2.6 ‘NRARFCN - nnnnnn’ Tab
Per NRARFCN detailed summary (separate tab created for every distinct NRARFCN) including:
o Additional per NRARFCN statistics (Min, Max, StDev, Median, 25%-ile, 15%-ile, 5%-ile)
o Per Top #1 cell statistics (SSS RP, RQ and CINR)
o Per Top #1 sync beam statistics (SSS RP, RQ and CINR)
o Collection of maps and PDF/CDF charts (Sync Beam, Cell Identity, Subcarrier Spacing, SSS RP, SSS RQ, SSS SINR, SSS Delay Spread, SSB RP, SSB RQ, SSB SINR, DM-RS PBCH RP, DM-RS PBCH RQ, DM-RS PBCH SINR, Time Offset)