell ID | SCell physical cell identity | CHI | PCI |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Secondary serving cell Special subframe config | SCell TDD special subframe configuration. This parameter defines the duration of special subframes between uplink and downlink switching. See 3GPP 136.211 subclause 4.2. | CHI | Special subframe config |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Secondary serving cell Transmission mode | SCell transmission mode | CHI | TM |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Secondary serving cell type | Serving cell type | CHI | Cell type |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Secondary serving cell UL/DL config | SCell TDD UL/DL configuration. TDD UL/DL configuration defines the symbols that are allocated for uplink and downlink. See 3GPP 36.211 subclause 4.2. | CHI | UL/DL config |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | State | RRC state. See 3GPP TS 136.331 subclause 4.2.1. 1 = Idle - This is the same as EUTRA RRC_IDLE state. 2 = Connected - This is the same as EUTRA RRC_CONNECTED state. | CHI | RRC state |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | State | Service info status | SEI | Service info status |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | TDD special subframe configuration | TDD special subframe configuration. This parameter defines the duration of special subframes between uplink and downlink switching. See 3GPP 136.211 subclause 4.2. | CHI | Special subframe config |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Tracking Area Code (16bits) | Tracking area code of the current serving cell. See 3GPP TS 124.301 subclause | CHI | TAC |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | Transmission mode | Transmission mode. See 3GPP TS 136.213 subclase 7.1. 1 = Singleantenna port 0. Same as transmission mode 1. 2 = Transmit diversity using SFBC. Same as transmission mode 2. 3 = Openloop spatial multiplexing a.k.a. large delay cyclic delay diversity (CDD) or transmit diversity. Same as transmission mode. 3. 4 = Closedloop spatial multiplexing or transmit diversity. Same as transmission mode 4. 5 = Multiuser MIMO or transmit diversity. Same as transmission mode 5. 6 = Closedloop spatial multiplexing using single transmission layer (similar with mode 5 with rank fixed to one). Same as transmission mode 6. 7 = Singleantenna port 5, or port 0 (if one PBCH antenna port) or transmit diversity. Same as transmission mode 7. 8 = Dual layer port 7 and 8 or singleantenna port 7 or 8 transmission. Same as tranmsission mode 8. 9 = Up to 8 layer transmission (P7P14). 10 = 3 layer beamforming (P7P9) 11 = 4 layer beamforming (P710). | CHI | TM |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Identities | TTI bundling | TTI bundling. See 3GPP TS 136.321 subclause 5.4.2. | CHI | TTI bundling |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Signal Quality | Cell Type | Serving cell type | CI | Cell type |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Signal Quality | LinSNR | RS SNR (dB). The calculation method for this parameter is device specific and can change between the devices. | CI | SNR |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Signal Quality | LinSNR0 | RS SNR/antenna port (dB). The calculation method for this parameter is device specific and can change between the devices. | CI | SNR |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Signal Quality | LinSNR1 | RS SNR/antenna port (dB). The calculation method for this parameter is device specific and can change between the devices. | CI | SNR |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Signal Quality | RS SINR Carrier 1 (dB) | RS SNR & Serving cell type | CI | SNR Pcell |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Signal Quality | RS SINR Carrier 2 (dB) | RS SNR & Serving cell type | CI | SNR Scell 1 |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Signal Quality | RS SINR Carrier 3 (dB) | RS SNR & Serving cell type | CI | SNR Scell 2 |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Signal Quality | RS SINR Carrier 4 (dB) | RS SNR & Serving cell type | CI | SNR Scell 3 |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Signal Quality | RS SINR Carrier 5 (dB) | RS SNR & Serving cell type | CI | SNR Scell 4 |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Signal Quality | RS SINR/P (dB) | RS SNR/antenna port | CI | SNR/P |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Signal Quality | Serving Cell DL Pathloss Carrier 1 (dB) | Pathloss (dB) | CELLMEAS | Pathloss |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Signal Quality | Serving Cell DL Pathloss Carrier 2 (dB) | Pathloss (dB) | CELLMEAS | Pathloss |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Signal Quality | Serving Cell DL Pathloss Carrier 3 (dB) | Pathloss (dB) | CELLMEAS | Pathloss |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Signal Quality | Serving Cell DL Pathloss Carrier 4 (dB) | Pathloss (dB) | CELLMEAS | Pathloss |
LTE | LTE Serving Cell Signal Quality | Serving Cell DL Pathloss Carrier 5 (dB) | Pathloss (dB) | CELLMEAS | Pathloss |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Cell Frame Timing (Ts) | Cell frame timing. The unit of this parameter is Ts and one Ts is 1/30720000 seconds. | CELLMEAS | Timing |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Cell Identity | Physical cell identity | CELLMEAS | PCI |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Cell Identity | Physical cell identity | MIMOMEAS | PCI |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Cell Type | Cell type | CELLMEAS | Cell type |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Cell Type | MIMO cell type | MIMOMEAS | Cell type |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | ChannelRssiDbm | EUTRAN carrier RSSI (dBm). Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | CELLMEAS | RSSI |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | DL EARFCN | Channel number | CELLMEAS | Ch |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | DL EARFCN | MIMO channel | MIMOMEAS | Ch |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | DL EARFCN_Cell Identity | Channel number & Physical cell identity | CELLMEAS | Ch_PCI |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | DL EARFCN_Cell Identity | MIMO channel, Physical cell identity | MIMOMEAS | Ch_PCI |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Frequency Band | Band | CELLMEAS | Band |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Frequency Band | MIMO band | MIMOMEAS | Band |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Pathloss (dB) | Pathloss (dB) | CELLMEAS | Pathloss |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RS SINR (dB) | Reference signal - signal to noise and interference ratio. See more 3GPP 136.124 subclause 5.1.23. | CELLMEAS | SINR |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP (dBm) | RSRP (dBm). Reference signal received power is the linear average of the power contributions of the resource elements that carry cellspecific reference signals within the considered measurement frequency. 3GPP TS 36.214 subclause 5.1.1. | CELLMEAS | RSRP |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP Tx1 Rx1 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port (TX0RX0 channel). Reference signal received power is the linear average of the power contributions of the resource elements that carry cell specific reference signals within the considered measurement frequency. | MIMOMEAS | RsrpTx1Rx1Dbm |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP Tx2 Rx1 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port (TX0RX1 channel). Reference signal received power is the linear average of the power contributions of the resource elements that carry cell specific reference signals within the considered measurement frequency. | MIMOMEAS | RSRP_101 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP Tx3 Rx1 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port (TX0RX2 channel). Reference signal received power is the linear average of the power contributions of the resource elements that carry cell specific reference signals within the considered measurement frequency. | MIMOMEAS | RSRP_102 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP Tx4 Rx1 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port (TX0RX3 channel). Reference signal received power is the linear average of the power contributions of the resource elements that carry cell specific reference signals within the considered measurement frequency. | MIMOMEAS | RSRP_103 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP Tx1 Rx2 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port (TX1RX0 channel). Reference signal received power is the linear average of the power contributions of the resource elements that carry cell specific reference signals within the considered measurement frequency. | MIMOMEAS | RsrpTx2Rx1Dbm |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP Tx2 Rx2 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port (TX1RX1 channel). Reference signal received power is the linear average of the power contributions of the resource elements that carry cell specific reference signals within the considered measurement frequency. | MIMOMEAS | RSRP_111 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP Tx3 Rx2 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port (TX1RX2 channel). Reference signal received power is the linear average of the power contributions of the resource elements that carry cell specific reference signals within the considered measurement frequency. | MIMOMEAS | RSRP_112 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP Tx4 Rx2 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port (TX1RX3 channel). Reference signal received power is the linear average of the power contributions of the resource elements that carry cell specific reference signals within the considered measurement frequency. | MIMOMEAS | RSRP_113 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP Tx1 Rx3 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port (TX2RX0 channel). Reference signal received power is the linear average of the power contributions of the resource elements that carry cell specific reference signals within the considered measurement frequency. | MIMOMEAS | RsrpTx3Rx1Dbm |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP Tx2 Rx3 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port (TX2RX1 channel). Reference signal received power is the linear average of the power contributions of the resource elements that carry cell specific reference signals within the considered measurement frequency. | MIMOMEAS | RSRP_121 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP Tx3 Rx3 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port (TX2RX2 channel). Reference signal received power is the linear average of the power contributions of the resource elements that carry cell specific reference signals within the considered measurement frequency. | MIMOMEAS | RSRP_122 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP Tx4 Rx3 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port (TX2RX3 channel). Reference signal received power is the linear average of the power contributions of the resource elements that carry cell specific reference signals within the considered measurement frequency. | MIMOMEAS | RSRP_123 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP Tx1 Rx4 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port (TX3RX0 channel). Reference signal received power is the linear average of the power contributions of the resource elements that carry cell specific reference signals within the considered measurement frequency. | MIMOMEAS | RsrpTx4Rx1Dbm |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP Tx2 Rx4 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port (TX3RX1 channel). Reference signal received power is the linear average of the power contributions of the resource elements that carry cell specific reference signals within the considered measurement frequency. | MIMOMEAS | RSRP_131 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP Tx3 Rx4 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port (TX3RX2 channel). Reference signal received power is the linear average of the power contributions of the resource elements that carry cell specific reference signals within the considered measurement frequency. | MIMOMEAS | RSRP_132 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRP Tx4 Rx4 (dBm) | RSRP/antenna port (TX3RX3 channel). Reference signal received power is the linear average of the power contributions of the resource elements that carry cell specific reference signals within the considered measurement frequency. | MIMOMEAS | RSRP_133 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ (dB) | RSRQ (dB). Reference signal received quality is the ratio N * RSRP / EUTRA carrier RSSI, where N is the number of resource blocks of the EUTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. The measurements in the numerator and denominator are made over the same set of resource blocks. 3GPP TS 36.214 subclause 5.1.3. | CELLMEAS | RSRQ |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ Tx1 Rx1 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port (TX0RX0 channel). Reference signal received quality is the ratio N * RSRP / EUTRA carrier RSSI, where N is the number of resource blocks of the E UTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. | MIMOMEAS | RsrqTx1Rx1Db |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ Tx1 Rx2 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port (TX0RX1 channel). Reference signal received quality is the ratio N * RSRP / EUTRA carrier RSSI, where N is the number of resource blocks of the E UTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. | MIMOMEAS | RSRQ_101 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ Tx1 Rx3 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port (TX0RX2 channel). Reference signal received quality is the ratio N * RSRP / EUTRA carrier RSSI, where N is the number of resource blocks of the E UTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. | MIMOMEAS | RSRQ_102 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ Tx1 Rx4 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port (TX0RX3 channel). Reference signal received quality is the ratio N * RSRP / EUTRA carrier RSSI, where N is the number of resource blocks of the E UTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. | MIMOMEAS | RSRQ_103 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ Tx2 Rx1 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port (TX1RX0 channel). Reference signal received quality is the ratio N * RSRP / EUTRA carrier RSSI, where N is the number of resource blocks of the E UTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. | MIMOMEAS | RsrqTx2Rx1Db |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ Tx2 Rx2 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port (TX1RX1 channel). Reference signal received quality is the ratio N * RSRP / EUTRA carrier RSSI, where N is the number of resource blocks of the E UTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. | MIMOMEAS | RSRQ_111 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ Tx2 Rx3 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port (TX1RX2 channel). Reference signal received quality is the ratio N * RSRP / EUTRA carrier RSSI, where N is the number of resource blocks of the E UTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. | MIMOMEAS | RSRQ_112 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ Tx2 Rx4 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port (TX1RX3 channel). Reference signal received quality is the ratio N * RSRP / EUTRA carrier RSSI, where N is the number of resource blocks of the E UTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. | MIMOMEAS | RSRQ_113 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ Tx3 Rx1 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port (TX2RX0 channel). Reference signal received quality is the ratio N * RSRP / EUTRA carrier RSSI, where N is the number of resource blocks of the E UTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. | MIMOMEAS | RsrqTx3Rx1Db |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ Tx3 Rx2 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port (TX2RX1 channel). Reference signal received quality is the ratio N * RSRP / EUTRA carrier RSSI, where N is the number of resource blocks of the E UTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. | MIMOMEAS | RSRQ_121 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ Tx3 Rx3 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port (TX2RX2 channel). Reference signal received quality is the ratio N * RSRP / EUTRA carrier RSSI, where N is the number of resource blocks of the E UTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. | MIMOMEAS | RSRQ_122 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ Tx3 Rx4 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port (TX2RX3 channel). Reference signal received quality is the ratio N * RSRP / EUTRA carrier RSSI, where N is the number of resource blocks of the E UTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. | MIMOMEAS | RSRQ_123 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ Tx4 Rx1 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port (TX3RX0 channel). Reference signal received quality is the ratio N * RSRP / EUTRA carrier RSSI, where N is the number of resource blocks of the E UTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. | MIMOMEAS | RsrqTx4Rx1Db |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ Tx4 Rx2 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port (TX3RX1 channel). Reference signal received quality is the ratio N * RSRP / EUTRA carrier RSSI, where N is the number of resource blocks of the E UTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. | MIMOMEAS | RSRQ_131 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ Tx4 Rx3 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port (TX3RX2 channel). Reference signal received quality is the ratio N * RSRP / EUTRA carrier RSSI, where N is the number of resource blocks of the E UTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. | MIMOMEAS | RSRQ_132 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ Tx4 Rx4 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port (TX3RX3 channel). Reference signal received quality is the ratio N * RSRP / EUTRA carrier RSSI, where N is the number of resource blocks of the E UTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. | MIMOMEAS | RSRQ_133 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | RSRQ Tx4 Rx4 (dB) | RSRQ/antenna port (TX3RX3 channel). Reference signal received quality is the ratio N * RSRP / EUTRA carrier RSSI, where N is the number of resource blocks of the E UTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. | MIMOMEAS | RSRQ_133 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Channel RSSI Tx2 Rx1 (dBm) | EUTRAN carrier RSSI/antenna port (TX0RX1 channel). Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | MIMOMEAS | RSSI_101 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Channel RSSI Tx3 Rx1 (dBm) | EUTRAN carrier RSSI/antenna port (TX0RX2 channel). Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | MIMOMEAS | RSSI_102 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Channel RSSI Tx4 Rx1 (dBm) | EUTRAN carrier RSSI/antenna port (TX0RX3 channel). Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | MIMOMEAS | RSSI_103 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Channel RSSI Tx1 Rx2 (dBm) | EUTRAN carrier RSSI/antenna port (TX1RX0 channel). Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | MIMOMEAS | RssiTx2Rx1Dbm |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Channel RSSI Tx2 Rx2 (dBm) | EUTRAN carrier RSSI/antenna port (TX1RX1 channel). Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | MIMOMEAS | RSSI_111 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Channel RSSI Tx3 Rx2 (dBm) | EUTRAN carrier RSSI/antenna port (TX1RX2 channel). Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | MIMOMEAS | RSSI_112 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Channel RSSI Tx4 Rx2 (dBm) | EUTRAN carrier RSSI/antenna port (TX1RX3 channel). Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | MIMOMEAS | RSSI_113 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Channel RSSI Tx1 Rx3 (dBm) | EUTRAN carrier RSSI/antenna port (TX2RX0 channel). Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | MIMOMEAS | RssiTx3Rx1Dbm |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Channel RSSI Tx2 Rx3 (dBm) | EUTRAN carrier RSSI/antenna port (TX2RX1 channel). Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | MIMOMEAS | RSSI_121 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Channel RSSI Tx3 Rx3 (dBm) | EUTRAN carrier RSSI/antenna port (TX2RX2 channel). Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | MIMOMEAS | RSSI_122 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Channel RSSI Tx4 Rx3 (dBm) | EUTRAN carrier RSSI/antenna port (TX2RX3 channel). Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | MIMOMEAS | RSSI_123 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Channel RSSI Tx1 Rx4 (dBm) | EUTRAN carrier RSSI/antenna port (TX3RX0 channel). Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | MIMOMEAS | RssiTx4Rx1Dbm |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Channel RSSI Tx2 Rx4 (dBm) | EUTRAN carrier RSSI/antenna port (TX3RX1 channel). Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | MIMOMEAS | RSSI_131 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Channel RSSI Tx3 Rx4 (dBm) | EUTRAN carrier RSSI/antenna port (TX3RX2 channel). Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | MIMOMEAS | RSSI_132 |
LTE | LTE Serving/Intra-Freq Neighbor Cells | Channel RSSI Tx4 Rx4 (dBm) | EUTRAN carrier RSSI/antenna port (TX3RX3 channel). Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | MIMOMEAS | RSSI_133 |
LTE | LTE Timing Advance | Cell Type | Serving cell type | TAD | Cell type |
LTE | LTE Timing Advance | Timing Advance (16Ts) | Timing advance. Timing advance is used to adjust uplink transmission timing in a way that allows node B to receive transmissions from all UEs simultanously. The timing advance is relative to downlink radio frame received by UE. This parameter is the same as N_TA parameter divided by 16. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause4.2.3 and 3GPP TS 36.211 subclause 8. | TAD | Timing advance |
LTE | LTE Timing Advance | Timing Advance (16Ts) Carrier 1 | Timing advance, Serving cell type | TAD | TA, Cell type |
LTE | LTE Timing Advance | Timing Advance (16Ts) Carrier 2 | Timing advance, Serving cell type | TAD | TA, Cell type |
LTE | LTE Timing Advance | Timing Advance (16Ts) Carrier 3 | Timing advance, Serving cell type | TAD | TA, Cell type |
LTE | LTE Timing Advance | Timing Advance (16Ts) Carrier 4 | Timing advance, Serving cell type | TAD | TA, Cell type |
LTE | LTE Timing Advance | Timing Advance (16Ts) Carrier 5 | Timing advance, Serving cell type | TAD | TA, Cell type |
LTE | LTE Timing Advance | Timing Advance (meters) Carrier 1 | Timing advance, Serving cell type | TAD | TA, Cell type |
LTE | LTE Timing Advance | Timing Advance (meters) Carrier 2 | Timing advance, Serving cell type | TAD | TA, Cell type |
LTE | LTE Timing Advance | Timing Advance (meters) Carrier 3 | Timing advance, Serving cell type | TAD | TA, Cell type |
LTE | LTE Timing Advance | Timing Advance (meters) Carrier 4 | Timing advance, Serving cell type | TAD | TA, Cell type |
LTE | LTE Timing Advance | Timing Advance (meters) Carrier 5 | Timing advance, Serving cell type | TAD | TA, Cell type |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | Cell Type | Serving cell type | TXPC | Cell Type |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | Number of PUCCH TPCs | Number of PUCCH TPCs | TXPC | #PUCCH TPCs |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | Number of PUSCH TPCs | Number of PUSCH TPCs | TXPC | #PUSCH TPCs |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | PUCCH TPC | PUCCH TPC (dB). This is the same as delta_PUCCH. See 3GPP TS 136.123 subclause 5.1.2. | TXPC | PUCCH TPC |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | PUCCH TPC count | PUCCH TPC count. The number of times this TPC command is received since the previous report. | TXPC | PUCCH TPC count |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | PUSCH TPC | PUSCH TPC (dB). This is the same as delta_PUSCH. See 3GPP TS 136.213 subclause 5.1.1. | TXPC | PUSCH TPC |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | PUSCH TPC count | PUSCH TPC count. The number of times this TPC command is received since the previous report. | TXPC | PUSCH TPC count |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | SRS TX BW | SRS TX bandwidth. Bandwidth of sounding reference signal (SRS) in physical resource blocks. This is same as M_SRS parameter. See 3GPP TS 36.211 subclause 5.5.3 and 36.213 subclause 5.1.3. | TXPC | SRS TX BW |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | SRS TX Power | TX power SRS. The average transmit power for SRS calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 36.211 subclause 5.5.3 and 36.213 subclause 5.1.3. | TXPC | SRS TX Power |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | TX power headroom (PUSCH) | TX power headroom (PUSCH) (dB). The average UE power headroom reported from the same reporting period as PUSCH TX power. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause | TXPC | PH |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | TX power PUCCH | TX power PUCCH (dBm). The average transmit power for PUCCH calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause | TXPC | PUCCH TX power |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | TX power PUCCH adjustment | TX power PUCCH adjustment (dB). The average PUCCH power control adjustment during the last reporting period. Same as g(i) parameter in 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause | TXPC | g(i) |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | TX power PUSCH | TX power PUSCH (dBm). The average transmit power for PUSCH calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause | TXPC | PUSCH TX power |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | TX power PUSCH adjustment | TX power PUSCH adjustment (dB). The average PUSCH power control adjustment during the last reporting period. Same as f(i) parameter in 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause | TXPC | f(i) |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | UE TX Power - PUCCH (dBm) Carrier 1 | TX power PUCCH (dBm). The average transmit power for PUCCH calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause | TXPC | PUCCH TX power |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | UE TX Power - PUCCH (dBm) Carrier 2 | TX power PUCCH (dBm). The average transmit power for PUCCH calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause | TXPC | PUCCH TX power |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | UE TX Power - PUCCH (dBm) Carrier 3 | TX power PUCCH (dBm). The average transmit power for PUCCH calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause | TXPC | PUCCH TX power |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | UE TX Power - PUCCH (dBm) Carrier 4 | TX power PUCCH (dBm). The average transmit power for PUCCH calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause | TXPC | PUCCH TX power |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | UE TX Power - PUCCH (dBm) Carrier 5 | TX power PUCCH (dBm). The average transmit power for PUCCH calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause | TXPC | PUCCH TX power |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | UE TX Power - PUSCH (dBm) Carrier 1 | TX power PUCCH (dBm). The average transmit power for PUCCH calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause | TXPC | PUCCH TX power |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | UE TX Power - PUSCH (dBm) Carrier 2 | TX power PUCCH (dBm). The average transmit power for PUCCH calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause | TXPC | PUCCH TX power |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | UE TX Power - PUSCH (dBm) Carrier 3 | TX power PUCCH (dBm). The average transmit power for PUCCH calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause | TXPC | PUCCH TX power |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | UE TX Power - PUSCH (dBm) Carrier 4 | TX power PUCCH (dBm). The average transmit power for PUCCH calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause | TXPC | PUCCH TX power |
LTE | LTE TX Power Control | UE TX Power - PUSCH (dBm) Carrier 5 | TX power PUCCH (dBm). The average transmit power for PUCCH calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 36.213 subclause | TXPC | PUCCH TX power |
Service Quality | MMS Data | App. Rate DL | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for MMS protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 7) |
Service Quality | MMS Data | App. Rate UL | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for MMS protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 7) |
Service Quality | MMS Data | Received kBytes DL | Transferred bytes downlink. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 7) |
Service Quality | MMS Data | Sent kBytes | Transferred bytes uplink. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 7) |
NB-IoT | Narrow Band IoT | Narrow Band Operation Mode | Operation mode. See 3GPP TS 136.331 subclause 6.7.2 MasterInformationBlock-NB. | CHI | Operation mode |
NB-IoT | Narrow Band IoT | Narrow Band Subcarrier Spacing Uplink | UL subcarrier spacing. See 3GPP TS 136.221 subclause 10.1.2 and 3GPP TS 136.213 subclause 16. | CHI | UL subcarrier spacing |
Service Quality | Netflix Data | App. Rate DL | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for Netflix. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with TCP/IPbased application protocols, the TCP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 26) |
Service Quality | Netflix Data | App. Rate UL | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for Netflix. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with TCP/IPbased application protocols, the TCP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 26) |
Service Quality | Netflix Data | Received kBytes DL | Transferred bytes downlink for Netflix. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 26) |
Service Quality | Netflix Data | Sent kBytes | Transferred bytes uplink for Netflix. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 26) |
NR | NR AMR Codec Usage (Nemo) | Active Codec Set DL | AMR mode downlink | AMRS | AMR mode DL |
NR | NR AMR Codec Usage (Nemo) | Active Codec Set UL | AMR mode uplink | AMRS | AMR mode UL |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | BWP Bandwidth DL (PRB) | Bandwidth in PRBs | SCELL | BW |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | BWP ID | Bandwidth part as described in 3GPP 38.211 subclause 4.4.5. | SCELL | BWP ID |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | BWP RG Bandwidth DL (PRB) | Resource grid bandwidth. Defines resource grid bandwidth in PRBs. See more 3GPP 38.211 subclause 4.4.2. | SCELL | RG BW |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | BWP RG NR-ARFCN | Resource grid NR-ARFCN. Defines resource grid center channel number. See more 3GPP 38.211 subclause 4.4.2. | SCELL | RG NR-ARFCN |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | BWP Start Point NR-ARFCN | Defines the lowest frequency used for the BWP | SCELL | NR-ARFCN |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | BWP Subcarrier Spacing | Numerology | SCELL | Numerology |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | BWP Type | BWP type | SCELL | BWP type |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | C-RNTI | C-RNTI | SCELL | C-RNTI |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | Cell Type | Serving cell type | SCELL | Cell type |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | DSS LTE Carrier Bandwidth | DSS LTE carrier bandwidth | SCELL | DSS LTE carrier bandwidth |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | DSS LTE Carrier Offset (Hz) | This is offset from pointA to the middle of the LTE carrier. | SCELL | DSS LTE carrier Offset |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | NR-ARFCN DL point A | NR-ARFCN DL point A | SCELL | DL PointA |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | NR-ARFCN UL point A | NR-ARFCN UL point A | SCELL | UL PointA |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | Offset point A | Offset to point A. Defines offset to point A as defined in 3GPP TS 38.211 subclause | SCELL | Offset point A |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | PCI | Physical cell identity | SCELL | PCI |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | SSB Band | SSB band | SCELL | SSB band |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | SSB Periodicity (ms) | Defines how often SS/PBCH blocks are transmitted. See more 3GPP TS 38.213 subclause 4.1. | SCELL | SSB periodicity |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | TDD SCS | TDD reference SCS | SCELL | TDD SCS |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | TDD Size 1 | TDD pattern 1 size. Defines the size of the pattern 1 of the TDD UL/DL configuration in symbols. The first DL symbols are used for DL transmission and the last UL symbols are used for uplink transmission. See 3GPP TS 38.211 subclause 4.3.2, 3GPP TS 38.213 subclause 11.1, and 3GPP TS 38.331 subclause 6.3.2 TDD-UL-DL-ConfigCommon. | SCELL | TDD Size 1 |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | AQDL error code | TDD pattern 1 DL | SCELL | TDD DL 1 |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | TDD UL 1 | TDD pattern 1 UL | SCELL | TDD UL 1 |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | TDD Size 2 | TDD pattern 2 size. Defines the size of the optional pattern 2 of the TDD UL/DL configuration in symbols. | SCELL | TDD Size 2 |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | TDD DL 2 | TDD pattern 2 DL | SCELL | TDD DL 2 |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part | TDD UL 2 | TDD pattern 2 UL | SCELL | TDD UL 2 |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part Distribution | PDSCH BWP Dist Current Count | PDSCH BWP distribution | PLAID | Count |
NR | NR Bandwidth Part Distribution | PUSCH BWP Dist Current Count | PUSCH BWP distribution | PLAIU | Count |
NR | NR Buffer Status Report | BSR Avg (bytes) | The buffer status defines average uplink buffer allocation. This is reported to the base station and is used for uplink scheduling. See more 3GPP TS 38.321 subclause 5.4.5. | BSR | BSR |
NR | NR Buffer Status Report | BSR Min (bytes) | The minimum buffer allocation during the reporting period. See more 3GPP TS 38.321 subclause 5.4.5. | BSR | BSR min |
NR | NR Buffer Status Report | BSR Max (bytes) | The maximum buffer allocation during the reporting period. See more 3GPP TS 38.321 subclause 5.4.5. | BSR | BSR max |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Channel RSSI (dBm) | The total received power from all sources (including noise, interference, non-serving cells etc.) measured over certain OFDM symbols and resource blocks. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1.3. | CELLMEAS | RSSI |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Neighbor Cell Best Beam Index | Beam index. This is the same as SSB beam index for SSB measurement type. | CELLMEAS | BI |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Neighbor Cell Identity | Physical cell identity | CELLMEAS | PCI |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Neighbor Cell NRARFCN | NR-ARFCN. See more 3GPP TS 38.101 subclause | CELLMEAS | NR-ARFCN |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Neighbor Cell SS RSRP (dBm) | SS-RSRP or CSI-RSRP measurement result. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1. | CELLMEAS | RSRP |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Neighbor Cell SS RSRQ (dB) | The ratio of N times SS-RSRP to NR carrier RSSI where N scales SS-RSRP to match bandwidth used to measure NR carrier RSSI. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1.3 | CELLMEAS | RSRQ |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Neighbor Cell SS SINR (dB) | The ratio of the secondary synchronization signal power to noise and interference power. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1.5. | CELLMEAS | SINR |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Neighbor Cell Type | Cell type | CELLMEAS | Cell type |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving Cell Band | Band | CELLMEAS | Band |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving Cell Identity | Physical cell identity | CELLMEAS | PCI |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving Cell RSRP Diversity Rx1 (dBm) | SS-RSRP measurement result. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1. | MIMOMEAS | RSRP/P |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving Cell RSRP Diversity Rx2 (dBm) | SS-RSRP measurement result. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1. | MIMOMEAS | RSRP/P |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving Cell RSRP Diversity Rx3 (dBm) | SS-RSRP measurement result. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1. | MIMOMEAS | RSRP/P |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving Cell RSRP Diversity Rx4 (dBm) | SS-RSRP measurement result. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1. | MIMOMEAS | RSRP/P |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving Cell RSRQ Diversity Rx1 (dB) | The ratio of N times SS-RSRP to NR carrier RSSI where N scales SS-RSRP to match bandwidth used to measure NR carrier RSSI. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1.3. | MIMOMEAS | RSRQ/P |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving Cell RSRQ Diversity Rx2 (dB) | The ratio of N times SS-RSRP to NR carrier RSSI where N scales SS-RSRP to match bandwidth used to measure NR carrier RSSI. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1.3. | MIMOMEAS | RSRQ/P |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving Cell RSRQ Diversity Rx3 (dB) | The ratio of N times SS-RSRP to NR carrier RSSI where N scales SS-RSRP to match bandwidth used to measure NR carrier RSSI. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1.3. | MIMOMEAS | RSRQ/P |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving Cell RSRQ Diversity Rx4 (dB) | The ratio of N times SS-RSRP to NR carrier RSSI where N scales SS-RSRP to match bandwidth used to measure NR carrier RSSI. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1.3. | MIMOMEAS | RSRQ/P |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving Cell RSSI Diversity Rx1 (dBm) | The total received power from all sources (including noise, interference, non-serving cells etc.) measured over certain OFDM symbols and resource blocks. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1.3. | MIMOMEAS | RSSI/P |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving Cell RSSI Diversity Rx2 (dBm) | The total received power from all sources (including noise, interference, non-serving cells etc.) measured over certain OFDM symbols and resource blocks. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1.3. | MIMOMEAS | RSSI/P |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving Cell RSSI Diversity Rx3 (dBm) | The total received power from all sources (including noise, interference, non-serving cells etc.) measured over certain OFDM symbols and resource blocks. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1.3. | MIMOMEAS | RSSI/P |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving Cell RSSI Diversity Rx4 (dBm) | The total received power from all sources (including noise, interference, non-serving cells etc.) measured over certain OFDM symbols and resource blocks. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1.3. | MIMOMEAS | RSSI/P |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving Cell SINR Diversity Rx1 (dB) | The ratio of the secondary synchronization signal power to noise and interference power. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1.5. | MIMOMEAS | SINR/P |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving Cell SINR Diversity Rx2 (dB) | The ratio of the secondary synchronization signal power to noise and interference power. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1.5. | MIMOMEAS | SINR/P |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving Cell SINR Diversity Rx3 (dB) | The ratio of the secondary synchronization signal power to noise and interference power. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1.5. | MIMOMEAS | SINR/P |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving Cell SINR Diversity Rx4 (dB) | The ratio of the secondary synchronization signal power to noise and interference power. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1.5. | MIMOMEAS | SINR/P |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving Cell NRARFCN DL | NR-ARFCN. See more 3GPP TS 38.101 subclause | CELLMEAS | NR-ARFCN |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving Cell Type | Cell type | CELLMEAS | Cell type |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving SSB Beam Index | Beam index. This is the same as SSB beam index for SSB measurement type. | CELLMEAS | BI |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving SSB Beam RSRP (dBm) | SS-RSRP or CSI-RSRP measurement result. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1. | CELLMEAS | RSRP |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving SSB Beam RSRQ (dB) | The ratio of N times SS-RSRP to NR carrier RSSI where N scales SS-RSRP to match bandwidth used to measure NR carrier RSSI. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1.3 | CELLMEAS | RSRQ |
NR | NR Cell Measurements | Serving SSB Beam SNR (dB) | The ratio of the secondary synchronization signal power to noise and interference power. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1.5. | CELLMEAS | SINR |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc PBCH RP (dBm) | PBCH RP. Same as SS-RSRP except for PBCH data and demodulation signals. | OFDMSCAN | PBCH RP |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc PBCH RQ (dB) | PBCH RQ. Same as SS-RSRQ except for PBCH data and demodulation signals. | OFDMSCAN | PBCH RQ |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc PBCH SINR (dB) | PBCH SINR. Same as SS-SINR except for PBCH data and demodulation signals. | OFDMSCAN | PBCH SINR |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc SSB Pattern | SSB pattern. See more 3GPP TS 138.213 subclause 4.1. | OFDMSCAN | SSB pattern |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc SSB Period | SSB period. Note that this is a bitmask where multiple values can be valid simultaneously. See more 3GPP TS 38.211 subclause and 38.213 subclause 4.1. | OFDMSCAN | SSB period |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc SSB RSSI (dBm) | SSB-RSSI. Same as SS-RSSI except for combined PBCH and synchronization signals. | OFDMSCAN | SSB-RSSI |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc SSS Delay Spread | The delay spread width is determined by the time difference between the arrival of the first multi-path secondary synchronization signal component to the arrival of the last multipath component (inside the search window) which are at or above the internally set measurement threshold. The unit of the parameter is 32.552ns that is the same as the Ts parameter defined by 3GPP TS 138.211 subclause 4.3.1. | OFDMSCAN | SS delay spread |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc Time Offset | Timing offset | OFDMSCAN | TO |
NR | NR CQI Distribution | CQI Dist Current Count | WB CQI distribution | CQI | Count |
NR | NR CSI-RS | CSI Cell Type | Serving cell type. The value of this parameter is the same as the serving cell index in the RRC signaling. | CSI | Cell type |
NR | NR CSI-RS | CSI RSRP (dBm) | The average received CSI RSRP during the previous reporting period. See more 3GPP TS 38.212 subclause 6.3 and 38.214 subclause 5.2. | CSI | CSI RSRP |
NR | NR CSI-RS | CSI RSRP ID Type | CSI RSRP resource index type. Type of the resource element where RSRP is measured. See more 3GPP TS 38.212 subclause 6.3 and 38.214 subclause 5.2. | CSI | Type |
NR | NR CSI-RS | CSI-RS Beam Index | Beam index. This is the same as SSB beam index for SSB measurement type. | CELLMEAS | BI |
NR | NR CSI-RS | CSI-RS Cell Identity | Physical cell identity | CELLMEAS | PCI |
NR | NR CSI-RS | CSI-RS NRARFCN DL | NR-ARFCN. See more 3GPP TS 38.101 subclause | CELLMEAS | NR-ARFCN |
NR | NR CSI-RS | CSI-RS RSRP (dBm) | SS-RSRP or CSI-RSRP measurement result. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1. | CELLMEAS | RSRP |
NR | NR CSI-RS | CSI-RS RSRQ (dB) | The ratio of N times SS-RSRP to NR carrier RSSI where N scales SS-RSRP to match bandwidth used to measure NR carrier RSSI. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1.3 | CELLMEAS | RSRQ |
NR | NR CSI-RS | CSI-RS SNR (dB) | The ratio of the secondary synchronization signal power to noise and interference power. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1.5. | CELLMEAS | SINR |
NR | NR CSI-RS | SB_RID | Cell type | CELLMEAS | Cell type |
NR | NR Downlink Control Information | CCE Aggregation Level | CCE aggregation level. See more 3GPP TS 38.211 subclause 7.3.2. | DCI | CCE aggregation level |
NR | NR Downlink Control Information | CCE Dist Count | CCE aggregation level distribution | DCI | Count |
NR | NR Downlink Control Information | DCI Dist Count | DCI format distribution | DCI | Count |
NR | NR Downlink Control Information | DCI Downlink Grants | DCI downlink grants | DCI | DL grants |
NR | NR Downlink Control Information | DCI Uplink Grants | DCI uplink grants | DCI | UL grants |
NR | NR MAC Throughput DL | MAC DL BLER (%) | The ratio of erroneously received transport blocks to all received transport blocks. | MACRATE | MAC DL BLER |
NR | NR MAC Throughput DL | MAC DL BLER 1st (%) | The ratio of 1st retransmissions to all received TBs. | MACRATE | MAC DL BLER 1st |
NR | NR MAC Throughput DL | MAC DL BLER 2nd (%) | The ratio of 2nd retransmissions to all received TBs. | MACRATE | MAC DL BLER 2nd |
NR | NR MAC Throughput DL | MAC DL BLER 3rd+ (%) | The ratio of 3rd or more retransmission to all received TBs. | MACRATE | MAC DL BLER 3rd+ |
NR | NR MAC Throughput DL | MAC DL BLER Residual (%) | Defines the ratio of transport blocks that HARQ process was not able to correct and RLC layer has to fix. This is the ratio of failed HARQ processes to new transmissions. | MACRATE | MAC DL residual BLER |
NR | NR MAC Throughput DL | MAC DL Residual Errors | The number of transport blocks that HARQ process was not able to correct and RLC layer has to fix. | MACRATE | MAC DL residual errors |
NR | NR MAC Throughput DL | MAC DL New RX Count | The number of received new (1st attempt) transport blocks since the last report. | MACRATE | MAC DL new |
NR | NR MAC Throughput DL | MAC DL Scheduled Throughput (kbps) | MAC DL throughput that is calculated from successfully received SDUs ignoring idle time. With the devices that do not support MAC throughput parameter the estimation of MAC throughput is calculated from successfully received transport blocks. The estimation is a little bit higher than the real MAC throughput since it includes MAC header, MAC control data, and padding to the throughput. | MACRATE | MAC DL scheduled bitrate |
NR | NR MAC Throughput DL | MAC DL Success RX Count | Number of successfully received transport blocks excluding redundant TBs. | MACRATE | MAC DL block rate |
NR | NR MAC Throughput DL | MAC DL Throughput (kbps) | MAC DL throughput that is calculated from successfully received SDUs. With the devices that do not support MAC throughput parameter the estimation of MAC throughput is calculated from successfully received transport blocks. The estimation is a little bit higher than the real MAC throughput since it includes MAC header, MAC control data, and padding to the throughput. | MACRATE | MAC DL bitrate |
NR | NR MAC Throughput DL | MAC DL Throughput Total (kbps) | MAC DL throughput that is calculated from successfully received SDUs. With the devices that do not support MAC throughput parameter the estimation of MAC throughput is calculated from successfully received transport blocks. The estimation is a little bit higher than the real MAC throughput since it includes MAC header, MAC control data, and padding to the throughput. | MACRATE | MAC DL bitrate |
NR | NR MAC Throughput UL | MAC UL New TX Count | The number of transmitted new (1st attempt) transport blocks since the last report. | MACRATEU | MAC UL new |
NR | NR MAC Throughput UL | MAC UL ReTX Rate 1st (%) | The ratio of 1st retransmissions to all transmitted TBs. | MACRATEU | MAC UL retr. 1st |
NR | NR MAC Throughput UL | MAC UL ReTX Rate 2nd (%) | The ratio of 2nd retransmissions to all transmitted TBs. | MACRATEU | MAC UL retr. 2nd |
NR | NR MAC Throughput UL | MAC UL ReTX Rate 3rd+ (%) | The ratio of 3rd or more retransmissions to all transmitted TBs. | MACRATEU | MAC UL retr. 3rd+ |
NR | NR MAC Throughput UL | MAC UL ReTX Rate Total (%) | The ratio of retransmitted transport blocks to all transmitted TBs. | MACRATEU | MAC UL retr. |
NR | NR MAC Throughput UL | MAC UL Scheduled Throughput (kbps) | MAC UL throughput that is calculated from successfully transmitted MAC SDUs ignoring idle time. With the devices that do not support MAC throughput parameter the estimation of MAC throughput is calculated from successfully delivered transport blocks. The estimation is a little bit higher than the real MAC throughput since it includes MAC headers, MAC control data, and padding. | MACRATEU | MAC UL scheduled bitrate |
NR | NR MAC Throughput UL | MAC UL Success TX Count | The number of successfully transmitted transport blocks since previous report. | MACRATEU | MAC UL block rate |
NR | NR MAC Throughput UL | MAC UL Throughput (kbps) | MAC UL throughput that is calculated from successfully transmitted MAC SDUs. With the devices that do not support MAC throughput parameter the estimation of MAC throughput is calculated from successfully delivered transport blocks. The estimation is a little bit higher than the real MAC throughput since it includes MAC headers, MAC control data, and padding. | MACRATEU | MAC UL bitrate |
NR | NR Modulation PDSCH | CQI | The average received channel quality during the previous reporting period. See more 3GPP TS 38.212 subclause 6.3 and 38.214 subclause | CQI | WB CQI |
NR | NR Modulation PDSCH | DL Pathloss | Pathloss | CELLMEAS | PL |
NR | NR Modulation PDSCH | PDSCH MCS CW0 | Average scheduled modulation and coding scheme index for codeword 0. See more 3GPP 138.214 subclause 5.1.3. | PLAID | PDSCH MCS 0 |
NR | NR Modulation PDSCH | PDSCH MCS CW1 | Average scheduled modulation and coding scheme index for codeword 1. See more 3GPP 138.214 subclause 5.1.3. | PLAID | PDSCH MCS 1 |
NR | NR Modulation PDSCH | PDSCH Modulation CW0 | Average scheduled modulation for codeword 0. See more 3GPP 138.211 subclause and 138.214 subclause 5.1.3. | PLAID | PDSCH modulation 0 |
NR | NR Modulation PDSCH | PDSCH Modulation CW1 | Average scheduled modulation for codeword 1. See more 3GPP 138.211 subclause and 138.214 subclause 5.1.3. | PLAID | PDSCH modulation 1 |
NR | NR Modulation PDSCH | PDSCH Rank | Average scheduled rank during the previous reporting period. | PLAID | PDSCH rank |
NR | NR Modulation PDSCH | PDSCH RI | The average rank indicator during the previous reporting period. The rank indicator indicates rank that can be used for reception during the current channel conditions. See more 3GPP TS 38.212 subclause 6.3 and 38.214 subclause 5.2. | CQI | RI |
NR | NR Modulation PDSCH | PDSCH Spectral Efficiency (bit/s/hz) | The average spectrum efficiency during the reporting period. Spectrum efficiency is the ratio of the successfully received transport block bits to the used spectrum resource utilization. | PLAID | PDSCH bit/s/Hz |
NR | NR Modulation PDSCH | PDSCH Max Spectral Efficiency (bit/s/hz) | The highest achieved spectrum efficiency for one succesfully received transport block during the reporting period. Spectrum efficiency is the ratio of the successfully received transport block bits to the used spectrum resource utilization. | PLAID | Max PDSCH bit/s/Hz |
NR | NR Modulation PDSCH | PDSCH Transport Block Size CW0 (Byte) | Average scheduled transport block size for codeword 0. See more 3GPP 138.214 subclause 5.1.3. | PLAID | PDSCH TBS 0 |
NR | NR Modulation PDSCH | PDSCH Transport Block Size CW1 (Byte) | Average scheduled transport block size for codeword 1. See more 3GPP 138.214 subclause 5.1.3. | PLAID | PDSCH TBS 1 |
NR | NR Modulation PUSCH | PUSCH Max Spectral Efficiency | The highest achieved spectrum efficiency for one successfully transmitted transport block during the reporting period. Spectrum efficiency is the ratio of the successfully transmitted transport block bits to the used spectrum resource utilization. | PLAIU | Max PUSCH bit/s/Hz |
NR | NR Modulation PUSCH | PUSCH MCS | Average scheduled modulation and coding scheme index for codeword 0. See more 3GPP 138.214 subclause 6.1.4. | PLAIU | PUSCH MCS |
NR | NR Modulation PUSCH | PUSCH Modulation | Average scheduled modulation for codeword 0. See more 3GPP 138.211 subclause and 138.214 subclause 6.1.4. | PLAIU | PUSCH modulation |
NR | NR Modulation PUSCH | PUSCH Rank | Average scheduled rank during the previous reporting period. | PLAIU | PUSCH rank |
NR | NR Modulation PUSCH | PUSCH Spectral Efficiency | The average spectrum efficiency during the reporting period. Spectrum efficiency is the ratio of the successfully transmitted transport block bits to the used spectrum resource utilization. | PLAIU | PUSCH bit/s/Hz |
NR | NR Modulation PUSCH | PUSCH Transport Block Size Avg (Byte) | Average scheduled transport block size for codeword 0. See more 3GPP 138.214 subclause 6.1.4. | PLAIU | PUSCH TBS |
NR | NR Modulation PUSCH | UL Type | Defines what band event information is related. | PLAIU | UL type |
NR | NR PDCP Throughput DL | PDCP DL Blocks | The number of correctly or incorrectly received PDCP PDUs from the defined radio bearer. | PDCPRATED | PDCP DL block rate/RB |
NR | NR PDCP Throughput DL | PDCP DL Blocks Total | Total number of correctly or incorrectly received PDCP PDUs calculated from all active radio bearers. | PDCPRATED | PDCP DL block rate |
NR | NR PDCP Throughput DL | RB ID | RB ID | PDCPRATED | RB ID |
NR | NR PDCP Throughput DL | PDCP DL Mode | RB PDCP mode | PDCPRATED | Mode |
NR | NR PDCP Throughput DL | PDCP DL RB Type | RB type | PDCPRATED | Type |
NR | NR PDCP Throughput DL | PDCP DL Throughput (kbps) | The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the PDCP layer. Missing and erroneous PDCP blocks are excluded from the throughput calculation. | PDCPRATED | PDCP DL bitrate/RB |
NR | NR PDCP Throughput DL | PDCP DL Throughput Total (kbps) | Total downlink PDCP throughput is calculated over all radio bearers. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the PDCP layer. Missing and erroneous PDCP blocks are excluded from the throughput calculation. | PDCPRATED | PDCP DL bitrate |
NR | NR PDCP Throughput UL | PDCP UL Blocks | The number of correctly or incorrectly transmitted PDCP PDUs from the defined radio bearer. | PDCPRATEU | PDCP UL block rate/RB |
NR | NR PDCP Throughput UL | PDCP UL Blocks Total | Total number of correctly or incorrectly transmitted PDCP PDUs calculated from all active radio bearers. | PDCPRATEU | PDCP UL block rate |
NR | NR PDCP Throughput UL | RB ID | RB ID | PDCPRATEU | RB ID |
NR | NR PDCP Throughput UL | PDCP UL Mode | RB PDCP mode | PDCPRATEU | Mode |
NR | NR PDCP Throughput UL | PDCP UL RB Type | RB type | PDCPRATEU | Type |
NR | NR PDCP Throughput UL | PDCP UL Throughput (kbps) | The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the PDCP layer. Missing and erroneous PDCP blocks are excluded from the throughput calculation. | PDCPRATEU | PDCP UL bitrate/RB |
NR | NR PDCP Throughput UL | PDCP UL Throughput Total (kbps) | Total downlink PDCP throughput is calculated over all radio bearers. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the PDCP layer. Missing and erroneous PDCP blocks are excluded from the throughput calculation. | PDCPRATEU | PDCP UL bitrate |
NR | NR PDSCH MCS Distribution | PDSCH MCS CW0 Dist Current Count | PDSCH MCS distribution | PLAID | Count |
NR | NR PDSCH Modulation Distribution | PDSCH Mod CW0 Dist Current Count | PDSCH modulation distribution | PLAID | Count |
NR | NR PDSCH Resource Blocks | PDSCH BWP ID | The average downlink bandwidth part as described in 3GPP 38.211 subclause 4.4.5. | PLAID | PDSCH BWP ID |
NR | NR PDSCH Resource Blocks | PDSCH RB Allocation Count | Average scheduled PRBs during the previous reporting period | PLAID | PDSCH PRBs |
NR | NR PDSCH Resource Blocks | PDSCH Slot Utilization (%) | Ratio of active downlink slots to the reporting period. | PLAID | PDSCH slot % |
NR | NR PDSCH Resource Blocks Distribution | PDSCH RB Dist Current Count | PDSCH PRB distribution | PLAID | Count |
NR | NR PDSCH Resource Blocks Distribution | PDSCH RB Utillization Dist Current Count | PDSCH PRB utilization/index | PLAID | Count |
NR | NR PDSCH RI Distribution | PDSCH Rank Dist Current Count | PDSCH rank distribution | PLAID | Count |
NR | NR PDSCH RI Distribution | PDSCH RI Dist Current Count | Rank indicator distribution | CQI | Count |
NR | NR PHY Throughput PDSCH | PDSCH Phy Throughput (kbps) | PDSCH throughput | PHRATE | PDSCH throughput |
NR | NR PHY Throughput PDSCH | PDSCH Phy Throughput Scheduled (kbps) | PDSCH scheduled throughput | PHRATE | PDSCH sch bitrate |
NR | NR PHY Throughput PDSCH | PDSCH Phy Throughput Total (kbps) | PDSCH throughput | PHRATE | PDSCH throughput |
NR | NR PHY Throughput PUSCH | PUSCH Phy Throughput (kbps) | PUSCH throughput | PHRATEU | PUSCH throughput |
NR | NR PHY Throughput PUSCH | PUSCH Phy Throughput Scheduled (kbps) | PUSCH scheduled throughput | PHRATEU | PUSCH sch bitrate |
NR | NR PHY Throughput PUSCH | PUSCH Phy Throughput Total (kbps) | PUSCH throughput | PHRATEU | PUSCH throughput |
NR | NR PHY Throughput PUSCH | UL Type | Defines what band event information is related. | PHRATEU | UL type |
NR | NR Precoding Matrix Indication | Serving Cell Type | Serving cell type | PMI | Cell type |
NR | NR Precoding Matrix Indication | PMI i11 Count | PMI i11 distribution. See more 3GPP TS 38.212 subclause 6.3 and 38.214 subclause. | PMI | Count |
NR | NR Precoding Matrix Indication | PMI i12 Count | PMI i12 distribution. See more 3GPP TS 38.212 subclause 6.3 and 38.214 subclause. | PMI | Count |
NR | NR Precoding Matrix Indication | PMI i13 Count | PMI i13 distribution. See more 3GPP TS 38.212 subclause 6.3 and 38.214 subclause. | PMI | Count |
NR | NR Precoding Matrix Indication | PMI i2 Count | PMI i2 distribution. See more 3GPP TS 38.212 subclause 6.3 and 38.214 subclause. | PMI | Count |
NR | NR PUSCH MCS Distribution | PUSCH MCS Dist Current Count | PUSCH MCS distribution | PLAIU | Count |
NR | NR PUSCH Modulation Distribution | PUSCH Mod Dist Current Count | PUSCH modulation distribution | PLAIU | Count |
NR | NR PUSCH Resource Blocks | PUSCH BWP ID | The average downlink bandwidth part as described in 3GPP 38.211 subclause 4.4.5. | PLAIU | PUSCH BWP ID |
NR | NR PUSCH Resource Blocks | PUSCH RB Allocation Count | Average scheduled PRBs during the previous reporting period. | PLAIU | PUSCH PRBs |
NR | NR PUSCH Resource Blocks | PUSCH Slot Utilization (%) | Ratio of active uplink slots to the reporting period. | PLAIU | PUSCH slot % |
NR | NR PUSCH Resource Blocks Distribution | PUSCH RB Dist Current Count | PUSCH PRB distribution | PLAIU | Count |
NR | NR PUSCH Resource Blocks Distribution | PUSCH RB Utillization Dist Current Count | PUSCH PRB utilization/index | PLAIU | Count |
NR | NR PUSCH RI Distribution | PUSCH Rank Dist Current Count | PUSCH rank distribution | PLAIU | Count |
NR | NR RACH Information | RACH Access Delay (ms) | RACH access delay. Time from initial MSG1 to MSG2 for non-contention based RACH procedures and time from initial MSG1 to MSG4 for contention based RACH procedures. Valid only for successful RACH procedures. | RACHI | Access delay |
NR | NR RACH Information | RACH Config | RACH config. This is the same as PRACH configuration index. See 3GPP TS 38.211 subclause 6.3.3. | RACHI | RACH config |
NR | NR RACH Information | RACH CR Failures | RACH contention resolution failures. This is the total number of contention resolution failures including timer expiries and msg4 decoding failures. Substract RACH contention resolution decoding failures from this parameter to get the number of timer expiries. See 3GPP TS 38.321 subclause 5.1.5. | RACHI | CR failures |
NR | NR RACH Information | RACH CR MSG4 Failures | RACH contention resolution MSG4 decoding failures | RACHI | CR MSG4 decoding failures |
NR | NR RACH Information | RACH Current Tx Power (dBm) | RACH PUSCH power. For successful RACH procedures this contains the TX power used for message sending in PUSCH. | RACHI | PUSCH TX power |
NR | NR RACH Information | RACH Initial Tx Power (dBm) | RACH preamble initial power. TX power used for the first preamble. This is same as PREAMBLE_RECEIVED_TARGET_POWER when PREAMBLE_TRANSMISSION_COUNTER is one. See 3GPP TS 38.321 subclause 5.1.3. | RACHI | 1st preamble TX power |
NR | NR RACH Information | RACH Pathloss (dB) | RACH pathloss. An estimate of the radio condition and what is used calculate initial RACH TX power. See 3GPP TS 38.213 subclause 7.4. | RACHI | PL |
NR | NR RACH Information | RACH Power Ramping Step (dB) | RACH preamble step. This is powerRampingStepHighPriority when it is configured and RACH procedure is initated by beam failure recovery or handover. See 3GPP TS 38.321 subclause 5.1.3. | RACHI | powerRampingStep |
NR | NR RACH Information | RACH Preamble Backoffs | RACH preamble responses with backoff time. How many times Random Access Response contained MAC backoff indicator. See 3GPP TS 38.321 subclause 5.1.4. | RACHI | Preamble backoffs |
NR | NR RACH Information | RACH Preamble Count | RACH preamble count Defines the number of preambles that were sent during the RACH procedure. This is the same as PREAMBLE_TRANSMISSION_COUNTER after end of the RACH procedure. See 3GPP TS 38.321 subclause 5.1. | RACHI | Preambles |
NR | NR RACH Information | RACH Preamble Format | RACH preamble format. See 3GPP TS 38.211 subclause 6.3.3. | RACHI | RACH preamble format |
NR | NR RACH Information | RACH Preamble Index | RACH preamble index The preamble index of the last successfully transmitted preamble. This is only valid for successful RACH procedures. This parameter is same as preamble sequence or random access preamble ID (RAPID). See 3GPP TS 38.213 subclause 8.2 and 3GPP TS 38.321 subclause 5.1.3, 6.1.5, and 6.2.2. | RACHI | RAPID |
NR | NR RACH Information | RACH Preamble Successes | RACH preamble responses with PUSCH resource | RACHI | Preamble successes |
NR | NR RACH Information | RACH Preamble Trans Max | RACH maximum preamble count. See 3GPP TS 38.321 subclause 5.1.4. | RACHI | preambleTransMax |
NR | NR RACH Information | RACH RA-RNTI | RACH RA-RNTI. RNTI that is used on the PDCCH or NPDCCH when random access responses are transmitted. See 3GPP TS 38.321 subclause 5.1.3. | RACHI | RA-RNTI |
NR | NR RACH Information | RACH Reason | Reason for the RACH procedure | RACHI | RACH reason |
NR | NR RACH Information | RACH Response Window | RACH response window. Defines how long random access response (MSG2) is monitored after preamble is transmitted. See 3GPP TS 38.321 subclause 5.1. | RACHI | ra-ResponseWindow |
NR | NR RACH Information | RACH Result | RACH result | RACHI | RACH result |
NR | NR RACH Information | RACH Root Sequence | RACH logical root sequence index. Logical root Zadoff-Chu sequence order number. See 3GPP 138.211 subclause | RACHI | Root sequence |
NR | NR RACH Information | RACH Timing Advance | RACH timing advance. Timing advance command received in random access response (MSG2). See 3GPP TS 38.213 subclause 4.2 and 3GPP TS 38.321 subclause 5.1.4 and 6.2.3. | RACHI | N_TA |
NR | NR RACH Information | RACH Type | RACH type. More information about RACH procedure in LTE see 3GPP TS 38.213 subclause 8 and 3GPP TS 38.321 subclause 5.1. | RACHI | RACH type |
NR | NR RACH Information | UL Type | Defines what band event information is related. | RACHI | UL type |
NR | NR RLC Throughput DL | RLC DL BLER | RLC downlink BLER per RB | RLCRATE | RLC DL BLER/RB |
NR | NR RLC Throughput DL | RLC DL BLER Total | Total downlink RLC BLER calculated from all activate radio bearers. | RLCRATE | RLC DL BLER |
NR | NR RLC Throughput DL | RLC DL Blocks | The number of correctly or incorrectly received RLC PDUs from the defined radio bearer. | RLCRATE | RLC DL block rate/RB |
NR | NR RLC Throughput DL | RLC DL Blocks Total | Total number of correctly or incorrectly received RLC PDUs calculated from all active radio bearers. | RLCRATE | RLC DL block rate |
NR | NR RLC Throughput DL | RLC DL Logical Channel Identity | RB ID | RLCRATE | RB ID |
NR | NR RLC Throughput DL | RLC DL Mode | RB RLC mode | RLCRATE | Mode |
NR | NR RLC Throughput DL | RLC DL RB Type | RB type | RLCRATE | Type |
NR | NR RLC Throughput DL | RLC DL Throughput (kbps) | The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the RLC layer. Missing and erroneous RLC blocks are excluded from the throughput calculation. | RLCRATE | RLC DL bitrate/RB |
NR | NR RLC Throughput DL | RLC DL Throughput Total (kbps) | Total downlink RLC throughput is calculated over all radio bearers. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the RLC layer. Missing and erroneous RLC blocks are excluded from the throughput calculation. | RLCRATE | RLC DL bitrate |
NR | NR RLC Throughput UL | RLC UL Blocks | The number of correctly or incorrectly transmitted RLC PDUs from the defined radio bearer. | RLCRATEU | RLC UL block rate/RB |
NR | NR RLC Throughput UL | RLC UL Blocks Total | Total number of correctly or incorrectly transmitted RLC PDUs calculated from all active radio bearers. | RLCRATEU | RLC UL block rate |
NR | NR RLC Throughput UL | RLC UL Logical Channel Identity | RB ID | RLCRATEU | RB ID |
NR | NR RLC Throughput UL | RLC UL Mode | Mode | RLCRATEU | RB RLC mode |
NR | NR RLC Throughput UL | RLC UL RB Type | Type | RLCRATEU | RB type |
NR | NR RLC Throughput UL | RLC UL Retransmission Rate | RLC uplink retransmission rate per RB | RLCRATEU | RLC UL retr./RB |
NR | NR RLC Throughput UL | RLC UL Retransmission Rate Total | Total uplink RLC retransmission rate calculated from all active radio bearers. | RLCRATEU | RLC UL retr. |
NR | NR RLC Throughput UL | RLC UL Throughput (kbps) | The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the RLC layer. Missing and erroneous RLC blocks are excluded from the throughput calculation. | RLCRATEU | RLC UL bitrate/RB |
NR | NR RLC Throughput UL | RLC UL Throughput Total (kbps) | Total uplink RLC throughput. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the RLC layer. Missing and erroneous RLC blocks are excluded from the throughput calculation. | RLCRATEU | RLC UL bitrate |
NR | NR RRC States | SSB Band | Band | CHI | Band |
NR | NR RRC States | Cell Id | CellIdentity as defined by 3GPP 38.331 subclause 6.3.2 CellIdentity. | CHI | NR cell ID |
NR | NR RRC States | PCI | Physical cell identity | CHI | PCI |
NR | NR RRC States | SSB NRARFCN | SSB NR-ARFCN. See more 3GPP TS 38.101 subclause | CHI | SSB NR-ARFCN |
NR | NR RRC States | RRC State | RRC state | CHI | RRC state |
NR | NR RRC States | TAC | Tracking area code. See 3GPP TS 23.003 subclause and 28.6. | CHI | TAC |
NR | NR Service Information | AMF Region ID | AMF region ID. See 3GPP TS 23.003 subclause 2.10 and 3GPP TS 24.501 subclause | SEI | AMF region ID |
NR | NR Service Information | AMF Set ID | AMF set ID. See 3GPP TS 23.003 subclause 2.10 and 3GPP TS 24.501 subclause | SEI | AMF set ID |
NR | NR Service Information | AMF Pointer | AMF pointer. See 3GPP TS 23.003 subclause 2.10 and 3GPP TS 24.501 subclause | SEI | AMF pointer |
NR | NR Service Information | LAC | Location area code. If the service is not available this is the last known LAC value when the service was available. | SEI | LAC |
NR | NR Service Information | MCC | Mobile country code. If the service is not available this is the last known MCC value when the service was available. | SEI | MCC |
NR | NR Service Information | MME Code | Identifies Mobility Management Entities (MME) within the MME pool areas. See 3GPP TS 123.003. | SEI | MME code |
NR | NR Service Information | MME Group ID | Mobility Management Entity (MME) group identification is used to differentiate between pools of MMEs. See 3GPP TS 123.003. | SEI | MME group ID |
NR | NR Service Information | MNC | Mobile network code. If the service is not available this is the last known MNC value when the service was available. | SEI | MNC |
NR | NR Service Information | M-TMSI | M-Temporary Moblie subscriber Identity. See 3GPP TS 123.003. | SEI | M-TMSI |
NR | NR Service Information | P-TMSI | Packet temporary mobile subscriber identity. See 3GPP TS 124.008 subclause and 3GPP TS 123.003 subclause 2.7. | SEI | P-TMSI |
NR | NR Service Information | Registered MCCs | Registered MCCs. See ITU-T recommendation E.212. | SEI | Registered MCCs |
NR | NR Service Information | Registered MNCs | Registered MNCs. | SEI | Registered MNCs |
NR | NR Service Information | Registered TACs | Registered TACs. Tracking area code in tracking area identity list. See 3GPP TS 24.301 subclause, 3GPP TS 24.501 subclause,and 3GPP TS 23.003 subclause and 28.6. | SEI | Registered TACs |
NR | NR Service Information | Service Status | Service info status | SEI | Service status |
NR | NR Service Information | TMSI | Temporary mobile subscriber identity. See 3GPP TS 124.008 subclause and 3GPP TS 123.003 subclause 2.4. | SEI | TMSI |
NR | NR Timing Advance | Timing Advance (16Ts) | Timing advance is used to adjust uplink transmission timing in a way that allows base station to receive transmissions from all UEs simultanously. The timing advance is relative to downlink radio frame received by UE. This parameter is the same as N_TA parameter divided by 16. One step in the number matches about distance of 1.2216 meters from the base station. See 3GPP TS 38.213 subclause 4.2 and 3GPP TS 38.211 subclause 4.3. | TAD | TA |
NR | NR Timing Advance | Timing Advance (meters) | Timing advance is used to adjust uplink transmission timing in a way that allows base station to receive transmissions from all UEs simultanously. The timing advance is relative to downlink radio frame received by UE. This parameter is the same as N_TA parameter divided by 16. One step in the number matches about distance of 1.2216 meters from the base station. See 3GPP TS 38.213 subclause 4.2 and 3GPP TS 38.211 subclause 4.3. | TAD | TA |
NR | NR UE Tx Power | PUCCH Max Tx Power (dBm) | PUCCH max TX power | TXPC | PUCCH max TX power |
NR | NR UE Tx Power | PUCCH Power Adjustment (dB) | The average PUCCH power control adjustment during the last reporting period. Same as g(i,l) parameter in 3GPP TS 38.213 subclause 7.2.1. | TXPC | g(i,l) |
NR | NR UE Tx Power | PUCCH Power Headroom (dB) | The average available uplink power headroom for PUCCH. See more 3GPP TS 38.213 subclause 5.4.6 type 2. | TXPC | PUCCH PH |
NR | NR UE Tx Power | PUCCH Tx Power (dBm) | The average transmit power for PUCCH calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 38.213 subclause | TXPC | PUCCH TX power |
NR | NR UE Tx Power | PUCCH Pathloss (dB) | Pathloss PUCCH | TXPC | PUCCH PL |
NR | NR UE Tx Power | PUSCH Max Tx Power (dBm) | PUSCH max TX power | TXPC | PUSCH max TX power |
NR | NR UE Tx Power | PUSCH Power Adjustment (dB) | The average PUSCH power control adjustment during the last reporting period. Same as f(i,l) parameter in 3GPP TS 38.213 subclause 7.1.1. | TXPC | f(i,l) |
NR | NR UE Tx Power | PUSCH Power Headroom (dB) | The average available uplink power headroom. | TXPC | PUSCH PH |
NR | NR UE Tx Power | PUSCH Tx Power (dBm) | The average transmit power for PUSCH calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 38.213 subclause | TXPC | PUSCH TX power |
NR | NR UE Tx Power | PUSCH Pathloss (dB) | Pathloss PUSCH | TXPC | PUSCH PL |
NR | NR UE Tx Power | SRS Max Tx Power (dBm) | SRS max TX power | TXPC | SRS max TX power |
NR | NR UE Tx Power | SRS Pathloss (dB) | Pathloss SRS | TXPC | SRS PL |
NR | NR UE Tx Power | SRS Power Adjustment (dB) | The average SRS power control adjustment during the last reporting period. Same as h(i,l) parameter in 3GPP TS 38.213 subclause 7.3.1. | TXPC | h(i,l) |
NR | NR UE Tx Power | SRS Power Headroom (dB) | The average available uplink power headroom for SRS. See more 3GPP TS 38.213 subclause 5.4.6 type 3. | TXPC | SRS PH |
NR | NR UE Tx Power | SRS Tx Power (dBm) | The average transmit power for SRS calculated over the reporting period. See 3GPP TS 38.211 subclause and 36.213 subclause 7.3. | TXPC | SRS TX power |
NR | NR UE Tx Power | UL Type | Defines what band event information is related. | TXPC | UL type |
GSM | Neighbor List (GSM/WCDMA/TD) | Channel Number | Channel number | NLIST | Ch |
GSM | Neighbor List (GSM/WCDMA/TD) | GSM BSIC_decimal | Neighbor BSIC (Decimal) | NLIST | BSIC |
GSM | Neighbor List (GSM/WCDMA/TD) | GSM BSIC_octal | Neighbor BSIC (Octal) | NLIST | Source BSIC |
GSM | Neighbor List (GSM/WCDMA/TD) | Neighbor List Status | Neighbor list status | NLIST | Nlist status |
GSM | Neighbor List (GSM/WCDMA/TD) | No. of Neighbors | Number of neighbor channels | NLIST | #nChs |
GSM | Neighbor List (GSM/WCDMA/TD) | System | Measured system | NLIST | System |
GSM | Neighbor List (GSM/WCDMA/TD) | TD-SCDMA CPI | CPI | NLIST | Cell params ID |
GSM | Neighbor List (GSM/WCDMA/TD) | WCDMA PSC | Neighbor scrambling code | NLIST | Scr. |
NR | NR Band RSSI Scan | Sc Band | Band | FREQSCAN | Band |
NR | NR Band RSSI Scan | Sc NRARFCN | NR-ARFCN. See more 3GPP TS 38.101 subclause | FREQSCAN | NR-ARFCN |
NR | NR Band RSSI Scan | Sc RSSI (dBm) | SS-RSSI. The total received power from all sources (including noise, interference, non-serving cells etc.) measured over certain OFDM symbols and resource blocks. See more 3GPP TS 38.15 subclause 5.1.3. | FREQSCAN | SS-RSSI |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc Band | Band | OFDMSCAN | Band |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc Beam NRARFCN | NR-ARFCN. See more 3GPP TS 38.101 subclause | OFDMSCAN | NR-ARFCN |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc NRARFCN | NR-ARFCN. See more 3GPP TS 38.101 subclause | OFDMSCAN | NR-ARFCN |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc Cell Identity | Physical cell identity | OFDMSCAN | PCI |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc Beam Index | Beam index | OFDMSCAN | BI |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc Frequency Offset (Hz) | Frequency offset | OFDMSCAN | FO |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc Numerology | Numerology | OFDMSCAN | Numerology |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc PSS RP (dBm) | Same as SS-RSRP except for primary synchronization signal. | OFDMSCAN | PS-RSRP |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc PSS RQ (dB) | Same as SS-RSRQ except for primary synchronization signal. | OFDMSCAN | PS-RSRQ |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc PSS SINR (dB) | Same as SS-SINR except for primary synchronization signal. | OFDMSCAN | PS-SINR |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc SSS RP (dBm) | Secondary synchronization reference signal receive power. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1.1. | OFDMSCAN | SS-RSRP |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc SSS RQ (dB) | The ratio of N times SS-RSRP to NR carrier RSSI where N scales SS-RSRP to match bandwidth used to measure NR carrier RSSI. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1.3. | OFDMSCAN | SS-RSRQ |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc SSS SINR (dB) | The ratio of the secondary synchronization signal power to noise and interference power. See more 3GPP TS 38.215 subclause 5.1.5. | OFDMSCAN | SS-SINR |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc SSS RSSI (dBm) | The total received power from all sources (including noise, interference, non-serving cells etc.) measured over certain OFDM symbols and resource blocks. See more 3GPP TS 38.15 subclause 5.1.3. | OFDMSCAN | SS-RSSI |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc PBCH DM RP (dBm) | Same as SS-RSRP except for PBCH demodulation reference signals. | OFDMSCAN | PBCH DM-RP |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc PBCH DM RQ (dB) | Same as SS-RSRQ except for PBCH demodulation reference signals. | OFDMSCAN | PBCH DM-RQ |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc PBCH DM SINR (dB) | Same as SS-SINR except for PBCH demodulation reference signals. | OFDMSCAN | PBCH DM-SINR |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc SSB RP (dBm) | Same as SS-RSRP except for combined PBCH and synchronization signals. | OFDMSCAN | SSB-RSRP |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc SSB RQ (dB) | Same as SS-RSRQ except for combined PBCH and synchronization signals. | OFDMSCAN | SSB-RSRQ |
NR | NR Cell Scan - All NRARFCNs | Sc SSB SINR (dB) | Same as SS-SINR except for combined PBCH and synchronization signals. | OFDMSCAN | SSB-SINR |
Service Quality | Packet Error Rate | Application Protocol | Application protocol | PER | Application protocol |
Service Quality | Packet Error Rate | Context ID | Data transfer context ID | PER | ContextID |
Service Quality | Packet Error Rate | DL PER (%) | Packet error rate downlink. The ratio of erroneously received packets to total number of received packets. | PER | PER DL |
Service Quality | Packet Error Rate | Errors DL | Erroneous packets downlink | PER | Errors DL |
Service Quality | Packet Error Rate | Errors UL | Erroneous packets uplink | PER | Errors UL |
Service Quality | Packet Error Rate | Packets DL | Transferred packets downlink | PER | Packets DL |
Service Quality | Packet Error Rate | Packets UL | Transferred packets uplink | PER | Packets UL |
Service Quality | Packet Error Rate | UL PER (%) | Packet error rate uplink. The ratio of erroneously transferred packets to total number of transferred packets. | PER | PER UL |
Service Quality | Packet Jitter | Application Protocol | Application protocol | JITTER | Application protocol |
Service Quality | Packet Jitter | Context ID | Data transfer context ID | JITTER | ContextID |
Service Quality | Packet Jitter | DL Jitter (ms) | Packet jitter downlink (ms). | JITTER | Jitter DL |
Service Quality | Packet Jitter | UL Jitter (ms) | Packet jitter uplink (ms). | JITTER | Jitter UL |
Service Quality | PEVQ-S Data | App. Rate DL | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for PEVQ-S protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 22) |
Service Quality | PEVQ-S Data | App. Rate UL | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for PEVQ-S protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 22) |
Service Quality | PEVQ-S Data | Received kBytes DL | Transferred bytes downlink for PEVQ-S protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 22) |
Service Quality | PEVQ-S Data | Sent kBytes | Transferred bytes uplink for PEVQ-S protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 22) |
Service Quality | Ping | Context ID | Data transfer context ID | RTT | ContextID |
Service Quality | Ping | Ping Delay (ms) | Ping round trip time (ms). | RTT | Ping RTT |
Service Quality | Ping | Ping Size (bytes) | Ping packet size (byte). Ping packet size is the size of the ping packet. The value also determines the size of the reply packet. | RTT | Ping size |
Service Quality | Ping | Protocol | Application protocol | RTT | Application protocol |
Common | Possible Missing Neighbor (GSM/WCDMA) | Missing GSM neighbor BSIC_decimal | Missing neighbor BSIC (Decimal) | NMISS | BSIC |
Common | Possible Missing Neighbor (GSM/WCDMA) | Missing GSM neighbor BSIC_octal | Missing neighbor BSIC (Octal) | NMISS | BSIC |
Common | Possible Missing Neighbor (GSM/WCDMA) | Missing GSM neighbor Rx level Org | Missing neighbor RX level | NMISS | RxLev |
Common | Possible Missing Neighbor (GSM/WCDMA) | Missing neighbor channel number | Missing neighbor channel number | NMISS | Ch |
Common | Possible Missing Neighbor (GSM/WCDMA) | Missing Neighbor Index | Missing neighbor index | NMISS | Missing neighbor index |
Common | Possible Missing Neighbor (GSM/WCDMA) | Missing WCDMA neighbor delta from top 1 | Missing neighbor difference to strongest pilot | NMISS | Diff. to str. |
Common | Possible Missing Neighbor (GSM/WCDMA) | Missing WCDMA neighbor Ec/Io | Missing neighbor Ec/N0 | NMISS | Ec/No |
Common | Possible Missing Neighbor (GSM/WCDMA) | Missing WCDMA neighbor PSC | Missing neighbor scrambling code | NMISS | Scr. |
Common | Possible Missing Neighbor (GSM/WCDMA) | Missing WCDMA neighbor RSCP Org | Missing neighbor RSCP | NMISS | RSCP |
Common | Possible Missing Neighbor (GSM/WCDMA) | No. of possible missing neighbors | Number of detected possible missing neighbor cells | NMISS | #Miss. neighbors |
Common | Possible Missing Neighbor (GSM/WCDMA) | System | Measured system | NMISS | System |
Service Quality | PPP Layer Data Throughput | Session PPP Bytes Received Since Dialup | Transferred PPP bytes downlink (byte). Cumulative amount of data transferred in downlink direction during the packet session. | PPPRATE | Transferred PPP bytes downlink |
Service Quality | PPP Layer Data Throughput | Session PPP Bytes Sent Since Dialup | Transferred PPP bytes uplink (byte). Cumulative amount of data transferred in uplink direction during the packet session. | PPPRATE | Transferred PPP bytes uplink |
Service Quality | PPP Layer Data Throughput | Session PPP Throughput DL (kbps) | PPP throughput downlink (kbit/s). The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the PPP layer. Missing and erroneous PPP packets are excluded from the throughput calculation. With Nemo Handy, the PPP layer is not used and the reported value is TCP/IP throughput instead. With Nemo Outdoor, the PPP layer carries the IP layer in order to produce a good approximation of TCP/IP throughput. However, this approximation is not exact. Also note that with Nemo Outdoor the PPP throughput is only reported when the packet session is activated using the dialup interface. | PPPRATE | PPP throughput downlink |
Service Quality | PPP Layer Data Throughput | Session PPP Throughput UL (kbps) | PPP throughput uplink (kbit/s). The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the PPP layer. Missing and erroneous PPP packets are excluded from the throughput calculation. With Nemo Handy, the PPP layer is not used and the reported value is TCP/IP throughput instead. With Nemo Outdoor, the PPP layer carries the IP layer in order to produce a good approximation of TCP/IP throughput. However, this approximation is not exact. Also note that with Nemo Outdoor the PPP throughput is only reported when the packet session is activated using the dialup interface. | PPPRATE | PPP throughput uplink |
LTE | Robust Header Compression (Nemo) | ROHC Compression Rate DL Overall (%) | ROHC compression rate DL. This is the ratio of received compressed bytes to uncompressed bytes. In some cases (especially at the beginning of the session) this ratio can be higher than 100% meaning that compressed data is larger than uncompressed result. Sometimes this parameter is called decompression rate. | ROHC | ROHC CR DL |
LTE | Robust Header Compression (Nemo) | ROHC Compression Rate DL Overall/Profile (%) | ROHC compression ratio DL/profile This is the ratio of received compressed bytes to uncompressed bytes. In some cases (especially at the beginning of the session) this ratio can be higher than 100% meaning that compressed data is larger than uncompressed result. Sometimes this parameter is called decompression rate. | ROHC | ROHC CR DL/profile |
LTE | Robust Header Compression (Nemo) | ROHC Compression Rate UL Overall (%) | ROHC compression rate UL. This is the ratio of transmitted compressed bytes to uncompressed bytes. In some cases (especially at the beginning of the session) this ratio can be higher than 100% meaning that compressed result is larger than uncompressed data. | ROHC | ROHC CR UL |
LTE | Robust Header Compression (Nemo) | ROHC Compression Rate UL Overall/Profile (%) | ROHC compression ratio UL/profile This is the ratio of transmitted compressed bytes to uncompressed bytes. In some cases (especially at the beginning of the session) this ratio can be higher than 100% meaning that compressed result is larger than uncompressed data. | ROHC | ROHC CR UL/profile |
LTE | Robust Header Compression (Nemo) | ROHC Profile | ROHC profile. ROHC IP header compression standard defines multiple different header compression schemes for different purposes. This section defines each compression profile its own separate compression statistic. See more about compression profiles in RFC 4995. | ROHC | ROHC profile |
Service Quality | RTT | Context ID | Data transfer context ID | RTT | ContextID |
Service Quality | RTT | One-way delay DL (ms) | One-way delay DL. Currently this parameter is only reported for TWAMP protocol. Logged unit is milliseconds and the accuracy is microseconds (three decimals). | RTT | OWD DL |
Service Quality | RTT | One-way delay UL (ms) | One-way delay UL. Currently this parameter is only reported for TWAMP protocol. Logged unit is milliseconds and the accuracy is microseconds (three decimals). | RTT | OWD UL |
Service Quality | RTT | Protocol | Application protocol | RTT | Application protocol |
Service Quality | RTT | RTT (ms) | RTT | RTT | RTT |
Service Quality | RTT | RTT Packet Size (bytes) | RTT packet size. RTT packet size is the size of the ping packet. The value also determines the size of the reply packet. | RTT | RTT packet size |
Common | Spectrum Analyzer Scan | Frequency (MHz) | Center frequency of the measured sample. | SPECTRUMSCAN | Frequency |
Common | Spectrum Analyzer Scan | Resolution Bandwidth (Hz) | Resolution bandwidth. To be able to scan large bandwidth spectrums, the total sweep bandwidth must be divided into smaller parts. The resolution bandwidth defines the size of the smaller parts, each of which is scanned separately. | SPECTRUMSCAN | Bandwidth |
Common | Spectrum Analyzer Scan | RX level (dBm) | RX level. | SPECTRUMSCAN | RX level |
Common | Spectrum Analyzer Scan | Sweep bandwidth (MHz) | Sweep bandwidth. The total scanned bandwidth that is divided into smaller parts before the scanning. | SPECTRUMSCAN | Sweep bandwidth |
Common | Spectrum Analyzer Scan | Sweep center frequency (MHz) | Sweep center frequency. | SPECTRUMSCAN | Sweep frequency |
Common | Spectrum Analyzer Scan | Sweep RX level average (dBm) | Sweep average RX level. The linear average of RX levels measured over bandwidth of 'resolution bandwidth'. | SPECTRUMSCAN | Sweep average RX level |
Common | Spectrum Analyzer Scan | Sweep RX level maximum (dBm) | Sweep maximum RX level. Maximum RX levels measured over bandwidth of 'resolution bandwidth'. | SPECTRUMSCAN | Sweep maximum RX level |
Common | Spectrum Analyzer Scan | Sweep RX level minimum (dBm) | Sweep minimum RX level. Minimum RX levels measured over bandwidth of 'resolution bandwidth'. | SPECTRUMSCAN | Sweep minimum RX level |
Common | Spectrum Analyzer Scan | Sweep RX level total (dBm) | Sweep total RX level. Total RX level measured over full spectrum bandwidth | SPECTRUMSCAN | Sweep total RX level |
Service Quality | Speedtest Data | App. Rate DL | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for Speedtest protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 24) |
Service Quality | Speedtest Data | App. Rate UL | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for Speedtest protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 24) |
Service Quality | Speedtest Data | Received kBytes DL | Transferred bytes downlink for Speedtest protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 24) |
Service Quality | Speedtest Data | Sent kBytes | Transferred bytes uplink for Speedtest protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 24) |
Common | System and Mode | Multi RAT Connectivity Mode | Packet technology | PCHI | Packet tech. |
Common | System and Mode | Packet State | Packet state | PCHI | Packet state |
Service Quality | TCP Statistics (Nemo) | Application protocol | Application protocol | TCPSTAT | Application protocol |
Service Quality | TCP Statistics (Nemo) | TCP duplicate ACKs | TCP duplicate ACKs. Duplicate ACK is an ACK packet where all the sequence numbers are identical to the previous ACK. It is caused by a missing packet from the server side we try to get the server to send again. | TCPSTAT | TCP DUP ACKs |
Service Quality | TCP Statistics (Nemo) | TCP out-of-order packets | TCP out-of-order packets. Out Of Order is a packet that arrives in the middle of data sequence. | TCPSTAT | TCP OoOs |
Service Quality | TCP Statistics (Nemo) | TCP receive window size | TCP receive window size. See | TCPSTAT | TCP RWIN |
Service Quality | TCP Statistics (Nemo) | TCP reset packets | TCP reset packets. RST packets are an indication about TCP connection that is only half open and one side has stopped sending information for some reason and connection has to be closed. Often RST packet is a response to receiving a packet for a socket that is already closed. | TCPSTAT | TCP RSTs |
Service Quality | TCP Statistics (Nemo) | TCP round-trip time | TCP round-trip time. TCP round-trip time is counted from the moment a data packet has been sent to a moment when a server has been responded with an ACK. This calculation is based on the packet timestamps, not the time the packet is sent and ACK is received at local time. SRTT (Smoothed Round-Trip Time) is an averaged estimation of the current RTT. The calculation formula is: SRTT = (0.9 * previous_SRTT) + (0.1 * current_RTT). See | TCPSTAT | TCP RTP |
Service Quality | TCP Statistics (Nemo) | TCP send window size | TCP send window size | TCPSTAT | TCP send window size |
Service Quality | TCP Statistics (Nemo) | TCP throughput downlink | TCP throughput downlink | TCPSTAT | TCP throughput downlink |
Service Quality | TCP Statistics (Nemo) | TCP throughput uplink | TCP throughput uplink | TCPSTAT | TCP throughput uplink |
Service Quality | TCP Statistics (Nemo) | TCP uplink bytes in flight | TCP uplink bytes in flight. This parameter shows how much data has been sent or received, but has not been confirmed by an ACK packet. If there is a problem with the network or multiple packets are lost or retransmitted, the value increases until it has been confirmed. The calculation of this parameters differs from the way Wireshark does it. In Wireshark, BIF can be quite high if an Out Of Order packet arrives to the data stream because Wireshark identifies BIF by sequence numbers. In Outdoor this is always calculated by inspecting the payload length of nonsent or non-received packets. | TCPSTAT | TCP UL BIF |
Service Quality | TCP Statistics (Nemo) | TCP uplink retransmission rate | TCP uplink retransmission rate | TCPSTAT | TCP UL retr |
TD-SCDMA | TD HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | TD HSDPA CQI | HSDPA CQI. An estimate of the link adaptation (transport block size, the modulation type, the number of parallel codes, and the spreading factor) required to enable correct reception with reasonable block error rate. The measured value is reported periodically to the network. This information can be used for data scheduling and link adaptation. See 3GPP TS 125.224 subclause 4.11.2. | CQI | HSDPA CQI |
TD-SCDMA | TD HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | TD HSDPA CQI percentage | HSDPA CQI percentage (%). Percentage of this CQI value from the total sampling duration. Note that the sum of the percentages is 200 when the measurement event contains information about primary and secondary HSDPA cells. | CQI | HSDPA CQI distribution |
TD-SCDMA | TD HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | TD Number of CQI values | Number of CQI values | CQI | Number of CQI values |
TD-SCDMA | TD HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | TD Physical Layer Requested TP (kbps) | HSDPA physical layer requested throughput (kbit/s). Computational throughput based on the transport block sizes indicated by the CQI values. In MIMO mode, only CQI type A is used for the calculation. This is the throughput that would have been achieved if the network had sent the link adaptation parameters defined by the CQI. | CQI | HSDPA physical layer requested throughput |
TD-SCDMA | TD HSDPA Channel Quality Indicator | TD Sample Duration (ms) | Sample duration (ms). The time from which samples are collected for the distribution. | CQI | Sample duration |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA AMR Codec Usage (Nemo) | Active Codec Set DL | AMR mode downlink | AMRS | AMR mode DL |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA AMR Codec Usage (Nemo) | Active Codec Set UL | AMR mode uplink | AMRS | AMR mode UL |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Carrier RSSI | UARFCN | Channel number | CELLMEAS | Channel number |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Carrier RSSI | UE Received Power (RSSI - Org) | Carrier RSSI (dBm). Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | CELLMEAS | Carrier RSSI |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Cell Measurements | Band | Band | CELLMEAS | Band |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Cell Measurements | Cell Type | Cell type | CELLMEAS | Cell type |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Cell Measurements | CPI | Cell parameters ID | CELLMEAS | Cell params ID |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Cell Measurements | Hrxlev | Hrxlev criterion. Hierarchical cell criterion H based on RSCP. See 3GPP TS 25.304 subclause 5.2.6 cell reselection evaluation process. | CELLMEAS | Hrxlev |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Cell Measurements | Pathloss | Pathloss (dB) | CELLMEAS | Pathloss |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Cell Measurements | P-CCPCH RSCP | PCCPCH RSCP (dBm). The received signal code power of a single code measured on PCCPCH. See 3GPP TS 5.1.2 subclause 5.1.2. | CELLMEAS | RSCP |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Cell Measurements | Rrxlev | Rrxlev criterion. Cell ranking criterion R based on RSCP. See 3GPP TS 25.304 subclause 5.2.6 cell reselection evaluation process. | CELLMEAS | Rrxlev |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Cell Measurements | Srxlev | Srxlev criterion. Cell selection criterion S based on RSCP. See 3GPP TS 25.304 subclause 5.2.3 cell selection process. | CELLMEAS | Srxlev |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Cell Measurements | UARFCN DL | Channel number | CELLMEAS | Channel number |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Cell Measurements | UARFCN-CPI | Channel number & Cell parameters ID | CELLMEAS | Cell params ID |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Channel Info | Cell ID | Cell identification. Cell identity of the current cell. For GSM this is 16 bit value, for UMTS this is 28 bit value (RNC ID + 16 bit cell ID), and for LTE this is 28 bit value (eNB ID + 8 bit cell ID). | CHI | Cell ID |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Channel Info | CPI | Cell parameters ID | CHI | Cell params ID |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Channel Info | DRX Cycle Length | DRX cycle length. Defines how often paging indications are monitored. | CHI | DRX cycle |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Channel Info | LAC | Location area code | CHI | LAC |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Channel Info | Max TX Power | Maximum allowed uplink power | CHI | Max TX power |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Channel Info | RRC State | RRC state. 1 = Idle, 2 = URA PCH, 3 = Cell PCH. | CHI | RRC state |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Channel Info | T Reselection | The time which the new cell has had to be ranked better than the old cell before cell reselection is possible. See 3GPP TS 25.304 subclause | CHI | Treselection |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Channel Info | UARFCN | Channel number | CHI | Ch |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA DL Packet Link Adaptation | HSDPA first channelisation code | HSDPA first channelisation code | PLAID | HSDPA first channelisation code |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA DL Packet Link Adaptation | HSDPA HS-PDSCH throughput | HSDPA HSPDSCH throughput (kbit/s). HighSpeed Physical Downlink Shared Channel throughput is calculated from all (also retransmitted) transport blocks received from the HSDSCH transport channel and divided by sample duration. This parameter is also known as HSDPA physical channel throughput or served throughput. | PLAID | HSDPA HS-PDSCH throughput |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA DL Packet Link Adaptation | HSDPA modulation | HSDPA modulation | PLAID | HSDPA modulation |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA DL Packet Link Adaptation | HSDPA number of used channelisation codes | HSDPA number of used channelisation codes | PLAID | HSDPA number of used channelisation codes |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA DL Packet Link Adaptation | HSDPA percentage | HSDPA percentage | PLAID | HSDPA percentage |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA DL Packet Link Adaptation | HSDPA transport block size | HSDPA transport block size | PLAID | HSDPA transport block size |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA DL Packet Link Adaptation | Number of packet link adaptation set | Number of packet link adaptation set | PLAID | Number of packet link adaptation set |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA DL Packet Link Adaptation | Sample duration | Sample duration | PLAID | Sample duration |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA DL Packet Link Adaptation | TD-SCDMA spreading factor | TD-SCDMA spreading factor | PLAID | TD-SCDMA spreading factor |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA DL Power Control | DPCH Signal-to-interference ratio | DPCH SIR (dB). DPCH Signaltointerference ratio. | RXPC | DPCH Signal-to-interference ratio |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA DL Power Control | ISCP | Timeslot ISCP (dB). Interference signal code power. | RXPC | ISCP |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA DL Power Control | Number of Power-Down Commands | Number of sent "DL power down" commands (mobile to BTS) | RXPC | Number of "DL power down" commands |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA DL Power Control | Number of Power-Up Commands | Number of sent "DL power up" commands (mobile to BTS) | RXPC | Number of "DL power up" commands |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA DL Power Control | NumTSL | Number of timeslots | RXPC | Number of timeslots |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA DL Power Control | RSCP | DPCH RSCP (dB). DPCH received signal code power. | RXPC | RSCP |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA DL Power Control | SIR (dB) | Signaltointerference ratio (dB). See 3GPP TS 125.215 subclause 5.2.2. | RXPC | Signal-to-interference ratio |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA DL Power Control | SIR target (dB) | Signaltointerference ratio target (dB). Current target SIR at update time. | RXPC | Signal-to-interference ratio target |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA DL Power Control | TSL | Timeslot | RXPC | Timeslot |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA DPDCH Data Throughput | UL DPDCH Data Throughput (kbps) | Uplink DPDCH bitrate (kbit/s) | PHRATE | DPDCH rate UL |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA HSDPA HARQ Process Info | HARQ Blocks in Error Per Process | HSDPA HARQ process BLER. The ratio of erroneously received MAChs PDUs to all received MAC hs PDUs for each HARQ process separately. | HARQI | HSDPA HARQ process BLER |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA HSDPA HARQ Process Info | HARQ Blocks Transferred Per Process | HSDPA HARQ process block rate packets. The number of MAChs PDUs transferred per HARQ process. | HARQI | HSDPA HARQ blocks transferred |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA HSDPA HARQ Process Info | HARQ Process Identifier | HSDPA HARQ process Identifier | HARQI | HSDPA HARQ process Identifier |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA HSDPA HARQ Process Info | HS Phy Served Throughput Per Process (kbps) | HSDPA HARQ process throughput. The value of the parameter is calculated from the transport block sizes for each HARQ process separately. | HARQI | HSDPA HARQ process throughput |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA HSDPA HARQ Process Info | Number of HARQ processes | Number of HARQ processes | HARQI | Number of HARQ processes |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA HS-SCCH Channel Information | HS-SCCH 1st code | HSDPA HSSCCH first channelisation code | HSSCCHI | HS-SCCH 1st code |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA HS-SCCH Channel Information | HS-SCCH 2nd code | HSDPA HSSCCH second channelisation code | HSSCCHI | HS-SCCH 2nd code |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA HS-SCCH Channel Information | HS-SCCH usage | HSDPA HSSCCH usage (%). Defines the ratio of TTIs when new or retransmitted data is indicated using this HSSCCH channelisation code. Note that the sum of the percentages is 200 when the measurement event contains information about primary and secondary HSDPA cells. | HSSCCHI | HS-SCCH usage |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA HS-SCCH Channel Information | Number of channels | Number of channels | HSSCCHI | Number of channels |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Packet Channel Info | HSDPA UE Category | HSUPA UE category Defines the current maximum possible HSUPA UE category. This is limited by cell configuration and UE capabilities. | PCHI | HSDPA UE |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Packet Channel Info | Network mode of operation | Network mode of operation | PCHI | NW mode |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Packet Channel Info | Packet data technology | Packet technology | PCHI | Packet tech. |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Packet Channel Info | Packet state | Packet state | PCHI | Packet state |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Packet Channel Info | Routing area code (RAC) | Routing area code | PCHI | RAC |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Physical Channel Info | Channelisation code | TDSCDMA channelisation code | PHCHI | Ch. code |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Physical Channel Info | DL repetition length | TDSCDMA downlink repetition length | PHCHI | DL repetition length |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Physical Channel Info | DL repetition period | TDSCDMA downlink repetition period | PHCHI | DL repetition period |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Physical Channel Info | DPCH channel number | DPCH channel number | PHCHI | DPCH ch |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Physical Channel Info | Midamble configuration | Midamble configuration | PHCHI | Midamble config |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Physical Channel Info | Midamble shift | Midamble allocation mode and shift | PHCHI | Midamble shift |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Physical Channel Info | Number of physical channels | Number of physical channels | PHCHI | #Physical channels |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Physical Channel Info | Physical channel direction | Physical channel direction | PHCHI | Direction |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Physical Channel Info | Physical Channel Identity | Physical channel index | PHCHI | Physical channel index |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Physical Channel Info | Physical channel type | TDSCDMA physical channel type | PHCHI | Ph. ch. type |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Physical Channel Info | Spreading factor | TDSCDMA spreading factor | PHCHI | SF |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Physical Channel Info | Timeslot | Timeslot | PHCHI | TSL |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Physical Channel Info | UL repetition length | TDSCDMA uplink repetition length | PHCHI | UL repetition length |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Physical Channel Info | UL repetition period | TDSCDMA uplink repetition period | PHCHI | UL repetition period |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA RACH Info | Desired UpPCH RX power (dBm) | RACH desired UpPCH RX power | RACHI | Desired UpPCH RX power |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA RACH Info | Desired UpRACH RX power (dBm) | RACH desired UpRACH RX power | RACHI | Desired UpRACH RX power |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA RACH Info | Max SYNC UL count | RACH SYNC UL maximum count Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8. This is the same as _Max SYNC_UL Transmissions_ parameter signaled by network in RRC layer and it defines the maximum number of preamble attempts. | RACHI | Max SYNC UL count |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA RACH Info | Message length (ms) | RACH message length | RACHI | Message length |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA RACH Info | PCCPCH pathloss | RACH PCCPCH pathloss | RACHI | PCCPCH pathloss |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA RACH Info | Preamble cycles | Maximum number of preamble cycles | RACHI | Preamble cycles |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA RACH Info | RACH status | RACH FPACH status | RACHI | RACH status |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA RACH Info | SYNC UL count | Transmitted preamble transmission count | RACHI | SYNC UL count |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA RACH Info | SYNC UL initial power (dBm) | RACH SYNC UL initial TX power | RACHI | SYNC UL Init. pwr. |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA RACH Info | SYNC UL last power (dBm) | Power of last SYNC UL | RACHI | SYNC UL power |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA RACH Info | SYNC UL step (dB) | RACH SYNC UL step | RACHI | SYNC UL step |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA RACH Info | Total RACH TX power (dBm) | Total transmission power used in RACH message part (control + data). | RACHI | RACH TX power |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Radio Bearer Info | Ciphering | Radio bearer ciphering | RBI | Ciphering |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Radio Bearer Info | Logical Channel Type | Radio bearer logical channel type | RBI | Logical Ch |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Radio Bearer Info | Number of Radio Bearers | Number of radio bearers | RBI | #RBs |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Radio Bearer Info | Radio Bearer Direction | Radio bearer direction | RBI | Direction |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Radio Bearer Info | Radio Bearer ID | Radio bearer ID | RBI | RB ID |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Radio Bearer Info | RB Index | Radio bearer index | RBI | RB_Index |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Radio Bearer Info | RLC ID | Radio bearer RLC ID | RBI | RLC ID |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Radio Bearer Info | RLC Mode | Radio bearer RLC mode | RBI | RLC mode |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Radio Bearer Info | Transport Channel ID | Radio bearer transport channel ID | RBI | TrCh ID |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Radio Bearer Info | Transport Channel Type | Radio bearer transport channel type | RBI | TrCh type |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Timing Advance | Timing advance (chips) | Timing advance | TAD | Timing advance in chips |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA Top Pilot Scan | Band | Band | PILOTSCAN | Band |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA Top Pilot Scan | Cell params ID | Cell parameters ID | PILOTSCAN | Cell params ID |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA Top Pilot Scan | Ch Type | Channel type | PILOTSCAN | Ch Type |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA Top Pilot Scan | Channel | Channel number | PILOTSCAN | Ch |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA Top Pilot Scan | EcIo | The received energy per chip divided by the relevant measured power density (noise and signal) in the wide band. | PILOTSCAN | Ec/I0 |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA Top Pilot Scan | Num of Cells | Number of cells | PILOTSCAN | #Cells |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA Top Pilot Scan | RSCP | The received signal code power of a single code. | PILOTSCAN | RSCP |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA Top Pilot Scan | RSSI | Carrier RSSI (pilot scanning mode). Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | PILOTSCAN | RSSI |
TD-SCDMA | TDSCDMA Top Pilot Scan | Time offset | Time offset. Position of a selected pilot. | PILOTSCAN | Time offset |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Transport Channel BLER | Transport Channel BLER DL | Average RLC layer block error rate calculated from the transport blocks. | RLCBLER | BLER DL |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Transport Channel BLER | Composite Number of Error Blocks | The number of erroneously received transport blocks | RLCBLER | #TRCH errors |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Transport Channel BLER | Composite Number of Received Blocks | The total number of received transport blocks | RLCBLER | #TRCH blocks |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Transport Channel BLER | Transport CH No of Error Blocks | The number of erroneously received transport blocks for the defined transport channel. | RLCBLER | #TRCH errors |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Transport Channel BLER | Transport CH Received Blocks | The number of received transport blocks for the defined transport channel. | RLCBLER | #TRCH blocks |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Transport Channel BLER | Transport Channel Count DL | Number of transport channels | RLCBLER | #Chs |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Transport Channel BLER | Transport Channel ID DL | Transport channel ID | RLCBLER | TrCh ID |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Transport Channel BLER | Transport Channel BLER DL | BLER per transport channel. The ratio of erroneously received transport blocks to total number of received transport blocks for the defined transport channel. | RLCBLER | TRCH BLER |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Transport Channel Info | Coded Composite Transport Channel ID | Transport channel ID | TRCHI | CCTrCh ID |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Transport Channel Info | CRC Length | CRC length | TRCHI | CRC length |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Transport Channel Info | Number of Transport Channels | Number of transport channels | TRCHI | #TrChs |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Transport Channel Info | Rate-matching Attribute | Ratematching attribute | TRCHI | Rate-m. attr. |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Transport Channel Info | Transmission Time Interval (TTI - ms) | Transmission time interval | TRCHI | TTI |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Transport Channel Info | Transport Channel Coding | Transport channel coding | TRCHI | TrCh coding |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Transport Channel Info | Transport Channel Direction | Transport channel direction | TRCHI | Direction |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Transport Channel Info | Transport Channel ID | Radio bearer ID | TRCHI | TrCh ID |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Transport Channel Info | Transport Channel Type | Transport channel type | TRCHI | TrCh type |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Transport Channel Info | TrCH Index | Radio bearer index | TRCHI | TrCh ID |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA UARFCN Scanning | RssiDbm | Carrier RSSI (frequency scanning mode). Carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | FREQSCAN | RSSI |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA UARFCN Scanning | Sc RSSI Band | Band | FREQSCAN | Band |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA UARFCN Scanning | Sc RSSI Frequency (MHz) | Channel number | FREQSCAN | Frequency |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA UARFCN Scanning | Sc RSSI UARFCN | Channel number | FREQSCAN | Channel number |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA UL Power Control | Number of Power-Down Commands | Number of received "UL power down" commands (BTS to mobile) | TXPC | Number of "UL power down" commands |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA UL Power Control | Number of Power-Up Commands | Number of received "UL power up" commands (BTS to mobile) | TXPC | Number of "UL power up" commands |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA UL Power Control | Power Control Step Size (dB) | TX power control step size | TXPC | TX power control step size |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA UL Power Control | UE TX Power (Org) | TX power (dBm) | TXPC | TX power |
TD-SCDMA | TD-SCDMA Voice FER | Voice Frame Error Rate (%) | Frame error rate (%) | FER | Frame error rate |
LTE | Testing Device Information | LTE UE Category Downlink | The highest allowed downlink UE category. This is limited by cell configuration and UE capabilities. | CHI | DL UE category |
LTE | Testing Device Information | LTE UE Category Uplink | The highest allowed uplink UE category. This is limited by cell configuration and UE capabilities. | CHI | UL UE category |
Common | TETRA L3 Signaling | L3 Hex Dump | Layer3 data | L3SM | L3 data |
Common | TETRA L3 Signaling | Signaling Direction | Layer3 direction | L3SM | Transfer direction |
Common | TETRA L3 Signaling | Signaling message | Layer3 message | L3SM | L3 msg |
Common | TETRA L3 Signaling | Sub Channel | Layer3 subchannel | L3SM | Sub channel/channel type |
Common | TETRA LLC Message | Direction | LLC direction | LLCSM | Direction |
Common | TETRA LLC Message | LLC Data | LLC data | LLCSM | LLC data |
Common | TETRA LLC Message | LLC Message | LLC message | LLCSM | LLC msg |
Service Quality | Twitter Data | App. Rate DL | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for Twitter protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 19) |
Service Quality | Twitter Data | App. Rate UL | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for Twitter protocol. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with HTTP/IPbased application protocols, the HTTP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 19) |
Service Quality | Twitter Data | Received kBytes DL | Transferred bytes downlink for Twitter protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 19) |
Service Quality | Twitter Data | Sent kBytes | Transferred bytes uplink for Twitter protocol. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 19) |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSDPA 64QAM | HSDPA 64QAM | PCHI | HSDPA 64QAM |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSDPA 64QAM (secondary) | HSDPA 64QAM (secondary) | PCHI | HSDPA 64QAM 2 |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSDPA ACK/NACK repetition factor | HSDPA ACK/NACK repetition factor. Controls how often the UE repeats each ACK or NACK. See 3GPP TS 25.214 subclause 6A.1.1. | PCHI | ACK/NACK repetitions |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSDPA H-RNTI (secondary) | HSDPA HRNTI (secondary) | PCHI | H-RNTI 2 |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSDPA HS-DSCH measurement power offset (secondary) | HSDPA HSDSCH measurement power offset (secondary) | PCHI | Pwr. offset 2 |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSDPA MAC header type | HSDPA MAC header type | PCHI | HSDPA MAC header type |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSDPA MAC header type (secondary) | HSDPA MAC header type (secondary) | PCHI | HSDPA MAC type 2 |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSDPA measurement power offset | HSDPA HSDSCH measurement power offset | PCHI | Power offset |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSDPA Number of HS-SCCHs (secondary) | HSDPA #HSSCCHs (secondary) | PCHI | #HS-SCCHs 2 |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSDPA number of monitored HS-SCCH | HSDPA #HSSCCHs | PCHI | #HS-SCCH |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSDPA serving HS-DSCH PSC | HSDPA serving HSDSCH scrambling code | PCHI | HS-DSCH SC |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSDPA UE category | HSDPA used UE category. Defines the current maximum possible HSDPA UE category. This is limited by cell configuration and UE capabilities. The value can be smaller than the maximum UE category supported by the mobile if for example the currently used cell is restricting the UE category (either MACehs or dual cell mode is not supported). | PCHI | HSDPA UE categ. |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSPA serving channel (secondary) | HSPA serving channel (secondary) | PCHI | HSPA Ch 2 |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSPA serving scrambling code (secondary) | HSPA serving scrambling code (secondary) | PCHI | HSPA SC 2 |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSUPA AGCH channelisation code | HSUPA AGCH channelisation code | PCHI | AGCH OVSF |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSUPA AGCH channelisation code (secondary) | HSUPA AGCH channelisation code (secondary) | PCHI | AGCH OVSF 2 |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSUPA E-DPCCH/DPCCH power offset | HSUPA EDPCCH/DPCCH power offset | PCHI | E-DPCCH power offset |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSUPA E-TFCI table index | HSUPA ETFCI table index | PCHI | E-TFCI table |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSUPA happy bit delay condition (ms) | HSUPA happy bit delay condition | PCHI | Happy bit delay cond. |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSUPA primary E-RNTI | HSUPA primary ERNTI | PCHI | Primary E-RNTI |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSUPA primary E-RNTI (secondary) | HSUPA primary ERNTI (secondary) | PCHI | Primary E-RNTI 2 |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSUPA Puncturing Limit | HSUPA PLnonmax. Puncturing limit used to determine the combination of SF and number of codes that are used for transmitting EDCH with certain data rate. | PCHI | PLnon-max |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSUPA rate matching mode | HSUPA rate matching mode | PCHI | Rate matching |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSUPA secondary E-RNTI | HSUPA secondary ERNTI | PCHI | Secondary E-RNTI |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSUPA secondary E-RNTI (secondary) | HSUPA secondary ERNTI (secondary) | PCHI | Secondary E-RNTI 2 |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSUPA Transmission Time Interval | HSUPA transmission time interval | PCHI | TTI |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | HSUPA UE category | HSUPA UE category Defines the current maximum possible HSUPA UE category. This is limited by cell configuration and UE capabilities. | PCHI | HSUPA UE categ. |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | Network mode of operation | Network mode of operation. 1 = NMO1 Combined routing area and location area update is done through PPCH (PBCCH is present). Paging messages can be sent through PCH or PPCH. Gs interface between SGSN and MSC is present. 2 = NMO2 Separate routing area and location area update is done through PCH (no PBCCH). All paging on PCH. Gs interface between SGSN and MSC is not present. 3 = NMO3 Separate routing area and location area update. CS paging is done on PCH and PS paging is done on PPCH (PBCCH is present). Gs interface between SGSN and MSC is not present. | PCHI | NW mode |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | Number of secondary HSDPA cells | Number of secondary HSDPA cells | PCHI | #HSDPA cells |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | Packet data technology | Packet technology | PCHI | Packet tech. |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | Packet state | Packet state | PCHI | Packet state |
WCDMA | UMTS Packet Channel Info | Routing area code (RAC) | Routing area code | PCHI | RAC |
WCDMA | UMTS Rake Finger Info - All UARFCNs | Average Locked Unique PSC Count | Scrambling code | FINGER | SC |
WCDMA | UMTS Rake Finger Info - All UARFCNs | Finger Position (Chip) | Absolute finger offset | FINGER | Finger abs. offset |
WCDMA | UMTS Rake Finger Info - All UARFCNs | Finger Relative Offset | Finger offset relative to strongest peak | FINGER | Finger rel. offset |
WCDMA | UMTS Rake Finger Info - All UARFCNs | First Locked Unique PSC List | Scrambling code | FINGER | SC |
WCDMA | UMTS Rake Finger Info - All UARFCNs | Lin2LogDenominator | Number of fingers | FINGER | #Fingers |
WCDMA | UMTS Rake Finger Info - All UARFCNs | LinEnergyTotal | Finger Ec/N0. The received energy per chip divided by the power density of the band. | FINGER | Ec/N0 |
WCDMA | UMTS Rake Finger Info - All UARFCNs | LinRSCP | Finger RSCP. The received signal code power of single code. | FINGER | Finger RSCP |
WCDMA | UMTS Rake Finger Info - All UARFCNs | LockedLinEnergyTotalMax | Finger Ec/N0. The received energy per chip divided by the power density of the band. | FINGER | Ec/N0 |
WCDMA | UMTS Rake Finger Info - All UARFCNs | LockedLinEnergyTotalSum | Finger Ec/N0. The received energy per chip divided by the power density of the band. | FINGER | Ec/N0 |
WCDMA | UMTS Rake Finger Info - All UARFCNs | Peak Locked Finger PSC | Scrambling code | FINGER | SC |
WCDMA | UMTS Rake Finger Info - All UARFCNs | Primary Scrambling Code | Scrambling code | FINGER | Scr. |
WCDMA | UMTS Rake Finger Info - All UARFCNs | Rake Finger Count | Number of fingers | FINGER | #Fingers |
WCDMA | UMTS Rake Finger Info - All UARFCNs | Secondary Scrambling Code | Scrambling code | FINGER | Secondary scr. |
Service Quality | Viber Data | App. Rate DL | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for Viber. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with TCP/IPbased application protocols, the TCP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 29) |
Service Quality | Viber Data | App. Rate UL | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for Viber. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with TCP/IPbased application protocols, the TCP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 29) |
Service Quality | Viber Data | Received kBytes DL | Transferred bytes downlink for Viber. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 29) |
Service Quality | Viber Data | Sent kBytes | Transferred bytes uplink for Viber. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 29) |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | Video codec | Defines the video codec used in the container format. Usually this is H.263, H.263+, H.264 (MPEG4 Part 10) or MPEG4 Visual (MPEG4 Part 2) when streaming mobile content. | VQDL | Video codec |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | Video context ID | Data transfer context ID | VQDL | Data transfer context ID |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | Video frame rate | Video frame rate. Defines the number of picture frames displayed during one second. The result is equivalent to FPS (frames per second), which is usually around 10 with mobile content. For example, when viewing a normal DVD, the FPS is 23.976 with NTSC and 25 with PAL. | VQDL | Video frame rate |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | Video protocol | Defines the protocol used to transfer the file through the network. This version of PVI is calibrated with RealPlayer and supports mostly RTP (Real Time Protocol). RDT streams can be played back but diagnostics are not available. Streams with RDT protocol are displayed as "Unknown/Not supported". | VQDL | Video protocol |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ average bitrate DL | Video quality average bitrate DL | VQDL | VQ bitrate |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ blockiness (%) | Video quality blockiness. Perceptual measure of the extent blocky, patchy images. Cause is compression, bit errors, packet loss and high motion. | VQDL | VQ blockiness |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ blurriness (%) | Video quality blurriness. Perceptual measure of the loss of fine detail and the smearing of edges. Cause is compression, bit errors, packet loss and lowpass filtering. | VQDL | VQ blurriness |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ degradation due to compression (%) | Video quality degradation due to compression. The proportion of current quality degradation that is due to video compression. Shows the extent to which video compression has contributed to the current quality loss. | VQDL | Deg due compress |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ degradation due to PER (%) | Video quality degradation due to packet errors. The current proportion of current quality degradation that is due to packet loss. Shows the extent to which packet loss has contributed to the current quality loss. | VQDL | Deg due PER |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ error code | Video quality error code (Streaming Experience Quality Inspector). | VQDL | VQ error |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ jerkiness (%) | Video quality jerkiness. Perceptual measure of frozen pictures or motion that does not look smooth. Cause is network congestion, packet loss, frames dropped by the encoder, reduced frame rate. | VQDL | VQ jerkiness |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ jitter (ms) | Video quality jitter. Jitter is the delay variation of the streaming process. It records the delay of received UDP datagrams carrying the video data. If the delay is too large, video will not play seamlessly. | VQDL | VQ jitter |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ MOS | Video quality MOS. Video quality is measured passively from media streams carried over packetbased networks. Factors that affect quality include delay variations, packet losses and other distortions which may be visible in the video. Also factors such as the video codec itself are included in the final result. However, endtoend and roundtrip delays are not taken into account. Video quality is normally displayed as MOS (Mean Opinion Score), which is expressed as a single number. The range varies from 1 to 5, where 1 is poor quality and 5 is perfect. Usually the MOS value does not reach 5, the practical maximum being most commonly between the values 3 and 4. Opticom MOS-CVQ is same as MOS-V in Nemo file format. | VQDL | VQ MOS, MOS-V |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ MOS absolute DL | Video quality MOS absolute DL. Video quality is measured passively from media streams carried over packetbased networks. Factors that affect quality include delay variations, packet losses and other distortions which may be visible in the video. Also factors, such as the video codec itself are included in the final result. However, endtoend and roundtrip delays are not taken into account. Video quality is normally displayed as MOS (Mean Opinion Score), which is expressed as a single number. The range varies from 1 to 5, where 1 is poor quality and 5 is perfect. Usually the MOS value does not reach 5, the practical maximum being most commonly between the values 3 and 4. | VQDL | MOS V abs |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ MOS BVQA | Video quality MOS BVQA. Best video quality MOS available at the current point. | VQDL | MOS BVQA |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ MOS degradation | Video quality MOS degradation. This is the current video quality difference compared to a 'perfect network'. | VQDL | MOS degradation |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ MOS relative DL | ideo quality MOS relative DL. Relative MOS is calculated similar to absolute MOS except without using resolution. Video streams with different resolutions should get comparable MOS results. | VQDL | MOS V rel |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ PER (%) | Video quality packet error rate. Displays the rate of lost packets between the last and the current request. The UDP protocol does not require all packets to arrive to the client. This is why some packets might be lost during the transfer due to bad network or long delay variations (jitter). | VQDL | VQ PER |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ PER (%) | Video quality packet error rate. Displays the rate of lost packets between the last and the current request. The UDP protocol does not require all packets to arrive to the client. This is why some packets might be lost during the transfer due to bad network or long delay variations (jitter). | VQDL | VQ PER |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ quality buffer fill | Video quality buffer fill. The number of frames in the buffer per second. | VQDL | VQ buffer fill |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ sLoading | Video quality sLoading. MOS score related to initial loading time before the playback starts. | VQDL | VQ sLoading |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ sQuality | Video quality sQuality. Absolute MOS score where the codec and the resolution of the video affects to the result. | VQDL | VQ sQuality |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ sStalling | Video quality sStalling. MOS score related to video interruptions during the playback. | VQDL | VQ sStalling |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ timestamp | Video quality timestamp. Timestamp written when the video quality MOS analyzed is fully received. This is needed since it can take a little while before VQDL event is written after MOS is received. | VQDL | VQ timestamp |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ type | Video quality type | VQDL | VQ type |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ type | Video quality type | VQDL | VQ type |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ type | Video quality type | VQDL | VQ type |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ type | Video quality type | VQDL | VQ type |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ type | Video quality type | VQDL | VQ type |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ type | Video quality type | VQDL | VQ type |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ-AQ MOS absolute DL | Video/audio quality MOS absolute DL. Combined audio and video MOS. | VQDL | MOS AV abs |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Downlink | VQ-AQ MOS relative DL | Video/audio quality MOS relative DL. Combined audio and video MOS excluding resolution from the calculation. | VQDL | MOS AV rel |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Uplink | Video audio quality MOS absolute UL | Video/audio quality MOS absolute UL. Combined audio and video MOS. | VQUL | Video audio quality MOS absolute UL |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Uplink | Video audio quality MOS relative UL | Video/audio quality MOS relative UL. Combined audio and video MOS excluding resolution from the calculation. | VQUL | Video audio quality MOS relative UL |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Uplink | Video codec UL | Video codec UL. Defines the video codec used in the container format. Usually this is H.263, H.263+, H.264 (MPEG4 Part 10) or MPEG4 Visual (MPEG4 Part 2) when streaming mobile content. | VQUL | Video codec UL |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Uplink | Video quality average bitrate UL | Video quality average bitrate UL | VQUL | Video quality average bitrate UL |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Uplink | Video quality MOS absolute UL | Video quality MOS absolute UL. Video quality is measured passively from media streams carried over packet-based networks. Factors that affect quality include delay variations, packet losses and other distortions which may be visible in the video. Also factors, such as the video codec itself are included in the final result. However, end-to-end and round-trip delays are not taken into account. Video quality is normally displayed as MOS (Mean Opinion Score), which is expressed as a single number. The range varies from 1 to 5, where 1 is poor quality and 5 is perfect. Usually the MOS value does not reach 5, the practical maximum being most commonly between the values 3 and 4. | VQUL | Video quality MOS absolute UL |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Uplink | Video quality MOS relative UL | Video quality MOS relative UL. Relative MOS is calculated similar to absolute MOS except without using resolution. Video streams with different resolutions should get comparable MOS results. | VQUL | Video quality MOS relative UL |
Service Quality | Video Quality - Uplink | Video quality type | Video quality type | VQUL | Video quality type |
Service Quality | Video throughput | System | Measured system | VRATE | System |
Service Quality | Video throughput | Video FER (%) | Video FER. Number of erroneous frames received. | VRATE | Video FER |
Service Quality | Video throughput | Video frame rate DL | Video frame rate downlink | VRATE | Video frame rate DL |
Service Quality | Video throughput | Video frame rate UL | Video frame rate uplink | VRATE | Video frame rate UL |
Service Quality | Video throughput | Video protocol | Video protocol | VRATE | Video protocol |
Service Quality | Video throughput | Video quality index (VQI) | Video call quality index | VRATE | VQI |
Service Quality | Video throughput | Video rate DL (kbps) | Video rate downlink | VRATE | Video rate DL |
Service Quality | Video throughput | Video rate UL (kbps) | Video rate uplink | VRATE | Video rate UL |
WCDMA | WCDMA AMR Codec Usage (Nemo) | Active Codec Set DL | AMR mode downlink | AMRS | AMR mode DL |
WCDMA | WCDMA AMR Codec Usage (Nemo) | Active Codec Set UL | AMR mode uplink | AMRS | AMR mode UL |
WCDMA | WCDMA Bit Error Rate | Pilot BER (%) | BER pilot bit (%). Bit error rate of downlink DPCCH (dedicated physical control channel) pilot bits. | BER | BER pilot bit |
WCDMA | WCDMA Bit Error Rate | TFCI BER (%) | BER TFCI (%). Estimated raw BER before channel coding based on TFCI bits. | BER | BER TFCI |
WCDMA | WCDMA Carrier RSSI | Band | Band | CELLMEAS | Carrier Band |
WCDMA | WCDMA Carrier RSSI | UARFCN DL | Channel number | CELLMEAS | Channel number |
WCDMA | WCDMA Carrier RSSI | UE Received Power (RSSI - Org) | Carrier RSSI (dBm). Wideband carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | CELLMEAS | Carrier RSSI |
WCDMA | WCDMA Carrier RSSI Scanning | Band | Band | FREQSCAN | Band |
WCDMA | WCDMA Carrier RSSI Scanning | RSSI Org | Carrier RSSI (frequency scanning mode). Carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | FREQSCAN | RSSI |
WCDMA | WCDMA Carrier RSSI Scanning | UARFCN | Channel number | FREQSCAN | Channel number |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Info Scanning | Band | Band | CELLSCAN | Band |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Info Scanning | Cell_ID | Scanned cell identification. Cell identity of the current cell. For GSM this is 16 bit value, for UMTS this is 28 bit value (RNC ID + 16 bit cell ID), and for LTE this is 28 bit value (eNB ID + 8 bit cell ID). | CELLSCAN | Cell ID |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Info Scanning | LAC | Scanned LAC | CELLSCAN | LAC |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Info Scanning | MCC | Scanned MCC | CELLSCAN | MCC |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Info Scanning | MNC | Scanned MNC | CELLSCAN | MNC |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Info Scanning | PSC | Scanned scrambling code | CELLSCAN | Scr. |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Info Scanning | UARFCN | Scanned channel number | CELLSCAN | UARFCN |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Info Scanning | UARFCN_PSC | Scanned channel number, Scanned base station identification code | CELLSCAN | ARFCN & Scr. |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | CPICH_RSCP | RSCP (dBm). The received signal code power of a single code measured on the primary CPICH. See 3GPP TS 125.215 subclause 5.1.1. | CELLMEAS | RSCP |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | CPICH_RSCP1 | MIMO RSCP, MIMO antenna port 0. The received signal code power of a single code. | MIMOMEAS | RSCP1 |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | CPICH_RSCP2 | MIMO RSCP, MIMO antenna port 1. The received signal code power of a single code. | MIMOMEAS | RSCP2 |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked Band | Band | CELLMEAS | Band |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked Band | MIMO band | MIMOMEAS | Band |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked Cell Type | Cell type | CELLMEAS | Cell type |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked Cell Type | Cell type | MIMOMEAS | Cell type |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked Ec/Io | Ec/N0 (dB). The received energy per chip divided by the power density of the band measured on the primary CPICH. See 3GPP TS 125.215 subclause 5.1.5. | CELLMEAS | Ec/No |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked Ec/Io | Maximum Ec/N0 per MIMO antenna port. | MIMOMEAS | Ec/No |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked Ec/Io Antenna1 | MIMO Ec/N0, MIMO antenna port 0. The received energy per chip divided by the power density of the band. | MIMOMEAS | Ec/No1 |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked Ec/Io Antenna2 | MIMO Ec/N0, MIMO antenna port 1. The received energy per chip divided by the power density of the band. | MIMOMEAS | Ec/No2 |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked Hqual | Hqual criterion. Hierarchical cell criterion H based on Ec/N0. Valid only for UMTS FDD cells. See 3GPP TS 25.304 subclause 5.2.6 cell reselection evaluation process. | CELLMEAS | Hqual |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked Hrxlev | Hrxlev criterion. Hierarchical cell criterion H based on RSCP. See 3GPP TS 25.304 subclause 5.2.6 cell reselection evaluation process. | CELLMEAS | Hrxlev |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked Pathloss | Pathloss (dB). The reduction of the power density from the base station to the mobile station. | CELLMEAS | Pathloss |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked PSC | Scrambling code | CELLMEAS | Scrambling code |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked PSC | MIMO scrambling code | MIMOMEAS | Scrambling code |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked Rqual | Rqual criterion. Cell ranking criterion R based on Ec/N0. Valid only for UMTS FDD cells. See 3GPP TS 25.304 subclause 5.2.6 cell reselection evaluation process. | CELLMEAS | Rqual |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked Rrxlev | Rrxlev criterion. Cell ranking criterion R based on RSCP. See 3GPP TS 25.304 subclause 5.2.6 cell reselection evaluation process. | CELLMEAS | Rrxlev |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked Secondary SC | Secondary scrambling code | CELLMEAS | Secondary scrambling code |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked Squal | Squal criterion. Cell selection criterion S based on Ec/N0. Valid only for UMTS FDD cells. See 3GPP TS 25.304 subclause 5.2.3 cell selection process. | CELLMEAS | Squal |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked Srxlev | Srxlev criterion. Cell selection criterion S based on RSCP. See 3GPP TS 25.304 subclause 5.2.3 cell selection process. | CELLMEAS | Srxlev |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked STTD Status | STTD status | CELLMEAS | STTD status |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked UARFCN DL | Channel number | CELLMEAS | Channel number |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked UARFCN DL | MIMO channel | MIMOMEAS | Channel number |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked UARFCN_PSC | Channel number & Scrambling code | CELLMEAS | Ch, SC |
WCDMA | WCDMA Cell Measurements | Ranked UARFCN_PSC | MIMO channel, MIMO scrambling code | MIMOMEAS | CN_PSC |
WCDMA | WCDMA Channel Info | Cell ID | Cell identification. Cell identity of the current cell. For GSM this is 16 bit value, for UMTS this is 28 bit value (RNC ID + 16 bit cell ID), and for LTE this is 28 bit value (eNB ID + 8 bit cell ID). | CHI | Cell ID |
WCDMA | WCDMA Channel Info | DL Spreading Factor | Spreading factor downlink. If multiple CCTrCh channels are used, the reported spreading factor is for CCTrCh with physical control channel. | CHI | DL SF |
WCDMA | WCDMA Channel Info | DRX Cycle Length | DRX cycle length. Defines how often paging indications are monitored. | CHI | DRX cycle |
WCDMA | WCDMA Channel Info | E1A (Addition) Window | Addition window for event 1A. Cells within addition window range from the best serving CPICH will be added to the active set. The value is calculated using the following formula: R1A H1A / 2 where R1A is reporting range constant for event 1A and H1A is hysteresis parameter for event 1A. See 3GPP TS 25.331. | CHI | Addition window |
WCDMA | WCDMA Channel Info | E1B (Removal) Window | Drop window for event 1B. Cell is removed from the active set if it falls below the drop window range from the best cell in the active set. The value is calculated using the following formula: R1 B + H1 B / 2 where R1B is reporting range constant for event 1B and H1B is hysteresis parameter for event 1B. See 3GPP TS 25.331. | CHI | Drop window |
WCDMA | WCDMA Channel Info | E1C (Replacement) Window | Replacement window. If a monitoredset cell becomes better than a cell in the active set, the active set cell will be replaced with the better one. See 3GPP TS 25.331. | CHI | Replacement window |
WCDMA | WCDMA Channel Info | LAC | Location area code | CHI | LAC |
WCDMA | WCDMA Channel Info | Max TX Power | Maximum allowed uplink power | CHI | Max TX power |
WCDMA | WCDMA Channel Info | Min UL Spreading Factor | Minimum allowed uplink spreading factor. | CHI | Min UL SF |
WCDMA | WCDMA Channel Info | MM Substate | MM substate. See 3GPP TS 24.008 subclause | CHI | MM substate |
WCDMA | WCDMA Channel Info | RRC State | RRC state. 1 = Idle, 2 = URA PCH, 3 = Cell PCH, 4 = Cell FACH, 5 = Cell DCH. | CHI | RRC state |
WCDMA | WCDMA Channel Info | T Reselection | The time which the new cell has had to be ranked better than the old cell before cell reselection is possible. See 3GPP TS 25.304 subclause | CHI | Treselection |
WCDMA | WCDMA Channel Info | Time to Trigger E1A (ms) | Indicates the period of time during which the event condition must be satisfied before sending a Measurement Report with event 1A. See 3GPP TS 25.331. | CHI | Time to trigger 1A |
WCDMA | WCDMA Channel Info | Time to Trigger E1B (ms) | Indicates the period of time during which the event condition must be satisfied before sending a Measurement Report with event 1B. See 3GPP TS 25.331. | CHI | Time to trigger 1B |
WCDMA | WCDMA Channel Info | Time to Trigger E1C (ms) | Indicates the period of time during which the event condition must be satisfied before sending a Measurement Report with event 1C. See 3GPP TS 25.331. | CHI | Time to trigger 1C |
WCDMA | WCDMA Channel Info | UARFCN | Channel number | CHI | Ch |
WCDMA | WCDMA DPCH Parameters - UL | Compressed mode status | Compressed mode | TXPC | Compressed mode |
WCDMA | WCDMA DPCH Parameters - UL | Number of Power-Down Commands | Number of received "UL power down" commands (BTS to mobile) | TXPC | Number of "UL power down" commands |
WCDMA | WCDMA DPCH Parameters - UL | Number of Power-Up Commands | Number of received "UL power up" commands (BTS to mobile) | TXPC | Number of "UL power up" commands |
WCDMA | WCDMA DPCH Parameters - UL | Power control algorithm | TX power control algorithm | TXPC | TX power control algorithm |
WCDMA | WCDMA DPCH Parameters - UL | TPC step size (dB) | TX power control step size (dB) | TXPC | TX power control step size |
WCDMA | WCDMA DPDCH Data Throughput | UL DPDCH Data Throughput (kbps) | Uplink DPDCH bitrate (kbit/s) | PHRATE | DPDCH rate UL |
WCDMA | WCDMA Frame Error Rate (FER) | Speech frame FER (%) | Frame error rate (%). Currently this is only logged with EVS. | FER | Frame error rate |
WCDMA | WCDMA Power Control - DL | BS Diversity State | Base Station TX closed loop diversity state. | RXPC | BS diversity state |
WCDMA | WCDMA Power Control - DL | DL Power Control Mode | DL Power control mode | RXPC | DL Power control mode |
WCDMA | WCDMA Power Control - DL | Number of Power-Down Commands | Number of sent "DL power down" commands (mobile to BTS) | RXPC | Number of "DL power down" commands |
WCDMA | WCDMA Power Control - DL | Number of Power-Up Commands | Number of sent "DL power up" commands (mobile to BTS) | RXPC | Number of "DL power up" commands |
WCDMA | WCDMA Power Control - DL | SIR (dB) | Signaltointerference ratio (dB). See 3GPP TS 125.215 subclause 5.2.2. | RXPC | Signal-to-interference ratio |
WCDMA | WCDMA Power Control - DL | SIR target (dB) | Signaltointerference ratio target (dB). Current target SIR at update time. | RXPC | Signal-to-interference ratio target |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning - All UARFCNs | Band | Band | PILOTSCAN | Band |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning - All UARFCNs | Ec0 | The received signal code power of the channel specified by the Ch type parameter. | PILOTSCAN | RSCP (CPICH) |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning - All UARFCNs | Io org | Carrier RSSI (pilot scanning mode). Carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | PILOTSCAN | RSSI |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning - All UARFCNs | Pilot UARFCN | Channel number | PILOTSCAN | Ch |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning - All UARFCNs | PSC | Scrambling code | PILOTSCAN | Scr. |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning - All UARFCNs | PSC | Scrambling code | UISCAN | Scr. |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning - All UARFCNs | PSynCh_Ec0 | The received signal code power of the channel specified by the Ch type parameter. | PILOTSCAN | RSCP (P SCH) |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning - All UARFCNs | Sc Aggr Ec/Io (dB) | The average received chip power to noise ratio of the channel specified by the Ch type parameter. | PILOTSCAN | Ec/No (CPICH with TX diversity) |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning - All UARFCNs | Sc Delay Spread | Time between first and last pilot Ec/N0 peak above the PN threshold of the channel specified by the Ch type parameter. | PILOTSCAN | Delay spread (CPICH) |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning - All UARFCNs | Sc Peak Ec/Io (dB) | The average received chip power to noise ratio of the channel specified by the Ch type parameter. | PILOTSCAN | Ec/No (CPICH) |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning - All UARFCNs | Sc P-SCH Ec/Io (dB) | The average received chip power to noise ratio of the channel specified by the Ch type parameter. | PILOTSCAN | Ec/No (P SCH) |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning - All UARFCNs | Sc SIR (dB) | Signaltointerference ratio CPICH | PILOTSCAN | SIR (CPICH) |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning - All UARFCNs | Sc S-SCH Ec/Io (dB) | The average received chip power to noise ratio of the channel specified by the Ch type parameter. | PILOTSCAN | Ec/No (S SCH) |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning - All UARFCNs | Sc UL Interference | Uplink interference. Uplink Interference is measured by the NodeB and broadcasted by the NodeB in SIB7. This is used by the UE to in setting the initial TX power for the first PRACH preamble. The Uplink Interference value in SIB7 uses 1 dB step. More information can be found in 3GPP TS 25.133 and 25.215 (information about SIB7 in 3GPP TS 25.331), where the Uplink Interference is referred as "Received total wide band power". | UISCAN | UL interf. |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning - All UARFCNs | SC_Agg_Ec0 | The received signal code power of the channel specified by the Ch type parameter. | PILOTSCAN | RSCP (CPICH with TX diversity) |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning - All UARFCNs | SSynCh_Ec0 | The received signal code power of the channel specified by the Ch type parameter. | PILOTSCAN | RSCP (S SCH) |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning - All UARFCNs | UARFCN | Channel number | PILOTSCAN | Ch |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning - All UARFCNs | UARFCN | Channel number | UISCAN | ARFCN |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning - All UARFCNs | UARFCN_PSC | Channel number, Scrambling code | PILOTSCAN | Ch & Scr. |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning - All UARFCNs | UARFCN_PSC | Channel number, Scrambling code | UISCAN | ARFCN & Scr. |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Band | Band | PILOTSCAN | Band |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Ec0 | The received signal code power of the channel specified by the Ch type parameter. | PILOTSCAN | RSCP (CPICH) |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Io org | Carrier RSSI (pilot scanning mode). Carrier power including thermal noise, cocarrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | PILOTSCAN | RSSI |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Pilot UARFCN | Channel number | PILOTSCAN | Ch |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | PSC | Scrambling code | PILOTSCAN | Scr. |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | PSynCh_Ec0 | The received signal code power of the channel specified by the Ch type parameter. | PILOTSCAN | RSCP (P SCH) |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Sc Aggr Ec/Io (dB) | The average received chip power to noise ratio of the channel specified by the Ch type parameter. | PILOTSCAN | Ec/No (CPICH with TX diversity) |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Sc Delay Spread | Time between first and last pilot Ec/N0 peak above the PN threshold of the channel specified by the Ch type parameter. | PILOTSCAN | Delay spread (CPICH) |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Sc Peak Ec/Io (dB) | The average received chip power to noise ratio of the channel specified by the Ch type parameter. | PILOTSCAN | Ec/No (CPICH) |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Sc P-SCH Ec/Io (dB) | The average received chip power to noise ratio of the channel specified by the Ch type parameter. | PILOTSCAN | Ec/No (P SCH) |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Sc SIR (dB) | Signaltointerference ratio CPICH | PILOTSCAN | SIR (CPICH) |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | Sc S-SCH Ec/Io (dB) | The average received chip power to noise ratio of the channel specified by the Ch type parameter. | PILOTSCAN | Ec/No (S SCH) |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | SC_Agg_Ec0 | The received signal code power of the channel specified by the Ch type parameter. | PILOTSCAN | RSCP (CPICH with TX diversity) |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | SSynCh_Ec0 | The received signal code power of the channel specified by the Ch type parameter. | PILOTSCAN | RSCP (S SCH) |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | UARFCN | Channel number | PILOTSCAN | Ch |
WCDMA | WCDMA PSC Scanning Sort by Ec/Io - All UARFCNs | UARFCN_PSC | Channel number, Scrambling code | PILOTSCAN | Ch & Scr. |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH AICH Status | RACH AICH status | RACHI | AICH status |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH Control Channel Gain (dB) | RACH control channel gain | RACHI | Ctrl gain |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH Data Channel Gain (dB) | RACH data channel gain | RACHI | Data gain |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH Intitial TX Power (dBm) | RACH initial TX power | RACHI | Init TX power |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH Maximum Preamble Count | RACH maximum preamble count. This is the same as 'Preamble Retrans Max' parameter signaled by network in RRC layer and it defines the maximum number of preamble attempts. | RACHI | Max preamble |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH Maximum Preamble Cycle | Maximum number of RACH preamble cycles | RACHI | Preamble cycles |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH Message Length (ms) | RACH message length (ms) | RACHI | Message length |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH Power Offset (dB) | RACH power offset. This is the same as Ppm parameter in RRC specification. Power offset between the last transmitted preamble and the control part of the message. | RACHI | Power offset |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH Preamble Count | RACH preamble transmission count | RACHI | Preamble count |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH Preamble Step (dB) | RACH preamble step size | RACHI | Preamble step |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | RACH Total TX Power (dBm) | Total transmission power used in RACH message part (control + data) | RACHI | RACH TX power |
WCDMA | WCDMA RACH Info | UL Interference Level (dBm) | Uplink Interference is measured by the NodeB and broadcasted by the NodeB in SIB7. The UE uses this to set the initial TX power for the first PRACH preamble. The Uplink Interference value in SIB7 uses 1 dB steps. More information can be found in 3GPP TS 25.133 and 25.215 (information about SIB7 in 3GPP TS 25.331), where the Uplink Interference is referred to as "Received total wide band power". | RACHI | UL interf. |
WCDMA | WCDMA Radio Bearer Info | Ciphering | Radio bearer ciphering | RBI | Ciphering |
WCDMA | WCDMA Radio Bearer Info | Logical Channel Type | Radio bearer logical channel type | RBI | Logical Ch |
WCDMA | WCDMA Radio Bearer Info | Number of Radio Bearers | Number of radio bearers | RBI | #RBs |
WCDMA | WCDMA Radio Bearer Info | Radio Bearer Direction | Radio bearer direction | RBI | Direction |
WCDMA | WCDMA Radio Bearer Info | Radio Bearer ID | Radio bearer ID | RBI | RB ID |
WCDMA | WCDMA Radio Bearer Info | RB Index | Radio bearer index | RBI | RB_Index |
WCDMA | WCDMA Radio Bearer Info | RLC ID | Radio bearer RLC ID | RBI | RLC ID |
WCDMA | WCDMA Radio Bearer Info | RLC Mode | Radio bearer RLC mode | RBI | RLC mode |
WCDMA | WCDMA Radio Bearer Info | Transport Channel ID | Radio bearer transport channel ID | RBI | TrCh ID |
WCDMA | WCDMA Radio Bearer Info | Transport Channel Type | Radio bearer transport channel type | RBI | TrCh type |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC BLER | DL RLC BLER (%) | BLER per transport channel. The ratio of erroneously received transport blocks to total number of received transport blocks for the defined transport channel. | RLCBLER | TRCH BLER |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC BLER | Radio Access Bearer ID | Transport channel ID | RLCBLER | TrCh ID |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC BLER | Radio Access Bearer ID | Radio bearer ID | RLCRATE | Radio bearer ID |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC BLER | RLC Blocks Received DL | The number of received transport blocks for the defined transport channel. | RLCBLER | #TRCH blocks |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC BLER | RLC Erroneous Blocks Received DL | The number of erroneously received transport blocks for the defined transport channel. | RLCBLER | #TRCH errors |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC BLER | DL RLC BLER Composite (%) | Average RLC layer block error rate calculated from the transport blocks. | RLCBLER | BLER DL |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC BLER | SumDL_RLC_Blocks_Recv | The total number of received transport blocks | RLCBLER | #TRCH blocks |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC BLER | SumDL_RLC_Erroneous_Blocks_Recv | The number of erroneously received transport blocks | RLCBLER | #TRCH errors |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC BLER | UL RLC Retransmission Rate Composite (%) | RLC retransmission rate uplink | RLCRATE | RLC retr. UL |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC BLER | UL RLC Retransmission Rate (%) | RLC retransmission rate uplink per radio bearer | RLCRATE | RLC retr. UL per RB |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC Message | Direction | RLC direction | RLCSM | Direction |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC Message | Length Indicator Size | RLC length indicator size | RLCSM | Length indicator |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC Message | RLC Data | RLC data | RLCSM | RLC data |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC Message | RLC Message | RLC message | RLCSM | RLC msg |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC Message | RLC Mode | RLC mode | RLCSM | RLC mode |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC Message | RLC Radio Bearer | RLC radio bearer | RLCSM | RLC RB |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC Message | Subchannel | RLC subchannel | RLCSM | Sub channel/channel type |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC Throughput | RLC DL Throughput per RB (kbps) | Downlink RLC throughput for specified radio bearer. | RLCRATE | RLC rate DL per RB |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC Throughput | RLC UL Throughput per RB (kbps) | Uplink RLC throughput for specified radio bearer. | RLCRATE | RLC rate UL per RB |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC Throughput | Sum RLC DL Throughput (kbps) | RLC throughput downlink in kbps. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the RLC layer. Missing and erroneous RLC blocks are excluded from the throughput calculation. | RLCRATE | RLC rate DL |
WCDMA | WCDMA RLC Throughput | Sum RLC UL Throughput (kbps) | RLC throughput uplink in kbps. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the RLC layer. Missing and erroneous RLC blocks are excluded from the throughput calculation. | RLCRATE | RLC rate UL |
WCDMA | WCDMA Rx Tx Power | Rx Power (org) | Maximum carrier RSSI (dBm) | CELLMEAS | RSSI |
WCDMA | WCDMA Rx Tx Power | Tx Power (org) | MS transit power | TXPC | TX power |
WCDMA | WCDMA Serving Cell Info | MCC | Mobile country code. If the service is not available this is the last known MCC value when the service was available. | SEI | MCC |
WCDMA | WCDMA Serving Cell Info | MME Code | MME code. Identifies Mobility Management Entities (MME) within the MME pool areas. See 3GPP TS 123.003. | SEI | MME code |
WCDMA | WCDMA Serving Cell Info | MME Group ID | MME group ID. Mobility Management Entity (MME) group identification is used to differentiate between pools of MMEs. See 3GPP TS 123.003. | SEI | MME group ID |
WCDMA | WCDMA Serving Cell Info | MNC | Mobile network code If the service is not available this is the last known MNC value when the service was available. | SEI | MNC |
WCDMA | WCDMA Serving Cell Info | M-TMSI | MTMSI. MTemporary Moblie subscriber Identity. See 3GPP TS 123.003. | SEI | M-TMSI |
WCDMA | WCDMA Serving Cell Info | State | Service info status | SEI | Service info status |
WCDMA | WCDMA Transport Channel Info - DL | Coded Composite Transport Channel ID | Coded composite transport channel ID | TRCHI | CCTrCh ID |
WCDMA | WCDMA Transport Channel Info - DL | CRC Length | CRC length | TRCHI | CRC length |
WCDMA | WCDMA Transport Channel Info - DL | Rate-matching Attribute | Ratematching attribute | TRCHI | Rate-m. attr. |
WCDMA | WCDMA Transport Channel Info - DL | Transmission Time Interval (TTI - ms) | Transmission time interval | TRCHI | TTI |
WCDMA | WCDMA Transport Channel Info - DL | Transport Channel Coding | Transport channel coding | TRCHI | TrCh coding |
WCDMA | WCDMA Transport Channel Info - DL | Transport Channel ID | Transport channel ID | TRCHI | TrCh ID |
WCDMA | WCDMA Transport Channel Info - DL | Transport Channel Type | Transport channel type | TRCHI | TrCh type |
WCDMA | WCDMA Transport Channel Info - UL | Coded Composite Transport Channel ID | Coded composite transport channel ID | TRCHI | CCTrCh ID |
WCDMA | WCDMA Transport Channel Info - UL | CRC Length | CRC length | TRCHI | CRC length |
WCDMA | WCDMA Transport Channel Info - UL | Rate-matching Attribute | Ratematching attribute | TRCHI | Rate-m. attr. |
WCDMA | WCDMA Transport Channel Info - UL | Transmission Time Interval (TTI - ms) | Transmission time interval | TRCHI | TTI |
WCDMA | WCDMA Transport Channel Info - UL | Transport Channel Coding | Transport channel coding | TRCHI | TrCh coding |
WCDMA | WCDMA Transport Channel Info - UL | Transport Channel ID | Transport channel ID | TRCHI | TrCh ID |
WCDMA | WCDMA Transport Channel Info - UL | Transport Channel Type | Transport channel type | TRCHI | TrCh type |
Service Quality | WhatsApp Data | App. Rate DL | Application throughput downlink (kbps) for WhatsApp. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with TCP/IPbased application protocols, the TCP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate DL (Protocol 27) |
Service Quality | WhatsApp Data | App. Rate UL | Application throughput uplink (kbps) for WhatsApp. The value of this parameter is calculated based on the SDUs that are successfully transferred through the application layer. Missing and erroneous application layer data is excluded from the throughput calculation. Note that with TCP/IPbased application protocols, the TCP/IP headers are not taken into account when calculating the throughput. | DRATE | App. Rate UL (Protocol 27) |
Service Quality | WhatsApp Data | Received kBytes DL | Transferred bytes downlink for WhatsApp. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Received Bytes DL (Protocol 27) |
Service Quality | WhatsApp Data | Sent kBytes | Transferred bytes uplink for WhatsApp. This is a cumulative byte count from the beginning of the transfer. | DRATE | Sent bytes (Protocol 27) |
Common | WiFi Cell Measurements | Band | WLAN band | CELLMEAS | Band |
Common | WiFi Cell Measurements | BSSID | WLAN BSSID. This is same as MAC address. Logged format is hexadecimal bytes separated by colon, for example 01:23:45:67:89:ab. | CELLMEAS | BSSID |
Common | WiFi Cell Measurements | Cell Type | Cell type | CELLMEAS | Cell type |
Common | WiFi Cell Measurements | Channel | WLAN channel number | CELLMEAS | Channel |
Common | WiFi Cell Measurements | IP | WLAN IP address | CELLMEAS | IP |
Common | WiFi Cell Measurements | Link Speed (Mbps) | WLAN link speed (Mbit/s) | CELLMEAS | Link speed |
Common | WiFi Cell Measurements | Quality (%) | WLAN quality | CELLMEAS | Quality |
Common | WiFi Cell Measurements | RSSI (dBm) | WLAN RSSI (dBm) | CELLMEAS | RSSI |
Common | WiFi Cell Measurements | Security Mode | WLAN security mode | CELLMEAS | Security |
Common | WiFi Cell Measurements | SSID | WLAN service set identifier | CELLMEAS | SSID |
WiMAX | WiMAX DL Packet Link Adaptation | Burst count | WiMAX burst count | PLAID | Burst count |
WiMAX | WiMAX DL Packet Link Adaptation | Coding rate | WiMAX coding rate | PLAID | Coding rate |
WiMAX | WiMAX DL Packet Link Adaptation | Coding type | WiMAX coding type | PLAID | Coding type |
WiMAX | WiMAX DL Packet Link Adaptation | Modulation | WiMAX modulation | PLAID | Modulation |
WiMAX | WiMAX DL Packet Link Adaptation | Number of packet link adaptation set | Number of parameters per packet link adaptation set | PLAID | #PLA sets |
WiMAX | WiMAX DL Packet Link Adaptation | Percentage | WiMAX percentage. Ratio of burst that used this modulation and coding. | PLAID | Percentage |
WiMAX | WiMAX DL Packet Link Adaptation | Repetition coding | WiMAX repetition coding | PLAID | Repetition coding |
WiMAX | WiMAX DL Packet Link Adaptation | Sample duration | Sample duration | PLAID | Sample duration |
WiMAX | WiMAX MAC Message | Direction | MAC direction | MACSM | Direction |
WiMAX | WiMAX Physical FER | Frame Lost Ratio | WiMAX frame lost ratio | PHFER | FER |
WiMAX | WiMAX Preamble Scanning (Nemo) | CINR | WiMAX CINR | OFDMSCAN | CINR |
WiMAX | WiMAX Preamble Scanning (Nemo) | Delay | WiMAX preamble delay | OFDMSCAN | Delay |
WiMAX | WiMAX Preamble Scanning (Nemo) | Frequency | Frequency | OFDMSCAN | Frequency |
WiMAX | WiMAX Preamble Scanning (Nemo) | Preamble index | Preamble index | OFDMSCAN | Preamble index |
WiMAX | WiMAX Preamble Scanning (Nemo) | Preamble RSSI Org | WiMAX preamble RSSI | OFDMSCAN | Preamble RSSI |
WiMAX | WiMAX Preamble Scanning (Nemo) | RSSI org | Carrier RSSI (OFDM scanning mode) Wideband power of all subcarriers including thermal noise, co carrier and adjacent carrier interference, and noise generated in the receiver. | OFDMSCAN | RSSI |
WiMAX | WiMAX Received Signal Level | Band | Band | CELLMEAS | Band |
WiMAX | WiMAX Received Signal Level | BS ID | WiMAX base station ID | CELLMEAS | BS ID |
WiMAX | WiMAX Received Signal Level | CellTypeW | Cell type | CELLMEAS | Cell type |
WiMAX | WiMAX Received Signal Level | CINR | WiMAX CINR | CELLMEAS | CINR |
WiMAX | WiMAX Received Signal Level | CINR dev | WiMAX CINR deviation | CELLMEAS | CINR dev |
WiMAX | WiMAX Received Signal Level | Frequency | WiMAX frequency | CELLMEAS | Frequency |
WiMAX | WiMAX Received Signal Level | Preamble index | WiMAX preamble index | CELLMEAS | Preamble index |
WiMAX | WiMAX Received Signal Level | RSSI dev_org | WiMAX RSSI deviation | CELLMEAS | RSSI dev |
WiMAX | WiMAX Received Signal Level | RSSI_org | WiMAX RSSI | CELLMEAS | RSSI |
WiMAX | WiMAX UL Power Control | BS EIRP | WiMAX BS EIRP (dBm). Base station effective isotrophic radiated power. | TXPC | BS EIRP |
WiMAX | WiMAX UL Power Control | BS N+I | WiMAX BS noise + interference level (dBm) | TXPC | BS N+I |
WiMAX | WiMAX UL Power Control | TX power BS offset | WiMAX TX power BS offset (dB) | TXPC | TX power BS offset |
WiMAX | WiMAX UL Power Control | TX power headroom | WiMAX TX power headroom (dBm) | TXPC | TX power headroom |
WiMAX | WiMAX UL Power Control | TX power IrMax | WiMAX initial ranging max TX power (dBm) | TXPC | TX power IrMax |
WiMAX | WiMAX UL Power Control | TX power org | WiMAX TX power (dBm) | TXPC | TX power |
WiMAX | WiMAX UL Power Control | TX ref. power | WiMAX TX reference power (dBm) | TXPC | TX ref. power |
Service Quality | WLAN Throughput | WLAN Throughput DL (kbps) | WLAN throughput downlink | WLANRATE | WLAN rate DL |
Service Quality | WLAN Throughput | WLAN Throughput UL (kbps) | WLAN throughput uplink | WLANRATE | WLAN rate UL |